B35 - Start

Although it's called a hospital, it's really more of an island clinic. It's a relatively small building, covered in whites and pastels to give it a clean and sterile look. Even the waiting rooms and the patient rooms in the back beg for a little color. The cupboards and cabinets still contain various medications prescribed by clinic physicians. It's the opportune place to head if you're needing to tend to a few wounds -- it's also the opportune place to head if you're set on picking off the weak links.
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B35 - Start


Post by Shula* »

This was some sort of mistake. He was Anthony Marius Ainsworth! Things like this simply did not happen to people like him. It happened to people who deserved it:  second-class citizens. And how many immigrants or other invalids had he seen? None! He was rich, he was white, and for heaven's sake, he was Catholic!

Anthony Marius had marched right up to the building he assumed Danya to be in. Lucky, that little trip, that he hadn't run into some student who didn't realize that he was here by mistake. He realized he'd better be careful, at least until he got this situation corrected. Anthony Marius had been wrong, apparently enough, in terms of Danya's headquarters. He'd come in through a back door of a hospital, if it could be called one. The clinic seemed far too desolate for that. Despite this, the boy did not allow himself to be lulled into a false sense of security. Who knows what kind of person, with what kind of weapon, might be stupid enough to attack him. After all, his father was a lawyer; whoever tried to kill him would regret such an action very quickly.

Finding an as of yet unoccupied room in the back of the clinic, Anthony Marius heaved the bag he'd been given onto the bed. He knew he was making noise, but the place had seemed eerily empty. He'd already moved what he had from his own bag into the standard issue one. (The arrogant bastards had ripped his original over-nighter.) He began to take inventory:  meager amounts of food, an extra set of clothing, a map and compass, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and a hockey stick.

Considering that he planned to be on the island for only a short amount of time, this wasn't such a bad case. Anthony Marius took out the map to look for where Danya might be, so he could explain the situation and get out of the whole mess. Really, who had been the moron to put him here?  The image hit him like a brick to the face. Things were labeled on the map, of course, but…there was nowhere that looked much like a control center for a program of this magnitude. He…wasn't going to get out? No, that was just ridiculous, he wasn't supposed to be here! The kid searched the map again, and again, and again more closely. Nothing that would work.

Anthony Marius risked a glance over to his bag. B35 – Ainsworth.  He grabbed at the side of bed as he forgot to make his legs keep him standing. The complete truth of the matter weighed on him, pressing him to his knees. With a thousand thoughts racing through his mind, Anthony did what was natural to him. He crossed himself and using the hockey stick to help himself up, "forgive me, Father, for I will sin."
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Post by narfinkool* »

Stacy thinks to herself what a wonderful things this game has a nice atmosphere. A place where voices are nill and the smell of blood is on its way. She took a big smell of the atmospere, "There we go that's great"

Suddenly she heard something, something strange. Voices and noises... Hmm I wonder who could be in the same hospital as Stacy. Maybe someone will need the gauze more than others after she is done with them.

She approaches the back of the hospital slowly. She then began to notice a very attractive man on the bed with his back facing the door unpacking his things. Stacy then moves away from the door with her back against the wall. She thinks to herself, maybe with a good clear view of Stacy's chest he will be under my spell. Either to do as a Stacy wants or to be easy pickings with a little shock.

She knocks at the door, telling the boy while still beside the doorway. She means no harm and asks to be invited in so they can talk about the competition. She gives her word, and know that the boy is catholic as she has seen him in her class. She tells him it is Stacy here to talk.
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Post by Shula* »

Anthony whipped around at the sound of a light knock on the door. Clearly, the building passing as a hospital had not been as empty as he originally thought. He relaxed almost instantly though, when he saw that the intruder was female; tall, even more so than himself, but female nonetheless. And women cooked, cleaned, and whored around, nothing more dangerous than introducing more invalids to the gene pool.

She stood there, leaning against the wall beside the door, puffing out her chest like some common streetlamp girl. She asked to come in, to…talk about the competition. Competition?  Silly words from a silly girl. Anthony had seen her before in class; her name was Stacy; she was the class slut.

