Hyperventilation Dance
Hyperventilation Dance
Raina liked the anime club, usually. It was an easy way to find new stuff to watch without having to hunt it down herself and waste time looking for subtitled episodes or translated manga of stuff that hadn't been officially released in the US. On rare occasions, someone would come up with a real hidden gem to share with the rest of the club, but usually the shows they watched as a group were just alright. And then there were the absolute bombs, but usually the person who had brought it up knew it was a bomb and they all watched it to laugh (or get infuriated) at how bad it was.
And then there were the bombs that didn't know they were bombs. That kind of show that was so sure that it was a hit, the next big thing, that had no awareness of its own failings at all. Annoyingly enough, these tended to have actual fanbases more than the so-bad-it's-good ones did, and those fans tended to be rabid. Raina supposed it was a little hipster-ish of her to feel that way about some of the mainstream shows, but frankly she felt that a lot of them had no business being anywhere near as big as they were.
And really... Naruto? Really?
Raina sighed, not bothering to try and quiet it. Some freshman had insisted - insisted, with the kind of certainty that only those who had no clue what they were talking about could truly manage - that they watch the first few episodes of Shippuden Chronicles or whatever the second half of Naruto was called. Subtitled, "to get the authentic experience". No one was in any mood to rehash the old subs versus dubs argument, and nobody had brought any backup plans either. So Naruto it was.
She was only half-paying attention, idly kicking her feet underneath the table and heaving the occasional put-upon sigh and generally letting everyone around her know just how much she was not here for this. And that amount was so much. So much. The room wasn't dark enough for her to just put her head down and go to sleep, unfortunately.
And then there were the bombs that didn't know they were bombs. That kind of show that was so sure that it was a hit, the next big thing, that had no awareness of its own failings at all. Annoyingly enough, these tended to have actual fanbases more than the so-bad-it's-good ones did, and those fans tended to be rabid. Raina supposed it was a little hipster-ish of her to feel that way about some of the mainstream shows, but frankly she felt that a lot of them had no business being anywhere near as big as they were.
And really... Naruto? Really?
Raina sighed, not bothering to try and quiet it. Some freshman had insisted - insisted, with the kind of certainty that only those who had no clue what they were talking about could truly manage - that they watch the first few episodes of Shippuden Chronicles or whatever the second half of Naruto was called. Subtitled, "to get the authentic experience". No one was in any mood to rehash the old subs versus dubs argument, and nobody had brought any backup plans either. So Naruto it was.
She was only half-paying attention, idly kicking her feet underneath the table and heaving the occasional put-upon sigh and generally letting everyone around her know just how much she was not here for this. And that amount was so much. So much. The room wasn't dark enough for her to just put her head down and go to sleep, unfortunately.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
Darius was not always in the anime club. But when he's there he remembers why he doesn't go there anymore.
In Japanese...Subtitled...Woop, woop. Yeah, not gonna watch that.
Shonen like these weren't worth his time nor anyone's time here. There's nothing intriguing about ninjas fighting and boring fight scenes and boring plot and boring everything. That goof who suggested this must've just discovered that anime exists. Geez, was there no age limitation in this club? There should be.
Darius took out his sketchbook and was ready to continue his drawing of his selfmade character.
Raina also didn't give a damn about Naruto. Darius noticed that.
Darius flipped pages in his sketchbook until he found an empty piece of paper. After removing it from the block, he scribbled something on his paper and slid it to Raina's place.
In Japanese...Subtitled...Woop, woop. Yeah, not gonna watch that.
Shonen like these weren't worth his time nor anyone's time here. There's nothing intriguing about ninjas fighting and boring fight scenes and boring plot and boring everything. That goof who suggested this must've just discovered that anime exists. Geez, was there no age limitation in this club? There should be.
Darius took out his sketchbook and was ready to continue his drawing of his selfmade character.
Raina also didn't give a damn about Naruto. Darius noticed that.
Darius flipped pages in his sketchbook until he found an empty piece of paper. After removing it from the block, he scribbled something on his paper and slid it to Raina's place.
Fortunately, something happened in the real world before Raina was able to go cross-eyed with boredom. Unfortunately, that something involved Darius.
