Ice Trail

Located on the first floor of the mall, even in the summer, the ice skating rink seems to transform its area of the mall into a winter wonderland. Classes are offered for beginners on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the rest of the week being a free-for-all skate.
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Ice Trail


Post by AnimeDutchess* »

((Sora Najikano Continued From Shopping For SotF))

Sora really didn't think he'd end up ice skating.

In all honesty, he wasn't very good at it. Sure, he'd come here once in a blue moon to try and learn, but each time he came turned from 'try to learn' to 'let's see how many times I can fall on my ass'. Yeah, fun times.

He supposed it was alright today, though. Peter had dragged him here. If he was with a friend, then at least he would have some fun, right?

With the ice looking as slippery as ever, he wasn't so sure.
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Post by Solomir* »

((Peter Siu continued from Shopping for SOTF))

Peter loved skating. Mainly because it reminded him of the many times back in Vancouver he'd go skating with friends in the wintertime. Except right now it wasn't winter and there was only one friend to be skating with.
These kind of things would be called a date. Not that you'd admit that.
Sora had been a bit reluctant to come to the rink when Peter had suggested it. Peter now knew why: Sora was quite terrible at handling himself on the ice. He was all wobbly and waving his arms wildly to try to keep himself balanced. It was a good thing the rink was, for some reason, devoid of any other people at the moment.
So you can lead him by the hand without people looking at you weird.
Peter himself wasn't an amazing skater, but at least he could move around the ice without falling on his face. As long as he wasn't trying to swing pieces of wood at round black rubber projectiles while doing it anyway. Still it was a cool and relaxing activity to do after a long day of school and mall crawling.

Peter slowed himself down and pulled up next to Sora. It was quite the amusing sight to see him struggle to stay on his feet. "For a guy that's so good on your feet on the trails, you're pretty terrible once we change the terrain," Peter joked. He clapped his hand on Sora's back playfully.
If by playfully you mean hard enough to send him facefirst into the ice, then yea, it's playful.
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Post by AnimeDutchess* »

Indeed, Sora was all but a complete spectacle on the ice. When Peter patted him on the back, the slight semblance of balance he'd achieved was lost, and, like always, he landed on his ass.


Sora hissed as he made contact with the ice. "It-t-taiii..." He groaned, his nose scrunched. "I'll never get used to this..." He flickered his eyes up to Peter pitifully. "Please help."

It was rather sad, though, that he really couldn't handle himself once he was off solid ground. Still, it was one of those humbling experiences all people needed in order to realize that they weren't invincible.
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Post by Solomir* »

Peter stifled a laugh as Sora went down like a sack of potatoes. The big guy really was a wimp on the ice. "Sorry about that man," Peter said as he took Sora's hand. "I didn't realize you were that unbalanced on skates." Sora's hand was cool, probably from landing on the ice. Peter could feel the gardening calluses on Sora's hand, but his grip was still gentle and soft.
Nothing more needs to be said unless we stop using subtext.
Peter circled around Sora to the wall. "Okay. You ready? On three," Peter braced his body against the wall as he started counting down. Peter wasn't nearly as weak as his thin frame would initially suggest, but trying to hoist up someone as heavy as Sora would be a great feat for most people. Had he not anchored himself to the wall surrounding the rink, Peter would've likely ended up on top of Sora on the ice instead.

"I'm pretty sure you just need to practice a bit more, and you'll be able to handle skating in a little while," Peter said. He maintained his grip on Sora's hand. "Maybe you just need something to help you keep balanced while you move. It's really just like walking on the ice, but in slow-motion." Peter knew he was blabbering. He had taken skating lessons when he was in second grade. There was no way he'd remember how he had been taught to skate.
Then why try? It's not like he likes the ice.
Peter was starting to feel bad about dragging Sora over to the rink. It clearly wasn't Sora's best activity. The least Peter could do was try to make skating a little bit more bearable for Sora for a little while longer.

"So just start by pushing one foot forward, and following through it with your body. Don't worry about falling, I can keep you balanced unless you try to drag me down to the ice," Peter said, trying to keep Sora relaxed and balanced. "Tell you what, after this, you can try to teach me how to work a garden. Deal?"
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Post by AnimeDutchess* »

"No, no, it's not your fault..." He was grateful for Peter's hand, but he almost flinched at the other boy's next comment. It wasn't his fault he couldn't balance on skates!

...Okay, so maybe it was. After all, he could always come and learn, right? But he never had time...

He perked up when he heard Peter start to count down. At three, he managed to brace himself with his heels, and tried his best to help Peter help him.