His grip on the hockey stick, still in his hand, shifted ever so slightly  even as his thoughts did. He had been determined to play this thing to the end. He had to, there was no other option. Incapacitate and leave them for someone else to kill. That...technically wasn't muder. But this...whore before him, she wasn't attacking him, and beyond the fact that she deserved to die and smolder eternally in Hell, he had no real reason to kill her. He wasn't sure he could. Oh, he was physically capable of it, let there be no doubt of that; but, whether or not he was mentally able, he couldn't say just then. He might be forgiven necessary death, but what about situations like this?

He couldn't see her weapon. Maybe she was planning to attack. Maybe she had some smaller gun, or a knife. Being here, she could have a handful of hypodermic needles. Or maybe she had nothing of use.

"There are two things that women want, Anthony:  power and sex. If you give them one, they will assume they have the other as well. Of course, if you allow women to think they have either, they will again make the assumption that they have both. Always, always allow the woman to assume she has power over you, whatever the means. Because then you will have complete power over her." Anthony's father drilled this into the young boy's head for what had to be the thousandth time in a month. He knew this already! He was ten; that's old enough to remember such obvious lessens.

He could work this to his advantage easily. This girl, if he let her think she had control of this situation within a situation, he could keep her until she became useful. Perhaps she could be a human shield, or a negotiation. He wouldn't have to kill her himself. Let someone else be damned with her blood on their hands. Either way, it would benefit him all the more.

Anthony allowed his eyes to be drawn towards Tracy's more than obviously thrown out breasts, and then allowed them to linger a few seconds before tearing his gaze back to her face. He pasted a slight smirk onto his face and lowered his eyelids ever so slightly, as if he knew what he wanted and fully intended on getting it willingly.

"Of course we can...talk. What did you have in mind?"
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Post by narfinkool* »

Stacy says thank-you to Anthony, as she noticed his eyes gazing at her luptuous breasts. She tells him she has been scared with all this violence about to happen and sits down next to him. She explains to him that she means no harm and is looking for a big strong man to protect her from the harm this terrible game has to offer. She then takes off her light coat and exposes a tight shirt exposing her breasts ever more.

She then tells Anthony that they should figure out a plan and try and secure the hospital area to prevent the "bad men" from entering. She then places her hand on his thigh and asks him if she can do something for him. If he needs her assistance in ANY way, she will be there. She explains to him that rumours say that she sleeps with people, she explains that it is all a lie. She says people spread rumours just to make themselves feel stronger.

She then thinks to herself, she has got this guy. Anthony although very religious cannot ignore her beautiful body, which has presented it to him so invitingly. She thinks if she sleeps with him, she can get him or more likely use him for other projects she has in mind. She thinks if she can just get one grip of his hard penis, she will be in full control. She noticed the hockey stick that he grips tightly, she was prepared for a fight with her taser hidden in her pocket, she can see the attack with the hockey stick considering how big the stick is.

She feels comfortable with this guy, although she is here to live. She begins to notice the stunning features Anthony has. She then reaches across his lap and pulls the hockey stick out of hands slowly as she lays accross his lap gently pressing against his groin with lightness, and with her hand on his, slowly lifting the hand off the stick

She then asks " Lets put the hockey stick away and think on more IMPORTANT matters" Stacy says as she winks at him
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Post by Shula* »

Anthony fought to keep his expression neutral as Stacy admitted her complete uselessness and helplessness. This was far too easy. She made her outward intentions more than clear, removing a jacket and sitting on the hospital bed far too near to him to even pretend she hadn't invaded personal space. Unexpectedly, however, the girl suggested turning the medical center into a base camp. Of course, the as of yet one-sided conversation immediately did another 180 as she denied the supposed rumors of her indiscriminate tendencies. A hand on his thigh, however, told him exactly how true those "rumors" were.

What did she think she was doing? To begin with, sex before marriage was just plain wrong. Of course, she was female. Granted, at the very basic level, women were all alike, but really. This one was overdoing it more than a little bit.

The muscles in his neck twitched as he refused to respond to this girl's too obvious and too physical plan to get rid of his one weapon, especially if she were hiding something more detrimental to his health than to his soul.

Anthony found this an opportune moment to take back the hockey stick and stand up, hoping beyond hope that any betrayal from his physical self was unnoticeable.
"Yes, more pressing matters, such as the possibility of others already in the building. I believe a weapon is nearly vital to these matters, don't you?"

