She Shook Me Cold

Located on the first floor of the mall, even in the summer, the ice skating rink seems to transform its area of the mall into a winter wonderland. Classes are offered for beginners on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the rest of the week being a free-for-all skate.
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Post by Arscapi* »

Thea smirked as Lily walked away, slowly, but whatever. That's right, bitch you so don't belong here, so just move yourself right along. Thea then forgot her completely and focused on Feo, who had just joined the group.

"You bitches are crazy. Just completely nuts," she said. Her snickering was turning into outright laughing. "Did you really have to throw the Gap in there? What did the Gap ever do to you; you know she did not get that shit from there."

"As if that girl could afford something for the GAP, which would actually require class. That outfit was ghetto for Wal-Mart," she said after Feo calmed down. "And as for what she did, she decided to walk up and get all up in our business. Asking if we've ever skated and shit, then she decided to get uppity with Evelyn, so you know that bitch had to go."

"And, we planning to get into any more trouble today?"

"We have no problems, we're stealing Sally away from her application padding and hit up the Starbucks, wanna join us," Thea said offering her a wide sparking smile.
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Post by BetaKnight »

Once Lily slunk away, tail between her legs where it belonged, Evelyn could give her full attention to the collection of awesome hotness that had been assembled. It's like God knew I would need the backup to help me keep my even keel.

She felt a twinge of guilt at unloading on Lily when Eleri asked what the other girl had done to deserve that treatment but really, Lily should have known better. Nobody liked a party crasher, especially one who didn't know how to dress and was socially awkward. For a moment, she worried that her telling Lily off had diminished her standing with the others. However, Thea's response pushed any guilty thoughts out of her mind.

Nodding in agreement with the other cheerleader's comments, Evelyn flashed the girls a winning smile. "I just said what we were all thinking. Everyone always says that honesty is best policy. And honestly, I wanted her to go the hell away so we can go get our caffeine fix."

"And, we planning to get into any more trouble today?"

"I fully intend on doing some damage to my father's credit card statement today." The bags in her right hand crinkled as they rubbed against each other. "Okay, more damage to it," she shamelessly amended. "After having to deal with that terrible girl and the scene she caused, I'm thinking my father would want us to pamper ourselves and do whatever it took to make fine, upstanding, gorgeous young ladies like ourselves feel better. So Starbucks is definitely on me. After that, I'm open to suggestions. By the way, how do the rest of you feel about a trip to the salon?"
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"But seriously, what did that poor, ignorant, not nearly as hot as any of you child do to deserve all of that?

"Uh, she was being an irritating lump of waste of my break. Do I go to the hobo clothes emporium and bother her while she's working? No. So I expect the same curtsey extended to me. I don't think that's too much to ask."

At Thea's mention of Sally's application padding, Sally rolled her eyes to show her exasperation with being "forced" to do such a job. Inwardly it caused a small pang of shame, but she didn't show it.

"Well, I've got to be back here after Starbucks but my shift ends at five. If you guys are willing to hang out I'd love to go with you. I so badly need a pedicure."

Sally briefly looked down at her acrylics. They still looked pretty good, but pretty good wasn't good enough. It was true a mani/pedi excursion would take a little chunk from her hand bag fund, but it was too much for her to resist. She loved getting her nails done.

"You guys can find some mischief for Feo ‘till I'm done, but right now I'm looking forward to something sweet to drown the girl out of my memory."
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