Science is Cool! -Student Government Announcement*

A private school in Smallstown, New Jersey. Got a genius type character or a character whose parents forced them into a high class kind of school? Then, Gilroy Academy is the academy for you!
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Science is Cool! -Student Government Announcement*


Post by Chase* »

((Continued from: Good Morning, Classmates!))

"Good morning P.J. Gilroy! Today's announcements are brought to you by Student Government's Secretary, Deliah Dollop," her voice resounding a fake cheerfulness as she spoke into the microphone, Deliah read the lines on the printed paper aloud with one hand nervously twirling her ponytail.

"For those of you interested in fall sports, be sure to sign up today in the cafeteria at the various booths there. We're looking forward to having a good turnout for physical activity in the years to come! Coaches for tennis and lacrosse are especially eager for new faces, so take a chance and try out.

We also would like to remind you that next week's blood drive is still in need of volunteers, and the Senior Class is ahead in the canned food drive, with Freshman taking a close second. The deadline to bring in those cans is in three weeks, which means there's still enough time to take the lead from the Seniors. Let's get those cans in, fellow students!"

As if the announcement wasn't cliched and boring enough, it was a lot of words to remember, a lot of events to cover, and the fake voice had to be held up the whole time, giving the impression that the Student Government actually cared about when their mascot's birthday was. Deliah's eyes threatened to stop working as her eyelids kept becoming heavier, and she was almost halfway into a robotic state before she caught the thumbs up from Matthew. Her smile brightened, and her blue eyes widened as she continued on throughout the speech, only stumbling over the day's lunch special, which was another meatloaf of doom that no one dared take a bite from.

"Last but not least, fellow classmates, remember that the Homecoming Dance is in a month, and tickets are being sold at the Student Government room at lunch every day! We're now accepting out of school attendees as well, so get a couple or group discount if you bring a date!"

She let her eyes fall upon Matthew as he slapped Nathaniel in the back of the head for something he had said, Deliah regretting it the moment the Senior had caught her.

"Thanks for listening, and Welcome to a new week at P.J. Gilroy!"

Her hand slipped over the switch and turned the microphone off, quickly gathering her things before she tried to make it through the door. Being merely acquainted with Nathaniel had given her the sense that he wasn't going to let her look of admiration towards Matthew slide from his ridicule. Her fingers barely grazed the doorknob before she felt a hand take hold of her upper arm and spin her around.


"Sorry, but-"

Deliah let her face turn towards, to her surprise, Matthew's embarrassed expression. His red cheeks matched her own as she turned to face him with her body. The mass of butterflies in her stomach hardly making the encounter any easier, she tried to hold the gaze she had, but it inevitably fell down to the floor within a few seconds. Her fleeting self-esteem kept her from saying anything.

"Deliah, are you okay?"

She responds with a nod that looks like an involuntary twitch, but he seems to understand what she had meant. All the while, Deliah is mentally kicking herself for not taking a chance to flirt or capture his interest. Her concern with whatever she thought Nathaniel might pull had been erased completely.

"Are you going to class?" Matthew asks, and Deliah couldn't help but give him a weird look, "I mean, can I walk you to class?"

Deciding that chances are she wanted to answer that with actual words, Deliah mustered up what intelligence she had left and managed to spit out, "Y-yeah."

What happened afterwards should've been classified as the most awkward, silent moment that any school had ever experienced, but to the two students involved were completely content. Aside from the nerves she was experiencing, Deliah was smiling brightly, though her eyes still kept to the floor. Matthew would steal a glance at her as he led her to her homeroom, which he somehow knew. Deliah didn't mind at all, overlooking the signs as her emotions were leaving her flying high.

"Thank you," she looked up quickly and placed her hand on the doorknob to enter.

"Wait-" he interjected, "Deliah?"

"Hmm?" she looked up once again.

"Are you going to the Homecoming Dance?"

"I think so."

"Oh," he stepped away, "Okay then. Bye."

That last exchange left Deliah baffled, frozen with her hand on the door to Mr. Hallam's classroom. As she finally turned the knob, and walked quietly to her desk, only one thought ran through her mind.

What the heck just happened?
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Post by Sephy* »

((Sasoru continued from: Back to Society))
((Yuu continued from: Back to Society))

((OOC-apologies if my posts are of crappy quality, i'm not feeling my best today))

Sasoru opened the classroom door, glancing inside he could see a few students were already seated, he walked in ignoring any looks thrown at him.

Yuu trailed behind, ever the shy one ~I seem to spend most of my life in Sasoru's shadow..oh well it's comfy back here~
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Post by Chase* »

Her classes were piling on work for her to complete, and her eyes seemed to widen every time a new assignment or five came into her growing bookbag. By the time she had been through all her classes, she was hefting quite a load, and visibly struggling with the bag at her side. But there was still an after school meeting for the Student Government, something that she was not at all prepared for. Not with the amount of work she was going to have to get started on during her shift at the library.

Her nerves were still wrecked from the morning when she had walked with Matt to her homeroom.

As her hand turned the doorknob, she looked a little shocked to see Nathaniel and Matt in the room alone again, and she almost turned and headed back out into the hallway in fear of another dirty magazine.

"Hey hey!" Nathaniel snatched her forearm before she could make it out.

"Let her go, come on man," Matt hopped off of the desk he was sitting on and reached for her hand. She felt it tingle at his touch.

"Hey Deliah," he faced in front of her, saying her name like he had almost forgotten it. He was actually trying to muster up the courage to ask her something.


"Spit it out Matt!"

"Right," he scratched the back of his head, "Would you go to Homecoming with me, maybe?"

"Huh, Wow," she could just make out a few sounds of shock as he waited for her answer. She almost felt like she couldn't breathe, and her stomach was weaving itself into a Navajo blanket.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine!" she nearly yelled to his face, "I mean, yeah, yeah. I want to go with you, will you go with me?"

Wait, she thought, did I just ask him after he asked me? What am I doing?!

He smiled warmly and nodded at her, "That's why I asked."

"Oh, right," she giggled a little nervous, "I'm going to go... is it okay if I go? I have a lot of homework and I don't think I'll finish it if I stay for the meeting."

Nathaniel folded his arms over his chest and laughed, bringing the attention back to him after the touching moment between the two.

"There's no meeting. I lied," he said as he shrugged and laughed, "Matt just needed a time to talk to you, and I knew he wasn't going to get it out there if he's all nervous and shit."

"Hmm," Deliah nodded, "Well, thank you, I guess. I'll see you guys tomorrow then."

"Yeah, tomorrow," Matt trailed off.

((Continued Elsewhere))
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