#5: One day at a time

At one time, this small set of barracks helped house the soldiers of the island. However, a freak accident blew half of them up, and left the other half in a state of disrepair. While they might still provide some sort of shelter, between the busted out windows, leaking roof, and gaping holes, it's only a step above being out in the open.
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#5: One day at a time


Post by Ciel* »

(Terrie and Brad continued from some thread with a really retarded name)

"... Hey Brad?"

"... Y-Yeah Terrie?"

Terrie stared at the ground, a blank look on her face. They had been sitting against the ruined barracks for awhile, just sitting in silence. Terrie's face had the longest look Brad had ever seen on a person, and for a moment he could almost guess what she was about to ask. She took a deep breath and spoke very calmly. "Do you think we'll ever get off? Are we just doomed and there's nothing we can do about it?"

A question Brad himself has been pondering for a long time. He looked away for a long time before replying. "I don't know Terrie.... I don't know. I don't think I'll ever know either..."

(continued elsewhere)
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Post by SOTF_Help »

((Footage Continued in Camera #6))
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