You really should be able to get yourself up from the ice, you know. His guilty concience was kicking in as he rose to his feet. Poor Peter! With your size, you should be helping people up, not the other way around!

...But it's alright if you can't help it, right?

He kept his grip on Peter's hand and leaned over a bit, grabbing the edge of the wall for more support. He listend to Peter talk about practice, and nodded. It sounded like a good idea to him.

Besides...he really wanted to get better at this.

Sora took a deep breath, and let go of the wall, bringing his eyes to Peter's. "Okay, then. I can do that." He smirked at the garden comment. "And you sure you wanna do that?" I could easily make it the Gardening Boot Camp from Hell if I wanted to...

He took Peter's other hand, if only to raise his feeling of support, and started to push one foot forward...slowly...
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Post by Solomir* »

Peter gulped when Sora turned to face him and locked eyes with him. Not that he didn't want to look at Sora, but looking into another person's eyes generally made Peter a bit uncomfortable. It's probably a good thing that Peter wasn't good at reading people by their eyes either, or he'd probably get a lot more uncomfortable whenever it happened. Something at the back of his head was also nagging at the fact that Sora's eyes were about the same color as his own; dark eyes had the propensity of absorbing attention that was normally directed elsewhere.

"Yea I'll do the gardening," Peter said. "Or you could suggest the next trail we hit. It's the only way I can think up to make up for-" Peter stiffened slightly when Sora reached over and took Peter's free hand. "Uhh…" Peter would probably have put up a better protest if Sora didn't have that mix of roughness and gentleness that Peter really liked. So now he was leading Sora around the ice with both his hands, meaning that he now had to skate backwards around the rink to keep Sora balanced. On the plus side, this meant that they weren't restrained to just skating along the walls now.
You know, dancing on the ice is supposed to be super romantic.
If there's one thing Peter is absolutely terrible at, it's hitting a target more than 10 feet away. If you were to list all of the things Peter is bad at, you'd hit "skating backwards" at about the thirtieth or so item down. It wasn't that he couldn't skate backwards (it's kind of a required skating skill they teach in basic lessons), but that he needed a great deal of concentration to keep himself standing up on the ice. Add in a second person and Peter was far more worried about keeping his own balance than keeping Sora up. This helped immensely in taking his mind off of his current circumstances.
You mean how gay it is to be holding your friend's hand and dancing with him in an empty ice rink?
"See? It's not so bad once you get the hang of it right?" Peter said shakily as he slowly led Sora in a wide curve around the rink. Peter was trying to gauge his position on the rink without needing to look backwards, which was admittedly much easier on an empty rink as there were no people to accidentally crash into. This also meant he was spending more time looking at Sora's face. He was good-looking, but Peter tended to draw that conclusion from a significant majority of the people he'd seen before. Wait. What? Whoa. No. I invoke the Friend Rule.
The ratio of you breaking the friend rule to keeping it is like 10:1.
"Whoa!" The momentary lapse of concentration was evidently enough to mess up his rhythm of drawing ‘Cs' in the ice. Peter must've hit a worn crack in the ice, or maybe just tripped over his own feet. In any case, Peter was now unceremoniously lying on his back in the middle of the rink. What a great way for to teach a friend how to skate. At least he'd let go of Sora before he totally lost balance and fell over. Having an extra hundred something pounds fall on him would probably not have boded well for his health. "The good news is, you can at least skate a bit with some help," Peter stuck out his tongue at Sora playfully. "The bad news is, I apparently can't do the same. Care to give me a hand?"
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Post by AnimeDutchess* »

"Suggesting a trail sounds good," Sora said back, focusing more on his feet than anything else. "I'll think about it."

Being as it was, Sora wasn't really looking at Peter's face. He couldn't tell how he was making the other boy uncomfortable. As they went around the rink, though, he eventually started to bring his eyes up.

Hey...hey, I'm not falling on my ass like usual. Awesome. He smiled a little at Peter as a thank-you...

Before the other boy toppled backwards onto the ice, letting go of Sora's hands. He winced.

"You're damn right you can't," He said jokingly when Peter spoke. "Yeah, you got it." He reached out and took Peter's hand. "Alright, on three. One...two..." He tightened his grip. "Three!" And he managed to put Peter up with ease, a little surprised that he was still standing, too.

See? This is what you should be doing. You should be able to help your friends, not be totally useless.

"You alright? That fall was a mess..."
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Post by Solomir* »

In hindsight, asking Sora to help him up was probably a bad idea. Sora weighed a great deal more than Peter, and had the upper body strength to prove it. Sora was more than strong enough to be able to hoist Peter up to his feet.

