Walk Amongst the Dead

Overrun with tall grass and moss creeping up the unreadable tombstones, the graveyard is an eerie place no matter what time of day or night. The grass is dry and dead, and the whole area reeks with the stench of ancient corpses. Death looms over this place, and it seems he's searching for another victim to add to his roster.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Alice listened to Guy's side of things...he wouldn't lie would he? Let alone kill anybody... No, she was right. Alice could trust him. It didn't feel as though he were lying. His story made sense.

She looked towards Guy, blinking slightly in bewilderment when she felt his hand on her shoulder. They were leaving, then? Well, the graveyard wasn't exactly a pleasant place to be...there was this odd smell around here, she couldn't quite discern where it came from. But nonetheless, she was going with Guy no matter what. For whatever reason, she trusted him...she didn't know much, she barely knew what to do, and to be honest, all she could do by herself in a place like this was just crawl somewhere and hide. But if she was with someone like Guy? Maybe she'll be alright...

She did cringe slightly though as Guy held the gun up to Ken's head. Wishing he wouldn't do that, she wondered if she could keep up with his unpredictability...

"A...alright..." She mumbled, nodding meekly as she turned to follow.

...Did he just call her 'Black Hole'?

She glanced back towards Ken with a somewhat apologetic look on her face, wondering if he would follow or not. He didn't seem like a bad person...
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Post by Megami* »

((Continued from Discord))

She had been walking for a while, but Kallie couldn't help but get the sneaking feeling that she had been walking around in one big circle. She had never been what one could call good with directions anyway, and now that they were out here on some foreign island, her sense of direction had been completely shot to hell and back. There hadn't been any landmarks to go by after leaving the brook, so she couldn't even tell whether she was still headed west or not.

When Kallie emerged from the long and overgrown jungle path, a sinking feeling overtook her stomach. There, just outside of the treeline, was an old and dilapidated cemetary, and just beyond that was the chapel that she'd darted away from so quickly to avoid certain death. She was hesitant to approach the cemetary, afraid it might be connected to the church and, thus, a dangerzone.

Her nerves were calmed, however, as she heard the distant sound of quite familiar voices in the area -- signifying not only that people were around, making the cemetary a clear zone -- and also signifying that she had managed to run into people she knew once again. Whether it was for good or bad, though, had yet to be determined. Kallie moved quietly through the foliage, searching for the voices echoing from the area.

Two were male -- one was very distinctly familiar. The other was almost completely inaudible, but it sounded like a female's, although she hadn't a clue whose voice it might be. She remained quiet, still searching for the figures, hoping that if Matt had indeed followed her to the graveyard that he had enough common sense to sit back and stay quiet.

She moved closer, and immediately, the informal -- and bordering on rude -- voice that echoed out from the area registered in her mind. Guy Rapide. She only caught the tail end of his sentence, and he seemed to be saying something about a black hole. A look of confusion crossed Kallie's features. What did a black hole have to do with anything?

She kept moving, as quietly as she could. Finally, she caught a glimpse of the group. She had been correct. There were three of them, two of whom were very familiar to her. The first was Guy, although she'd figured that out moments beforehand. The other guy was the reason she'd left the cottage in the first place. Ken Lawson, the student who had initiated a flood of distrust on the group of people who had gathered at the cottage.

The third person was a girl. Kallie leaned forward a bit and squinted her eyes, trying to identify the figure. She racked her brain desperately, trying to place a name to the face, but nothing came. The girl seemed quiet and mousy. It was quite possible that even if she'd seen her in the hallways, she'd never noticed her before.

The three seemed like a motley crew, at best. Guy and his female companion seemed like they were in the process of leaving Ken Lawson behind. She couldn't help but smirk slightly at the thought. Guy should've had enough sense to ditch Ken at the cottage like everyone else had, but he had always been a little lacking in the common sense department.

She found herself with two options.

She could move out into the field and call out to the group or she could continue to watch from the bushes. Guy had been one of the people she was looking for, and even though Danya's announcement had accused him of locking someone in the freezer, he didn't exactly look as though he was playing. Instead, he seemed like he had teamed up with the girl following along at his coattails.

She quickly decided that staying in the bushes would get her nowhere fast. After a brief moment of hesitation, she pushed her way out of the foliage and undergrowth of the jungle and entered the eerie and rundown graveyard. Kallie's blue eyes searched this way and that, ensuring that no one was hiding in the foliage nearby, ready to lunge. The coast seemed to be clear.

