Ain't nobody got time for this

Accessible from the asylum grounds through a door with a rusted lock, the bell tower was a pre-existing structure before the asylum was founded. Initially ignored as the staff had no real use for it, after a patient threw himself off of it, the bell tower was sealed with a heavy metal padlock. Despite this, it was still rung at certain times throughout the year, meaning the bell was still in good condition when the asylum was abandoned. Despite the lack of maintenance since, the bell and tower are still generally intact, although a few of the stairs may be slightly rotten. The padlock, however, rusted and appears to have been broken to allow access to the top of the tower. The top of the tower itself provides a nearly three hundred and sixty degree view over most of the island, although the safety rail doesn't appear capable of standing up to much force anymore.
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MK Kilmarnock
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"Glad, we, uh... we're on the same page here then," Jerry said while stuffing his hands into his pockets and swishing some spit around in his mouth awkwardly. He spit it off to the side and pulled the gun up again, pointing it off into the distance over the horizon. Unless there was a really unfortunate seagull somewhere out of his line of sight and somehow in the path of the bullet, he wasn't at risk of hitting anything.

"Well, we got a pretty powerful weapon. 'Specially against living things," Jerry rambled. "So that means we're better off than most of the schmucks around here, plus we're workin' in numbers. I say that with a quick sweep around the point - if Trav's here, we'll find him." It was the best he got. Man, Jerry knew he wasn't good at this speech shit. He let fists or legs do the talking, and preferably both because his jaw just wasn't up to task. "We'll find'm. You wanna lead, Noodz?" Jerry offered.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
Posts: 125
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Post by Privyet* »

Well, better now than never.

"Hey, uhh.. Jerry, uh.. can you promise me you won't, you know.. shoot me while I'm asleep, or something like that?" He was being entirely serious.

Maybe he was being paranoid. Maybe. He didn't know what kind of thoughts popped into Jerry's head. And he didn't know whether or not he'd act on them, but anything went on Pissfuck Island, population: who the fuck knows? Of all the people he could possibly run into, he ran into someone like Jerry. Jerry wasn't stupid, sure - at least, he was hoping Jerry wasn't stupid - but Jerry just.. didn't strike him as that clever.

If Jerry wasn't clever, then he would have shot him the moment he saw him if he felt like it, right? Hey, maybe Jerry was entirely trustworthy. He might be a fantastic guy who wouldn't even consider shooting him or doing anything like that. Maybe he was just being a paranoid idiot because Alvaro - supposedly Nate's friend - didn't seem to have many objections to trying to kill said friend.

He was just being paranoid. Sure.

"Ah, fuck it, nevermind. I'm just being paranoid, I guess. Let's just, uh, start looking for your friend."
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Post by Namira »

Toby wasn't fond of how much Jerry was playing with that gun. Maybe she'd be more enthusiastic if she had one, although she didn't want to admit as much. Kind of hard to say, wasn't it? Wasn't as if Toby had ever spent much energy on thinking 'if I was in a lethal situation, would I rather have a gun or not?'. Being armed didn't make her feel much better either. Toby had barely spared a glance at the knife that had shown up in her bag. Didn't want to use it, didn't want to think about using it. She was trained, wasn't she? Better to defend herself using her fists and grappling than with a weapon she didn't know the first thing about other than 'stab them'.

"Just relax, Matt."

She felt no confidence and conveyed less in her voice.

"I bet we can keep an eye out for... well, whoever you might want to see, too."

Toby didn't feel up to a reassuring smile, she just nodded, pushing herself back to her feet. She rubbed some feeling back into her legs, and then paused.

"And stop calling me Noods, Jerry," she said, before backing off from the doorway and setting off at a run.

((Toby continued in It's a Snap))
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MK Kilmarnock
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

"Yeah, really, Matt," Jerry parroted, sounding considerably more annoyed than Toby sounded confident. "If I was going to shoot either of you, don't you think I was going to do it by now? It's not like you can outrun a bullet. Fuckin'..."

Jerry trailed off and stuffed the gun away, gripping the straps of his daypack. Toby was acting like more of a butt than usual, but it was best to let it go for now. Noodle wanted to go for a run?

Fine. Let's go for a run.

"Make me!" It was the best Jerry had as he ran after Toby. Aww yeah. Nailed it.

((Jerry Fury continued in an accidental Star Wars reference?))
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
Posts: 125
Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:43 pm


Post by Privyet* »

So maybe Jerry wasn't planning on killing him. That was.. definitely a relief, actually. So he wasn't going to die. At least not today, anyways.

"Thank fuck," said Matt, sounding a touch more relieved than Jerry sounded annoyed. Matt figured he was a good judge of character. Sure, Jerry.. might need a lesson in gun safety. But he wasn't going to kill him, at least not intentionally, and.. really, what more could he ask for from someone right now?

He didn't want to see anyone, really, so he just said no. Maybe Nate and Ben, if they made it, but he doubted that they did.

He'd know later on, anyways.

((Matt Moradi continued here.))
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