Not Like Any Previous Sleepovers

The elementary school building is similar to the high school. Spider webs and dust cloud the once brightly-painted walls. Number and alphabet posters cover the rooms. The building is smaller than the high school, with only eight rooms.
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Post by BetaKnight »

((Okay, I think I'm on Day 12 so I'm not going to wait any longer.  Sorry about post order and the skippage.))

"Don't mind Katy," Rebecca whispered to Janie.  "Daphne was always my favorite on Scooby Doo, even if she is a little accident prone."  She gave the other girl a warm smile before giving Katy her full attention.  

She nodded solemnly at Katy's announcement that the hallway was reasonably secure for the time being.  "You know," she began in a thoughtful tone, "if we could find string or twine or something, we would rig up something jingly on the string and have it work like an alarm system."  Rebecca held her hands a part to illustrate the concept, making her fingers shimmy and vibrate.  "Maybe string it from doorway to doorway or something?  It wouldn't stop anyone from coming in, but it would definitely let us know if someone else was about."  

Taking a much bigger bite of her ration bar, she chewed and swallowed the morsel while thinking.  "Maybe we should make a list of supplies to look for; you know, prioritize what we hope to find?"  

Setting down the half-eaten bar, Rebecca rummaged through her bag for the "weapon" she had been given.  With a triumphant flourish, she pulled the package of mini-Sharpies out.  "I know it's not much," she confessed with a self-conscious little shrug.  "But this is what our hosts have given me.  At least if we use them for a supply list of some kind, they'll actually be doing something to help us out."  

Rebecca ducked her head as she put the markers on the ground in between Janie and herself.  She tucked some loose hair behind her ear in a nervous gesture and tried to cover up her unease with a smile.  "This is so not what I planned for Senior Trip.  I really hate camping."
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Post by Casey the Undead* »

"Hey, I don't mind," Janie said with a shrug and a smile. "Daphne was the hot one, right?" She giggled a little to herself. Rebecca brought her mind back to the task at hand, which was actually sort of disappointing. This whole thing could almost be an adventure if Janie didn't think about it too hard. Of course, there was no way to avoid thinking about it too hard, was there?

She listened to Rebecca's plan attentively, nodding along in agreement. "Whole thing sounds fine to me. Knowing someone is here will wreck any chance they have of surprising us. So upperhand regained, yeah?"

Janie snorted at the sharpies, shaking her head. "At least you can do something with sharpies. We just played with my weapon last night, and unless we're gonna treat our enemies to a Family Game Night, it's not gonna give us a lot help." She lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. "Stave off some boredom, though."

Janie set off into the hallway, looking around as she did so. The building seemed small, but that didn't make it useless -- and smaller could be better if anyone decided to find him. "I liked the kitchen idea from earlier. I think it's obvious we prioritize water and food, or anything they left us that could be used in self-defense." There was very little chance any of those things existed in the building. "Outside of that, maybe things to block doors and windows with? Other little ways to trigger alarms? If there are pots in the kitchen we can set it up so they clank if someone tries to break in." She shrugged again. "You know, little things that give us a leg up."
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Post by Deamon »

Yaz shrugged Katy off her shoulder as soon as she reasonably could; stepping through the doorway and into the corridor as she did so.

"String should be easy to find. They must have done arts and crafts." It was an elementary school after all, and the only real thing Yaz remembered was doing arts and crafts. So they had to have string right? The chances of the terrorists taking all the string in the school seemed low to her, they'd only have to find a supply closest and they'd have access to almost everything they'd need. All they had to do was find a supply closest and they'd be ready to go.

Question was which way did she go first?

Left or right?

A more dangerous choice than it would normally be given the situation there were in, one way could lead to her death at the hands of a crazed classmate and the other could keep her alive. Made everything that much more difficult when it actually came to choosing. Yaz eventually settled on going right.

"I'll check down here." She said tilting her head in the direction, and immediately regretted it when pain flared up. She gently rubbed the bridge of her nose. She looked over at Katy as a silent offer to join her as she started walking down the corridor.

