I Love Rock 'n' Roll

Formerly an Open Field. The crashed remains of the terrorists' helicopter lay in the middle of the field, providing some shelter to whomever prefers to use it. Fair warning, though, of all the lurkers around the area looking for the baddies.
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I Love Rock 'n' Roll


Post by Theseus* »

((continued from Sinners Inc.))

Jeremy kept his car at a steady pace, no reason to go very fast, as he kept checking his rearview mirror waiting for the girl to follow in her car. He had seen her break the window as he left, and he just focused on getting away from her. He felt the stinging all through his body, for it was shutting down. How many days on this island? 6 or 7? Jeremy didn't care, but he had taken a lot of beating over these days, and now he was paying for it. Mainly from that ballerina. Jeremy just coughed and laughed a little.

I thought the good guys always won in the end...

Jeremy intended to make that true, he may not be able to win this game, but he didn't want to. Winning the game just proved that he lost to the game, and Jeremy wasn't going to lose or die to this game. He would make his own rules, he would choose his fate.

He smiled as instinctively he pressed the power button to the radio. Nothing but static as he pressed through the channels. He started pressing fast, focusing more on the hope of finding something then driving, then he heard a sound, then static. He had passed up a working station. Going back he heard the end of a song and the start of a new one.

Jeremy just shook his head surprised, if finding cars wasn't big enough, it was the fact that there was actually a working station, it was probably set on auto-dj or something. Jeremy listened to see what it was, hoping it was something good, and when the beat kicked in, he was happy. He turned up the volume as loud as he could.

I saw him dancin' there by the record machine
I knew he must a been about seventeen
The beat was goin' strong

Jeremy saw the girls car appear in his rearview mirror, and he looked behind him to see that she was indeed there. Jeremy started to press more on the gas peddle, going faster, then he started to make a circle, so his car was facing the girls, and he sped right past her, making sure his shotgun was rested on the rolled down window, he pulled the trigger with his right hand, while steering with his left. He fired twice as he passed the car.

Playin' my favorite song
An' I could tell it wouldn't be long
Till he was with me, yeah me, singin'

Letting the handle of the shotgun drop down as he put both hands on the steering wheel he drove past the girl again, this time he started singing as loudly as he could with the chorus of the song.

I love rock n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock n' roll
So come an' take your time an' dance with me

Jeremy was still singing with the song as he sped his car around the area, trying to find a path to exit, so he can find a new location to continue this soon to be car battle.
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Post by riserugu* »

She had been taking a rather slow driving pace, unsure of driving fast of the terrain of the island – though soon enough the other’s car came into view she giving it a curious look as Luci noted it speeding up somewhat in order to make a circle about the field and coming back toward her at a fastest pace – blaring music reaching her as he came even closer. The sight of the end barrel of the shotgun becoming clear in her view from where it was pressed outside the window, her lips forming into a sharp frown.

With quick thought, her hand reached down and gripped at the small lever – pressing back hard as she felt the seat drop and foot pressing down on the brake as a thunderous crack from the shotgun filled the air, pellets ripping through out the upper half of the car; ripping into the windshield and passenger window, cracks spreading throughout the glass, she glancing off briefly as she pulled her seat back upright… turning to look toward where the other car had went off too.

He seemed to be searching for a way out, Luci taking the chance to speed up quickly, and turning went about facing the car, least another to get a shot out. Lifting the heavy shotgun she had taken from Stevan, the girl raised it, using the door as a prop and aiming toward the car – taking aim in the general area of where the other was in the vehicle, pulling back on the trigger of the large weapon – a similar crack of sound letting loose as the blast was sent forward. Her arms aching from the recoil, resting the weapon back down in her lap.

((Yeah. Short, sweet, and sucky... but I'm not feeling to hot at the moment and really am not in the mood for posting at all.))
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Post by Theseus* »

((haha we all have those days, no worries))

Jeremy watched as the girl's car came to face his, and heard the thunderous boom of a shotgun. His left rearview mirror exploded and Jeremy had to look behind him to see where the girl's car was. His song was now over but a new one was starting.

We dont need no education.
We dont need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teacher, leave those kids alone.
Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone!
All in all its just another brick in the wall.
All in all youre just another brick in the wall.

Jeremy knew the irony of this song, and felt like laughing, as if the song itself was mocking this entire game. Jeremy knew he needed to find a new spot to continue this battle, and he saw an exit. Slowing down he stopped the car and leaned out the window aiming his shotgun at the girl's car. He shouted, "All in all you're just another brick in the wall!"

That is what the girl was, just another brick, part of the system. She was just another killer in this game and Jeremy was different. He refused to play, and it was his refusal to play that put him in this situation now, battling it out in a car, with a hole in his side. leaned back in the car and places his shotgun back on his lap, and started to speed off towards the exit he saw.

((continued at Under Pressure))
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Post by Megami* »

(OOC: O...kay. *deep breath* Riser's instructed me to play the part of Luci from here on out so we can get this finished while she's on vacation so... here goes nothing.)

Luci watched with her one good eye as the boy in the car opposite hers came to a complete stop in the field. A wide grin spread across the girl's face as she headed toward him full-throttle, no longer concerned about the grassy and rut-filled terrain surrounding her, in a full-on attempt to t-bone the other boy's car and inflict some serious damage. That was when she was it. The narrow barrel of the boy's shotgun, once again pointed out the window directly toward the driver's seat of her own car.

Her eyes widened dramatically and she instinctively jerked the car to the left just as the boy pulled the trigger on the shotgun, causing a barrage of buckshot to once again fly toward her vehicle. With a skidding sound and a loud thud, the car jerked left and the buckshot once again sailed through the passenger's side window, cracking the glass even more and piercing the passenger's seat right next to Luci.

Breathing out a sigh of relief that she had evaded the gunfire once again, Luci went to raise up the shotgun to fire at the boy who was currently yelling random musings at her, only to suddenly be jarred from her seat as the car went over some sort of hump on the ground, making a creaking sound as Luci instinctively slammed on the breaks. From the corner of her good eye, Luci could see the boy take off through the treeline.

"Oh no, you're not getting away now," she mused.

She no longer cared what she'd just run over, and instead spun the car in almost a full 360, quite a feat in the middle of a rutted up and overgrown field. Accelerating rapidly, Luci shot off through the treeline in pursuit of the boy, ready and willing to end this thing. This wild goose chase was getting nowhere fast, and Luci was starting to get annoyed.

(Continued in: Under Pressure)
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