Steadier Footing

The overpass is a decently sized paved bridge running over a large sewage tunnel that has since dried out considerably, with only a small amount of water trickling down the middle and out of the drain pipes on the side. The tunnel itself is very large and covered in graffiti and spans a good deal of the south portion of town, letting out near the entrance to the northern area. Only accessible by traversing down a fenced off grassy slope, it offers a relatively safe place for someone to hide—if they can stomach the smell.
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Steadier Footing


Post by Mimi »

** Andi Victorino, female no. 1, continued from… The First Drop
Andi hadn't slowed her pace since they'd left the park, stopping only once or twice to check her map and take a sip of water before resuming her pace. When she was younger, her mom always told her to walk with a purpose, because the aimless often found themselves in trouble. It was probably just a variant of that 'idle hands' phrase, but that didn't stop it from sticking with her, especially in her current situation. She had a purpose, at the very least. Finding Sven or the other girls on the team was at the top of her list and that was seeming about as likely as finding a needle in a haystack. At the very least, she needed to find somewhere with a decent view, get better bearings on the island and start from there. She didn't need to stop in take in the scenery for that, eerie as it was. That, and maybe a little part of her wanted to see if Gray could keep up with her.

She was still somewhat sore from the ordeal in the park, truth be told. While she was happy her gut hadn't betrayed her, she couldn't lie and say Cassidy's words didn't sting. Maybe it was silly, especially given the circumstances and what was at stake that a small comment would effect her, but it never failed to take her back to the early days right after she had Fiona. Just the looks from people were enough. She could always tell they were judging her, as if she were some dark spot on humanity or something. She pretended like they didn't hurt her, sometimes, but it always did. And even while she was fighting for her life, it didn't change that. A sick part of her wanted to last even just ten minutes longer on the island than Cassidy, just so she could see her in the afterlife or whatever and ask her who the whore was now.

Andi stopped to check her map once they'd hit the Overpass. She was aiming for the tower at the airstrip, but ideally she was hoping to run into someone before having to travel that far. After getting her bearings, she tucked the map back into her pocket and wiped some sweat forming at her brow. The Overpass reminded her off those scenes from the zombie movies, with rusted cars dotting it, their doors still open from God knows how long ago. If it weren't for the oppressive chirp of insects, she'd be afraid to even breath to loudly in fear of alerting some invisible boogie-man lurking underneath.

"Do you need a break, Princess?" She turned back to Gray in between tying her hair up in a messy ponytail. She smiled before dropping her bag, retrieving her nearly empty bottle of water and taking a long swig. She leaned back against a nearby car, rubbing her hand along the coarse rust on its chassis. The Airstrip was still a distance away and at their pace, they probably wouldn't reach it until nightfall. Her eyes once more scanned the long highway before lighting up.

"Hey, how much do you know about cars?" She asked, packing away her bottle once again, "You think we could fire one of these bad boys up?"
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Post by Deamon »

((Gray Emerson continued from The First Drop))

They had been walking for a while when they hit the Overpass. Gray hadn't put much thought into what had happened at the Park. Maybe he was avoiding what had happened. It had turned ugly at the end though, that much was obvious. Gray wasn't even sure it mattered anymore, because what were the chances they'd even see Cassidy or Gavin again?

It was a grim thought for sure...but that didn't stop it being any less true. Gray rubbed his neck, there was no point thinking like that, after all he had to find his friends and Andi had to find hers. If Gray was negative now it would only end up getting worse in a downward spiral. Instead he'd just approach it how he approached every situation.

He hadn't actually spoken to Andi since they had left the Park, he didn't know whether she had been lost in her own thoughts or not but Gray wasn't one to talk when he didn't need to anyway so it was for the best. It had been a good chance to get his thoughts straight and mentally calm himself down. He was pretty close to how relaxed he was on a normal day. It had taken some effort to get to that point but it had been worth it, he felt much more relaxed and focused though. The tell-tale pressing of the gun on his lower back and the metal around his neck reminded him where he was though. Never letting him truly escape.

Andi stopped and turned to him, asking if he needed a break. She smiled and it was genuine, Gray returned the smile as he shook his head.

"I think I'll be fine." He said as he pushed himself up onto one of the cars, crossing his legs as he sat down on it. He tapped his bad knee. "This thing'll be fine for now."