Here's the thing about the ice: unlike the ground, being pulled or pushed too far in one direction is a lot more likely to tip somebody off balance, as skates have less surface area contacting the ice. And when you're pulled up with far more force than would be needed to pick up a 120 pound guy, one would expect to not be able to right oneself easily.

Peter realized right away that Sora had pulled him too fast and too far forward. Sora was asking him if he was alright, but Peter was a bit preoccupied to respond. He could feel a bit of throbbing at the back of his head, but it probably wasn't anything serious. Peter tried not to flail wildly to right himself, but instead grabbed the closest standing thing in reach to anchor himself to: Sora's shoulder. Right as he leaned in to stabilize his center of gravity did Peter realize that maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to do…
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Post by AnimeDutchess* »

All Sora felt was pressure on his shoulder. That's all he felt, and that's all he needed to feel, until he started to wobble dangerously. He reached out for the wall in vain; his fingertips barely brushed it as he fell again.


...And we're back to square one.
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Post by Solomir* »

Peter knew something was wrong when his anchor point started wobbling. Oh right, Sora probably wasn't the most stable thing to grab onto. Next thing he knew, the two of them were falling to the ice.

Ice isn't a particularly soft surface; falling on it tends to hurt a bit. Experience had taught Peter just that. He shut his eyes and braced himself for the impact and the pain.

It never came.

More specifically, the impact Peter had been expecting never came. He instead hit something a bit softer on his way down; this softer object apparently absorbed most of the hard crash of hitting the ice. Peter lay on the intervening object for a moment, groaning quietly about the (reduced) impact. His brain decided to start working again properly just at that time. Wait, what did I just land on? Is it…. Peter snapped open his eyes, and his brain managed to put two and two together to figure out what, or who, had been kind enough to take the brunt of the fall.

Some situations are pretty awkward. Losing your balance and falling onto your friend is one of the higher ranked ones out there. Peter didn't like to be in awkward situations; they made him uncomfortable. To say that lying on top of his friend after a hard fall was uncomfortable would be quite the understatement.
Uncomfortable. That's quite the euphemism for… let's just say it starts with ‘ar' and ends with ‘oused'.
Goddamn hormones. Peter wasn't one to show it, but a part of his mind was going into full-blown panic mode.
And the other part is laughing at the hilarity of the situation.
"Are you okay?" Peter asked the guy he'd landed on. Peter was a bit thankful that he'd fallen on Sora instead of the other way around. The impact on the ice would've been replaced by a messy splat. He wasn't sure if he should move or not. There was the possibility that Sora had gotten injured. Also, lying on top of him felt kind of nice.
Yes you did. Ready to break the Friend Rule for the… I don't know, fourteenth time?
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Post by AnimeDutchess* »

Landing on ice wasn't exactly pleasant. Having a friend on top if you, becoming the equivalent of a sandwich...well, that wasn't fun, either.

And yet, once Peter asked if he was alright, Sora started to laugh.

He wasn't really sure why he chose that moment to laugh. Maybe he was embarassed, or trying to cover up the fact that he could feel a bruise forming on his bottom. Either way, he was still laughing.

"Y-yeah! I'm alright..." He snickered, grinning. "You?"

Thank God he isn't heavy...
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Post by chitoryu12* »

Chris wasn't exactly the best skater in the world. To be honest, he may as well have been the worst. He used to go to the rink when he was in elementary school, but he wasn't particularly good then either. It wasn't the balancing so much as the moving that got him; even on four-wheeled roller skates, any attempt to move forward would usually result in him toppling forward, once spraining his wrist badly.

Still, he was bored. And boredom oftentimes has the strange tendency to make people do things that they normally wouldn't do. So he rented a pair (fairly pricy, especially for his big feet), dropped his bookbag by the bench, and pushed off onto the rink.

He almost immediately gravitated over the the wall, not having been on the ice in five years, maybe more. He couldn't quite remember. Carefully pulling himself along with the wall, he began to start his circuit.

After going about thirty feet around, he got his nerves up to trying to skate once across the rink. He pulled himself to a stop, shivered a little, and pushed off.

It took about two seconds for his feet to wobble, but he kept going despite the discomfort of having his feet crunched and twisted in ways that most people would NOT enjoy. He was beginning to slow down, so he experimentally put one foot forward and tried to push off.

Bad idea. His foot almost immediately slipped back, lifting his leg into the air behind him and sending him moving towards the ice face-first. He wasn't exactly one to scream in fear when falling, and instead gave out a cry of "Whoa boy!" when he noticed the speed with which the white floor was moving towards him. He instinctively held out his arms and landed spread-eagled on the ice. The thespian landed with a great, chilly thud.

