A meeting of kindred souls...*

An average, mediocre school located in Denton, New Jersey.
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A meeting of kindred souls...*


Post by Mitsuko2* »

((Continued from: Sister Talk))

Mariavel had been walking for a while now. She was confused. She didn't know what to think. She hadn't even changed out of her uniform yet... at least her hand stopped bleeding. What a mess! She leaned against a wall. Sadly she looked at a picture. It was so sad... such a sad painting... like her... she only waned a normal life... was that too much to ask? was it?
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Sorry for taking so long. Also, I'm not sure since the stuff he thinks about is only thought and mentioned instead of explicitly shown, but a content warning might be needed. Don't know really.
IC: The second bell had rang, indicating that the next period (what it was varied from student to student) had begun and that anyone walking into class now would be late, but there were still a number of students in the hall. Most of them were making a final effort to get into their classes with the hope that they wouldn't miss any important parts of the class, though a few just loitered around, apparently determined not to show up this period. However, almost all made a conscious effort to avoid one particular student who wore a casual black shirt with jeans and had "greaser" style brown  hair (as in the 1960's subculture, not as in the racial slur). After all, rumors were still flying around about what had happened to the last kid to bump into Walter Smith. The kid had burned himself by accident in Science, but the student body naturally attributed this with Walter (he really couldn't blame them. After all, he was responsible for other "accidents" and "disappearances"), the corrupt son of an equally corrupt politician. Most could not tell from a simple glance, but the boy was a total psychopath. Almost everyone knew of that fact, and his random outbursts of violence. Thus, he was given a rather wide berth as he moved through the hall, holding books in hand and cursing under his breath. It wasn't that it mattered that he was late, thanks to his father the teachers would pass him no matter what he did, he just didn't like it. He had gone through the trouble of making his father allow him to attend public school, in his opinion he may as well be punctual when it came to class attendance. Of course, it wasn't his fault he had needed to use the restroom as badly as he had; it was an unwelcome distraction, but not his fault. Regardless, he was headed towards his next class (though his homeroom was Mrs. Rowena's classroom, that was not the location of his next period).

At least he was, until he noticed one of the "loiterers" as he called them. He recognized her from homeroom, Mariavel Varella. She appeared to be intently examining a picture nearby at the current time, and had a shallow (considering how it seemed recent, but already healing. Walter had caused and seen enough cuts in his time to have quite an impressive knowledge of them. Well, impressive if the person asking was into that sort of thing.) cut on her hand that his eyes instantly focused on. As he approached her to bring this fact to her attention, he sized her up. She was very attractive, as he had noticed, full lips perfect for screaming (or, he supposed, they could be slashed if he were at a loss as to what to do.), beautiful eyes that would look even better (in his opinion) letting out tears, large breasts (like most teenage males, he simply found these attractive, though he guessed they would be sources of great pain if pierced), shapely legs (these didn't serve much of a purpose to him, though broken legs were supposedly exceptionally painful. Walter had never experienced this, but the last time he broke a man's leg, he got more of a reaction from it than when he had done the same to one of his fingers), and an all around beautiful body that he would gain great enjoyment out of utterly destroying. He could already feel his pants tighten as he imagined this, but ignored the inconvenience as he was ready to speak.
"Your hand is cut, and we should be in our classes." he stated curtly. Frankly, he absolutely loathed speaking to those below him, but it was necessary as the only people who were his equals were his father, and the threats; Bexley (his teeth ground against each other briefly as he thought of Bexley, but he suppressed his utter hatred for now. The boy was not in sight) and Grayston. Also, he figured that if Mariavel had known about the cut, she would've gone to the nurse to have it mended, which she did not seem to be doing. Ignorance could only be combated by knowledge.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel was so interested in her own thoughts, that she did not notice the boy approching her. When he addressed her she scofed a bit, still not looking at him, and said, "The cut should heal... not that I really care... class is boring.... then again, so is looking at this picture..."

She siged, then looked at her conversational partner. Her breath caught in her throught. Walter Smith! Oh gods, not him. She had enough problems to deal with.... god! She needed to get rid of him, and fast.

"Well, Walter... shouldn't you get to your class?"
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Sorry for taking so long and for it being a bit short, I was busy.