He rooted through his bag until he found the bottle of water he'd been using and took a long gulp. He didn't put it away instead just letting it dangle from his grip as Andi spoke. He took another sip when she'd finished before speaking.

"I don't know much. Never had an interest in cars." He rubbed his neck and looked out over the assortment of rusted cars. "Maybe we could but it depends."

Having a car would be insanely useful but Gray was fairly sure most of them were too rusted to actually work, not that he knew anything about cars but looking across the overpass was like looking out over some sort of car graveyard. Gray didn't know what had happened on the island but it had clearly been deserted for a long time.

"It's worth a shot."
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by GregTheAnti-Viking* »

((Oscar Trig continued from Waking up at the Beginning of Time))

Oscar had been silent for the majority of the walk. His walking stick was the only thing that was making a sound as it tapped along the asphalt. He had walked many places in his time wandering through wilderness and urban sprawl. But this was the first time that Oscar could recall walking in the dead center of a street.

In keeping with his plan to seek elevation, Oscar found himself moving up the onramp of what could only be assumed was a stretch of street in the city. Some city planners idea of solving a self-made problem. He could tell that they were at least going to a place of civilization long since abandoned. The flaring of his nostrils from the foul smell rising up from underneath the bridge and the odd abandoned car confirmed that.

It was an odd feeling, walking from the beach to the town. There were no animals, at least, none that he could remember on the journey. And yet, the area was so full of life. Grass was growing out through the edges of the cement, almost to the point of brushing against his ankles. As the slope grew, Oscar was starting to grow level with small trees, and by the end, he found himself just hovering above them. He wasn't afraid of heights, but he couldn't help but feel thankful that he was in the middle of the road.

The only time the silence was broken, was when Oscar heard a gunshot in the distance. A small pop that would echo out from who-knew where? And every time the sound was heard. Oscar found himself stopping for just a second, body stiffing for a few seconds until it was over. Then, it went back to the nothingness that was hiking with Zoe and Cooper.

They didn't say anything. Perhaps too taken in by the scenery, or too spooked by the sounds of the gunshots out in the distance. It was only the sporadic glances back that Oscar knew that they were here.

When they had reached the top of the incline, Oscar spotted two figures around a vehicle that had seen better days. A girl and a boy. People that he couldn't quite identify yet, but could probably do so if he got closer.

Another gunshot in the distance.

Oscar's feet stopped moving, with a sudden urge to make himself smaller than he actually was. He turned his head back towards his friends and silently mouthed the words "Wait". He got down on his knees in front of the nearest car and dug into the pockets of his backpack.

He shouldn't be this concerned already. For all he knew, they were just like him, unsure of how they were going to make their way. And yet, his worst fears were already being realized somewhere else on the island. A quick look through his binoculars would tell him enough of who they were, and whether it was a good idea to proceed.
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Post by Jonny* »

Zoe Leverett continued from Waking Up at the Beginning of Time

Something of a pleasant metronome as the driftwood intoned its command, just a forward forward forward forward forward droning from now till the still-distant sunset, rang out in a rhythm that Zoe had honestly considered timing her strides to, honest, she really had. But every soldier had her limit, every disciple kept a secret. Here was Zoe's: she was all for the concept of a leader, first in line for a uniform and hymns ready waiting on her lips, but the execution was something else entirely. The truth about Zoe, spoken since they left the mountain but so softly Oscar couldn't hear, was that she'd follow any order she'd been planning to follow already. And Oscar, wise and generous, may a hundred years he reign, had told her nothing but what she wanted to hear: forward forward forward


No, that was all wrong, that was one stupid word and hesitation wounds already threatening to cascade from his mouth, wrap around his neck. All wrong was the sound of it, there was the pleasant metronome lulling her, cradling her, heart and mind ready for gentle repose (classic, if customary indoctrination technique, high marks), and then Oscar's stupid voice that sucked. The moment he let that voice ring it was all so clear why the peasants were in their state of something-like-revolt, because honestly, who would trust in the man whose words were trust not, trust not?

