Nobody will hear you scream.

Being a coastal town, a long strip of beach occupies Highland Beach's western shoreline. Lifeguard towers are set up at various locations to keep the oceans safe for all to swim in. The terrain varies by location, ranging from miles and miles of flat sand to jagged rock formations. There's a boardwalk along parts of the beach with many tourist shops. After all, how else would they rake in the cash?
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Nobody will hear you scream.


Post by AtomicWaffle* »

((Gabriel continued from Lunch Broken))
((Will continued from Of Ice and Men))

Will tried to act casually as he strode down the boardwalk. He didn't much like the Beach, nor the sea much at all. Not because he wanted to, no. He was following one of his more interesting targets of his habitual research, something he started after viewing the second SOTF Competition. The sheer volume of interesting people - Split personalities, superiority complexes, just complete insanity... even the good-natured people had some interesting traits. It's incredible what happens when people are pushed into situations like that. It'd be interesting to see that happen with people who are normally that insane. It'd be an easy way to get rid of them, as well. Will wrote that thought down in a corner of his notebook, and kept on walking, with his head half-buried within the large, coil bound notebook. He was quite suprised when he'd realized that his target had stopped. Right in front of him. That turned to fear when he felt himself being lifted in the air by his neck.

It only took a short time for Gabriel to notice he was being followed. He'd never seen the boy around Southridge much, and Gabriel just assumed he was one of those oh-so-useful nerds that were always quite helpful. Realizing the reputation he had, and the fragile nature of nerds, Gabriel found that by intimidating them just enough, you could milk knowledge out of them almost indefinitely. This boy hadn't been occupying Gabriel's probverbial dairy farm, but it wasn't uncommon to have a loner among loners, and he guessed that this boy, who seemed to be furiously taking notes as he walked, was one of them. Suprisingly, he didn't run into a pole of sorts, like one would expect, but he did run into Gabriel, not noticing that Gabe had almost completely stopped walking. Turning around with an eerie smile the other boy probably didn't notice, Gabriel grabbed Will by the neck, and snatched the notebook from him.

"Oh, so I see I have an entire section? I was expecting a little less, but wow! ...This monster of a person, with such a hard heart, it is difficult to believe he could've ever loved anyone. Karl Van Buren is such an outcast due to those outrageous stories he's told, and i've heard that Gabriel is the only one who believed him. Strange, though, that they broke apart so suddenly. Gabriel surely would've thought he was in danger by being close to him... Perhaps there was something more that i'm missing? They may have talked before about something that nobody overheard. Curious, though... I know that Karl has two mothers, perhaps he is a homosexual as well? It could explain some things. Gabriel, being the type of person he is, might feel a sense of shame about it, if he does indeed return Karl's love, and want to distance himself from Karl and general society as much as possible."

An intense look of amusement overshadowwed the too-familiar disgust Gabriel felt at that moment. "You were right the first time... Vilhjalmur, is it? I don't love many things, guys aren't one of them. Karl was a... friend, you could say. One of the few I can really remember. That crazy son-of-a-bitch took a fire axe to my knee, hacking off a girl's ear before that. People will say that the bus fell over a pothole, and that the axe flew into my knee... A freak accident. I was there, I saw differently. Karl's dangerous, that's why I stopped talking to him." Gabriel realized he was holding Will almost a foot off the ground, and lowered him onto his feet, still keeping a vice-grip on his neck. "The reason I was brooding for so long was I was kind of pissed off that the Flaming Dutchman fucked up my knee for life. I'm a little less pissed off right now, Vilhjalmur, but I've still got plenty of built up raaaage..." Gabriel imitated twitching crazily, then returned to a completely serious expression, "to cause some serious harm to some people, if you know what I mean."

Will listened to Gabriel go on about how the bus incident had 'actually' happened. He'd regretted ever following Gabriel, and what was even more worrysome was what would happen if the other people in that jourrnal were to find it... Will tried to talk, to ask Gabriel to put him down, but he seemed to understand, and put him back down on the ground, still gripping his throat. At the mention of "serious harm" Will tensed, trying to escape from Gabriel's grip.

When Gabriel seemed to threaten Vilhjalmur, the boy seemed to be trying to get away from him, but it was no use. Gabriel walked towards the end of the boardwalk, dragging Viljalmur, where a sudden drop and several jagged rocks awaited below. The disturbingly happy tone that Gabriel spoke in before became a low growl as he shoved Will against the guardrail, dangerously close to throwing him off the side. "Never, ever follow me again, or you will be dead so quickly, no one will hear you scream."

On that note, Gabriel walked off in the direction he was going, and left Will rubbing his neck, the handrail still jammed into his back.

((Gabriel continued in Killing Time))
((Will continued in Beauty, Beast and Boxer))
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