Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

A lookout point which provides a look at the whole island. Be wary of the fact that with one push, you could go tumbling down the lookout point and fall to your death.
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Post by Kuze* »

Shinya leaned over to pick up the gun that the boy tossed at him and reached with the hand with the P250 to pick up his bag and slid the P250 in his bag as her clasped his other hand over the M1911.

Standing up with the M1911 in one hand and his bag's strap in the other Shinya inquired

"so whats your name, I told you mine so how about yours?"
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Mhm the trusting wasnt too stevans liking but shit happens. "The names stevan, steve? up to you just go along with what blood boy over there says." A slight nod wouldbe given over to peri as he spoke.
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Post by Swoosh* »

((coming from The Lighthouse))

Angharad walked along the path, her cat claws in her hand. The lookout point was just up ahead, up a small hill. She began to walk up it, looking around her as she did so.

Had she done the right thing? Choosing to 'take part' in the game... true, she wanted to win. She wanted to go back home.

But how much of her would there be left after the game was over? Would she totally lose herself to the game?

Her thoughts flashed back to her boyfriend's smiling face. His arms outsretched... she had to see him again... they had so many things left to do... she had to win. As if reassuring herself, she gripped her cat claws even tighter.

It wasn't like she knew any of these people. They meant less than nothing to her... she had to keep thinking like that. She continued walking.

It was then that she saw the three guys at the top. "Cachiad!" she hissed, and crouched down. She hoped that the rustling of the leaves she had disturbed when she crouched hadn't gotten the guys' attention.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"I say we find somewhere with locks on the doors and food in the cuboards..Im sure we can convince the tenants to leave" he said without bothering to break his step.

The rustling hadnt caught his attention but the word "Caicha?" he couldnt prounounce that was for sure but he did hear it well enough and he stopped dead in his step.Both feet planted on the ground he would stop and slowely glance over his shoulder.His pale features bathed in the little light left from the sun and a grinn slowely rising on the almost marble esque featurs.

"This is no place for a housepet...Freak shoot the bush thats unless the kitty cat wants to come out and show itself as no threat?" his words could be spoken into the nothingness of the trees around the lookout.If nobody was there then he was maybe getting a little paraniod,the game got to everyone and with a blood splattered shirt and a nasty graze across his chest combined with sleep depravation he wasnt in the best frame of mind.Maybe that was for the best? A Little insanity could go along way in this game.

"Buckshot should shred the poor thing.Put out of its misery before some sickfuck stumbles on it and plays surgery on it" he said finishing his words but not looking back to the path ahead.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Her eyes widened as she heard the boy's words. So obviously she had been seen then, or at least her presence was known.

"Wait!" she shouted out. "Don't shoot!" She pushed herself back onto her feet and looked directly at the group. They were a little way away from where she was, but she knew they could see her. She also knew how easily they could kill her from where they stood. She had to give them a reason not to...

She weighed up the idea she was having in her head. Dropping her cat claws could make her very much at risk; an easy target, if you will. But then again, if they were going to shoot her, there wasn't a lot they could do, apart from maybe sheild the bullets, but that would be ridiculous to even think that could work. Also, dropping them might make the trio trust her.

Sighing to herself, she let the cat claws fall at her feet. "I haven't got anything!" she called, her Welsh tones ringing out. "Don't shoot me!"

Ok. Change in plan. Don't kill everyone you see.

We'll see how this goes first.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Take whatever she has and then shoot her in the face" he said with a sigh as he would slowely and very hesitantly turn to face the appearing female.That grinn of his growing a few more inches,a girl..intresting.The voice wasnt particuarely female but now as he looked to the girl thoughts rose to the surface of his mind."You shouldnt sneak up on people its impolite and especially when they are armed and blood covered.You get my point? Throw youre bag and youre weapon over it..Say you lost it and we will shoot you.Run and we will shoot you,Make any attempt to escape and we will shoot you" he said in the usual conversation tone.Leading the group wouldnt allow him to start screaming at her although popping a bullet between her eyes would be very good etiquette it seems with the pair of psychos eitherside of him.

"You wanted to kill us so we should kill you by Darwins law..So why should we take you along?" no she hand asked to be taken along or wanted it but for now he needed to go and do something with the wound burning on his chest.They could dispose of her later.
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Post by Swoosh* »

She found herself getting more and more annoyed with the apparent leader of the little group. If she were in a more relaxed enviroment, she would have said something, maybe even done something. Seeing as any negative actions she took here could result in her missing half a face, she desperately tried to restrain her anger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up. I found you accidentally..." her voice trailed off. Like HELL I'm sorry, boyo.

She knelt down to retrieve her cat claws and held them up. "I don't really wanna throw these over... they're not the kind of thing you throw, you know? Like scissors." She was rambling and she knew it, but she was a little nervous through all the anger, after all, she was faced with three armed guys, all of whom by the looks of things had seen the other side of a couple of battles already.