Trust not, so rewind the clock, ache and strain and heave to force that hand and hear that heart beating backwards, wind it back to before Zoe said hi at the foot of your mountain and tell her to trust not. Some bullshit? Trust not and Zoe walks the other way, Zoe is alone and you are alone and Cooper, no picture frame moment to strike him in rapture, turns his back and is alone. That never happened, because trust not never happened, because Zoe was willing, now and now again, to break off a chunk of her beginner's luck at making friends.

And if this place had more forces to marshal than one report, two reports, now was the time, since why would a gunshot strike her heart with fear when when it was just another prayer? Bang and I'm one step closer to home, call it like that, call it a prayer, call it the same as you and I and the scared boy behind her because those were easier than monsters. So he said wait and she said "No."

And he trusted her, he hoped, and she trusted them, she knew, boy and girl and car—boy maybe deadly, girl maybe deadly, car probably safe—and they trusted her to be harmless, she hoped, but she knew, she knew, because how could you not? Here was Zoe, flat empty hands, arms going back, now arms going forth, above her head, makeshift metronome to replace what she'd so lately lost, advancing on the boy and the girl and the car, harmless. Harmless. Call her what you will, say weird say surly say loner say traitor (the last option available only to Oscar), but finish it with harmless and you and Zoe are good. You and Zoe are something like friends.

"Hi there," was her chirp. Wasn't much, was a start, said harmless to the boy and the girl and their car but not loud enough yet. And nothing more dangerous, far as she recalled, than a good sense of humor, so here was a white flag: "Your car broke down."
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Post by BetaKnight »

((Cooper Komorowski continued from Waking Up at the Beginning of Time))

Cooper could only crouch and stare as Zoe wandered up to the people up ahead of them. Even after Oscar stopped and was peeping the situation with his binoculars. What was she thinking? Those people could kill her!

He was torn between running up and standing with her in case something bad happened or following Oscar's silent directive and staying safely back here. Cooper frowned as he recalled his mother's familiar comment, one that was often issued with a resigned sigh. 'Whenever possible, son, please act like a gentleman. Don't shame your mother in public, hmm?'

A burning flush crept up his neck. What would his mother think, him hiding back here while Zoe bounced up to talk to other people? "Looks cool, bro," he hissed to Oscar as he scrambled to his feet.

Trotting after Zoe, Cooper tossed off a jaunty wave as he approached the rusty car everyone was gathered around. "You guys trying to hotwire that car?"
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Post by Mimi »

Andi furrowed her eyebrows following Gray's comments, still leaning against the rusted excuse of a car behind her. It had been a long shot to begin with, she figured, and even if Gray knew anything about cars, he made a good point about their condition. Who knew how long they'd been outside, maybe years, and there was no way nature took it easy on them in that time. For all she knew, just leaning against the pieces of crap would give her tetnus or something. With that in mind, she shifted away from the car, rubbing the small rust particles from her arms and pushing some matted baby hairs off her sweaty brow.

"I don't know," She responded, crossing her arms over her chest just to give them something to do, "Not to be a pessimist or anything, but neither of us know a thing about this shit. It'd just be a waste of time to take a shot if all we're doing is putzing around. And time is the one thing we're super limited on."

She sighed, resuming her gaze out into the distance. The sun was already starting to lower, not quite setting but presumably in the next two or three hours it'd be night. If it had been anywhere else, she would have enjoyed the view. She looked back at Gray, situated rather comfortably on the hood of one of the cars. He'd mentioned something about his knee and she couldn't help but wonder if he was just trying to look strong and whether it was bothering him. She didn't question what had happened, though, not for a lack of caring, but if she knew she'd probably feel more familiar. Getting too attached was something she couldn't risk, so she busied herself by rummaging through her duffel, looking for nothing in particular. She needed the distraction, or else she'd start thinking about home.

A couple minutes had passed before she spoke again.

"We should get going soon," She said softly, hefting her bag back onto her shoulder and avoiding looking at Gray's leg. She didn't want to push him too hard, but there wasn't much that could be done. If worse came to worse and his leg started bothering him, she could just toss him over her shoulder and run him through the jungle like Tarzan. Skinny little shit.

"It's gonna get dark soon, and I really don't want..." She trailed off once she caught sight of Cooper and Zoe coming toward them, her stance stiffening slightly as she watched them approach. They didn't seem aggressive, but there was no being too careful.

