Fruits of Thine Labor

An endless shoreline spans the western portion of the island. The shore itself is quite desolate and is in desperate need of a bit of color on its pale white sands. Located on the western shore is a marina filled with boats and other water crafts. Shame they're all out of gas.
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Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:08 am


Post by laZardo* »

Damien let Charlie and his girlfriend walk away, and he walked backwards and away from them too as he left. He did not drop his aim or his gaze until they were safely out of sight...

...for which he quickly sheltered his gun, re-armed his bat and started to jog in the other direction.

I'm still alive, mom. Come and get me. I dare you, he thought...smiling all the while.

((Continued in Forever Falling: Part I))
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