Darius thought he was clever. Most people didn't agree, but Raina could never be sure if Darius knew that and continued as he was anyway for the attention or if he genuinely didn't realize. He had the sort of personality that made her willing to bet on the former, but you could never discount the possibility of genuine ignorance where there ought to be common sense. Living her entire life in Kingman had been enough to drive that lesson home.
Like Raina, Darius wasn't even bothering to pretend to be interested in the show. A quick glance around confirmed that most of the club was in the same boat, though a few were politely faking it and a few (mainly freshmen) seemed glued to the screen. Raina had no doubt that they were all good little weeaboos who never watched anything unless they could find it in actual Japanese; they probably thought this was the first step towards their glorious future of living in Tokyo with the waifus of their dreams.
Well, it was Darius or the ninjas. Evidently he rated just slightly above catchphrase-spouting protagonists in terms of annoyance levels. Maybe he could put that illustrious review on his resume.
Raina unfolded the note that he had slid next to her hand and raised her eyebrows.
Holy shit, how will this episode end?!?!?!
Spoiler: with a cliffhanger!
Oh yes, Darius thought he was clever. Still. Him or the ninjas.
Raina slid a pencil out of her binder and flipped the note over to write on the back.
I suppose you've seen every episode enough times to know. Come to think of it, he had probably been one of those kids in middle school that did the Naruto run down the hallways. She snorted quietly at that mental image before folding the paper and flicking it back towards Darius.
Darius thought he was clever. Most people didn't agree, but Raina could never be sure if Darius knew that and continued as he was anyway for the attention or if he genuinely didn't realize. He had the sort of personality that made her willing to bet on the former, but you could never discount the possibility of genuine ignorance where there ought to be common sense. Living her entire life in Kingman had been enough to drive that lesson home.
Like Raina, Darius wasn't even bothering to pretend to be interested in the show. A quick glance around confirmed that most of the club was in the same boat, though a few were politely faking it and a few (mainly freshmen) seemed glued to the screen. Raina had no doubt that they were all good little weeaboos who never watched anything unless they could find it in actual Japanese; they probably thought this was the first step towards their glorious future of living in Tokyo with the waifus of their dreams.
Well, it was Darius or the ninjas. Evidently he rated just slightly above catchphrase-spouting protagonists in terms of annoyance levels. Maybe he could put that illustrious review on his resume.
Raina unfolded the note that he had slid next to her hand and raised her eyebrows.
Holy shit, how will this episode end?!?!?!
Spoiler: with a cliffhanger!
Oh yes, Darius thought he was clever. Still. Him or the ninjas.
Raina slid a pencil out of her binder and flipped the note over to write on the back.
I suppose you've seen every episode enough times to know. Come to think of it, he had probably been one of those kids in middle school that did the Naruto run down the hallways. She snorted quietly at that mental image before folding the paper and flicking it back towards Darius.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
Raina looked at it with a raised eyebrow and eventually wrote something as a reply.
Darius was hyped about her reply, because he had absolutely no clue how she'd respond. Unlike Naruto, which was boring and predictable and not as thrilling as the note.
Grabbing the note, Darius read it through. She wanted to burn him? Typical arrogant Raina. He used his pencil to add something under Raina's note.
Nah, if I did Id look like this:
Next to it, he quickly sketched a doodle Darius with x's for eyes and a giant beard.
Underneath it, he also wanted to add something.
I'm tempted to just leave the room but that would be rude no?
Darius was hyped about her reply, because he had absolutely no clue how she'd respond. Unlike Naruto, which was boring and predictable and not as thrilling as the note.
Grabbing the note, Darius read it through. She wanted to burn him? Typical arrogant Raina. He used his pencil to add something under Raina's note.
Nah, if I did Id look like this:
Next to it, he quickly sketched a doodle Darius with x's for eyes and a giant beard.
Underneath it, he also wanted to add something.
I'm tempted to just leave the room but that would be rude no?
Raina rolled her eyes at Darius's response. Never stopped you before, she wrote back. She wasn't even going to acknowledge the picture. Darius might not have a neckbeard and fedora, but it was there in spirit. Liking things ironically just to annoy people stopped being funny about five minutes after the first person to come up with it started putting it into practice.