She needed to take action, make it clear she wasn't going to be a burden.
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Ares »

((Joey continued from Arriving to a Possible Sanctuary))

Joey wished that his head would slow down his thoughts for just two minutes. That was all he wanted. Slow it all down, take a deep breath, maybe get more than 17 seconds of sleep at a time, but no, that was not how this was going. This was going the absolute polar opposite.

Every little noise caused Joey to jump. Every movement he sensed caused him to freeze in place. Maybe it was the wind? Maybe in was one of his friends running away from something? Maybe he was running on about 2 total hours of sleep since waking up in Survival of the god damn Fittest. The only real conscious efforts he was able to make outside of eat, drink, and bodily functions, was to pay attention to the dangerzones. He didn't want to listen closely for the names of killers. It was stupid, and his best friend of a brain reminded him of that every 5 seconds, but he just didn't want to picture any of his classmates as murderers.

As he continued to trudge his way along, his two swords dangling, barely scraping the ground with each little swing of his arms, his mind slipped back to the Hospital. Was what he did the right move? He hadn't heard Koala's name on the announcements, but did that mean anything? They didn't announce everything as it happened after all. She could be dead right now, and he wouldn't know it.

The trail that Joey was on was becoming smoother. Joey re-focused his eyes to find that this was pavement leading up to what he could only assume was one of the school buildings listed on his map.

The first thought that popped into Joey's head was, "How much do you want to bet that there is someone in there waiting to blow you apart with an assault rifle? and really, it was hard to argue that point.

The second thought that popped in was, "Well, you need to find somewhere to just get some sleep. Do a quick lap of the place and peek in. Maybe you'll get some luck Joseph."

The second thought would be the one to win out, as even in his drained state, he fully realized that his paranoia would only worsen with even more drastic sleep deprivation. Joey cocked his wrists slightly to avoid the swords hitting the ground and making any noise. He bent slightly to lower himself, fully believing that this would somehow help him despite being out in the open.

He crept up to the building and flattened himself against a wall. So far so good. He began to shuffle his way along to the first window and peeked cautiously in. For the first time in a while he felt a twinge of optimism. The room was empty and it appeared that no one had been there yet, but he knew that one room didn't mean full security.

He moved slowly up to the next window and peeked in. Nothing in there either but-

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He stammered.

Two figures had walked right past the open down heading down the hallway.

Joey quickly jerked himself back and dropped down to a seated position along the wall. He needed to think through what he could do here. If they were hostile, it could be bad. If they were friendly, even that could be bad. Maybe they'd want him to share his food and supplies? He didn't want to do that, but damn it, they might have something he could use too.

Frustrated, Joey slammed his forehead into his palms, contemplating his next move.
Stuff. Things. Stuff and things.
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Post by Outfoxd »

((Sorry guys, I gotta get Katy dead.))

Yaz went right and Katy didn't catch the hint that she was supposed to follow.  The place was empty.  Katy was sure Yaz would be fine by herself.  Katy turned and went the opposite way.  There were a couple classrooms she wanted to check out.

She slipped across one of the thresholds into a room that was mostly in order save a few overturned desks.

"String,"  She kept her eyes roving across the floor, looking for the suggested item.

Fucking string?  Really?

She stopped in her tracks, looking up.

"Am I really looking for string?"

She almost kicked a chair, so absurd was the idea.

"This is fucking stupid."

Those other girls, those soft specimens of human race back there, they were going about this wrong.  And if Katy went along with them, then she was going to be in the same rickety, rusty fucking boat.

There was an open window across the room.  Silently, Katy went to it and slipped out of the building.  Fuck all this.  She was going to find a group of girls that knew what they were doing.  Forget the love-in at the school.

Katy crept away from the school building, toward what she hoped would be greener pastures.

((Katy Warren continued in The Farmer and the Viper))
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Post by BetaKnight »

Popping the last of her bar into her mouth, Rebecca chewed as she climbed to her feet.  She winced as her knee twinged, the brief slip-and-pull sensation almost comforting in its familiarity.  Sleeping on the floor on a pile of nap time mats was apparently not the best thing for old dance injuries.  However, it couldn't really be helped.  

