Morning in the Clyne household

Built on a large hill overlooking the beach, Oceanview Terrace is a well-to-do neighborhood with its share of affluent and cultured individuals. A lot of "old money" lives in Oceanview, whereas most of the new money has opted to move out onto the Island instead. People do crazy things to live in places like Oceanview, and it's a regular sight to see people with beautiful houses practically devoid of any furnishings for its inhabitants living above their means.
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Morning in the Clyne household


Post by Lacus* »

The sun shined in the window, Birds chirping outside a beautiful morning. This morning started peaceful as usual, But was interrupted by a large explosion *Bam*. Lacus woke to the ground shaking. " Another one of father experiments, better go help" she thought. She jumped out of bed and grabbed her favorite pink yukata and put it on. She rushed down the big stares greeting her to brother with a node of the head as she passed. She jumped to the toaster and snatched the toast as it popped out.

She ran out to her father's large lab. This lab was centered in the back yard. It had a big neon sign in front of it that said Clyne Technology Labs. Lacus opened the doors fast making a ruckus. " If you insist on coming here at least don't make such a ruckuses" her dad complained." sorry I didn't..."" Didn't what mean to be so dumb" "I..." "shut up and leave" Her dad yelled. Lacus knew her staying would just make her dad angrier. Lacus grabbed her backpack and headed out the large front door. She walked down the brick pathway towards the bus stop. She turned a stared up at the large white house looking to the window at her sister wave her good bye. Lacuse waved back and then continued to walk. She knew she mustn't be late.

((Continued in Ringo's Records))
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: I am sorry to butt in like this, not being a mod, but you cannot RP with a character unless they have been approved and moved into the Approved Registrations forum. I have noticed that this has not happened for your character.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
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Post by Megami* »

((Actually, her character has been approved and moved over to the correct forum. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, because I do appreciate the help, but that's what I have my mods for.))
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Lyndi avatar by Kermit.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: My mistake, then. Sorry.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
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