at Dawn

Overrun with tall grass and moss creeping up the unreadable tombstones, the graveyard is an eerie place no matter what time of day or night. The grass is dry and dead, and the whole area reeks with the stench of ancient corpses. Death looms over this place, and it seems he's searching for another victim to add to his roster.
Posts: 126
Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:53 am


Post by dinah_shore* »

Emma found herself looking into John's eyes again. They were bright with excitement and...something else. She felt a little disturbed by it.

Then Emma realized that he had stopped talking.

Where did he say we were going?

"Um, yeah. Let's get on that." She noticed his hand, palm up and expecting. Gingerly, she dropped the tire iron into his hand, hoping that's what he'd wanted her to do.

"Let's go, then..." she said, getting up in the nasty, cold rain.

((Emma continued elsewhere....))
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