Zoe spoke first and Andi didn't pretend to be amused. She could appreciate her trying to break the ice, but she didn't feel like playing Comedy Central with her. Zoe was someone Andi didn't know much about, especially with her tendency to get a little frosty with people who weren't on the softball team. Cooper was in the same boat, but was slightly more upfront and blunt, which Andi was far more accustomed to. She shook her head before answering him, her stance still firm.

"We wanted to, but neither of us know a thing about hotwiring, not to mention they're not exactly in the best shape. What about you? You look like you're from the hood. Got any experience?" She cocked an eyebrow and a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

Perhaps it wasn't the best time to judge someone's clothing choices, but it helped take her mind off things.
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Post by Deamon »

Gray took another sip of his drink as Andi talked. He nodded in agreement when she had finished.

"Plus we have no idea if they actually run." He said as he turned his gaze over all the cars. "So even if we figure it out they may not run."

Andi seemed to have softened up ever since they'd left the park, maybe she was like this normally and Gray had just managed to see her when she was in a bad mood. It didn't matter anymore of course but it was still something to think about, the irony of the whole situation was everything would have turned out much differently for the two of them had they never met that afternoon on the field. Funny how some things that seemed like they were bad at the time could turn lead to something positive, in this case a partner, for however long it took for either of them to find friends.

Andi started saying something about it getting dark but trailed off catching Gray's attention. He turned his head and followed the direction Andi was looking in, he recognised the two people who were walking towards them, Zoe and Cooper he didn't remember their surnames exactly and he knew Coopers was hard to spell. Not that any of that information was actually important. They didn't seem to be aggressive though, which made Gray more comfortable, considering they had essentially managed to sneak up on him and Andi.

Zoe greeted them with a joke about the car breaking down. Gray smiled a little and shrugged in response. Cooper however was straight to the point. Gray put the water bottle back in his bag and hopped off the hood of the car. The feeling of the gun against his back serving to remind him where he was. Zoe and Cooper looked friendly right now but that could all change in an instant and things could turn violent. It was a nasty thought but it was true as well. Everyone had the potential to be a threat, maybe they didn't look or...maybe they had been a friend.

Gray shook his head, thinking like that would only make things worse. Zoe and Cooper weren't being aggressive so there was no reason to assume they meant them harm. After all they hadn't realised the two had been walking towards them until they had been in shooting range. Andi replied to Cooper with a joke of her own; which when Gray considered how she had reacted to Cassidy and Gavin was a much more positive start to the conversation. It was good; they'd need to stay positive.

"Yeah. We don't even know if they work." He rubbed his neck. "So we could just be wasting time...which would suck."
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by GregTheAnti-Viking* »

There was no time for Oscar to voice his complaint. As soon as he turned his head, Zoe had walked past him. Had she not heard the gunshots? Did she not care about what was out there? With a sigh he put away his binoculars and instead started rummaging for his pack of cigarettes.

Thankfully, it didn't appear that there was any trouble. In a matter of moments Cooper left, leaving him alone behind a car. Oscar had little choice in the matter but to follow after them as soon as he had lit it.

"So much for caution," Oscar mumbled as he flicked his lighter over and over until he got a spark.

With a welcoming plume of smoke rising up before him, Oscar stood up and made his way over. As he approached, he could start to see the shapes of both Andi Victorino and Gray Emerson hovered over a car. For a moment, Oscar had wondered about why Sven Olson wasn't with them, after all he and Andi were usually pretty close together. Then again, having a baby in high school did that. He had heard plenty of stories in the smoke pit back home. As for Gray, well he didn't seem like Andi's sort of traveling companion. A good guy, but somehow he didn't see their ideals locking together.

But, they were on the island. A moment of thought brought the reality back to his attention. Besides, if he were being truly honest, he never really saw himself the type to hang out with a guy like Cooper. Nothing against him, they were just of different minds. Different minds, trapped together.

They were fiddling around with a car. Something Oscar admittedly knew nothing about, nor had any real interest in. He had been shown engines before by his dad, but to him they just looked like masses of metal that connected who knew where. Impressive as they may be, they were just lost on him.

More importantly though was why they were fiddling with the car. Maybe because he didn't know about cars, but it looked to him as if it was just one big immovable object, time having glued it to the ground. Was it even possible?