If you want to bail, I'm not going to stop you.
If you want to bail, I'm not going to stop you.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
Darius giggled at the response. An invitation for him to leave? Sounds neat. The thought of just standing up, saying 'fuck this shit' and just leaving was really inviting. Table flipping would add extra flavour to that exit.
Except, Darius did not want to leave. When he had time and motivation to actually go into the club and stay in school longer, he wouldn't just leave like that.
Ofc you wont stop me cause you cant stop me. You're way too busy paying attention to the very important plot in front of us
Except, Darius did not want to leave. When he had time and motivation to actually go into the club and stay in school longer, he wouldn't just leave like that.
Ofc you wont stop me cause you cant stop me. You're way too busy paying attention to the very important plot in front of us
What was that even supposed to mean? If Darius actually thought that she'd be all torn up if he decided to take a hike, he vastly overestimated how enjoyable his company was. Being a distraction from her boredom didn't mean she thought he was cool, or whatever he was getting at. Maybe she ought to stop egging him on before he got the wrong idea.
Believe me, I wouldn't even try.
She slid the paper back over to him and rested her chin on her hand, deciding that she probably ought to go back to ignoring Darius after this. Hopefully it would get the message across that they weren't becoming buddies, or whatever he thought was going on. Raina definitely did not need more Darius in her day to day life, which would probably happen if he thought that she was now on board with his shenanigans.
Believe me, I wouldn't even try.
She slid the paper back over to him and rested her chin on her hand, deciding that she probably ought to go back to ignoring Darius after this. Hopefully it would get the message across that they weren't becoming buddies, or whatever he thought was going on. Raina definitely did not need more Darius in her day to day life, which would probably happen if he thought that she was now on board with his shenanigans.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
Whatever you say, Miku Hatsune, Darius wrote down as a reply. Man, this wasn't fun. More fun than Naruto, for sure. But it could be more...entertaining.
When he gave her back the sheet of paper, he used a new paper to write something in big letters across the paper:
Beneath it, Darius then quickly doodled a Raina with closed eyes leaning her chin on her hands with 3 'z's coming out of her head. After finishing his secret sketch, that took some time, he positioned the new paper that way that Raina could see it. Yeah, that perfectly summarises Raina's personality. Boooring.
When he gave her back the sheet of paper, he used a new paper to write something in big letters across the paper:
Beneath it, Darius then quickly doodled a Raina with closed eyes leaning her chin on her hands with 3 'z's coming out of her head. After finishing his secret sketch, that took some time, he positioned the new paper that way that Raina could see it. Yeah, that perfectly summarises Raina's personality. Boooring.
Nothing Darius did or said made any kind of sense. Raina could only guess at his internal logic. She wasn't surprised, having been in school with him for years, but right now she was starting to get vaguely annoyed. She was kind of wishing that she'd chosen the ninjas.
Also, was "Miku Hatsune" supposed to be some kind of insult? There was a reason she'd gone with blue when she decided to dye her hair, after all. He'd drawn a doodle of her too, which was... kind of bordering on creepy, now that she thought about it. It made her wonder if he'd drawn pictures of her before. Eugh, she did not like that idea at all.
Frowning, she tore a page from her notebook as quietly as she could and scribbled down a note.
Better be careful with what you have in that sketchbook. A teacher could take it. And by that Raina meant that she would most definitely spill the beans to a teacher if she thought he had anything less than savory in there. Snitches might get stitches, but creepy weirdos got restraining orders. Or they would, if Raina had her way and there was any sense of justice in the world.
Also, was "Miku Hatsune" supposed to be some kind of insult? There was a reason she'd gone with blue when she decided to dye her hair, after all. He'd drawn a doodle of her too, which was... kind of bordering on creepy, now that she thought about it. It made her wonder if he'd drawn pictures of her before. Eugh, she did not like that idea at all.
Frowning, she tore a page from her notebook as quietly as she could and scribbled down a note.
