Why Y'all Gagging?

Off to the corner of the utilities area is the tall radio tower and the small building that houses the radio equipment. Being the most important place for communication with the outside world, the radio tower was kept in immaculate condition and constantly maintained. Even now, covered in vines and overgrowth, it only shows a small hint of time's effects. The building next to it is essentially one small room filled with all the radio equipment that could possibly be needed to call the outside world, as well as a couple of chairs and a phone to call other parts of the island. Although all the equipment appears workable at a glance, closer inspection reveals key components missing, eliminating the ability to send signals of any sort.
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Post by Laurels »

Noah nodded along with the statements the girls made about the radio tower. How it was empty, how they couldn't get it to work, how there was nothing of value there. It was the Republican National Convention of SOTF. Noah thought about making that joke to the girls, but decided to bite his tongue. They could joke and kiki when they were actually somewhere secure and with actual advantages.

Blair was trying to get some words out of Sandra, but Noah wasn't sure if it was necessary. Sandra probably started a train of thought, then lost it. He had experienced that many a times in his script writing, so he could chalk it up to stress getting in the way of her mental faculties.

"If she doesn't have anything to share, it's no biggie," Noah said to Blair. "Let's focus on more important things."

"For example," he continued, looking at Rene, "we're looking to hideout in a less populated area of the island. Does that appeal to you, or do you have any other ideas about how we should go about our time here?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

Never mind meant never mind, but Blair didn't want to let it go. Sandra grimaced for a second, before her regular expression returned. She opened her mouth and was about to speak, but Noah spoke for her. Sandra scratched her head as the feeling of irritation crept up on her.

"I was going to suggest that we leave soon," Sandra said, a hint of irritation in her voice, "I decided against it."

She moved over to the entrance, before leaning against the wall right beside the door.

"Since there's nothing here though, I guess I probably should've," she continued.

After a few seconds, she clicked her tongue, before opening the door.

"I'll be waiting outside," Sandra said finally.
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Post by Aura »

Bad news: The radio tower was a complete bust in terms of actual usefulness.  However, this was at least tempered with the good news that Rene had managed to find a friendly group of people who actually seemed to have some vague framework of a plan.  That was definitely something that she could live with, no problem.  Plus, these were people that she actually liked, so bonus points there.

But back to the plan.  Rene's new friends wanted to go somewhere that probably wouldn't be overrun with people.  This was a good plan and Rene agreed with it.  Even better, she had a pretty good idea of where people would probably be around that time, so she could actually help out a bit in that regard.

"All right, so you wanna stay away from people?"  She questioned with a declarative finger.  "Well, I heard some bells a while ago, so we'd probably want to stay away from the bell tower or anywhere near it.  I'm pretty sure if people weren't there before, they probably are now"

As if the universe had been waiting for this exact timing, Rene heard another loud chime as a wave of sound rolled through the area.  She didn't change her expression in any major way.  She just angled her eyes in the direction of the chime and waited for the ringing to run its course before getting back to her suggestion.

"So as I was saying, we definitely want to stay away from the bell tower or anywhere near it."
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Post by Espi »

Fine, whatever. No need to get bitchy, Sandra. Blair asked a perfectly reasonable question, and she got all testy? The nerve. And freaking Noah took Sandra's side! Ugh.

Despite that, Blair only responded by nodding tersely with a slightly furrowed brow, making great effort to hold her tongue. As much as she'd like to say 'Excuse me? What kind of tone was that?' she was silent. Because as much as she felt annoyed, in the long run it wasn't quite worth it to start a fight. Who knew what might happen here when everyone had that niggling thought 'will I go home?'

Blair knew the answer. Spoilers; she wasn't going home. Yippee.

Because of Sandra having distracted Blair with her rudeness, Blair didn't hear the bell, or what Rene said. Something about the bell tower? "We're not going there, I don't think. I mean, me an' Noah and Sandra aren't. You can if you want." Blair shrugged.

Sandra said something about going outside, and Blair, slightly peeved at Sandra as she was, still had to admit there wasn't much point hanging around. "We should get going. If we're avoiding trafficked places, lots of people will probably think this place has stuff like we did."

Slipping past the others, Blair stepped under Sandra's arm and out the door. She wasn't quite sure what direction they were going, but whatever. Someone else could make themselves useful.

((Blair Moore continued in Early Morning in the Garden of Good and Evil))
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Post by Laurels »

Noah let out an awkward chuckle as Sandra walked out of the radio tower. It wasn't his hope that the group could get snippy with one another, especially this soon into the ordeal. Obviously, they were going to be stressed out and bothered during their time here, but he at least hoped they had more time to process everything before things got really bad.

"Well, yeah, that's the idea," Noah said after Blair explained everything to Rene.

Blair was now heading outside with Sandra. At least now Sandra would be with someone else outside in case someone dangerous came along. Noah clutched Sawlaska and looked back at Rene.

"I'm fine avoiding the bell tower," he said. "We thought the ringing came from here, but that's clearly not where it came from. But hey, we at least found another cool chick to join our posse. Heh heh."

Noah scratched the back of his head.

"So yeah, I think we'll head out," he said. "We're thinking of checking the southern area. Feel free to come along."

Noah smiled and walked past Rene towards the exit. At least they found a friend in the tower. It wasn't the best thing to find in the tower, but surely Rene could bring some much needed levity to the group as they made their way towards the southern wilderness. Anything would be better than remembering that they're here right now.

((Noah Whitley continued elsewhere))
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Post by CondorTalon »

Thankfully, Sandra didn't have to wait that long. In fact, barely a few seconds after she'd voiced her intentions, the group as a whole decided to leave.


Well. Whatever. Sandra followed Blair away from the radio tower, looking back at the other two, hoping they would keep pace. After all, hard as it would be to lose each other here, it would suck if they actually did.

At least until they reached the southern end of the island, Sandra didn't want them to get separated.

((Sandra Dyer continued in Down the Rabbit Hole.))
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Post by Aura »

With the rest of the group filing out of the tower in an orderly manner, Rene decided that it was in her best interests to follow along. They had a fraction of a plan, a vague destination, and pretty much nothing else of note. But hey, at least Rene didn't have to go it alone anymore. That had to be worth something.

She stepped out and followed behind her newfound crew. As she ran to catch up with the rest of the group, she took one last look at the tower that she was leaving behind. It had given them no tools, secrets, or any actual advantages aside from being a place for her to meet her new group.

It still looked kind of cool, though.

((Rene Wolfe continued elsewhere...))
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