"And you really don't have to take me along... you can just let me go, and I'll be on my way..."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Youre call Butch but you still toss youre weapon and youre bag to us and I think we can survive you throwing them at us...Youre to smart to try and gouge one of us with them the other two would pump you full of rounds before you took a step.Think about that.Throw those things of yours and then you can be on youre way" he said while wincing as yet another painful wave of heat ran from the graze on his chest.The white shirt clinging to his chest,held there by the blood freshly freed from the weapon.

The Ingram would be brought uptowards the girl,one hand under the muzzle and one on the stock of the weapon."This weapon holds fourty nine bullets...plus the twelve shotgun shells in my Amigos boomstick and finally the fifteen rounds in Samara`s handgun.You think you can dodge that? No..Toss the weapon I Dont have all the day" another heated wave and another gritting of his teeth.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Grimacing, she threw her cat claws and her rucksack over to where the three of them stood. She kind of hoped the cat claws hit them, but sadly they fell just short.

He would pay for the butch remark. She would see to that soon enough. ((Ain't that the truth :angry: ))

She tucked her hair behind her ears, and glanced over at them. She was really thirsty, all the walking she had been doing had left her quite dehydrated. Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand (where sweat had accumulated from her journey, and also from the fear of her situation)) she called over.

"Now what?"

This isn't how I wanted it to go... but roll with the punches. You'll get it back around soon enough.

((Why is it that my run in's with you ALWAYS leave me without any weapons?))
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

( Because youre my friend and wounding you would jus be plain mean.Obviously )

"You put youre hands on the back of youre head and then wander off..We take youre stuff and we head over to the warehouse if you want to meet us there..Seems to be some refreshment there.Vending machines and warehouses stock something.Maybe we will give you back youre weapon if youre a good little Kitty Cat" he said as he would motion to her left with the muzzle of the weapon for her to walk away.

He had far to many weapons cluttering his bag but he couldnt very well leave her in the area with a very dangersou weapon could he? Most likely he would put it in a trash can somewhere.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Ok. He was going to far now. He was just messing her around.

She dropped the 'little girl lost' look she had been going for up until now, and glared at the guy who had been doing all the speaking.

"Twpsyn... cau dy ben!" she hissed at him, and turned on her heel, her hands firmly placed at her sides and balled up angrily.

Her thoughts vaguely wondered as to where she was to go next. The vending machine idea the boy had proposed seemed mightly tempting, she really was too thirsty.

She kicked a rock as she began to walk away from the three guys.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

No the boy didnt understand welsh but one thing was easily communicated through the many wonderful diffrent languages of the world and this was swearing.His throat hurt and so he would not respond in kind instead he would just raise release his weapon and let it hang from the strap around his arm.

Very slowely the Silver Revolver would be withdrawn from the back of his pants as he watched her form stamp its way through the trees.The weapon was brought up to aim towards her back and he pulled the trigger.The handgun sent a quake through his arm and with a laugh the bullet tore through the leafy surroundings towards the girl.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Angharad screamed as she heard a loud banging noise come from behind her. Her natural instinct told her to duck, so she flung herself onto the ground, skidding her knees as she did so.

Oh yeah. I got this rugby tackle down.

Coughing at all the dirt that had accumulated in her face as she'd skidded along the floor, she quickly looked around. The guy was stood there with his gun still raised... he'd just shot her! Thankfully it didn't seem to have hit her, but still, that was lucky... coughing, she stared at him in horror for a couple of moments. She'd never expected this many people to play... true, her run in with the other boy here before had left her with a scrape on her cheek through blind luck... but so many...

Of course they're all playing. You are, aren't you? You want to kill everyone else and win?... do I though? Can I really bring myself to kill someone else?

She turned to jump back up, as if to run away, but her foot only met air, and she fell back down again. How pathetic I must look now...
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He watched her slid out the way of the bullet and those pearly whites once more emerged.A Breif thought would be given for a second or two before he snapped his weapon to the side, the six barrels becoming clearly visible.The Rounds would be emptied into his free hand and then pocketed and finally one round would be slid back in.Barrels would be spun with greased whining before being slammed back into the beautiful weapon of his own personal war.Weapon turned around in his hands so the stock was facing her he held it out.

"One Bullet.Take it to youre brain and skip this game or use it on me if you think thats a good idea or..Very big or here.Or you can walk away and see how long you can survive with that weapon,Its all about the strength of the mind.People dont know youve only got weapon..Put a gun to there head and they will do anything you ask.Meet us at the waterfall tomorrow at dawn if you survive that long with a new weapon and Ill give you the rest of the bullets.." he said finishing with a flick of the wrist before tossing her the weapon and turning his back on her to walk away.The Challenge had been set,fingers slid around the stock of the Ingram hanging at his side while the other hand waved for the other two to follow almost like..Hunting Dogs?
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Post by Swoosh* »

Angharad sat in shock as the weapon was tossed near her feet. She had fully been expecting to have to duck, dive, dodge, do anything to escape more incoming shots on behalf of the boy, so receiving the weapon was nothing less of unexpected.

At a total loss for words, she reached forward and picked the gun up slowly. What was this? What was he doing?

Quickly, she shouted after him as he walked away.

"Wait, how am I supposed to get to the Waterfall when I have no map??" She paused. "And I don't even know your name..."
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