Edith Caitlyn West

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V5 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Edith Caitlyn West


Post by Acidic* »

Name: Edith Caitlyn West
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies and Interests: Trolling, Internet, Activism, Politics, Computers (Programming), Video Games, Eating, and Music (listening).

Appearance: Edith is not in the best shape. At 5'7 and 214 pounds she's obese. Almost as wide as she is tall with a lot of fat hanging out. Most of the fat is on the center of her mass, but her arms and legs also got a fair amount. Her skin is pale and pink with no moles or freckles, but she has stretch marks from the weight gain over the years.

Her hair is long (down past her shoulders), reddish-brown, and wavy. She usually keeps it in back with a headband. Her eyes are dark blue, and are framed with short eyelashes with unremarkable eyebrows. Her face is round and has a second chin, wide lips, a small noes, her ears are small and pierced, and she has some acne on her forehead.

Edith has a hard time finding clothes that fit her. She usually had to settle for what fits her in size instead of personality. She's usually wearing hoodies, T-shirts with sarcastic sayings or internet memes on them, jeans, skirts, and slip on shoes. Most of her clothes are a size too big for her, this is on purpose. At the time of the trip she was wearing a white headband, a pink t-shirt with Antoine Dodson on it saying, "Climbing in yo windows. Snatching your people up!", a black zip up hoodie over that, a blue jean skirt, and white slip-on shoes.

Biography: Edith was born November 1st, 1994 to Caitlyn and George West (who are also overweight). Both her parents are college professors in Economics and Mathematics respectively. Edith is the second child the couple had after their first child (Jacob) died five years before due to SIDS. Now Edith is the oldest of three children. Her brother Neil is two years younger than her, and her sister Elizabeth five years younger. Both are overweight as well.

Because of Jacob's death her parents are extremely protective of their children to this day. If one of them couldn't supervise Edith while she was playing outside she wasn't allowed to go at all. Edith, being rebellious, would sneak out of the house to play with her friends. When her parents found out they would lock the doors and windows keeping their child inside. Edith barely remembers this time in her life.

Edith quickly learned how to work the locks to get outside, as a response her parents bought her her first video game system (a playstation) to keep her busy. Edith has been in love with gaming since. Over the years she's played dozens of games, mostly RPGs and Action games. Usually doing chores around the house to get money the games she wants. She got a PS3 for her last birthday with money she saved up, and some help from her parents.

Another thing Edith's parents used to keep their children busy is the internet. Edith got her own computer for her 15th birthday. She spends hours lurking and trolling forums (4chan and Reddit she lurks, and she usually trolls both and Gaia), . When she was 13 Edith joined Project Chanology, and her life in internet activism began. Since then she's been involved in Freedom of Information causes, Wikileaks, Operations Tunisia, Egypt, and the like, and anti-SOTF causes. She's gone to some real life protests, but mostly tries to inform people over her facebook page, or when she occasionally flyers around the city. Being involved in DDOS attack in the last one, targeting several fan sites. Her parents don't know of her activism, and she isn't sure how'd they react if the found out.

At school Edith is not very popular. She mocks students she feels smarter than, and those who generally annoy her. This has earned her more then a few enemies. Her weight is brought up and insulted often by the other students during some arguments. Instead in going along with the jokes she known for escalating the argument further then it should ever go. Edith is known for going to far and personal with her insults, using her quick wits against people. Even starting fights in several cases. While Edith has gotten in trouble for this she hasn't stopped, and even though the school has contacted her parents they side with Edith which makes her feel justified for her actions.

Edith's favorite classes are ones that involve computers. She found out when she was 16 that she had a knack for programming while fiddling with a few programs. Edith plans to go to college for computer programming, and she usually gets good grades (Bs mostly). This is because she keeps good study habits, making sure to get school work done before going on the internet. Edith's friends are those who share her interests. While with her friends Edith is often hammy, and one of the first to come up with a joke.  

Edith also loves listening to music, and does so while on the internet or doing homework. She listens to meme related songs, techno, electronica, dance, and anything fast paced. She also eats a lot, she always has. Her parents buy a lot of junk food, and with her family history and lack of exercise Edith became obese. Her parents have done nothing about this, and Edith is too caught up with other things to bother with her weight figuring it's everyone else's problem if they don't like it.  She currently has a job working as a ticket exchanger at The Castle.

Advantages: Edith has quick wits and knows how to use them.
Disadvantages: Edith is really out of shape which will make the game harder for her. Also, she's made enemies in school who make attack her for revenge. Edith is morally opposed to the game, and likely to rebel against it. Finally, she may anger the wrong person at the wrong time.
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