Chloe Bruges
A math-savant, and all around nice person. She's both cool and rational and helpful and caring. A bit of an introvert, but not shy, with a small circle of closely-knit friends. Has her future planned out - a doctorate in mathematics, a husband, two kids, a small but comfortable home in some cosy university town where people spend their evenings drinking wine at dinner parties and watching the fireflies (don't tell her that can't happen - she won't like the taste of wine). Can't stand nonsense. Babysits for extra cash. A bit dumpy, with thick glasses, waist-long black hair tied in a braid and almost literal pitch-black skin.
I also decided she probably plays the clarinette. Her dad is also french by birth (hence the name change) and has taught her the language. She can speak it, though a little haltingly at times, and read it, though writing without spelling errors is rather difficult for her.
Kyle Harrison (Aura) - Romantic interest.
Yuki Hayashibara (Ryuki) - Math buddies.
Myles Roux (backslash) - Is/was his math tutor.
Blaise d'Aramitz (Empress Plush) - Absolute nonsense.
Tanisha Abbey (Laurels) - Friends.
Beryl Mahelona (Cicada Days) - Friends and math buddies.
William "Bill" Dover (Skraal) - They play together in the school band and she plays in his jazz group.
Skinny Trevor (NotAFlyingToy) - Considers him an idiot druggie.
Keisha Higgins-Bell (Somersault) - Gossipmonger. Can't comprehend how people stand that nonsense.
Abaynesh Dula (Somersault) - Study buddies.
Dante Valiero (Fenris) - Tutors him. Is NOT dating him, she turned him down (shut up, dad).
Lukas Nielson (jimmydalad) - At least one other person who has a healthy attitude towards sex education.
Akiem Hampton (Dr. Adjective) - Really nice guy.
Short, obese, and unmistakably Mexican, but with natural charisma and an enormous ego. Joey wants to be a politician - or rather, Joey can't wait for the rest of the world to notice he already is. Will run for any office he considers the most important - if he isn't class president, he'll have a rather large chip on his shoulder towards whoever is. Isn't as smart as he thinks he is, but he does have a knack for organising people and bureaucracy as a whole. He was the kid in nursery who stood at the front during song recitals, was the first on stage and the last to leave it; he loves attention. Has a straightforward way of dealing with bullies: summon bigger fish, be that larger kids he made friends with because of this, more kids he made friends with because of this, the teacher or the headmaster; he'll try to make the system work for him. Has read books on politics (The Art of War, The Prince, Rules for Radicals) and wants to be a community organiser after college as a way of kick-starting his career.
Not much to add here, except that he'll try to make friends with everyone who he think can benefit him, and some of the rest just for show. Expect your kid to have been approached by him, is what I'm saying. He is genuinely helpful and kind to those who accept this, though he'll feel mildly to majorly resentful of anyone who seems to be hindering rather than helping him. I want to write him for comedy, so expect funny quips, snark and lots of refuge in audacity (no slapstick or cringe comedy though - ok, maybe some slapstick. If it fits.)
He is also on the debate team and student council, because how could he not be? He's also catholic, though not very. He goes to parties, not because he enjoys the music or dancing, but because it gives him a chance to mingle with people who are a little more open than usual.
Romantically, he'd like to be the Casanova, but he knows he's not attractive, so settles for telling himself that won't matter when he's a senator. Speaking of his career, he'll try and get into law school first, and is polishing up his grades for that, but knows that there's a danger of him not reaching that and has no answer for if that happens. He'd just rather not think of it.
Big Addition: Put this here, and definitely want to do it, but adds enough to Joey that I want this to be seen. Joey will, as a part of building his network, try and do favours for people so he can cash them in sometime later. This also includes being the guy "who knows a guy", so he can provide things for other people by asking the people he knows to help him out. He'll also deliberately introduce people whose talents mesh. Both of the latter are used for getting favours too.
Tony Spicolli (Aura) - Muscle and respect.