Stretching slightly, Rebecca tried to work the kink out of her leg.  She turned the movement into sweeping gesture that ended with her hand extended to Janie, palm facing up.  She smiled as she offered a helping hand up off the floor.  "Since Katy and Yasmin are already up and moving, we should get moving too.  It wouldn't to do irritate Katy needlessly.  I like your idea for finding something to maybe block the doors or windows, but I'm afraid that might be really heavy.  Maybe we could see if they have any kind of carts or stuff on rollers?"  

Rebecca didn't want to discourage Janie before they even started so she tried to soften the blow by adding, "Teacher sometimes keep weird things in their cabinets.  My step-brothers swear that their fifth grade teacher kept shaving cream in her desk.  Who knows what kind of stuff we could find if we find that kitchen!"
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Post by Casey the Undead* »

Janie winced as Rebecca pointed out the weight of a barricade. She was right, of course -- there was no way the two of them were strong enough to heft anything that would be super effective, and even all four girls working together would probably just end in someone getting hurt. "Okay, yeah, heavy lifting isn't high on my to do this." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe if there are empty cans in the kitchen we could use some string to make a sort of door chime? You know, like in stores and stuff?" She crossed her arms, frowning. "Or, wait, did I already suggest that? I'm still a bit wonky from waking up, I don't know what I said and thought anymore." She laughed brightly, shaking her head. 

Janie glanced around the hallway she'd exited into. "Do you know which way Yaz and Katy went? I don't wanna tread over the same ground." She did a full 360, appreciating the eerie calmness of an abandoned elementary school. The map she'd checked earlier said something about a nuclear plant, didn't it? Maybe they were in Chernobyl, or somewhere like that! Totally freaky, Janie decided. "This place is weird. Like one day something terrible went wrong and everyone left but no one destroyed anything, or really took much besides their personal belongings with them." She grinned, bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet. "Maybe that's a good thing, though! If no one thought to clear out the school when they were evacuating, maybe the terrorists let it be! Or they left behind useful things without knowing they'd be useful to us!" She stopped her bouncing, turning back to Rebecca. "Either way, we're probably gonna have to be creative, but that shouldn't be a problem."

Janie knew that this wasn't a game, and she certainly wasn't being naive about it -- this was no adventure, no fun time. They were finding objects that could potentially save their lives, building a stronghold that could make it so she could see her family again. But that didn't mean she couldn't be a bit optimistic about it -- why not enjoy the small things if she was going to die soon? What was the point of being morose? Why not die like she lived -- ultimately and truly happy?

She kept her smile going and pointed to her left. "I don't know why, but something's telling me the kitchen's that way."
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Post by Deamon »

"Hey Katy have you found anything?" Yaz asked as she looked through the drawers of a teacher's desk. Silence greeted her. She looked up to find that Katy wasn't in the room with her, which wasn't bad but when Yaz looked out into the corridor Katy also wasn't there. Yaz didn't let it put her off though, since Katy could have been in one of the other classrooms that were nearby.

She wasn't.

At that discovery Yaz got worried, it wasn't the fact that she didn't know where Katy was since Katy was more than capable of looking after herself. It was the fact she was alone.

The irony that Yaz had preferred being alone when she was back in Seattle was lost on her because she wasn't in Seattle, and on the island being alone meant you were in danger. Katy had been the one to teach Yaz that lesson when they had met the day before. If you were alone you were a target.

Yaz was alone.

So she was a target.

She shivered. It was silly really, Janie and Rebecca were just back down the hallway, and even if they had started looking around they couldn't have gotten too far, after all the school couldn't have been that big. Even if it was the only elementary school on the whole island. It was more a mental fear. She wasn't actually in that much danger or that was what she was telling herself. She did only have a pillow case with a rock in it for protection.

She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. It was fine, there was no danger. She would be fine. She just had to find some string and get back to Janie and Rebecca, that was it. She could fine Katy after; once she was sure she was safe. Until then she just had to focus on what she was doing.

Finding some string. A supply closet would help. Then get back to Janie and Rebecca.

Nothing huge, no difficult task, all she had to do was put her fear behind her and keep looking, that was it.

So much easier said than done.

She went to step out of the room, but stopped and turned around, she didn't want to do it, she didn't want to do anything to do with Survival of the Fittest. She looked at the pillow case in her hand.