 This one's got a mouth on her. She really should learn some respect, especially when I deign to speak to her. Walter thought when seeing Mariavel's reaction, gritting his teeth slightly for a few seconds and resisting the sudden urge to grab her head and slam it against the wall until she went into a coma. All of the nearby schools has extended the year through June, and without air conditioning the heat was really playing havoc with his mind, adding the foul temper given to him by his psychopathy and it was understandable that he was extremely irritable.
 Now I think I know why truancy is so rampant. Who among these scum could bear being in one of these classrooms when it's so unbearably hot? he thought again, realizing soon how much of a point he had. He was one of the few who actually attended school on a regular basis now that it had been extended, almost nobody bothered to show up. This brought his focus back to Mariavel, sure enough, she-along with everyone in the school with the exceptions of Walter himself, Bexley, Grayston and Somerset- was scum, but she was surprisingly attractive scum. Indeed, he was already starting to feel the initial stirrings of lust surfacing in his mind, and he initially considered just throwing her down and having his way with her (it's not like anyone would do anything about it, people like him and Grayston, Bexley and Somerset practically owned the school, they could do whatever they wanted and everyone would turn a blind eye. Worst that would happen would be the family trying to sue his, and then they'd probably "disappear". People like Walter were the elite, immortal, unstoppable. Who in their right mind would oppose him? The only ones who could even put a credible effort into it were Bexley and Grayston, and Bexley would probably be the only one of them who'd actually try, Grayston would probably just be disgusted and walk away.), but instead he nodded towards the door directly behind him, the Art classroom his next class was in. Art always did irritate him for some inexplicable reason.

 "You know Mr. Gold, Art class doesn't really start until he shuts up." he told Mariavel when he had returned to his default position of looking at her while talking to her (after all, if he did not use basic manners he was no better than the scum themselves. That was unacceptable.). It was true; when Art class began Mr. Gold would inevitably  start on a lecture/recap of sorts, almost as if he didn't think any of his students were intelligent to remember what had been done the previous day and what was expected of them. Oddly enough, he'd rarely speak afterwards except to answer questions or give orders, almost as if he only had the ability of prolonged speech at the beginning of the period. Of course, shortly after this had been said he noticed Ali Grayston out of the corner of his eye, further down the hallway, she seemed to have noticed their conversation and left through another door, apparently choosing to get to lunch through a path that did not involve being in his proximity.
 Damn, I did not need this. he could already imagine the rumors that would fly about from this, how quickly false words of a relationship deeper than a mere conversation would spread. It had happened to other, less immune students, and if there was one thing Walter did not want to risk, it was bad publicity from someone who could reasonably challenge him, especially one he was not on good terms with by default (Senators Grayston and Smith were rather bitter around each other, commonly "at each other's throats" if the use of a scum saying could be forgiven. Thus, both Walter and Ryan carried a dislike for the entire Grayston family, and Ali's attitude didn't help. He didn't know what Ali thought of him, but he wouldn't ask.). Sighing, he turned to fact the classroom door, walking towards it and putting his hand on the doorknob, but just before he completely opened it, he stopped. The school day had been extended about two hours past the normal length, and the heat was, as previously mentioned, very irritating. Besides, the day would likely end soon.
 I suppose I can get away with skipping a class under these circumstances. It's not like anyone would care. Even if they did, they wouldn't do anything about it. convinced at this reasoning, he silently nodded to himself and released the knob, instead heading towards the exit and leaving school.

OOC: Continued in "Down the stairs, your ride awaits", changed my mind and had to deal with the continuity problem somehow.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel sighed as soon as Walter left. She didn't need that freak hanging around her. She didn't like the things she heard about him. Then again... the things said about her weren't too great either.

"Maybe I'll just go home..." She cringed at the thought. Her father was still at work, but her brother was off today. Yippy, she REALLY didn't want to handle him today....

Mariavel began to walk out the doors of the school, heading to the Beach instead. When she left the building she immediately pulled out a Ciggarette and lit it. She began to wonder where Lavvy was. And Darcy for that matter.

Too much was on her mind at the moment, so she easily found herself at the beach, without even recalling walking there...

((Continued in: Give Me What I Want))
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