"You know," Kallie sighed audibly as she nonchalantly approached the group, "It's funny how no matter where I go, I keep running into you people. You, I was looking for."

Of course, the comment was directed at Guy. Her attention immediately turned to Ken, though.

"You... not so much."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

((Continued from Discord))

Matt was pleased he was able to keep up with Kallie so effortlessly. However... her sense of direction left a lot to be desired. It didn't seem like they were anywhere near the mess hall. Kallie had been quiet the entire time they were on the move, and Matt really wasn't in the mood to talk. He doubted she even knew he was still following her. The duo ended up in a graveyard. Always a present place, he thought sarcastically. It had to be a good omen that the were in a graveyard after just recently escaping a chapel. Sarcasm again.

There were three people ahead of them. Two of which he recognized immediately as Guy Rapide and Ken Lawson. Not two people he was fond of after the cottage incident. The third was a girl. He thought her name was Alice, but he couldn't be sure. Kallie seemed to be weighing the situation. She started to leave the barrier of the foliage and approach the group. Matthew sighed and followed like the lost puppy he had seemed to turn into. He gave a brief nod in the direction of the group as Kallie started conversation.

"I guess it's good to see you again... but I really don't want to decide that just yet." He narrowed his eyes at Guy.

"I need a question answered, not that I'm accusing you or anything, but what exactly happened at the Mess Hall? I don't trust Danya for shit, but you were there."
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Post by Buko »

And just when Guy was ready to abandon this graveyard and go looking for the friend he had spent most of the last day searching for, said friend approached the scene and Guy's face elated with excitement was visibly easy to see as he turned to Alice and pointed towards the scantily dressed Majors girl with a large smile as if to say, 'here she is!'. When Kallie came and spoke in her usual blunt tone Guy couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with a sense of nostalgia; Burton, spoke in riddles; Alice barely spoke at all; But Kallie? Kallie spoke Guy's language and the whiplash that was caused by her sarcasm was almost as loud as the necks that seemed to break when she walked into the room.

Guy, who usually responded with a joke or comment decided to be quiet at this very moment and do what would only come naturally, he went and gave his friend a very big hug (though due to the fact that it was a hug from Guy it placed his head in awkward positions and gave no sense of security), but Guy paid no mind to it and instead simply smirked wildly.

"Don't you ever walk out like that again young lady!", he said mockingly in a high pitched voice before waving his finger like some sort of angry house wife, "I was worried sick!"

As he grabbed Alice's wrist to prepare for some introductions the happiness on his face disappeared as he saw Matthew Wittany approach the scene, the photographer? Guy was, perhaps one of the few aware of the habit, being a Parkour artist meant that one way aware of his surroundings as to make use of his own environment: a figure taking pictures of the shirtless baseball team was pretty easy to spot once you've got your eyes trained for it. And of course the boy was asking questions about the Mess Hall, he didn't quite see what mattered about it, he didn't kill Alex, fuck that's all that should matter, but Guy noticed that now he was sandwiched in between Matthew and Ken...

This fuckin' sucks.

"Y'know Wittany, just some good clean fun," he smirked, "Took Alice here to a nice candle lit dinner, talked about the world and how the fuckin' stock market's about to crash...", he blinked at him, "Whaddya think happened? Alex freaked out and attacked me of course!"
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

"Huh...?" Alice noticed Guy's sudden change in expression, that look of utter joy and relief as he looked towards two figures that were fast approaching. Alice looked towards them, somewhat puzzled. Were they Guy's friends? The ones he said he wanted to look for? It seemed that way...the way they were interacting.

She shyly hung back a bit as Guy hugged one of the newcomers that approached. A girl...Alice couldn't help but notice. She was so pretty. Like...a movie star, or a fashion model. Maybe prettier than a model... Next to her, Alice was probably a mousy little troll, wasn't she? This girl seemed like the sort of person who'd be outgoing and popular, for Alice recognized her face, but didn't know her exact name.

Alice remained where she was, a distance away as the two friends hugged each other. They seemed rather close, actually... Alice couldn't help but feel, well...out of the loop.

Then again, wasn't she always? It just felt strange this time... and that was because...

For a while, she felt as though her existence were being acknowledged, that others were treating her like a real person instead of a shadow in the corner... but now that Guy's friends were here, maybe he would ignore her from now on.

Her shoulders sank a bit as she sighed inaudibly. That was understandable...Guy probably made better friends with someone who could keep up with him, conversation-wise. And someone who wasn't such a...

