Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

A lookout point which provides a look at the whole island. Be wary of the fact that with one push, you could go tumbling down the lookout point and fall to your death.
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Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2


Post by ekim11* »

Last time...on the adventures of Thom Chuck and Waldo Woodrow: The SOTF Saga...
Thom Chuck and Waldo Woodrow, best friends forever, finally met up on the island. They exclaimed "dude", "sweet", and a lot of other stupid stuff, showing how cool and excited they were to meet up. And then, some people came into the topic, suspending it temporarily. Now, their adventures continue inside this topic. Very awesome, indeed!

... Thom ran a hand through his lilac colored hair, and grinned.

"Sweet, this is cool. It's like Lord of the Flies, only better cuz we get weaponry to kill stuff with." Thom had already checked his bag for his designated weapon. It wasn't a gun, or a fishing pole, unfortunately, but it was something almost as cool. "I was given 15 ninja stars." He unzipped the bag hanging off of his shoulders, and pulled out a single ninja star. It gleamed menacingly.

"How about you, Woody? What weapon were you given?"
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Post by No-Life King* »

A large grin crossed Waldo's face as he extracted a nearly three foot long object from his bag. "You ain't gonna believe this, man!" he exclaimed excitedly as pulled the blade from its sheath. It took a bit of effort but the blade slid free to reveal all its deadly glory with a rather loud "shing" sound. The light cast a menacing glint over it that seemed to actually sharpen the already razor sharp edge with the power of Sol itself.

The grin on Waldo's face actually widened as he made a swooshing sound in tandem with a minor shift of the swords position. He would have actually swiped it around but the weight proved too much for him. Letting it slip in such close proximity to Thom could have been a disaster...

"I think it's a katana! Cool, huh?"
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Post by ekim11* »

Upon seeing the katana, Thom whistled admiringly. "Nice, man, nice. Way cool..." Thom smirked, noticing the fact that Woody was having some trouble holding up the japanese sword. "Sure looks like a japanese sword... I've never really used such a thing, but I've used chinese swords. You know, like a Da Dao." His pronunciation was flawless for once, causing the boy to smirk. He was showing off, obviously. The bragging went on. "Yeah. Chinese swords, mostly. Never really used a japanese sword, but it can't be too hard, right?

"Hey, tell you what, buddy. I take the sword, you get 10 ninja stars and...er, the katana sheathe. 'kay?" Thom could just see himself now. Slashing down enemy after enemy with that japanese sword. Killing all who get in his and Waldo's way. The smirk widened on Thom's face as he awaited his friend's reply.
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Post by No-Life King* »

Waldo narrowed his eyes in protest. "Dood! What the heck am I going to do with the sheath?" the teen called out as he playfully jabbed the sword in Thom's direction. Why was he letting himself be bossed around out here? What was the gurantee that Thom wouldn't just turn around and stab him in the back? The thoughts rushed at Waldo all of sudden in an angry wave of heat which almost overwhelmed him with its ferocity. A meager flick of his wrist caused the katana to crash to the ground with a soft thud that was drowned out by the whoosh of air from Waldo's bag.

He sighed letting all the used up air in his body out before sucking back in a moderate sum of the fresh air and was possibly some kind gnat. Spitting it out, Waldo then knelt by his bag and retrieved the bottle of water. "Fine fine, Upchuck. Just hook me up with ten and we're good to go," he gasped as hurriedly tore off the cap and took a great gulp from the bottle. It filled him with a cool energy that he sorely missed but it flowed through him with nowhere near enough force of that anger he had temporarily felt before...
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Post by ekim11* »

Thom leaned down and picked up the sword, admiring its workmanship. Perfect steel that just screamed for a touch of red. His eyes lit up as he got into a battle stance, imitating the samurai he had seen in Anime. His lips formed an "o" shape as the sun's rays danced upon the sword, making it shine. "Beautiful," Thom's eyes didn't leave the shining sword held up infront of him. "Isn't it?" It was as if the sword was straight out of one of those lame Japanese films his Dad kept on making him watch. Only, it was far better, because it was here in the steel.