Kyle Harrison (Aura) - Helpful homework guy.
Zachary Beck (Ryuki) - Irritating mosquito he'd love to swat.
Max Rudolph (CrossbowPig) - Debate team member and fellow catholic.
Isra Khalili (Aloha) - Useful reporter
Dorothea Rodriguez (SansaSaver) - A bit less useful reporter.
Ariana Simpson (SansaSaver) - Debate team member, school council member and friend.
Demetri Futscher (Cicada Days) - Go-to photographer.
Emeka "Meka" Gibson (Laurels) - Ideologically compromised.
Keisha Higgins-Bell (Somersault) - Debate team member and need-to-avoid incidious spreader of slander-- ahem, gossip.
Elijah "Eli" Lincoln (Randomness) - "He may think he's subtle, but the day he gets me on a treadmill is the day I give up politics. *Grumble grumble*"
Bryan Merryweather (Namira) - Likes him despite himself. Was absorbed by the everlasting power of brooooo.
Alison Bernhiesel (Aloha) - Debate team member, fellow, ah, christian (close enough) and most serious political rival. For now.
Lukas Nielson (jimmydalad) - His mother works in an irreputable business, but he's got a level head and know how to talk to people. Will avoid, but not alienate.
Chloe Bruges (Malloon) - Very good at math. Useful for homework and if there's ever a bomb whose off-switch password can only be accessed using an equation /s.
To keep this list from containing everybody, note that Joey knows of everybody, and tries to be known by everybody, too. If a kid isn't on the list, Joey just doesn't make plans around them. Or to a very limited degree.
Neo-Nazi. So only in a version where the kids are from a large city. Not very smart and from a poor family, Keith is frustrated at the world and has already decided what's to blame: the government, and the economy. He has easy scapegoats for why those two are bad. He's not had a good life, and likes to proclaim the right of the strongest, but he's never been in a fight before and is actually terrified of the idea. Nevertheless, he's a big dude, who has to look after his baby sister and opiate-addicted mother. His father works multiple shifts, and he looks up to him - he's where he got his racist ideas from. Has a gang, who he hangs around with to escape his responsibilities, and is very protective of them, as well as people in general who he doesn't hate. Probably very disliked, understandably.
He also plays basketball, though I'm not sure if he doesn't want to join the team, was on the team or was kicked off, or wasn't allowed to join in the first place. In any case, he's not on the team.
It's been remarked that Keith looks a bit like a pre-made player. I want to make it clear that that's not what I'm going for. Heck, I might even give him hemophobia just to settle that. Keith couldn't hurt a fly, but he might shout at the fly for ten minutes in frustration because of that fact. I'm expecting more enemies than friends for him, obviously. If his friends go to the same school, expect him to be a secondary figure in bullying, but still present.
The general idea of him is a lawful good neo-nazi, basically, tending to lawful. Yeah, the lawful side's f***ed up, but the good's still there, at his core. He probably won't live to see it reemerge, but stranger things have happened.
Almost forgot. Given the place, he's Southern Baptist. Forgets to go to chuch more often than he remembers, though.
Big Edit (though unlikely to affect how people see him): I've decided, after much debating with myself, to reveal upfront that Keith is depressed. His family life being shit, his responsibilities he can't shoulder and therefore avoids, him feeling he can't live up to his dad, his failing at school despite having been drilled on its importance by said dad, his failing even to properly rebel and win respect among his "true" peers that way and thinking he can't talk about his griefs with anyone have, over the years, sent him into a downward spiral. He does his absolute best not to show this, of course, and presents how he thinks he would act if he felt passionate about anything, basing this on the brief moments where it isn't that bad. I wanted to include this, because, while his actions won't change, I wanted to reveal his inner motivations and get people to understand him better.
Tony Spicolli (Aura) - Keith dislikes Tony. Tony and a friend of Keith's had a fight, while Keith egged him on.