Fiddling with his cigarette, Oscar's gaze continued to look down at the wheels, "So... what's the endgame? With the car I mean?"
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Post by Deamon »

((Skipping with permission from Jonny.))

Almost as soon as Andi & Gray had finished talking to Zoe and Cooper someone else approached from the same direction. The timing and direction of the approach made it fairly unlikely that they had just stumbled upon the group, that and the confidence in the walk. The person looked fairly relaxed so they most likely knew that no one in the group was a threat.

When the person got close enough Gray realised that it was Oscar Trig. Gray had never hung around with Oscar back at Aurora but he didn't seem like a bad guy by any stretch, so the chance of him being dangerous was low, probably around zero. Cigarette in hand Oscar took a look at the wheels of the care for a moment before asking what their end goal was for it.

Gray just shrugged. He didn't really know beyond thinking about how useful a car could be. He didn't like cars at all, he never had since the accident and he tried to avoid using them as much as possible. But these were exceptional circumstances and a car would be extremely useful. He guessed that's why they wanted to hot-wire one of the cars. The ability to travel from place to place quickly and easily would work to their advantage plus a car was offered more protection to them than just walking around out in the open.

"Use it to get around. It could be protection." He rubbed his neck and glanced over at Andi. "It was more Andi's idea if I'm honest."

He didn't know how else to explain it beyond that. It wasn't like "use it to run people over" was on his list of things to do with the car. It was all talk anyway. If they couldn't get one of the cars to start there would be no end goal because the plan would have failed at the first stage.

Whatever the plan even was.
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by BetaKnight »

Cooper grinned back at Andi, feeling on more familiar footing now that he was dealing with someone who spoke his language of smart assery and jibes rather than artistic introspection and quiet. Puffing out his chest, he took a swaggering step towards Andi, a flirtatious twinkle in his eye. Andi had to be teasing him a little bit since she knew that he was about a legitimately street as she was. "Oh, baby, I am excellent at getting an engine going," he promised with a leer. "If you know what I mean."

He winked at Andy as he leaned against the car and listened to Oscar and the boy he recognized as Kyran's friend. "Hey, wait a second," Cooper interrupted, holding up a hand. He leveled a serious expression at the duo. "You guys are trying to start this car? For serious? Have you checked to see if it even has gas? I mean, it's been left here in the middle of the road. People don't leave cars in the middle of the street for no reason." He nodded with pride as he looked at the guys.

See? Cooper could handle himself. Here he was, being all logical and crap, thinking things through before leaping to conclusions. He knew his parents' worried that he didn't have any ambition beyond working for the family business, but his few summers of experience had already taught him valuable life skills. Like checking vehicles to make sure there was actual fuel in them, and that people hadn't boosted the battery out of the work truck that got left at the site overnight.
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Post by Jonny* »

On some faraway corner of the island, Andi driving and Gray shotgun and they're fast, strong, invincible, here in their fortress called Jalopy. But on this corner of the island, it won't start and it won't start and it won't start till she blames him, yells at him, and then they give up on more than a few things. This corner is the one that happens to be true. Something of a shame, some sadness in that surrender. Would've been so nice for the car to be a tear in the terrorists' memory, something they forgot to break, to cripple, to coat in their despair. Would've been nice, at the very least, to see Andi and Gray taking off on their joyride, headed to … ?

They were all thinking it. All realizing that every thought about the car started so hopeful but didn't so much end. The longer they stood with their stupid question, stupid answers, stupid faces, the more they'd have to admit that the second halves of their sentences weren't waiting behind any curtains after all. And it'd suck, and someone would have to take the blame, because that much hope doesn't just die on its own, that much hope had to have its hand held on the way to the shoreline to get drowned.

And Cooper with his common sense, Cooper who they kept around for his common sense, was wearing that role so well so soon, so yes, make it him, nobody gets hurt today if you make it him. If you smile with sad eyes and you say,

"Cooper, be nice..." then all that's here is a boy, little bit mean, little bit rude, little bit presumptuous to offer such wisdom unsolicited, but he's wearing a fucking lime green Tapout shirt so we kinda knew what kind of asshole we were getting when we all made friends with him. Cooper, who saved us all from hope, could stand to be a little kinder, but now that Zoe's let him know that, loud and clear and with sadness in her eyes so you know she means business, it's all been squared away.