"Man, just imagine the possibilities of a sword like this." Thom swung the sword forward. He was a little surprised at the heaviness of it, but it was much easier to wield than one of those Chinese swords. "Sp. Woody, my man...where do we go next? I wanna chop some people in half." Thom winked. "Let's play this game, alright? And have some fun with it, too. With weapons like these, it'll be tough at first, but..." He trailed off with a small smirk, his head filling with thoughts of he and Woody kicking some tail. "We just need a shotgun..."
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Post by No-Life King* »

The teen on his rump sighed before turning his darkened shades towards the older child. Thom could be so naive at times but he wasn't a bad friend at all. He'd chicken out as soon before they ever got that far, right? Waldo swiftly stood despite the slight dizziness coursing through his body. His vision was replaced with a series of dots that obscured his best friend but a person like Waldo was used to that condition. It usually only occured after he had been doing something psychically intensive but the recent events...

Waldo quickly flushed his memory of the plane from his mind. He shook his head and then quickly took another sip from his water bottle."Where the heck are we going to get a shotgun?" he called out like nothing was a matter. Bugging out like this never did anyone any good. Letting Thom know would just be putting bad blood out in the water. Their friendship didn't need something like this.

Not yet, atleast.
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Post by ekim11* »

Thom stared hard at the sword. Yeah...where they get a shotgun, anyway? Where would you find a shotgun on an island where there were crazy kids shooting at eachother and chopping one another to bits? "Didn't one of those announcements talk about...oh, I dunno. Some kid having crazy shotgun fun. Some Hawley Faust kid, I think." He took one hand off of the sword, and used it to scratch the back of his head. Thom never was one for thinking. He was more of the don't-think-just-do types, always rushing into things without really thinking things through.

His free hand returned to the handle of the katana. "If we find Hawley Faust, and kill him, then we can have a shotgun. Easy as pie, right?" Again, Thom winked. It was an odd habit of his. "There's got to be someone with an Uzi on the island, too. I heard the shots." He pointed the katana forward, holding it as if it were some delicate machinegun weapon. "Rat-a-tat-tat! Didn't you hear it? Rat-a-tat-tat. Like an old typewriter. Right outta the movies!!" Thom fixed the sword's position, holding it correctly again.

"We hunt down Hawley, and take his shotgun. Then, we get the kid with the machinegun. Then, we'll be the unbeatable team. You and me." He let go of the sword with one hand, and began to wave the sword around wildly. "Waldo and Thom...I can see it now! The unbeatable duo. Way awesome!!" Of course, Thom wasn't thinking of the inevitable time - that is, if everything went as planned - when he and Waldo would have to kill him. "C'mon, take the shuriken out of my bag, and then let's go." Thom dropped his daypack. He wouldn't need it...the bread looked stale, and the water seemed lame. Besides, it was cramping his style to the point of being ridiculous.
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Post by Kuze* »

((Continued from: Starting Place for B#100))

Shinya wandered around for a while when two loud voices echoed through the general area claiming to be the "undefeatable duo" or something like that. Moving his hair in front of his face, he walked out of the nearby brush to see two boys talking to each other one holding a large Japanese Sword.

"You know you shouldnt talk so loud someone may end up sending a bullet through your thick skulls"

Shinya said as he looked at the two boys while holding the P250 and the flashlight with his hair in his face completely obsuring his face.

(occ Ekim, No-Life King if there are any discrepancies plase inform me ASAP and ill edit)
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

((Continued from: On My Own))

He was getting almost familiar with this island he thought to himself as he recognised the dirtpath underneath his feet as the raised lookout point came into view.He had started near here when he had first risen from his drug induced sleep,so he had done a giant circle? a mental "FUCK!" would be given before his teeth gritted against each other and gently scraped for a few moments.A Couple voices would be carried on the wind down to him and his ally and so he would move over behind a tree and unsling his bag.Opening it and withdrawing Umi`s pistol and the rounds for it.Both would be tossed towards his ally without a word.

Slowely he rose to hsi feet and slung the bag over his back oncemore and glanced up through the trees the lookout.It looked Empty enough but there were still those voices.Gripping that Ingram tightly he would glance around the two.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

((Continued from: Starting Place for B#54))

Stevan stood there looking up at the tree's. he too could hear the voices. his attentions then wondered to peri ruffling through his pack.
As the gun and clip flew towards stevan it would be caught between his hand and his chest. he looked down at the weapin and smirked to himself. Finally a secondary weapon. No more of that damn shotgun ripping his arms out his sockets everytime he fired off a round.

