Shelter from the Rain

A lighthouse, very reminiscent to the one used on the island for one of the BR ACTs. If used well, this could be quite the grand place to barricade one's self in, or gather a large group in.
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

Jimmy was definatly scared now
"W-what kind of game?"
He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he saw the look on the boys face. This was not going to be good at all.
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Post by riserugu* »

"S'just a simple game..." Blaine mused taking another step toward him, moving as he placed his handaxe along in his belt loops. He continued walking till he only stood an arm's length away from the other boy, "I used to play this with my pets when I was little, can I see your hand?"
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

Jimmy was at an impass. He knew that if he did what the boy did, the results would probobly be bad. He also knew that if he did not do it, the results would be equally bad to worse.
He finally decided that it was in his best interest to obey.
He slowly held his left hand out in front of him, his right gripping the handle of the billy club...
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Post by riserugu* »

Blaine smile grew, as he took the hand into both his own. "People don't understand how fragile a human body is... not intill it's broken." He lifted his head, as he flashed the smile toward him as he held the hand with one, he quickly moved the other grabbing the handaxe and bringing it up and down where the hand was, along the area where his wrist was.
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

Jimmy saw the ax as if it was in slow motion. He saw it hit the base of his wrist, saw it slice through cartalage and tendons, then through the arteries and veins along the bottom of his hand. He saw his hand drop to the floor, and saw the blood start spurting out of the gory stump. He then heard his inhuman scream reverberate off the walls of the small room. He did not even think about fighting back as he fell to his knees, cradling his arm against his body, crying hysterically.
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Post by riserugu* »

Blaine found himself chuckling to himself as the spew of blood came worth and he allowed the hand to drop from his own, ignoring the blood spraying outward staining his clothes as Jimmy fell to the ground screaming a most beautiful noise as he did.

Bending down onto his knees, he lifted hand brushing away some of the tears that had begun cascading down the other’s face.

Has someone taken your faith?
Its real, the pain you feel
The life, the love
You die to heal
The hope that starts
The broken hearts
You trust, you must

He found himself singing lightly, as he jerked his hand down onto the other hand somewhat. “See I told you, s’just fun…” He mused, lifting the axe and bringing it down over one of the closer legs. “S’just fun…”
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

Jimmy felt a new pain in his leg as he noticed the ax buried deep.
He's gonna kill me oh my god ohmygod...
Jimmy tried to squirm away with his good arm. He had to get to the door. If he could get to the door he would be ok...
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Post by riserugu* »

Seeing him starting to squim, Blaine reached out grasping at his the collar of his shirt somewhat. Keeping the axe buried in his leg, he reached a bloody hand into his pocket pulling out his other weapon -- the piano wire.

"... You can't leave, we've only just started playing. You have to say till the end of the game." He demanded, dislodging the axe from his leg and moving to try and tackled him, trying to pin him to the ground as he aimed the axe toward the shoulder.

"You have to stay."
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

Jimmy heard himself mewling and whimpering as he felt the boys weight press against his back. The effects of rapid blood loss were already setting in, and he could feel his head start to spin. He clawed at the floor, attempting in vain to get to the door.

I want my mommy
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Post by riserugu* »

Blaine scrambled, trying to move quickly to reach the other boy in the blood that was starting to pool about them. Placing both ends of the wire into his hands, as he lunged out forward hoping to get it arounf something to stop him from leaving. “No! You can’t leave, you have to stay and play… Blaine won’t let you leave like mamma and daddy did, they didn’t stay. They didn’t!”
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

The Best thing that could have possibly happened to Jimmy happened at this moment
Unfortunatly for Blaine, the piano wire caught Jimmys inner thigh, digging deep and cutting the main artery that runs on the inside of ones leg. The blood from his wrist was nothing compared to the rhythmic spurt that was gushing from his inner thigh. Jimmy continued his clawing escape, but it was slowing.
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Post by riserugu* »

Growling in frustration, Blaine released the piece of wire and gripping the handaxe in his hand fully again bringing up and aiming at any part of exposed body he could get at. The other hand, his legs, chest, face… anything to hear that sweet melody of a scream again, tears starting to bead through closed eyes…

Well did the all run away… “WHY!”

Were you born to resist or be abused?
I swear I’ll never give in
I refuse.

He sung lightly, through tears voice cracking as he did.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Continued from: Hiding

IC: Having taken the lead in the group, David was the first to clear the burnt coppice and arrive at the Lighthouse. While there, he waited for the others, his stare going cold and cautious as he heard the screaming and singing inside.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Madelaine held on fiercely to Amanda's hand as the group approached the lighthouse. As they drew nearer and nearer, the echo-like, hollow sounds of a human voice became more clearer and more distinct. Madelaine's face contorted slightly in an expression of worry. There were two appeared to be screaming with either fear or pain....or perhaps both. The other, oddly enough, seemed to be....singing?

From a distance, she was alarmed when she first heard them, but let it go as she figured that they were from far off. Then she realized that the voices were coming from inside the lighthouse, their echoes reverberating along the walls of the inside. She tightly gripped Amanda's hand as the screaming and singing continued on without end.

Slowly letting go of Amanda, she carefully approached the door to the lighthouse building. Only inches away from the door, the voices were louder now, the high pitched, dissonant screeching sending chills down her spine. Slowly, she leaned against the door, pressing an ear to it, and then turning her face to peer into the crack of the worn out door of the lighthouse building.

It was difficult to make anything of the scene with all the darkness inside, but as she squinted, pressing on the door only slightly to widen the crack, she could make out the outline of two figures. A thread of light coming from the crack between the door and the wall reflected against something metallic that was being raised into the air and dropping over and over again. Gradually, Madelaine began to make some sense of the obscure scene. She realized that the metal object was somehow shaped as a blade of sorts...and that was when she noticed a bit of blood launching into the air...

She flinched in terror, backing away fully from the building, nearly stumbling backwards until the rest of the group was between her and the building door. Her cold hands were pressed against her face, which was paling suddenly.

"Inside.....inside..." She murmured in a shaking voice, shoulders hunched over.
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Post by Slayer* »

"What about it?" David asked, walking up to the door with his gun raised.
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