Sing Us a Song

The middle floor of the Promenade boasts the stores known as the staples of teen fashion. Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, American Eagle, and Urban Behavior are among many of the more popular stores that call the second floor of the mall their home. The odd food stand can be found sporadically scattering this floor, with vendors selling things like fresh baked pretzels and hot dogs for that on-the-go shopper.
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Post by Polybius »

Good. They had responded to him. At least they're friendly, we can start a conversation.

"I'm fine. Kent and I are just sort of... wandering. So what-"

Then Kent interupted him. Ross turned to a girl who was coming to greet them. Sapphire McLeod. She was the quiet type of person that Ross didn't talk with that often. He was pretty sure his dad mentioned her father before... he wasn't quite sure. Ross heard she made great jewelry; something that Ross had no interest in, of course.

She stuttered when Kent greeted her. Maybe she's not that used to talking to people.

"Oh, we're not doing much. Just talking, really. You having a good day?"

Ah, finally getting the talk going.
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Post by landlocked* »

Natalie watched as jock-guy turned around to talk to a couple of other people that were there. Just how many people from school were around? She looked down at her wrist and stared for a second until she realized she wasn't wearing a watch. Absently, she took the cell phone out of her pocket and checked the time on that instead.

"Hey, Charlie, we should probably get going. Don't want to be late or anything. We'll be at The Alibi," Natalie called vaguely to the other three students, not entirely loudly enough to be heard over the din of the afternoon mall crowd. Not that that particularly bothered her. She didn't recognize either of the boys, and although she did recall buying jewelery from Sapphire on occasion, she really wasn't in the mood to sit and chat. She really looked forward to working at the coffee shop - the people that worked and hung out there were just more enjoyable to be around than most of her high school classmates.

Without worrying about whether she was being too rude or not, Natalie again beckoned for Charlie to come with her, and took off for The Alibi.

((Natalie Williams continued in The Alibi))
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Post by Hiro* »

"Yeah, can't really complain-" Charlie cut himself off as Natalie called out to him, reminding him that he had somewhere to be. "Ahh, dang," he mumbled. "Sorry to cut the conversation short, but I gotta get going." Sticking out his thumb, he motioned over his shoulder in the direction in which Natalie was going. "I got a job over at a coffee house here. S'called The Alibi." Turning sideways, he waved to Ross.

"You should stop by sometime. It's a pretty sweet place." Swiveling on his heel, he began a light jog after Natalie and into the crowd. "Catch you later!"

((Charlie Beckwith continued elsewhere))

P.S. Sorry for the short post. x_x
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Cool, Cool, What DVD?"
Sapphire gave a small smile. "Pirates. I'm a bit of a Johnny Depp fangirl."

Ross turned around from a chat with Charlie and Nat about an alibi or something… She knew she heard that somewhere. She racked her brains for a few seconds, then lighted up with the answer.
Oh yeah, the coffee shop. I might pop in there after my shopping.
Ross shrugged as he opened his mouth. "We're not doing much. Just talking, really. You having a good day?"

Sapphire scrunched up her lip in a pout. "It's OK. School was the usual drag, nearly failed a science exam, usual stuff. I decided to come out here for some shopping therapy. It was relaxing until I started talking to you guys." A small chuckle left her lips.

"What's happening in your world then?"
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Post by Parzel* »

Kent smiled at her when she mentioned Pirates of the Caribbean, Kent was never really a fan of the film, but he expected her to be getting something with Johnny Depp in.

What do they all see in that guy?

"What girl doesnt" He said. grinning to himself. Ross then began to talk to her, and Kent stood and watched the conversation. The bustling nosie of people had gradually died down and Kent placed the last stick of chewing gum in his mouth.

[OOC=I'm really not in the mood to write right now, so this is only a small post.]
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Post by Polybius »

"Hey, Charlie, we should probably get going. Don't want to be late or anything. We'll be at The Alibi."

Natalie started waliking away, then Charlie hastily said goodbye and followed her; they both had a job at a local coffee house. Ross had passed The Alibi numerous times but never found a reason to go there; of course, he had no idea that they worked in it.

"I might stop by sometime. Bye!"

Turning back to the conversation he was having; Sapphire mentioned Pirates of the Caribbean.

"I've never been much of a fan myself. Of course, Johnny Depp is a pretty good actor."

Yeah, Ross. It's his acting that all the girls think about.

"Heh, I'm still only barely managing to pull through science. Well, it's almost the end of the year; seniors and parents are all panicking about leaving home and all that. Other then that and playing football, my life's positively dull."

He looked around at Kent, and then back to Sapphire through a brief period of awkwardness.

I have to think of something to say to break this...

"So, um, do either of you want to do anything else?"
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Heh, I'm still only barely managing to pull through science. Well, it's almost the end of the year; seniors and parents are all panicking about leaving home and all that. Other then that and playing football, my life's positively dull."

Sapphire nodded. It was kind of the same for her, end of the year, parents panicking about their little girl going out into the world. It was kinda boring. The only thing that kept her remotely sane was her jewellery business.

"So, um, do either of you want to do anything else?"

Sapphire shrugged sadly. "Sorry, but unless you like to see what my next project is, you're going to be bored to death with me. I'll probably see you around, I'll see if I can head over to that café that Charlie and Nat were talking about, I've been needing to see what the fuss is about."
Sapphire turned around and as an afterthought yelled "I'll see ya at school" over her shoulder while slowly being gobbled up by the oncoming crowd.

Scratching her short brown hair, she quickly walked into the jewellery shop. She had work to do.
See, that wasn't so hard.
Looking down the row of plastic containers, she speedily got out her notebook and noted down colours and numbers, smiling slightly.

(OOC: Oh god, I think we're over the awkward silence quota for the month. XD)

((Continued in For The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory Are Yours))
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Post by Parzel* »

Kent stood as she walked off rather abrubtly. After a small series of awkwardness a life saver hit him as his phone rang. He picked up the vibrating object which was letting of a small jingle default to the phone. It was indeed his mother, who demanded to know where he was.

Kent placed the phone away, sighing to himself slightly and turning to Ross.

"That was my Mom, I got to go, maybe I can catch you later or somin'" Kent said, rather quickly. He had to be urgently home, a family crisis of some sort. He walked away, heading towards the exit of the mall and leaving.

[Kent Chirper continued elsewhere]

[Couldn't think of anything to write in this thread]
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Post by Polybius »

((Gah, this thread is finally over. WAY too awkward.))

"Sorry, but unless you like to see what my next project is, you're going to be bored to death with me. I'll probably see you around, I'll see if I can head over to that café that Charlie and Nat were talking about, I've been needing to see what the fuss is about."

"That was my Mom, I got to go, maybe I can catch you later or somin'"

Within a minute, Kent and Sapphire both left. I guess none of this was going anyware anyway.

Throwing away the pretzel wrapper that he seemed to forget that he was holding onto; Ross felt no need to stand around all alone. Ross worked his way through the crowd, down the escalator, and out of the mall.

((Continued elsewhere))
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