What did he call her back then? A black hole?

... ._.

The other boy was someone she couldn't quite recognize...but it didn't seem that Guy and this person were close at all, judging by the way they talked with each other...

Alice was taken by surprise as Guy suddenly took her by the wrist and pulled her over, seemingly to make her part of the group that they were making. As she was pulled along, she lost balance and nearly fell, overstepping a bit and stopping herself just before she bumped into Kallie. Turning red, she stepped back, and looked down...presenting herself in a somewhat timid, nervous manner.

"H-hello..." She murmured quietly, her voice barely a whisper. She felt rather embarrassed addressing a large group, but it'll probably be no more than a minute before they forgot she was even there...

But at the other boy's somewhat accusing tone, Alice found that she had to speak up, "...Uh, uhm...it probably seems as though Guy was the one who tried to kill him...but it's not true. Guy's not a murderer... he was just trying to defend himself, not kill anyone...it's true."
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Post by Megami* »

((Since Adam's away with school and stuff, I'm gonna go ahead and post. Image ))

The much shorter Guy Rapide embraced Kallie, and she could only stare somewhat blankly at the other student. It wasn't like she wasn't glad to see him or anything like that, but Guy had never been what one could refer to as the touchy-feely type unless he was trying to cope a feel or had some sort of other perverted intention behind it. To receive a hug out of nothing but happiness from him was strange at best.

Of course, she wasn't the slightest bit surprised when he tried to make light of the situation by joking. She didn't doubt that he had genuinely been worried about her. After all, she was worried sick about all of her friends, including him. To be honest, she was almost surprised he wasn't dead yet. It seemed he hadn't said the wrong thing to the wrong person just yet.

Guy quickly moved over, dragging the girl that had been standing beside him over toward Kallie by the wrist. He stopped midway, though, when he noticed Matt Wittany walk out of the bushes and address him. Kallie's eyes narrowed slightly as Matt began his interrogations of Guy. Of course, Guy's mouth sounded off before Kallie could address Matt herself.

Instead, she opted to shoot Matt a dirty look. She really hadn't wanted him to tag along with her, but he seemed to insist on following her around. If he wanted to be her shadow, he needed to act like a shadow, and stay quiet. He was definitely overstepping his boundaries right now, and he wasn't earning her respect at all.

Much to her surprise, the seemingly shy and mousy girl that Guy had all but cast in front of Kallie suddenly spoke up, albeit very quietly. A light smirk formed in the corner of Kallie's mouth as the shorter girl adamantly defended Guy, declaring that he wasn't a murderer. She might have been very timid, but at the moment, Kallie liked this girl far more than Wittany.

"Well, there you have it," Kallie shot toward Matt with a scowl, "If you're not satisfied, you could always... you know, stop following me."

She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and turned her attention back to Guy and Alice. Out of the corner of her eye, she was trying to keep watch on Matt, as well as Ken Lawson. Of the two, Matt had already proven that he didn't have it in him to attack someone, but that Lawson boy, she was very unsure about.

"You know something?" Kallie spoke up, folding her arms across her chest and narrowing her brow in contemplation, "Something strange is up with the announcements. I've known you far too long not to believe you, and... quite honestly, you're an open book. I think anybody could tell if you were lying, Guy. So then... what kind of game is Danya trying to play?"

Her eyes trailed down and to the side momentarily before shooting back up to look at the somewhat large group again.

"He said Keith tried to shoot somebody, too," she reiterated, "But... I just don't buy it. It's almost like he's warping the stories... trying to turn the kids against one another. Maybe we're just not dying fast enough to suit him, or something. I don't know, but something strange is going on... and I don't like it."

If Danya's goal was to instill fear in the students and cause descent in the groups, it seemed to be working superbly. Even Kallie had momentarily thought her friends to be murderers, and even now, that might be the case. Guy had this girl, "Alice", to vouche for him... and to be honest, if she hadn't been there, Kallie might have doubted Guy's story a lot more.

"We need to find Keith and Darnell," she announced after a moment, "And... what about you?"

Her attention turned to Alice and she smiled warmly at the girl. Kallie had formed a natural dislike for most women throughout her years -- most of them always seemed jealous and bitter toward her, and the fact was, most of them were. But, Alice seemed like a nice girl. She was so quiet and timid that Kallie didn't see her as being some sort of threat, and she didn't pick up the bad vibes she seemed to get from so many other people.