She moved back in the classroom and stepped onto the desk and reached up to the ceiling. She couldn't reach, too small. She took her bag off her shoulder and dropped it off the desk. Stepping down she moved over and picked up a chair, taking it back to the desk and pushing it on top of it.

Reached up again. This time she touched the roof. She pushed. It was just a loose tile; Yaz pushed it and the one next to it out of the way.

Wiping her eyes Yaz slung the pillow case over the bar that separated the two tiles.

No turning back, knot was tied. Only one step left.

Hopefully everything would be better.

Just had to take the step.

G022: Yasmin Carrol - Deceased
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by BetaKnight »

Rebecca laughed at Janie's exuberance.  Janie reminded her of Piper, all undirected energy and excitement.  As gently as possible, she put her hand on Janie's shoulder and turned her in the opposite direction.  "This way, Kemosabe. "I'm pretty sure Katy and Yasmin went that way, and I'd rather not be following in Katy's footsteps." she said as she pointed them in the 'right' direction.  "Katy doesn't seem to think we're terribly capable and I don't really want to reinforce that opinion."  

The hallway stretched before them, a sort of anti-Yellow Brick Road.  Rebecca suppressed a shudder and headed off down the corridor. "I'll race you.  Last one to find something useful has to make dinner tonight," she offered Janie.  Without waiting for a reply, she picked up her pace.
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Post by Casey the Undead* »

Janie sprinted after Rebecca, laughter bubbling in her throat. "It's not fair if you get a head start," she cried, jokingly indignant. It wasn't fair, of course, but Janie supposed she could outrun Rebecca anyway. Probably.

Her shoes slipped against the floor a bit, and Janie felt her balance weaken. "Hey!" Her arms flailed to the side as she tried to catch herself. She saw how far Rebecca had gotten ahead of her and grit her teeth. "That's it, you're dead!" She sprinted full speed ahead, feet clanking heavily against the ground. Her pace was kept up for about five seconds before her feet caught underneath her, and she felt herself tumble to the ground, landing smack on her face.

"Owwww," she groaned, cradling her cheek in her hand. It was a stupid move, and Janie could hear the echo of her fall throughout the hallway. She sighed, conceding defeat. "Alright, alright, you got me! Olly olly oxen free!" She pushed herself off the ground, dusting off and rubbing her cheek again. Damn. That one hurt.

"Yo, Rebecca! Wait up!" She started after her friend again, taking it a touch slower, trying to work out the ache in her jaw.
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Post by BetaKnight »

((I want out of here.  If this doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll do some heavy edits.))

Rebecca stopped when Janie called out, feeling a little winded from her sprint.  Her concern over her lack of fitness was overshadowed by the silly surge of pride at leaving Janie in her dust.  "Oh man," she giggled as she turned towards the other girl.  "Are you all ri...."

A slight swaying motion from inside the room caught her attention.  Craning her neck to get a better view, Rebecca gasped in shock as she saw Yasmin's limp form hanging from the ceiling. Frantically scrambling backwards, she crashed into the opposite side of the hallway.  

This was not okay.  She had to get away.  They had to get away.

Moving as quickly as possible, Rebecca charged back up the hallway towards Janie.  She reached out as she passed the other girl and tugged her arm, heading back in the direction of their base.  They couldn't stay here anymore.  This place was defiled.  It was tainted now.  They had to go, and they had to right now.

"We're leaving," she announced, her voice tight with emotions.  "Right now.  We have to get out of here."
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Post by BetaKnight »

((Sorry about this, but time is running out and I'm going to be crazy busy next few days.))

Without waiting to see if Janie was behind her, Rebecca ran back to "their" room.  She had to go.  She had to go *now*.  There was a dead person here.  There was a dead *Yaz* here.  There were not supposed to be dead people in elementary school classrooms, her brain helpfully supplied.  She shook her head in agreement as she gathered up her meager belongings.

She wasn't sure where she was going, but anywhere was better than here.  As quickly as possible, Rebecca headed for the door and exited the building.

((Rebecca Kiesling continued in It's a Sign with Neon and Everything))
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Post by SOTF_Help »

Joey soon fled the area.

((Joey grey continued in Many of Horror))

Janie also got the heck out of there.

((Janie Sinneave continued elsewhere))
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