G24 - Lovett, Wanda[/DECEASED]

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G24 - Lovett, Wanda[/DECEASED]


Post by Jotun* »


Name: Wanda Lovett
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Grade: 10th
School: Bathurst
Homeroom: Ms. Gussie's Homeroom 131.
Hobbies and Interests: Kareoke, hanging out with friends, watching movies, history and mythology.

Appearance: At 5'6" and 140lb Wanda is slightly chubby for her height, She has long dark brown hair with bits of blonde at the fringe that, when straight, would reach down her back but due to it's waves and her refusal to straighten it it reaches just past her shoulders. Wanda's eyes are hazel, verging towards the green rather then brown side of the hazel spectrum, her skin is a natural pinky-white colour, despising the tanning or lightening techniques used by girls at either end of the social spectrum to make themselves look 'cool', she's often heard commenting "they spend half their lives being racist twits then go try make themselves look as orange as possible". Wanda usually wears black trakkies and a dark blue T-shirt with black trainers and a cheap plastic watch, she despises brand labels and 'fashionable' clothing, seeing them as nothing more then an excuse to make money out of stupid people.

Biography: Wanda was born in Nottingham, England, the third child and only daughter of a miner and his wife, growing up Wanda was mostly a tomboy, this horrified her family who attempted to 'put her right' by telling her a woman's place was in the home, cooking and cleaning and submitting to her husband, Wanda challenged this idea and was isolated by her family, spending most of her time at the local library she formed her own opinions on subjects such as homosexuality which, in a mining town, were considered "sick" and "unnatural", she also fell in love with Ancient mythology and Gothic horror. At 13 when it became apparent she wouldn't grow out of her "wierdness" she was sent to live in America with her strictly religious uncle, hoping he could "knock some sense into her" her uncle, however proved to be a caring soul deeply devoted to the Christian principles of charity and loving everyone equally, he respected her opinions and, while he did insist she read the bible at least once, did not press his views on her and allowed her to establish her own identity and ideas of feminism and equality.

In school she mostly keeps to herself but has a few close friends, her tendancy to view Barbie doll-type women as pitiful has earnt her a few enimies.

Despite having lived in America for a little under 2 years, she still maintains her Nottingham accent and English slang.

Advantages: Growing up in a rough area of the UK means she's fairly tough, commenting on the 'gang war' in Bathurst she claimed "this is nothing, you guys've never walked through St Annes at 10 o clock at night"

Disadvantages: She has no real experience with weapons and can't handle pain very well, despite coming first at a 'knuckles' (a game which involved stabbing yourself repeatedly in the hand with the edge of a coin until you bleed or cry out) competition in her middle school.

Number: Girl #24

Designated Weapon: Bowling Ball
Conclusion: Every kid thinks they've figured out the world at some point, and G24 sounds especially pompous about it, complete with a snotty british accent. I'm sure she's going to turn her nose up at the wrong person and get shot for her arrogance, unless she extends those 'views of equality' to other people getting riddled with bullets, because I'd bet anything this girl isn't tough enough on her own.

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