The Labyrinth

What castle would be complete without a maze? The sturdy, eight foot tall maze walls are air brushed with a continuous mural depicting creeping ivy, climbing roses, honeysuckle, and morning glories in various stages of bloom. Don’t let the beauty lull you since you never know when you’ll come face to face with the infamous Minotaur statue. Lookout towers are located at the corners to help guests navigate the myriad twists, turns, and dead ends. Only the best and brightest can conquer the maze by punching their traveler’s card in the correct order.
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The Labyrinth


Post by Espi »

Nina wasn't entirely sure of the last time she'd tried The Maze. Thinking about it, she doubted she'd gone in, period. It was probably due to her schedule; she simply didn't have the time to hang out at the Castle frequently. Today was a sunny Saturday afternoon, though, and she'd been fortunate enough to get a day off. So, she'd decided to have some fun and get a break from her usually busy life.

Nina was somewhat disappointed she'd never tried this before; it was quite beautiful, but deadly as well. Tracing a finger along the right wall, Nina stepped slowly down the corridor, pausing only briefly to glance down the different paths. She wished she had a map; her memory was good, but not perfect, and she was starting to get lost. Nina hated getting lost, and she breathed deeply to avoid getting frustrated. She stopped to undo her bun, letting her hair fall to her shoulders. Nina loved mazes as a child, but getting lost in one was not exactly a fun experience. Nina was usually confident, but feelings of being trapped and helpless were creeping into her mind.

She jolted as she slapped into a wall, painfully but harmlessly. A dead end loomed in front of her. "Damn," Nina muttered. She had been pretty sure this was the way out. Nina now wished she had Ariadne's String from the myth. The Ariadne myth had always fascinated her; she felt bad for Ariadne, who'd betrayed everyone she loved only to be rejected by Theseus. It was a sad story, but at least Ariadne ended up married to a god afterwards.

Nina turned around, and tied her hair back. Retracing her steps back to the last tower she'd seen, Nina started thinking about the myth more now; The Minotaur's birth from a bull and the king's wife, Ariadne falling in love with Theseus, Theseus' father killing himself when they returned. It was a classic example of a Greek tragedy, designed to tug at the heartstrings.

It was actually surprisingly effective.
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Post by Laurels »

((Sophie McDowell continued from See with Eyes Unclouded by Hate))

Woah, I have no clue where I'm going.

Sophie chuckled.

Oh man, this is cool.

Sophie began to look around. She came to The Castle with her family, and she had decided to make her way through the maze. Her brothers were all home since Graduation was close, and Sophie was excited to be spending time with her brothers and sisters before she finished high school.

Only problem was that she went into the maze alone, and now had no idea how to get out.

"Well, at least my phone is fully charged," Sophie said to herself. "I can at least call for help."

Sophie began to hum to herself as she made her way around the maze. She wasn't in any rush to get out, but figured it would be a good idea to get out in case her family was looking for her. As she turned a corner, she saw a girl standing before her. She was certain she had seen the girl at Aurora High before. Still, it was nice to see some life in the maze.

"Hey!" she shouted. "Got any idea how to get out?"
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Nina smiled as she heard someone nearby call out. Turning, Nina spotted a girl about her age. Looking briefly at her face, Nina recognized her from school. She only vaguely recalled her name; something with an S, she thought. Nina was pretty sure she did a lot of art and music, though.

Sara? Sonya? It isn't Sonya, but it sounds like it.

"Hi there," Nina said in greeting. "Yeah, I'm kind of lost. I think I came from that way, though." Nina pointed with her right hand to a tower towards the southeast. "Okay, sun's coming from that way, so I think that's the entrance. So the exit is probably to the west, which is that way." Nina pointed west.

Sonya? Uh, Solana? God, why don't I know this? Solana isn't even a name!

"Oh, hey, do you go to Aurora High? I think I've seen you there. I'm Nina." Nina smiled and held out her hand. She wished she'd greeted the girl earlier; it felt sloppy now. "Nice to see a friendly face in here. Good thing you aren't the Minotaur." A joke to lighten things up.

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"Hey Nina. I'm Sophie. Glad to see another Aurora student here."

Sophie shook Nina's hand and then began to look around.

"Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the Minotaur either. I don't even think we're close to the center."

Sophie looked up. It wasn't like looking at the ceiling would give her any hints on how to get out, but it at least reminded her that she could get out, or that someone could get them out if they desperately needed to leave.

"So, any ideas on how to get out?" she asked Nina.
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Nina shrugged and smiled, berating herself inwardly. Sophie, dammit! How did I forget that?! She looked at Sophie, connecting the face to the name, before continuing.

"I was following the right wall. Then I his this dead end, and I turned around to go that way." She gestured towards the left path. Nina and Sophie were at a crossroads; 4 paths in different directions. Nina had come from the southern path, then turned back at the dead end.

Nina was secretly glad Sophie seemed nervous. It wasn't just her worrying a little. She was also very pleased she'd been asked what to do. She loved taking charge, so this was a good opportunity.

"I think my strategy was working so far, but we can narrow the potential paths further." Nina gestured with her hands when she spoke. "It has to be either that way-" pointing east. "or that way," pointing west. "Where did you come in from?"
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Sophie listened as Nina gave her thoughts on the maze. Since they were at a crossroads, there were only a few routes they could go. Nina suggested two possible routes, asking where Sophie came from.

"Oh, I came from that way," Sophie said, pointing behind her. "Either of your two options would work for me."

Sophie stood closer to the center of the crossroads and tried to look down both paths.

"Well, might as well just go for it."

Sophie ran down the west path. She soon found that the path was beginning to turn to the right, but she needed to make sure Nina was still around.