He quickly scanned Stacy, looking for any hint of a hidden threat.
"What's that in your pocket? ...And how exactly does one fortify some island clinic against  unwanted entry, with gauze and drugs?"
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Post by narfinkool* »

Stacy explains to him that she has a taser in her pocket and that she is completly harmless. She changes the subject quickly and tells him to look around the clinic and that he was correct and they should check the clinic. She then stands up and goes behind Anthony placing her warm body against his back and moves her hands around his body and presses harder against his. Stacy places her hands on his stomach and points her fingers towards his groin. She tells him she is scared and needs protection.

As soon as Stacy goes behind Anthony, she has a develish smile that only she could see. She has the develish smile to portray that she believes she is in control. With the arms wrapped securly around his waist, she can control this guy. Not one guy can control a seductive queen like Stacy. Stacy thinks not only is this the begining to a very controling relationship but what harm can a hockey stick due compared to a taser. She has been hit before with worse weopans as far as the hockey stick is considered it was not a problem. She continues to flirt with Anthony by blowing in his ear lightly. Also whenever he talks she has some what of a puppy dog look. Although you should never judge a book by its cover.

She thinks if she can get this guy to sleep with her then, this guy will realize how much he "sinned". He will then turn crazy and begin to turn in some sort of turmoil. Although she cannot ignore how cute Anthony was, during school she never payed attention to him but his actions seem to be the most attractiveness of him. The fact that he changed the subject so instantly made her furious and wanted him even more. She repeatedly insisted herself, by making her chest more appealing and rubbing them once in a while also by staring at him with piercing eyes. She then glazed at his body, this body was intriguing from the physical stature that glowed. She had to have it, no matter what the cost.

She then explained to him in a very soft and caring voice "What do you think we should do Anthony, I am ALL ears" as she bats her long eyelashes.
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Post by Shula* »

This was getting ridiculous. Stacy became even more obvious, evenmore physical in her actions, and to be strictly honest, Anthony was being betrayed by his own body.
Old men he thought to himself, forcing mental images, Old, naked, flabby men with tattoos and old piercings. Old, naked, flabby men with tattoos and old peircings going at it with each other.!  A gag later, and Anthony was able to compose himself as much as was possible in the current situation. Really, how many people could be perfectly unconcerned on this island? He threw his mind to the island for the moment.

He turned around, still within the clutches of Feminine Evil. Playing along for only a moment, he leaned closer, only to not quite yell, "Filthy heathen whore, do not dare touch me again with those hands of death!" before he pushed her away from as strongly as he was able. He didn't bother to help her back up. Instead, Anthony grabbed up his hockey stick and held the edge against stacy's throat. It wasn't much of a threat, but it kept her from retaliating at least for the moment.

"I do not want to kill you, as doomed to hell and deserving of it as you are; but, trust me when I say that if you come near me again, I will not hesitate."

he flicked the sports equipment turned weapon up into her jaw, not nearly enough to do permanent damage, but a warning. Anthony was not happy. Taking his day pack, he left the room and strode out the door, nearly proud of his grand exit. This was ruined a bit by his taking a fall face first over the trip wire, but he got up and continued.

He didn't know where he was going, what he would do when he got there, but even before that, there was a certain problem to take care of, and not with old men with tattoos and piercings. Either way, he had to get out of the open. There had to be someone with a ranged weapon around here somewhere, and that would be a most unpleasant way to die.

((Continued in Prophetic Counterfeit))
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Post by narfinkool* »

Stacy was shoked the crazy boy just snapped. Although she felt like she had a hold over him. None the less she proceeded to secure the hospital. She walked around the rest of the hospital, to make sure she was alone.

She proceeded to walk around and then her chin started to hurt where he placed that stick. She began to rub under chin where that bastard left a red mark. She then cursed his name as he walked out the door. As he had damaged her beautiful face. She got mad and started to smash things in the hospital. She then proceeded to yell she was furious, not only was she turning violent but she was also yelling and screaming. Stacy must have yelled so loud that the whole island could have heard her.

She then began to calm down, and then reminded herself. He resisted me!!! What a bastard, how can anyone resist me, as Stacy rubbed her chest.  She then began to forget all about it. She then proceded to one of the beds and had a quick nap, with the trip wire still outside she should be ok.

She then fell asleep awaiting someone to enter the hospital. With the taser in hand Stacy would be prepared

Stacy soon waked up from a long sleep. She awoke and proceeded to get dressed. She then decided she was bored and searched for victims, she then proceeded outside the hospital and approached north. (continued elsewhere)
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