
Not all of Highland Beach is sunshine and palm trees. Some people simply don't have the means to make it financially. Those people usually live in Clifton Court, an older neighborhood that hasn't been renovated since Village Harbor was constructed. The neighborhood has been deteriorating for years and many houses are in a state of disrepair. The people living here are either too poor, too set in their ways, or too strung out to care.
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Post by Namira »

"Ah, that," Simon replied, exercising especial stress on it. "Rest assured that I have no intention of uh... groping?" Simon, with that out of the way, went back over to his chair and sat back down. "Just let me know when you're tired and I'll go get the bed ready, change the sheets, that sort of thing," Simon couldn't help but wonder about Maidson's reactions... had she already had some sort of experience in this area? Was she... frightened of guys? In some ways, that rang very true indeed, especially in relation to how shy and fragile she was. Simon decided that he wouldn't press her about it, if Madison wanted to talk about that issue, then he would listen, but he could be jumping at shadows and fabricating falsehoods in his mind... best just to take things at face value.
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Post by Ciel* »

Madison stared for a minute, then sighed. "Yeah... g-groping." She had never been as unlucky to have been groped, but she could easily assume how bad it would feel. Jeremy might of hurt her feelings, but it wasn't like she was raped or anything... well, that's not what she thought of the whole ordeal. "Well... I guess I am kind of tired, now that you mention it." she nodded slightly, yawning just a bit. It is pretty late at night... besides, Simon doesn't look like the kind of person who'd stay up this late... well, I don't think so.

(*Shitty post GO! x.x*)
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Post by Namira »

Simon nodded "All right," he had some fresh sheets ready, luckily, in fact, so Madison wouldn't have to sleep on the same place he had been for the last week or so. Simon wasn't the cleanest guy in the world, well... perhaps that wasn't exactly true, Simon wasn't particularly neat, but he did draw the line, especially where hygiene was concerned. Simon moved over to the cupboard in his living area and opened it up, revealing neatly folded sheets and pillowcases. It paid to be organised, no matter how token it was. There had to be some semblance of order about the place.
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Post by Ciel* »

Wow... I guess Simon likes to plan ahead, I suppose. Madison raised her whole body up, letting out a gasp as she tried her best to get up to her feet. The pain, it seems, had gone down a considerable amount. Or, as Madison began to contemplate, maybe she thought it was to make it seem like Simon's treatment had done something other than stop the bleeding along her own leg. That's alright, Madison. You can handle this. You're a big girl. This is nothing compared to having your leg broken... or... at least, that's what everyone makes it sound. "T-Thank you, Simon. I... just got to... get up." she churned loudly, trying to make her way over to the cupboard that Simon was at. "Oww...."
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Post by Namira »

Simon almost sprung to her side, immediately anxious and offering his arm to support her again.
"You sure you're alright?" he asked softly, a worried note in his voice. Hopefully he hadn't messed up his diagnosis, but he did know that these kinds of injuries were painful, so there was no need to hit the panic button yet.

Urgh... bad situation, I really hope that she's okay, if it gets found out she broke her leg or her ankle or something and I said she was fine it wouldn't be good at all... wait, what am I thinking? I should be concerned about her wellbeing, not my own reputation or standing...
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"No, no... I-I'm fine! Really!" Madison reassured Simon, although she still gripped onto his arm for support. She knew that Simon was trying to help her, but she really didn't feel like she needed it. Her leg felt fine (well, as fine as a sprain ankle can get one), although she didn't understand why she still limped over to him. "Where's your bedroom, anyway? If it's... up another fleet of stairs, I think you'll have to help me. Otherwise, I think I'm... okay... well... yeah, okay."
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Post by Namira »

Simon chuckled. "Apartment remember? It's just through the door, you don't need to worry," Simon made sure to walk slowly enough that Madison could still grab hold of him if she needed to, and in that fashion he proceeded to his bedroom, leading her gently. Simon blushed slightly at the rather disarrayed contents of his room, and then a little more, he opened his mouth and gave the reason.
"Um... I'm going to get in bed, if you want to get undressed I'll uh, be looking the other way..." Simon went over to his bed, casually removed his shirt, struggling a little over his arm once again, before proceeding to strip down to his undershorts, then getting into his bed and shuffling over to the wall and closing his eyes.

Wow, totally abandoned, you better hope she doesn't need any help or you are going to look reeeaaally bad.
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Post by Ciel* »

The night had been a complete blur for Madison. She was tired before just a few hours prior and she was tired no, maybe even more so. She had watched as the beautiful Serenity Halos was crying with another man by her side, she had sprained her ankle and... she had gotten close to Simon Wood only one day after meeting him in the first place. Was it even possible to do all of these things in a single evening? Madison had always thought it impossible but she was certainly proven wrong. All of things could in fact have happened and they did. What was even more surprising was that... Madison was actually going to sleep in a bed with someone else.

Maybe this is all a dream. I must've fallen asleep when I was listening to that girl crying. But, if that's really the case... then how can my foot hurt like this?

It was no dream. Madison was glad.

Since she wasn't really wearing much to begin with, as soon as Simon turned the other cheek Madison slipped out of her black shorts (which had visible dirt marks on them from the tumble she was so unlucky to have suffered). Feeling that she could never actually take her shirt off, she just left it on. She knew that Simon was trustworthy but... she wasn't going to take a chance on that. He was perfectly fine but... she just couldn't take off anymore. Even if she wanted to, she just couldn't. She had promised herself, after all.

No touching. Absolutely no touching. He can't touch, no matter how much I love him. He can cuddle, but that's as far as I go...


Maybe... when we get to know each other more, maybe he could... but... not now. Not here...

Slowly limping over to the bed, Madison looked all around Simon's untidy room for a minute, although her eyes were lagging behind in adapting to the dark. I... can't blame him for not cleaning up. It's a bedroom. At least there's a bed.... that.... I can... sleep on.... Feeling a little bit drowsy, Madison slipped under the covers to the bed, her eyes half open. She couldn't help but to peak under the covers for a second, just to get a look at Simon's chest. Deep down, Madison knew she didn't act like this. She knew that these sort of things were bad but she couldn't help it. She just couldn't.

Should I? Maybe I should...

Madison slowly moved a single hand along Simon's back, hoping that he wasn't awake to see any of this. Trying her best not to bother the boy (who to Madison looked very much asleep) her other arm wrapped around his chest, pulling Simon into a soft hug. There was no meaning to the motion at all, and she hoped that... Simon wouldn't think too much into it. She couldn't remember actually seeing if he was for herself because...

Madison fell right asleep. And she slept like a log. Slept like she had never dozed before. For the first night in what seemed like years on end, Madison didn't dream about Sam. She was finally free, or... at least that's what she thought.

(Madison continued in Sort of Spell)
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Post by Namira »

Simon murmured and shifted a little but no more than that, as he had dropped straight off almost the moment his head had hit the pillow. For him, at least, and for now. there was contentment, and that was good enough for him.

((Simon continued elsewhere))
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