He stock of the pistol would be held in his left hand while the other would insert the clip into it. His lightly grabbed the top of the gun and gently pulled back as to minimize the sound it made when cocking the gun. It would then be slided into his the back of his jeans. What he really needed was a holster, maybe later he could fashion one out of belts? But that wasnt his prior concern at this time. The main worry were the voices.

"Plans?"would be whispered to peri. "im not a good thinker so my best thought is to wait it out and see who they are, what they got?"
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He would give a nodd of his head before he would point around in a hope Stevan would get the message to move around before pointing to stevan.It was hardly special ops stuff but hopefully he would get the message.The voices seemed to be not to far off and so very hesitant steps took him towards the nearest tree.

His uzi would be left to hang on his right side as he began climbing a tree beside him,very slowely and with haste he raised himself up onto branch after branch till he would be completely out of sight from ground level.In the mass of trees around he would be fine hopefully since anyone of them could be holding an enemy.

A broad branch halfway would be sat on as he would grip onto that uzi and glance down to the dirt ground underneath him.Not to far, a jump would land him on his feet but itd hurt a fair bit.It was high enough to keep him out of sight but not high enough for him to break any bones if/when he would fall from his very own lookoutpoint.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan walked backwards as he watched peri climbed the tree. What a good idea, An ambush attack. they walk by we shoot them up,...they'd never know what hit them but the big holes and red stains amy give them a hint.

He suddenly bumped into something. He froxze for a second before turning round slowly. Thank christ it was a tree, Atleast it wasnt one of those guys built like mountains that liked to get in the wayof stevans fights at school. His arms would be raised as he jumped up and grabbed the lowest branch. With all his stregnth lifted himself up untill he got a good footing on one of the other branches. This tree was perfect. the middle had a couple branches laying over it. It was like a deck chair of sorts and comfy as hell. Stevan lay back in the deck chair tree, camoflauged by the thick branches and leaves surrounding him. His shot gun was aimed towards the floor.His dark clothing only advanced the camoflauge that the shadows gave him. He lay there perfectly still and held into himself as muchas possible. His breathing kept to a minimum.

He glanced up and saw peri in the tree on the otherside to the opening of the dirtpath to the lookout.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Why do I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of lead in the air? Continued from "Jason's Choice": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=392
IC: Jason had reached the Lookout point after several minutes of travel, though he wasn't exactly sure where Jayne was (just that she was somewhere behind him). The paths up the point were even narrower than he thought, though the one they were taking was starting to widen, with a cluster of trees not far ahead. That's when he stopped and unslung his Uzi, raising it slightly just in case. He was sure he had seen a flicker of movement--a leg, at least-- in one of the trees not too far in front of him and Jayne. He thought he picked up the faint sound of whispering too, which was plausible considering they were not that far behind the tree that Jason saw the movement in.

"Is someone up there? I mean no harm yet, so don't shoot or I will shoot back."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

OOC: Guess the game is getting to Jason already since neither Stevan or Peri have been whispering while they were in the trees.As for the lead? Well mhm Uzi weilding children arent the most group friendly kids around.

He meant no harm? Well that made it all that much easier since that means it would be a mercy kill.The Strong survived and the weak died out,that Ingramof his would be raised towards where the voice had come from.One hand holding the muzzle of the weapon while the other hand sat wrapped around the stock of the weapon.Back to the sturdy oak of the tree he was in he sat there in silence with a grinn on his pale face.It was pretty hard to miss with 49 rounds.

His eyes lowered down the barrel of the weapon to where the "no harm" comment had come from.He was safe and he knew it,there were quite a few trees around him a good ten that looked just the same as him.As long as he didnt fall out of the tree he would be fine..Well he should be fine at least.Legs had been been raised into a cross legged position.He could have looked like more of a sniper with a rifle oh and of course some camoflauge..Wait..Didnt he have some in his bag from the Warehouse?
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

stevan had seen the two enter into the scene. What luck, It was none other than uzi boy and vodka girl. He had left them for a safer place but it seemed they had followed him? He knew jason would fire if he had to....Or as stevan had learnt back at the shore jason would fire for no reason at all. The girl was weaponless scared and probally tipsy as she always was.

He lay completely still as jason called out. He only had to move his shotgun very slightly to the left to get jason in his firing line. His fingers would grip tighter around the barrel and his finger was brought to the trigger ready to fire if need be. Now there was the voices they had heard earlier and now to more arrivals, this was going to get ugly and bloody.
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