"Do you have any friends you want to find? Do you... know somebody who's good with electronics, maybe?"

Although it had been in passing, Kallie had definitely thought about the cold metallic collar strapped to her neck. Thinking about escape or rallying together almost wasn't an option unless they could get rid of those things. The collars served as Danya's stranglehold on them. Without them, he had no way of controlling the game.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Matthew felt like a complete idiot. The few remaining specks of respect Kallie may have had for him (though he doubted there were any at all) were most certainly gone now. Guy had all but made a fool out of him, and he once again found himself becoming the quiet, shy boy he'd always been in school. He sighed slightly and felt a nervous blush covering his cheeks.

"L-look... So-sorry I accused you... I'm j-just a bit nervous..." He hung his head and decided to stay quiet. He wasn't welcome here anyway. These people were all nice. He was nothing like them. He was scum... just like Andy had said. He was pure scum.

When Kallie asked Alice if she knew anyone that was good with electronics a name suddenly skyrocketed into matt's mind.

"Kallie... if you're looking for someone who can work electronics... then i know the perfect person." He smiled faintly. "Lucy O'Donnell! She was in the top of our class! She won all those science awards and technology awards. I'll bet she could help us if we found her." Matt smiled. He felt as if he were adding to their plight.
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Post by Cactus »

"You do know...that's exactly how he works, yeah?"

The laid-back voice of Ken Lawson permiated through the conversation that was going on - for now he'd simply been an uncertain afterthought in the grand scheme of things. But now after this group was seemingly plotting their next move, Ken knew that leaving himself out would be an ill-advised idea. Their predicament wasn't one that was easily solved - especially if they truly wanted to escape and remove the collars that held them prisoner to Danya and his sick game. But as they speculated that Danya was trying to turn them against one another, Ken couldn't help but speak up.

"You've got to know that this Danya cat...this is the kind of stuff he's always done. He's put us in a game where our very livelihood is on the line, and he's not above messing with us to encourage violence. You may not believe me, Guy, and you may believe that I'm just some whacked-out hippy who doesn't know his head from his ass, but you've gotta' know...what I told ya? It's the truth. The real Ken Lawson, he died in Survival of the Fittest - under the alias of Burton Harris, but it was Kenny all the same, dude. You don't want to believe me? No problemo, dude. I'll just be on my way and I'll take my knowledge of electronics to another intrepid band of adventurers. It's no charade, dude...it's the truth."

Ken straightened up and ran his hand through his long hair. He let the revelation sink in to Guy and the rest of his associates, and then turned and began to walk away from the group.
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by Buko »

Guy was surprised.

Despite the fact that he was a strong personality, it seemed that either him or Kallie where becoming the heads of this group and with Alice's loyalty to him, Kallie's faith that despite the fact that Guy had a big mouth he'd be a safe bet. Wittany, seemed to be following Kallie and Ken or Burton, whomever this guy was seemed adamant on proving to Guy his trustworthiness. Guy, was confused, he wasn't used to leading and whenever he did things seemed to turn out for the worse.

"Look," he said calmly, "If Danya's really playin' this game where he's turnin' us all against each other than there is nothing we can do...", he shook his head calmly, "Besides what if he's right? What if this Harris kid -who the fuck is he?- really did electrocute the fuck out of Josh Goodman? We can't be goin' on precontrived notions of goodness and shit...Danya could've lead us on this announcement to tell us the truth the next, simply so we don't believe him."

Guy paused.

"Kallie, Ken," he addressed them, "You guys are a lot smarter than me, I know that for sure," he looked at Alice, "You're probably smarter than me as well," and then he looked at Wittany, "You, I don't know so much," he chuckled a bit to make sure that the joke went across and then he simply looked towards the ground as the revelation hit him.

"You guys know as well as I do that there is only one way out of this thing," he spat to the ground, "Fuck, the way outta this thing sat next to me in math and I tell you now, it ain't that pretty...", he laughed, "Besides if we come close to breaking the collars Danya's not going to risk letting us do anything, he risked it last game and loss so much goddamn ratings...he's a sick fuck, he wants everyone in the goddamn country to watch us kill ourselves...if we escape, he ain't got no show."

He paused.

