Rear-End Collision

Sitting at right-angles to the hunting cabin and facing each other the two staff dormitories are practically identical, the key difference being that A block was populated with the remaining doctors while B block was filled with dock and maintenance workers. A block itself is a very simple hallway with bedrooms all coming off a main corridor and a shared kitchen in the middle of every group of five. The rooms themselves are relatively plain with an en-suite toilet and shower. The occupants of A block took everything of value with them when they left but some rooms still have books in them or toiletry containers. Some rooms even have discarded clothes their occupants clearly deciding they didn't want them anymore.
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Post by Melusine »

Oh, Jae was alive. Therefore, Em didn't kill anybody. Boring. This meant she was nothing more than a weakling who didn't get her ticket to go home.

She thought about it. The people who already killed were the threats she had to fear, it was the people who had killed no-one that she had to be scared of.

They didn't have to one-way ticket to head by home. Lucky for them, there were still a bunch of people that needed to die for one to go back home.

As horrible as it sound, perhaps it was the class president that was the biggest threat in the room: the most unpredictable one. That titled used to go to Dot, hands down. Nobody expected her to kill Iz. Most people must have seen her an easy kill, a girl that scrapped by due to her friends and luck.

They were wrong. She had a chance to win just because of one kill. She smiled again. She could go back home, it was an interesting concept.

She shook her head, letting the smoke that built up in her brain escape through her ears. Her mind wasn't clouded anymore. She saw clear and said it all.

"Okay so it goes a little like this! So like I was searching for Lucilly in the asylum and like I heard gun shots and all so I went to investigate. There, I found Iz so I stabbed her in the back. I was like one of the last person to hurt her so I didn't see everything but she was like mangled."

She continued.

"Then like I tased her when he was on the ground and, like, you know those things were like in science? They are steam-water-volcano thingy. Like, hum, geyser of blood! Yup it was that and she liked spat it everywhere. Kinda gross if you ask me, heh."

What else happened after? She bit her lips and crossed her arms.

"Oh and I cut the bitch's head off."

She smiled as if she said a joke she was the only one to understand.

"It's on the shoreline or whatever. I left it there after someone tried to gun me down, that sucked bee-tee-double-u."

She scratched her nose and she realized her fingers were caked in blood. Oh, so that's why it tasted like copper when she bit her nails.

"Oh and I got in a fight in the cafeteria but I am not sure if it was a dream or not so take that with a pinch of salt."

Dot started to sway her arms softly, her blade grazing her thigh. She felt restless and wanted to be reckless. She wanted to do something dumb and end that feeling of emptiness.

"So, Jae. I'm going to assume you killed the girl since you are still alive. She had it coming or...?"
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Post by backslash »

"...Jesus fuck, Dot."

Emma was pissed, Emma was unpredictable, and Emma was a threat that Jae and Dorothy both should have been paying a bit more attention to, but it was hard to focus on that when Dorothy just casually admitted that she had cut Isabel's head off.

Jae was torn between being unnerved and disgusted and thinking that it was kind of metal.

He inhaled sharply through his nose and shot a glance at Emma when Dorothy inquired after Lily, and kept his eyes on her as he grasped the staff in his good hand and used it to slowly lever himself to his feet. He wasn't sure if he meant it as a challenge.

"Isabel's little helper," he said flatly. "You remember. She was there when they killed Asha." Exaggerating Lily's role in that, maybe. Implying that she had been a more active participant. But she hadn't made a move to stop it, had dedicated herself to being Isabel's shadow and wading through the blood left in her wake, and so Lily was guilty.

Jae kept his gaze steadily on Emma now. He might blink, but he wouldn't look away and hide from this.

He thought that he would probably be able to shoot her before she got to him if she decided to attack.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Emma was shaking.

Every part of her was shaking.

It shook, with anger, and fear too. Jae was right in front of her, with the same weapon he used to kill Lily. Dot was there, too, but Emma wasn't sure if she'd do something if Emma… did something herself. She didn't want to do that something, but at the same time, she did. Breathing got faster and louder. Even in the fatigue, the anger, the fear, and even the grief, some small part of her was disturbed at one thought: if she stabbed him, or slashed him, it would be enough. She hated it, and yet, she knew it was true. Emma kept staring into him with glared eyes.