Max Rudolph (CrossbowPig) - Someone to talk to and potentially recruit.
Bret Carter (Deamon) - Tolerates him.
Astor Maradona (backslash) - Strong enmity.
Damian Riccardo Maradona Reyes (Empress Plush) - Strong enmity.
Liibaan 'Lee' Abdikarim (Maraoone) - Strong enmity.
Emeka "Meka" Gibson (Laurels) - Really strong enmity.
Demetri Futscher (Cicada Days) - Someone else to talk to and potentially recruit.
Jeremiah "BLOO MAN" Rumple (Empress Plush) - Hates Keith more than most, for some reason.
William "Bill" Dover (Skraal) - In his face and in his way.
Scott Fischer - (Skraal) - Third person to talk to and potentially recruit.
Skinny Trevor (NotAFlyingToy) - Absolute contempt (as well as a little fear).
Dane Lennox (CondorTalon) - Is a stuck up prick who should learn to respect the blue-collar backbone of this country.
Lukas Nielson (jimmydalad) - Wat?
To simplify things: anybody Jewish or not "white" - Dislikes, to a greater or lesser degree
He also plays basketball, though I'm not sure if he doesn't want to join the team, was on the team or was kicked off, or wasn't allowed to join in the first place. In any case, he's not on the team.
It's been remarked that Keith looks a bit like a pre-made player. I want to make it clear that that's not what I'm going for. Heck, I might even give him hemophobia just to settle that. Keith couldn't hurt a fly, but he might shout at the fly for ten minutes in frustration because of that fact. I'm expecting more enemies than friends for him, obviously. If his friends go to the same school, expect him to be a secondary figure in bullying, but still present.
The general idea of him is a lawful good neo-nazi, basically, tending to lawful. Yeah, the lawful side's f***ed up, but the good's still there, at his core. He probably won't live to see it reemerge, but stranger things have happened.
Almost forgot. Given the place, he's Southern Baptist. Forgets to go to chuch more often than he remembers, though.
Big Edit (though unlikely to affect how people see him): I've decided, after much debating with myself, to reveal upfront that Keith is depressed. His family life being shit, his responsibilities he can't shoulder and therefore avoids, him feeling he can't live up to his dad, his failing at school despite having been drilled on its importance by said dad, his failing even to properly rebel and win respect among his "true" peers that way and thinking he can't talk about his griefs with anyone have, over the years, sent him into a downward spiral. He does his absolute best not to show this, of course, and presents how he thinks he would act if he felt passionate about anything, basing this on the brief moments where it isn't that bad. I wanted to include this, because, while his actions won't change, I wanted to reveal his inner motivations and get people to understand him better.
Tony Spicolli (Aura) - Keith dislikes Tony. Tony and a friend of Keith's had a fight, while Keith egged him on.
Max Rudolph (CrossbowPig) - Someone to talk to and potentially recruit.
Bret Carter (Deamon) - Tolerates him.
Astor Maradona (backslash) - Strong enmity.
Damian Riccardo Maradona Reyes (Empress Plush) - Strong enmity.
Liibaan 'Lee' Abdikarim (Maraoone) - Strong enmity.
Emeka "Meka" Gibson (Laurels) - Really strong enmity.
Demetri Futscher (Cicada Days) - Someone else to talk to and potentially recruit.
Jeremiah "BLOO MAN" Rumple (Empress Plush) - Hates Keith more than most, for some reason.
William "Bill" Dover (Skraal) - In his face and in his way.
Scott Fischer - (Skraal) - Third person to talk to and potentially recruit.
Skinny Trevor (NotAFlyingToy) - Absolute contempt (as well as a little fear).
Dane Lennox (CondorTalon) - Is a stuck up prick who should learn to respect the blue-collar backbone of this country.
Lukas Nielson (jimmydalad) - Wat?
To simplify things: anybody Jewish or not "white" - Dislikes, to a greater or lesser degree
Edit 2: Big edit to Keith (15 Sep)