"It's great that we're scheming to get out of here, but let's be honest with each other...two groups of kids have already tried and they've all failed, what makes us different?"
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Alice seemed rather content to hang by the sidelines as the group around her conversed...she didn't really have much to add to their discussion, plus it wasn't in her to speak up when other people were talking. She quietly listened, exchanging glances towards Guy, Ken, and the two newcomers as they spoke... She did smile a bit shyly towards Kallie in return, but shook her head no at both of her questions. Alice was somewhat surprised to be honest. Other girls, the sociable, pretty, and popular ones... back at school, they'd never acknowledge her existence like this.

It was certainly a different sort of experience, Alice thought to herself, blinking abit.

As she stood quietly listening to the discussion, she noticed that boy that was called Wittany... like her, this boy seemed a bit out of the loop. Left out for the most part, though he did try to include himself in the discussion. Nevertheless, Alice couldn't help but be somewhat reminded of herself...

The discussion went to collars next, it seemed. Alice had not even noticed hers, it was hidden right underneath the collar of her thick turtleneck. Now that she noticed it, it was a bit uncomfortable, smothering the skin of her neck a bit. She felt it now, curiously, even tugging a bit at it experimentally....but then she decided it was probably a bad idea. >_>

...The others seemed to know what they were talking about, Alice could only wring her hands with uncertainty as they discussed what to do about their situation... As usual? Alice didn't understand the half of it. She'd never watched this thing called SOTF... She barely knew what it was all about and the reason behind it, regardless of what Guy had explained to her.

Everyone was so knowledgeable, and they seemed to know what they were doing, and how to deal with the situation. Alice? She didn't know anything really. It seemed that either Kallie or Guy would lead, and of course Alice didn't have it in her to lead a group. She could always follow them around, but she didn't really have anything to contribute to the effort...did she?

When Ken just up and started to leave, Alice suddenly moved towards him, and before she knew it, she had grabbed the end of his sleeve, not outright pulling at it, but grasping it tightly enough to stop him from moving another step.

"Ken, I...." She swallowed a bit, trying to find the right words to speak. "...Don't leave? ...You might not trust us...but..but I think it's dangerous out there. D-don't you think that...it's better to stay here? ...Where there's other people here, and not one of those killers...Just stay for now?"

"It's great that we're scheming to get out of here, but let's be honest with each other...two groups of kids have already tried and they've all failed, what makes us different?"

At the question, Alice found herself saying the first thing that popped into her head.

"...Um... they're dead... and we're still alive?"

She covered her mouth. @_@ That was a stupid thing to say, wasn't it? She should've kept quiet. Alice turned a bit red with embarrassment, hanging her head and looking towards the ground abit.
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Post by Megami* »

Kallie had been hoping that this Alice girl had hung around with some of the techno-nerds from school or something. The girl seemed quiet and pretty withdrawn, so if she had a crowd, it seemed like it would be those type of people. No such luck, unfortunately. Alice simply shook her head no in response, and Kallie frowned slightly.

Instead, it was Matthew who spoke up, insighting Kallie to turn her head toward the student she'd been trying to rid herself of for the entirety of the first day on the island. He suggested they find Lucy O'Donnell. She hadn't been a personal friend of Kallie's, but Kallie's locker had been beside her, so she at least knew who the other girl was. That, and her name was always in the school paper for winning this or that.

Overall, Lucy seemed as good a bet as any.

Ken, too, spoke up. Only, his words made no sense at all to Kallie. He began speaking about how it was simply Danya's style to turn the people he had abducted against one another, which they had already come to the conclusion of sometime prior. But then he said something that completely threw her for a loop, talking about how "the real Ken Lawson" was dead. Wasn't he standing in front of them?

A quizzical expression appeared on the blonde's features as she stared at "Ken". She hadn't been around to witness the startling revelation that Guy and Alice had been subjected to, and she had no idea that the student standing before her was actually someone by the name of Burton Harris. So, needless to say, she found herself utterly befuddled by Ken's words.

Before she could say anything else, talks jumped back to escape and Ken, or whoever he was, started to walk away from the group. Right now, Kallie was simply trying to wrap her head around all the information that was currently flooding it. Danya seemed to be manipulating the announcements, but if they chose not to listen to the announcements, they could very well wind up dead when someone actually was playing.

Escape seemed more and more like an option when people started spewing off names of knowledgeable students, and Ken himself seemed to be quite knowledgeable in regards to electronics. Of course, now, because of something Guy had apparently said to him before Kallie had shown up, it appeared that his interest in staying with the group was waning.