But Dot spoke again. She told some story about… oh, yeah, she really did kill Isabel, then. Wait, she'd been looking for Lucilly? Did she see her? Did she… watch her die? But the rest of the story was… detailed. Even in Emma's current state, she couldn't help but be a little creeped out by how casually she'd used the phrase "geyser of blood." Or the part where Isabel's head got cut off. Well, okay, good riddance, she guessed. Maybe. Still, though-

Then Dot had to ask about Lily. Then Jae had to reveal why he'd shot her.

"What," she started quietly.

All the information Dot and Jae gave was too much to process in one go. She just couldn't. It didn't make her feel better. Instead, it felt like something inside her had been uncorked. Despite everything around her, despite much she felt like running, breaking something, anything, she stayed still. But, the sword slightly raised without her realizing it.

"What the hell?", Emma snapped.
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Post by Melusine »

Dot was never really interested in dancing or things like that. Heck, she even skipped the school's dance just to be a creep on Facebook. Kinda, she had other plans but her dad was in the way. She would love to go back in time, if only she had a time machine or superpowers. Maybe she could put more time in things that really mattered like that essay she half-assed or maybe not going on the school trip.

Like a choreographed dance, she raised her arm after Em's raised her. She cocked her head to the side, letting her pigtails sway softly on her shoulders. Her taser was pointed at Em. It wouldn't be the first person she would tase. And probably not the last one, but she didn't want to. Emma wasn't Al or Lucilly. She didn't scared her and reflexly pulled trigger.

No, in this case, Dorothy was the attacker, kinda. Even though Emma raised her sword, it was perhaps part of their choreography or she just had a spasm or something. Dot still her taser and pointed Em's body, her chest.

Dot, feeling like a copycat, mimicked, Emma. She didn't to make it sound like a parody of the girl, but it probably sounded that way due to her poor imitating skills.


Then Dot parroted her again,

"What the hell?"

Dot's giggle started softly, it was coming from her throat. It was inside of her mouth, bouncing on the fleshy walls, trying to find a way out of Dorothy. Then, it started to escape her mouth, echoing in the room. It kept getting louder and louder. Her cheeks hurt from her smiling and her sides was begging to her to stop.

Dorothy forced herself to stop, smothering her breath, sounding also pained she had to stop.

"I forgot you two were related. Eh. I think you should leave."

She tapped her right foot on the ground several, she felt impatient. Emma was getting on her nerve. Acting all so nice and all of that bullshit. She survived until day fucking seven. You don't get there by being nice or by being loving. Dot hated Emma. She hated everything about her. Her family, her friends, her life, she wanted her dead.

Dot didn't know where that anger came from. Perhaps she was just tired or maybe it was the malefic aura of the island that damaged her psyche or just she was irritable because of stress and how dirty she was. She settled on all of the above.

"I think you should leave before you do something dumb and I have to choke you on your own guts."
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Post by backslash »

"Dorothy. Shut up." Jae didn't tell her to put the taser away this time. He doubted she would listen if he did, and tasing Emma would be preferable to killing her anyway. Emma was only a loose end because of her connection to Lily

(Lily, whom he had murdered in cold blood)

and Jae just didn't feel like dealing with that shit. She just needed to move so he could leave.

He thought of Alvaro standing in the doorway, staring blankly, and pushed that thought out of his head.

Jae rolled his neck to work out some of the stiffness, keeping his focus loosely on Emma. God, he was tired. "If you haven't been paying attention, Lily was running around playing serial killer with Isabel. I dunno how long she had been, but it was for at least a few days before Isabel died. I watched her just stand there while Asha died. She did Lizzie in herself, didn't you hear?"

Hadn't Isabel killed another Luz too, before then? Just the fact that Lily had seen fit to hook up with her after that should have been enough for Emma to condemn her.

Part of him didn't believe he had really killed her. He wasn't sure that if he stepped back out into the hallway, she would still be laying there.

Jae shifted his grip on the crossbow, in case he needed to raise it. If he tried to fire it with one hand, there was a pretty good chance he would hit Dorothy instead of Emma. He wasn't sure he cared if that happened. His fingertips were still buzzing. "If you're pissed at me, you want to avenge your family or whatever, I get that. But honestly? Lily wouldn't have done the same for you."
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Emma tensed up as Dorothy spoke again. Impersonating her. Mocking her. As if her reaction was silly, or stupid. She was laughing, like it was hilarious. In response, Emma's eyes widened. She shook her head in disbelief. She just… couldn't.