"Come on!" she shouted back to Nina. "We've got to try every possible route, so let's get started!"
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Sophie was clearly very enthusiastic. That was good,  because it made it easier to get things done. Nina was a  big fan of getting things done.

She did wish Sophie could've spent a second planning, though.

With a chuckle, Nina trotted after Sophie, a smile on her face. It was nice to have some fun. She oughta do this more often.

After the path turned right, it doubled back east. "Geez, this is crazy!" Nina said. She was much more comfortable now that Sophie was here; being alone in the maze was getting a bit creepy. Plus, she was somebody to "compete" against, though there was no real competition.

After the turn to the east, it went north. Nina suddenly wondered how close they were to the Minotaur. "There's a fork in the path." Nina panted as she stopped. The left path seemed to curve slightly back towards them, to the south. The right path went straight on until there was a dead end. Nina wasn't sure which way it turned.

"So, where to?" Nina asked, turning to Sophie.
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Sophie was glad that Nina chose to follow her. It made her at least somewhat comfortable to know she could joke about the maze challenge with someone, as opposed to talking to herself.

Okay, left, right, twist, turn, backwards, forwards, upwards, leftwards, southwards, all different directions. Gotta find the right way out.

Sophie and Nina soon came to a fork in the path. Nina asked which way to go.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............." Sophie muttered, stroking her chin.

Both paths seems to have equal weight in them. Then again, it doesn't really matter which path we take. I guess we could look at the ceiling and see which path gets us closer to the walls of the main room. The right path seems good.

"Onwards!" shouted Sophie, punching the air with her right fist.

Sophie began to charge down the path on the right. She didn't even check to make sure Nina was following her. She was confident she picked the right path.
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Nina smiled: Sophie's positive energy was very contagious. With a cheerful shout of, "Hey, wait up!" Nina followed her. Taking the right path, Nina found that it branched out, east and west. Nina found herself at a fork again.

She realized she'd missed which way Sophie had turned. "Crap." Nina muttered, brushing a stray hair from her face. With a deep breath, she recovered quickly.

Cupping her hands around her mouth like a megaphone, Nina shouted, "Sophie?! Which path did you take?" in a strong, clear voice. She then stood, waiting for an answer.

((I assume this isn't GMing, but let me know if this post is unacceptable))
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Post by Laurels »

((Doesn't look like it))

Sophie continued to giggle as she continued to move down the paths of the maze. She kept looking at the ceiling, hoping it would give her some idea of where she was in regards to the walls of the room.

Okay, got to be about a three minute walk from the wall, now if I just-

Sophie grunted. She had been so focused on the ceiling that she had accidentally walked into a wall.

"Doh!" she shouted as she began to rub her forehead.

Well, I bet Nina thinks I look foolish.

"Well, I should be more careful," Sophie said.

She turned around, hoping Nina would be behind her. To Sophie's surprise, Nina was nowhere to be found.

"Aw man, I lost her," Sophie muttered.

Just then, Sophie heard Nina calling out for her.

"Nina!" Sophie began to shout. "I took the.....uh......"

Sophie looked around. It suddenly occurred to her that she had no clue where she was.

"Uh, I have no clue!" she shouted. "Just hold still and I'll come find you!"

Sophie began to run in the vague direction she heard Nina's voice coming from.

I really, really, REALLY hope this is gonna work out for me.
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Nina sighed. She didn't want to say anything bad about Sophie, but it seemed like a difficult mistake to make.

"Okay, I'll just keep talking, then!" Nina shouted. "That way you can find me!" Nina paused, thinking, before continuing.

"So, uh, you like music, right? What do you play? I've been a pianist for years, so I really like music, and I'm pretty good, too."

She cracked her fingers, then stopped; she wanted to listen for Sophie's response, and making sounds wouldn't help. Nina started playing with her hair instead; there were a lot of stray hairs, so she started fixing it up.
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Sophie continued to run through the maze, trying to pay attention to Nina's shouting. She then responded.

"Oh, yeah, I'm into music. Mostly acoustic guitar. Lot of covers of non-acoustic songs."

Sophie turned a corner and continued running.

"Piano sounds neat though. I'd have learned piano if the guitar didn't come to me first."

Sophie stopped running. She was at a crossroads and began looking down all the routes.

"Am I getting close?" she shouted.

Please say I am. Please say I am.
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Nina nodded, then shouted, "Yep, I hear you! You must be getting closer!"

Nina rubbed her face, passing the time. She hoped that little roughness on her cheek wasn't going to form acne; she'd hoped she'd be done with that kind of stuff already.

"So, acoustic? Sounds neat! That's the kind they'd use for country, right?" Nina paused, then said, "Yeah, I like piano. It's great for dexterity. I bet guitar is, too, though!"
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"Yes! Keep shouting!" Sophie shouted in response to hearing that Nina was close.

She continued to move around as Nina made a comment about acoustic guitar being used for Country.

"Yeah, Country's pretty nice, but I prefer Pop and Pop/Rock. Fortunately, some artists skirt the line, like Taylor Swift, so I can do both."

"Oh, and yeah, I've heard that about piano. That's pretty-"

Sophie had been running through the maze. She was about to turn a corner when she lost her footing and once again ran into a wall. This time, she stumbled back a bit and fell to the floor.

"Ack! Auggggghh!!!!" she cried out.

She rubbed her head and looked up. She began to rub her forehead and chuckle to herself. She really hoped that Nina didn't see that.
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"Oh, yeah, I like lots of music. I actually really enjoy orchestra!" Nina replied. She swallowed hard; her throat was starting to hurt from all the yelling.

Glancing at the wall, Nina absentmindedly traced the path of a specific vine.

"What other kinds of-"


A scream pierced the air. It was definitely Sophie.

"Hey, what happened? You okay?" Nina shouted, her voice slightly scratchy.
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