Guy also seemed doubtful of any plan to escape. He openly chastised the idea, stating that they had virtually no hope of escaping when people had tried in the past two games and failed miserably. While it might have been true that no one had succeeded yet, Kallie couldn't see herself just laying down and dying, or letting the people she cared about get killed. It wasn't even an option to "play" the game that way.

She snapped immediately out of her thoughts, casting her eyes toward Alice to see her gently gripping Ken's sleeve and begging him not to leave the group. In the same breath, she seemed to have a rather witty response to Guy's statement, and one that happened to bring a light smile to Kallie's features. Kallie took a moment to gather herself and exhaled deeply, trying to make sense of everything she'd been told over the past few moments.

"Alright..." she stated slowly, her eyes scanning each member of the group before her, "Honestly guys... Alice is right. It's that simple. The people who tried to escape before are dead, and we're not. Not yet. And... I don't know about you guys, but I'm not going to lay down and die, and I'm not going to 'play' this little game just because some sick fuck tells me I have to kill you or you'll kill me, because quite frankly, I think that's a crock of shit. We have about four choices here. We can group together and use our numbers to kill everybody else on the island, then free-for-all it at the end... which, quite honestly, I'm not willing to do. We can cling desperately to one another and try to survive, eventually dying horrible deaths one by one and suffering all kinds of emotional trauma as we watch each other die... we can all go our separate ways, meet up with another group of people, and face the same obstacles as we are now..."

Kallie paused a moment, taking a deep breath.

"Or... we can use what time we have left to do something productive and try to think of a way to get ourselves out of this situation. I don't know about you all, but if I die, I'd rather die trying to get out of this think than sitting around waiting to be slaughtered. Whether you want to do the same or not is your choice, but you have to think... if we don't try to do something, every last one of us will be dead within the next few days, and that's a cold fact of life. If we at least try, no matter how small the chance, we might, just maybe, figure out a way to beat the game, screw the system, and go back home."

She nodded her head in affirmation of her own words. It was easy to get caught up in them, especially considering just how strongly Kallie believed them. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that a day from now, she could be dead. As surreal as it all seemed, it was a very big possibility, and she'd desperately struggled with that fact for a while. But, she'd truly realized their circumstances some time ago, and she was certain of one thing...

If she was going to die here, on this island, she was going to put the people behind it through hell first.

"Matt said Lucy was good with electronics, and Ken said he knew about them too... the more people we can find that are pretty good in the science department, the higher our chances of actually succeeding and getting the collars off. Once they're off, there's nothing Danya can do. He can't control us anymore... and then, it's just a matter of getting off the island, and... there's got to be a way... something nobody's thought of up until now. We aren't a bunch of thirteen year old freshmen running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and that's how we're different from everyone else that tried before, Guy. We're far too old to let someone like Danya intimidate us into doing his bidding."

Her attention turned back to Ken, and the inquisitive expression that had passed over her features earlier immediately formed again. Kallie cleared her throat before addressing the boy.

"By the way, Ken... I'm sorry for bringing this up, but I'm pretty sure I just heard you say you were dead. Unless you're a ghost, in which case, I'm gonna be really pissed 'cause I don't wanna spend eternity on this island... then... ya wanna explain exactly what you meant?"
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Post by Buko »


Guy would like to say that he was paying attention to what the girls where exactly thinking, but that...that would be a gracious lie. Escaping? That would be acknowledging one thing and that thing was the scariest thing in the world as far as Guy was concerned, if there was a way out, if the group promised to find a way out then their main goal ceased being survival. Once the goal was no longer survival, tactical retreat was no longer an option and when that wasn't an option, Guy would have to step up and take responsibility for the entire group. This in and of itself was a huge dilemma, Guy wasn't even sure how he felt about himself much less about potentially putting his life on the line to save someone else's life.

Matthew Wittany and Burton Harris, strangely enough while their position in the whole group was the most enigmatic Guy found it very easy to p-lace them in an entirely separate tier between Kallie and Alice. They, well they where not to be trusted. Wittany? Anyone who paid attention to their surroundings knew that Wittany was what amounted to the high school version of a paparazzi. Wittany lived to catch people at their weakest and in this game? Well, he might just plan on catching someone at their weakest and then taking them out, permanently. Harris? Guy wasn't even exactly sure if that was his real name and the whole SOTF fiasco that he was talking about...that made Guy apprehensive. No matter, if they had a little group, these two, these two just couldn't be a part of it.