"Hey," to Andi, to Gray, to every kid on this island running screaming to safe havens they've never heard of, "where would you go? If it worked." This is how we rebuild. This is how we start to stand when we've broken down, down, down, is we make it about something still real. Never was about the car, was about where the car would take them.

And on this island where boys and girls die, having to walk is not so steep a cost.
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Post by Mimi »

Andi wrinkled her nose as Oscar approached, the breeze picking up the acrid scent of his cigarette and wafting it toward her. Her dad was a long-time smoker, stopping only briefly during his campaign in an effort to appease voters, only to pick it up once more after his loss to deal with the 'stress'. It was silly looking back on it, but she remembered being embarrassed to go to school smelling of smoke, throwing temper tantrums about it in the morning, slamming doors and demanding he not smoke until she got out of the car. Once Fiona was born, he tried to stop again, but she'd always catch him trying to sneak one while taking the garbage out or cutting the lawn. She still hated smoking and the putrid smell, but what she hated most of all was how much it reminded her of home. It took everything in her not to just smack the cigarette out of Oscar's mouth to save her the grief.

That said, she didn't know much about Oscar, but he was quickly getting under her skin. Strutting up to them as if he owned the joint, some undeserved confidence as he tried to play suave. Part of her just wanted to put him in his place, but she resisted once more. So far, she'd shown much more self control than she ever did at Aurora, which surprised even her. Maybe it was just the fear of doing or saying something that would get her killed. Maybe she was growing. Either way, it didn't stop her from wanting to punch him square in the neck.

She let Gray answer for them, chewing the side of her cheek in order to stop the impending sass. She knew anything she had to say wouldn't be nice and resigned herself to picking at her thumbnail. The sun was lowering in the sky already. They'd never reach the airstrip by night at the rate they were going in. They'd wasted too much time already. The cogs were already starting to work in her head, debating on where they should set up camp for the night or if they should just move through the night, when Cooper responded.

She gave a half smile and ceased her cheek chewing.

"I did hear about your luck with the 'engines'," She started, faking an appreciative tone, "Emily Nakoa told me all about it. You got her going real fast in the opposite direction."

With the situation at hand, it was nice to be able to bust someone's balls the same way she did with Iselle and Alda and the rest of the softball team. It was were she felt most comfortable. Her amused smile vanished from her face when Zoe spoke, however, turning into something more grim and contemplative. She really didn't know what the long term plan was for the car. She thought for a moment, once more chipping at her thumbnail with her middle finger before speaking.

"It'd help find people we're looking for. Get us around the island faster, y'know? I wanna find the rest of my team and my... Sven, and I'm sure Gray wants to meet up with whoever he hangs out with," She paused for a moment, wondering silently if that was a good enough answer, "We were actually on our way to the airstrip," She continued, pointing to the large tower far in the distance, "Get a layout of the land, I guess. I doubt we'll make it there by dark now, though."

It was sufficient, she decided. It wasn't Zoe's business to begin with what they'd do with a car. If she didn't like her answer she could suck it.
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Post by GregTheAnti-Viking* »

To use it to get around? Oscar frowned at the idea, finding himself squarely placed in the unlikely position as to agree with Cooper. There was a place for hoping for something miraculous like a perfectly working car amongst the remains of other abandoned vehicles, but the logistics of traveling around a massive island, driving through dense foliage, polluting the air with noise, dodging through who knew what type of debris that lingered about. Did any of them even know how to drive? Oscar certainly didn't.

Of course, Andi had to try and bite down upon the logistical issues that the grand plan had accumulated; with a response that fit the halls of Aurora. He felt the need to speak up and defend, but to his surprise, Zoe defused the situation with a simple question. And for that, Oscar was thankful.

He wasn't exactly mad at Andi's reaction, and when she started to explain what it was she wanted to do, Oscar couldn't blame her. There was a comfort in finding friends, lovers, hell acquaintances that you could trust on the island. Spend time with people you know, before...

Oscar took another drag and shook himself slightly before sighing, letting the smoke float from between his lips.