Chris was slightly dazed, but altogether, he was, well, all together. He planted his hands on the ice, but it bit at his bare hands. "Dumbass," he muttered to himself, and pulled his hands into the sleeves of his brown House of Blues hoodie and pushed himself up.

He managed to get back to a standing position, but promptly fell backwards onto his ass. Cursing his lack of a J-Lo booty, he looked around to see if anyone had seen his complete ineptitude on the rink.

He heard another thud and turned to his left to see exactly what he heard. There were two guys on the floor on the other side of the rink. He could faintly see their faces, enough to determine their gender. He also quickly determined that one was on top the other.

A little amused/befuddled, he sat there, watching to see exactly who they were.
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Post by Solomir* »

It was a relief to hear Sora laughing and asking if Peter was okay. It meant that he wasn't angry or hurt from being fallen on. Or maybe because the whole situation was pretty idiotic and a bit embarrassing. In any case, as good as it might feel, it would probably be a good idea for Peter to get off Sora so they can both get up off the ice.
Nah, you like staying where you are.
"Yeah, I think I'm good. You took the worst of that fall," Peter said, smiling back at Sora. Sora had a nice innocent smile. It was different from Justin's mischievous smirks and Brian's bright grins. "I was worried you might've knocked your head or broken something on the way down," Peter continued. The feeling of being so close to another person reminded him of… that wasn't important.
Sex craved dolt. Just get your ass off the poor kid unless you want to grind him into the ice.
Peter shifted his body so he could get his hands free away from Sora. Pushing off the ice, Peter managed to get himself back onto his skates. As he stood up, his eyes were assaulted with uneasiness and his head swam with the dizziness of a head rush. "Whoa," Peter mumbled. He stood dazed on the ice for a few moments, to let the dizziness fade out.

It didn't.
That's probably a bad thing.
Normally, Peter would have offered to help Sora up as well. But Peter felt anything but confident of his steadiness if he tried to do that. He shuffled his way over to the nearby wall; his head was making it hard to even skate effectively. He grabbed onto the wall to lean on. Even with it as an anchor point, Peter wasn't sure if he could pull Sora up to his feet.

This isn't good. Not good at all.
Thanks Captain Obvious.
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Post by AnimeDutchess* »

"What? No, I'll live, my head didn't hit anything." He sat up slowly, so his body wouldn't go into shock at changing positions so soon. "Don't worry, I think I can get up myself this time..."

He dug his heels into the ice slightly, but not far (the ice was extremely hard, you know), and took a deep breath, pushing off the ice and letting his legs take his weight. It was risky, he knew, but he figured that if the skates had some support, he'd be able to get up.

And luckily, this time, he did get up.

"Whoa!" The world wavered for a moment, but a quick breath was all that Sora needed to right it again. "Dude! Peter! I got up by myself!" He turned to look at the other boy, grinning. "You see that? Did you...?"

Something was up. Peter was holding the wall for support. Carefully, Sora skated over to him, pushing one foot forward, then the other, then the other...

It took him a minute or two to get to Peter. When he leaned against the wall to look at the other boy's face, he blinked, surprised. "You don't look too want me to get you out of here?" There was no way he'd let his friend not get help if he needed it.
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Post by chitoryu12* »

Chris continued to watch. As their bodies shifted, he found that the two of them looked vaguely familiar, and he suspected that they may go to his school. He didn't exactly recognize them, though.

The one on top, a slim Asian with, honestly, kind of stupid-looking glasses (Chris had never been one for rectangular frames), said "Yeah, I think I'm good. You took the worst of that fall." He proceeded to get to his feet, but suddenly shifted his weight a little, like he was just managing to keep from falling over, then shuffled over to the wall. Chris realized that there was probably something very wrong with him. Probably banged his head.

The other kid, also Asian, but shorter (both, of course, were small to the 6'4 Chris) and more muscled, got up as well. He was unsteady, but seemed genuinely proud that he had managed to get up by himself. His joy turned to concern as he saw his friend leaning against the wall.

As they stood, Chris began to wonder what he should do. He wasn't a doctor by any means, but he knew a head injury when he saw one. He had heard of people who had banged their heads and seemed okay, only to find much too late that they had suffered fatal hemmorhaging, a distant Aunt Natasha of his being one of them. However, Chris wasn't sure whether his help would be needed. After all, it looked like the smaller of the two would be taking him to get help.

He finally decided that there was no need to provide unwanted help. He scooted on his butt over to the wall, picked himself up, and pulled himself back along the wall to the exit. He swapped his skates for his shoes, brough the skates back, and left. Those two would be fine without him.

((Chris Carlson in Eating Out (Cleanly)))
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