Kallie Majors. In a way she personified everything Guy would want in a woman, she was easy to talk to, pretty to look at, and overall pretty smart. She was a good ally, that is, Guy felt that she was strangely too much of a good ally. She was a big sister to him, hell she had helped him sort things out when he faced what was perhaps the most scariest thing he had ever had to face earlier this year, Guy respected her, respected her way too much to ever make a move on her. Maybe that's why the two had leaned on each other? Guy being who he was he never must've elicited that much interest in her eyes and the fact that he had no interest in her...

Well, that was the main problem as well. A lot of people DID like Kallie and for every love interest that Kallie Majors had even a fragment of interest in Guy went down a rung in the proverbial ladder. Kallie, Kallie was a valuable ally. Guy, just wished he could say that he was the same in her presence.

And finally there came Alice Jones. She, well she was causing the most distress at the moment. She was, definitely an acquired taste and he couldn't deny that his recent mixed emotions to her was probably a result of the entire setting, but he felt a strange thing when he looked at Alice. He felt...brave. Most people when they look at the confident Guy Rapide see him as someone who knows no fear, but that would be a lie. Guy had spent his entire life looking for exits. Looking for a way to escape his problems, he had no idea what it was about Alice. Her submissive nature probably made him feel much more confident in himself. Her childish looks made him feel like more of an adult. Or maybe the occasional bursts of wisdom that would come out of her mouth, but Alice? Guy felt like if he was going to make it out of this he would need to have her as a counterbalance for his own rashness.

He nodded silently as he came to the conclusion that out of the entire group, Alice and Kallie where the only ones worth staying around with and if he had to ever save one of them...Alice was more valuable. It was a tough conclusion and even as it rang true in his mind, he somehow tried to find a way to play this off as Alice stringing him along...but he couldn't. Somehow, someway not only did he trust Alice, but he wanted to trust her and that's what truly caused Guy's words to erupt at that very moment.

"I'll tell ya the story later Kal," he said calmly, "Right now the sun is at it's highest point and me and Alice have stayed here for far too damn long, we've rested enough...", he stared at the two boys on either side of them, "We gotta get goin'," he sighed, "I'm down for whatever you and Alice plan, but I just...just you two and the guys,"

He looked down to the ground.

"Last night Danya told us that nine people where killed, all of those people where killed by different kids...", he sounded a bit weak at this point as if tears where building up, "I don't just wanna bring people into our group that I can't trust with my life, that I can't trust myself to wanna save."

He stared at Wittany and Burton.

"Truly guys, you're better off findin' a group that can put themselves out for you, but as of right now...I'm sorry, but it just ain't me."

And with that Guy Rapide started walking out of the graveyard, book bag filled with rations. Gun filled with bullets. And a pocket filled with one knife, he looked towards Kallie and Alice and smirked.

"You guys comin' or what?"

((Continued in Alive Out of Habit))
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Matt felt a bit happy that something he said added to the group's goals. He felt sort of like he was being useful, a feeling he rarely got. He even felt as if he were slightly earning Kallie's respect. He'd become something of friends with Lucy after all the interviews he'd done with her, so convincing her to join their group would be a snap once they found her. Alice seemed nice enough as well, even if she was a bit soft spoken. Ken seemed alright... but Matt wasn't sure about him any more. The used to get along fine when in the news room, but the previous morning's words had left Matt in doubt of him.

Guy however, just plain annoyed Matt. Guy couldn't trust them? Ken, yeah. He was the one who started all the crap the previous morning. But Matt had done nothing that offered any kind of distrust. But it wasn't as if Matthew trusted Guy completely either. He trusted Kallie, not with his life by any means, but he trusted her to be a strong person. Alice had done nothing to seem untrustworthy. Ken... well... Matt didn't trust him either. Guy wasn't on his top list of people to hide out and escape with though.

"Well Guy, I don;t really trust you either. In fact, I have no reason to trust any of you. But I have no reason not to trust any of you either. I'm gambling my survival on the hope that we'll be able to work together. That's a risky bet, but I'm willing to take it... " he sighed and mumbled, " It's not as if I have anyone on the island who would trust me anyway... you need friends for that..."

Guy started to leave, and asked Alice and Kallie to go with him. Matt turned to Kallie.