Then Dorothy threatened her. Emma raised the sword a bit more, eyes darting between her and Jae. No, not just threatening. Threatening something… unpleasant. Pointing what appeared to be a taser at her. Emma flinched back, noticing that Dorothy's hands were still covered in crusted blood. She guessed it was from the aforementioned blood geyser, or maybe from something else, but that wasn't important. What was, was that Emma was in danger. And she knew it.

Jae spoke up again.

"No, but…" Emma tried. But it was in vain.

She wasn't just there to see Isabel attack Lizzie. She'd been with her. She'd… helped? But… but… that didn't make any sense. They were family, weren't they? So why would she help? It didn't make any sense, it just didn't. It was a joke, right? No, who'd joke about that? A lie? Maybe?

Emma's mouth opened and closed. Her sword was still lifted, even as heavy as it was. All this was too much. Too much to process, too much to think on. Just too much. Emma felt her whole body shake.

Then, she put the sword down. For a moment she stood, loudly breathing through her mouth. She couldn't go through with it, she couldn't figure out what to think, she just… no. Emma knew that she was about to sob again, but she didn't care.

Instead, she bolted in the opposite direction. Away from Dorothy, away from Jae. Away from Lily.

It wasn't like she hadn't ran before, anyways.

((Emma Luz continued in El Manana))
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Post by Melusine »

((Godmodding of the vampire freak approved by Zee))

Jae and Dot both stared at Emma as she escaped the room. Was escaping the right word? Kinda but she wasn't in any danger apart from Dot's vague threat of forcing her to eat her guts. They watched her running away from the room, with the sword that seemed too heavy and too big her to carry. Their stare both lingered on the exit. As if they were a movie that had been rewinded, their body turned toward each other. They had eye contact for a second then Dot looked at her taser.

Dot had her taser pointed toward Emma the whole time and it was now pointing toward Jae. If she wanted to, she could pull the trigger and ruin Jae's day. She could score another kill, stabbing Jae and getting herself a nifty crossbow. She didn't want that to happen, though, but she wasn't sure why.

Jae wasn't her friend and it was obvious he didn't like her. Or if he did, he kept it hidden very well. The opposite was also true. Dorothy didn't like Jae. She found him annoying and kinda dramatic. Yet, they didn't murder each other. Jae didn't kill Dot when he had the opportunity and the vice-versa.

Jae's arm was barely raised. He still had his crossbow, and he could, if he wanted, raised his arm a little bit higher and mirror Dot. It took a second or two for Dot to realize she was pointing her taser toward Jae. Blood started to flow inside of Dot's cheek, realizing she was targeting Jae. She lowered her arm and looked away, back to the door. She wondered what was Emma doing now. She was obviously running, maybe out of breath and scared they followed her.

Dot wished she could have told something else before Emma ran. She didn't know why but she wanted to apologize.

She raised her sight again, staring back at Jae.


She squeezed her bag to her side, gently opened it and shoved her taser inside the bag. She saw Asha's flower and Lucilly's mag. Was she respecting their memories. Lucilly wasn't really her friend before but she enjoyed spending time with her but it was robbed away by Isabel. Asha was her friend before all of this, but they weren't that close. They both grew closer and Dot would have died for her. However, the opposite happened, she died and Dot lived.

She shook her head, trying to get the images of Asha's corpse away from her mind but they stayed there. She wondered if Asha was approving her action. Dot guessed that Asha wasn't.

A silence settled in the room. An awful, cold one. There wasn't any sort of tension but it was obvious something bad could happen. Dot decided to initiate something so she started pouting and crossed her arms on her chest.

"Don't tell me to shut up ever again."

Jae took a step back, as if Dot slapped him. He knew about Dorothy's lack of childish temper and inability to take a situation seriously, but the fact she was standing in a girl's blood and acting like a spoiled child was a surprise to Jae. Jae reacted the best he could: coldly.

"Shut up, Dot."

((Dot and Jae left.))
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