One Bagged Lunch

Southridge has a large cafeteria, equipped to handle the large student body that attends the high school. In addition to the standard run-of-the-mill lunch line, Southridge offers a small food court where students can purchase various fast food items from restaurants around the area.
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Post by Lacus* »

Lacus was not very surprised at he answer. She herself hadn't thought about college tell the beginning of her senor year. It never crossed her mind, because she wanted to be a singer. "Oh, That's okay Things slip my mind some times to. Besides my dad is apposed to me going, 'he said why waste the mony on your mind, it won't get any better'. Oh well. I will go because I got a grant to pay for a good school." Lacus tossed her trash in a near by trash can. " Well Simon how about you?" She waited for his reply.
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Post by Namira »

Simon hadn't really paid the thought of college any mind at all; it wasn't the kind of thing that he generally concentrated on so he responded with a small shrug before gathering his thoughts for a proper answer.

I always did think that I'd end up doing some sort of sporting job, though I guess that's out of the window now. But come to think of it...

"I dunno," he began slowly. "Now that you mention it I guess I'd like to try something to do with computers too, but I think that the best thing would be coaching," Simon smiled as the idea grew. "Yeah, obviously I can't play football anymore but I reckon the next best thing would be to coach a team,"

Simon leaned back and allowed himself a private grin; pleased with himself, but also happy that he'd met somebody to allow him to come up with that kind of idea. The longer he thought about it the more he realised just how much he'd like to give that a go. He wondered whether is was a genuinely good idea or just another hare brained scheme.

Let's face it, it wouldn't be your first half-baked idea.
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Post by Ciel* »

The brunette couldn't believe any of what she was hearing. There are kids other than herself who haven't put too much thought into college? Madison felt like sighing loudly, but felt that it would be extremely rude to do so, especially right now. Wow... is it just me, or... almost all of the kids living in Highland Beach carefree? I mean, if I wasn't with them right now, I'd be having a nervous breakdown. Yet when they're asked about the subject, they aren't embarrassed to tell the truth.

Madison had learned quickly into her life the one essential rule to life: Perfection is key. Whenever she would stray away from this one rule, it would bother her until she would nearly lose her top out in public. For example, if she would get a C+ on a test in any subject, even algebra (for which Madison had a complete hatred for), she would on the verge of tears. Right now, she was having one of those moments. Her eyes weren't exactly welling up with tears, but how her own body quivered like it was right then immediately sends a sign that somethings wrong with her. How the hell could I forget something as important to my future like this?! Yeah, sure, I might have a good reason to forget about it, but... still... Madison thought for a moment, the shivers coming from her body grinding to a halt. Wait a minute... Do I... even know what I'm going to do at college? The girl said nothing else to the other two kids and completely zoned out, her mind working at the speed of light.
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Post by Lacus* »

Lacus looked at Madison's body as it Quivered " are you Ok, Did I hit a sore spot. I very sorry if I did. I thought it would brake the ice" Lacus said slurping down the rest of her drink.
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Post by Ciel* »

Madison opened her eyes suddenly, looking over at Simon for a moment. She wasn't totally paying attention to what the others were saying, so she wasn't sure who had spoken up. Madison propped herself upright, figuring out that Lacus was the only one speaking to her. How the hell did I get the two of them confused in the first place? Wow.... I'm really out of it today. What's wrong with me? Madison couldn't help but sigh again in a tired tone. A small, friendly crossed her face again, making sure that there were signs of anything being wrong with her. "No, no..." She lied to the other female softly. "There's nothing wrong. I-I... I just felt a slight chill, is all."
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Post by Lacus* »

Lacus smiled " You're just like Charles, the way you stuttered just now." lacus laughed. "Sorry but it's so funny, he used to stutter just live that, ever time he talked" Lacus laughed and thought about that day long in the past. Her memories floated around in her mind. She drifted off in thought, but snapped back before she was to far gone. " Oh well, any ways lets talk about something else, anyone got ideas, By the way I'm sorry that you got cold, I hope you don't get sick" Lacus was thinking of anything to get off the topic, and hoped that they wouldn't ask who Charles was.
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Post by Ciel* »

Madison smiled, looking down at the table again. She sighed, seeing what time it was on her watch. "Listen, Scott, Lacus... I have to go now. There's this class at the other end of the school, and I... think I should leave a little bit early. I hope I can catch you guys some other time." She told the two acquaintances, her voice sounded more cheery and friendly this time around. She picked up her schoolbag, and with another soft sigh, walked away.

((Continued in Run on Forever))
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Post by Namira »

"See ya Madison,"

I'd best split to, I've got places to go...

"Catch you later Lacus; I have to go somewhere. But enjoy the rest of your lunch you here?"

Simon stood up from the table, palmed an apple from his tray, then headed along after Madison, out of the cafeteria.

((Simon continued in Out on the Town and Out of the Closet))
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