"If you want me to leave, I will." He frowned. " But you're the only one who's shown any semblence of kindness to me. I'd like to continue on with you..."
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Alice let go of Ken's sleeve and looked back towards the discussion that was taking place. They were all talking about escaping, and Alice knew she had to help out somehow. If they didn't, they could all die, couldn't they? Alice didn't want to die, but she could never kill anyone, willingly or not. Well, the idea of killing was just so loathesome beyond words that she could never kill anyone willingly... but she doubted that she could hold out on her own against someone wanting to take her life. Even in self-defense. The encounter at that cafeteria seemed to be proof of that...

So really, escape was what they had to do right? But could they do it...? Alice herself didn't know what she could do to help in the effort. Kallie and Wittany seemed hopeful at least, she wasn't too sure about Ken...

And as for Alice herself? Well... she didn't know what to think about the idea of escaping. Escaping was all and well, but could they do it? There were just so many risks, so many uncertainties.. But it was either that or just wait until one of the killers found them first....

She didn't know what to do. But no matter what happened to her, she just wanted someone beside her when it did happen.

And as for Guy? Well, Alice had been watching Guy for a while, silently... he didn't say anything to indicate what he was really feeling, but she could sense the anxiety churning inside him. It showed better than Guy would realize, but Alice kept it to herself, meekly remaining on the sidelines to the exchange of discussion...

"Truly guys, you're better off findin' a group that can put themselves out for you, but as of right now...I'm sorry, but it just ain't me."

Alice wondered to herself about this statement. It was clear that Guy was troubled, no matter what sort of facade he tried to put on. And who wouldn't be in a situation like this?

Then again...everyone else is scared for their lives. Maybe his anxiety runs deeper than that?

Her eyes widened as he started to leave. In a moment of panic, she thought....was he leaving her behind?

But then he looked back and asked if they were going to come along. She blinked in surprise and then hurried over to catch up with him, nearly tripping over a gravestone and falling over in the process.

"I'm...I'm coming with you..." Alice stammered as she made her way to walk alongside him.

((Continued in Alive Out of Habit))
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Post by Megami* »

((Sorry if this seems a little off.))

As quickly as things seemed to have taken a turn for the better, they once again took a turn for the worse. Almost out of nowhere, Guy seemed to decide that sticking around with Ken and Matt wasn't the best of ideas on the island, and more or less disbanded the group that was forming in the cemetary. All in all, it was a foolish move.

The fact was, without Ken and Matt, they were two people shorter. Honestly, Kallie would have much rather had Keith and Darnell than Ken and Matt, but the fact was, nearly two days had passed on the island and she had yet to run into Keith at all, and she hadn't seen Darnell since she'd made the mistake of leaving the cottage a day or so ago. So, as much as she might have preferred to have people besides the two standing with them now, the fact was, they needed to work with the hand that they were dealt.

Guy didn't seem to be seeing things that way, though. She wasn't sure what had happened between Guy and Ken, but apparently what ever it had been had been enough to cause a huge rift between the two students and form a lot of distrust on Guy's end. Besides all that, Ken was the one who had more or less planted the seeds of paranoia in everyone's mind at the cottage. Someone who seemed to make a hobby of turning people on one another might not have been the best ally to have around.

And then there was Matt. The words that he was uttering to her at that moment might have made her laugh hysterically under different circumstances. She had shown him kindness? She truly didn't see how. In fact, she seemed to remember telling him back at the brook that if they got into a bad situation, she wouldn't hesitate to feed him to the wolves to save her own skin. But, for some strange, deranged reason, Matt seemed to consider that "kindness".

Kallie sighed quietly. Guy had already opened his mouth and severed any bonds that might have been forming with this group. Whether it would be for the better or worse would only be determined by time. At this point, even if they stayed together, they would only turn on one another one by one. Too much distrust had built up. And so, Kallie found herself left with only one choice.

To leave.

It was obvious that people were going to be headed their separate ways, and soon. In fact, Guy and Alice were slowly heading off into the distance as she dileberated. She could remain with Ken, though it didn't seem like the best of ideas seeing as she didn't feel she could really trust him. She could remain with Matt, although the same situation applied to him. She could follow Guy and Alice. Or, lastly, she could set off on her own once again onto the island.

The fact was, Kallie had seen Guy as somewhat of a little brother throughout her time at Southridge, so if she planned on doing anything, it was following he and Alice. At least that way, she could keep an eye on him and hopefully keep him out of trouble. Besides all that, Kallie got the feeling that her goals of finding Keith and Darnell would be much more recognized by Guy than by Matt or Ken.

"Do what you want," she told Matt with a shrug before turning on her heel and heading off after Guy and Alice.

((Continued in Alive Out of Habit))
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