Gianna Chan: Recipes, Knitting, Food and Healthcare Advocacy

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Gianna Chan: Recipes, Knitting, Food and Healthcare Advocacy


Post by selphie_trabia* »

Gianna's readership currently sits at about 1,500 readers, mostly young homemakers and political leftists.

None of her readers knew why @realandrearaymer was appended to the start of what is otherwise a rather whimsical anecdote. Most decided that it was an uncorrected typo.

Gianna Chan @giannahomemaker 29 Jul
@realandrearaymer You know what's really funny? I still keep a tamagotchi. Talk about retro.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Mariam Johannes @MariJoJo 29 Jul
@giannahomemaker Retro and painful! Stepped on an old one lying around the house.
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Gianna Chan @giannahomemaker 30 Jul
@MariJoJo Owtch. The old connexions with the antenna can really hurt!
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Yarn and Advocacy

1st July - Food Tips for Surviving the Wilderness
posted by Gianna Chan

So, I know that I tend to write about homemaking in general, but I thought that I'd change things up a bit this week by getting some sunshine and doing a little camping.

I'm really in awe of people who have that ability to simply go out of their comfort zone and live off the land without the need for much prior preparation. Apparently, there's plenty of stuff you can eat just growing out from everywhere if you know what to look for. So, if you ever find yourself stuck outside or in the middle of nowhere, just rely on these helpful tips to keep you going:

[A video is posted giving tips and tricks to foraging for food in the wilderness. The video takes place in Gianna's kitchen, a very familiar place for most viewers, but also cuts to short clips of the plants and items being found in their natural habitat. Gianna also takes time to go through a very basic wilderness survival kit, which she states one should carry with them if they plan on "going camping, on an office retreat or on a school trip". As usual, only Gianna's hands can be seen in the video, since she tends to take them from a first person view.]

Tags: Wilderness survival, camping, school trip, office retreat, ingredients, foraging

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