His eyes followed Andi's finger over to the tower out in the distance. He walked over toward the edge of the overpass gazing upon the beacon in the distance. As far as towers went, well it looked pretty much like an air control tower should, sturdy concrete and metal rising up towards the sky, until branching out into wall to wall windows. It would certainly be enough to see the island, maybe not all of it, but enough.

But then what?

The question lingered in his mind as he leaned on the railing. As far as plans went, it wasn't exactly better than Andi and Gray's plan of breaking into a car. Sure they would be able to see the land, but then they would just know of all the places that they could hide in. Probably would confirm that there was no exit either.

But what was really better? Having a plan where the end resulted in only minimal gain? Or standing around and just waiting for it all to happen?

The cigarette had burned down to the filter. Of which Oscar cleanly discarded, turning to the others.

"Yeah, I reckon it's going to take a day to get there. We were actually heading there ourselves. Had the same idea as you guys did. We can go together, if you want."

He wasn't sure whether the two would warm up to the idea of travelling together. But it was worth a shot. Better than going alone at least.
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Post by Deamon »

Oh right, cars needed gas as well...yeah. Gray had forgotten about that. It was a good indicator of how little he actually knew about cars in the first place because how did you forget that cars needed gas? He blamed the island more than anything. Cooper did make a good point, but there was just one thing he had forgotten. All the other cars that littered the Overpass.

"I dunno man. There's loads of cars, they can't all have run out at the same time." That did mean something else had caused everyone to leave their cars behind. Gray didn't want to think about what had caused that because neither of the options that jumped to the forefront of his mind were pleasant ones.

Andi took over the explanation of what they were going to use the car for. It was a basic plan that was for sure but even a basic bare bones plan was better than no plan at all. Gray wasn't even one for planning, normally he was perfectly happy just to see how things turned out but even he realised doing that was a good way to get himself killed since if the killer was smart they'd be planning and making it as easy as possible, so he'd need to be alert as to what they needed to do. Right now that was either hotwiring the car or getting to the airstrip, either one would do.

Andi was right though, they weren't going to get there before dark and travelling at night was going to be the most dangerous thing, after all low visibility made it easier to get separated or to not see an obstacle and fall. Everything became more difficult at night but the other choice was staying outside which was worse.

Helpfully Oscar offered them the option of travelling together. Gray glanced over with Andi and tried to make eye-contact, he gave a small shrug to show he didn't really mind. After all the three new arrivals didn't seem dangerous and sticking together until the airstrip didn't seem like a bad idea, if it didn't work out they could just part ways then, nothing else needed to go down. All in all it was a safe plan.

"I don't see a problem with it. I mean I'm with Andi but it's not a bad idea."

It just depended on what Andi wanted to do.
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Post by BetaKnight »

Cooper jerked back at Andi's insulting words and mocking expression. She couldn't have surprised or hurt him any more thoroughly if she had reached out and slapped him across the face. Actually, a slap would have been less surprising since at least his innuendo would have warranted it. But to throw Emily in his face....

The smile disappeared from his face as he looked at Andi-the-bitch. Of course, he shouldn't have been surprised. Andi was friends with and a teammate of Alda. He knew that the softball team was a collection of mean-ass bitches. It was why they got along so well. And so like a softball girl to go for the low blow, the cruelest dig, if the opportunity presented itself. To try and shame him, again.

Completely and utterly unlike Emily. Emily, who, even in her rejection, had been gracious and kind. Andi had no right to even say Emily's name out loud. She could never be like Emily. Ever.

Cooper balled up his hand, feeling the phantom sting in his palm as it made imaginary contact with Andi's whore mouth. Which, judging by how quickly Gray kowtowed to Andi, she'd been putting to good use. Of COURSE Andi wanted to find the other softball skanks. A regular coven of fucking bitches, working together to tear down anyone they came across.

He shook his head and noisily blew out a breath. Great. Now Oscar was saying something about them all traveling together. "Whatever, man," he mumbled with a wave of his hand. Shoulders square and standing tall, he walked to the edge of their perimeter. Fuck this noise and letting a bitch like Andi be in charge. He should go and find Paulo. Paulo wouldn't put up with some bitch getting all uppity and telling him what to do. Paulo would take this shit in hand.

He grumbled to himself. "Fucking bitch."
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