Better be careful with what you have in that sketchbook. A teacher could take it. And by that Raina meant that she would most definitely spill the beans to a teacher if she thought he had anything less than savory in there. Snitches might get stitches, but creepy weirdos got restraining orders. Or they would, if Raina had her way and there was any sense of justice in the world.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
Wow, that was rude. And like, not fun at all. Where was the joke in that? The whole thing was a joke. Raina was passive-aggressively insulting him and makes fun of him, just because he talks to her? That bitch. Like, he actually put some effort in his art. He was an artist who received no props where props are due.
He turned the paper sheet around, to write something on it. Darius knows what he was going to do. He was directing the paper conversation into the perfect direction now.
What are you doing this weekend? You don't know a handsome and incredibly talented green-haired dude you wanna ask out for Sadie Hawkins, do you?
After sliding the paper to Raina, he positioned himself. He leaned himself on the table, with his hand on his cheek. He looked at Raina and wiggled his eyebrows.
He turned the paper sheet around, to write something on it. Darius knows what he was going to do. He was directing the paper conversation into the perfect direction now.
What are you doing this weekend? You don't know a handsome and incredibly talented green-haired dude you wanna ask out for Sadie Hawkins, do you?
After sliding the paper to Raina, he positioned himself. He leaned himself on the table, with his hand on his cheek. He looked at Raina and wiggled his eyebrows.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
There were so many ways this conversation could have gone. So many irritating, boring, or otherwise pointless directions it could have taken before meandering its way into the recesses of Raina's brain, to never be remembered again. Or it could have gone badly, turned into something that really got under her skin with Darius's... Dariusness. Or even worse than that, it could have turned out that he did have some kind of creepy thing regarding her stored away in his sketchbook. But this?
This was priceless.
It took all Raina had to not laugh out loud at the combination of the note and Darius's expression. He clearly thought that he had something going on there, to even have a ghost of a chance with her. It was all so delusional that it was almost adorable, the same way that animals running face-first into walls were. Okay, alright. How to respond? Chances like this only came along once in a blue moon, if that often, so she had to make it good.
Raina twirled her pencil between her fingers, keeping her eyes firmly on the paper and away from Darius, lest she lose what was left of her composure completely. She had an idea, one of those maybe-brilliant-definitely-bitchy ones, but she had to time it juuuust right. She glanced up to try and gauge how much longer the episode had before the end. Fortunately, it seemed like they were in the middle of a climactic fight scene, which probably meant they were due for a cliffhanger ending any moment now. Point to Darius for that one, she supposed.
She wrote her answer out carefully, keeping one hand over it so that Darius couldn't peek. She was almost tapping her foot with impatience by the time the episode ended, but when the moment was right she quickly slid the note over to Darius and then stood. She gathered her stuff without another word and then booked it to the door, lingering a moment just outside. She needed to be far enough away that he couldn't keep trying to engage, but not so far that she didn't see his reaction.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
There were so many ways this conversation could have gone. So many irritating, boring, or otherwise pointless directions it could have taken before meandering its way into the recesses of Raina's brain, to never be remembered again. Or it could have gone badly, turned into something that really got under her skin with Darius's... Dariusness. Or even worse than that, it could have turned out that he did have some kind of creepy thing regarding her stored away in his sketchbook. But this?
This was priceless.
It took all Raina had to not laugh out loud at the combination of the note and Darius's expression. He clearly thought that he had something going on there, to even have a ghost of a chance with her. It was all so delusional that it was almost adorable, the same way that animals running face-first into walls were. Okay, alright. How to respond? Chances like this only came along once in a blue moon, if that often, so she had to make it good.
Raina twirled her pencil between her fingers, keeping her eyes firmly on the paper and away from Darius, lest she lose what was left of her composure completely. She had an idea, one of those maybe-brilliant-definitely-bitchy ones, but she had to time it juuuust right. She glanced up to try and gauge how much longer the episode had before the end. Fortunately, it seemed like they were in the middle of a climactic fight scene, which probably meant they were due for a cliffhanger ending any moment now. Point to Darius for that one, she supposed.
She wrote her answer out carefully, keeping one hand over it so that Darius couldn't peek. She was almost tapping her foot with impatience by the time the episode ended, but when the moment was right she quickly slid the note over to Darius and then stood. She gathered her stuff without another word and then booked it to the door, lingering a moment just outside. She needed to be far enough away that he couldn't keep trying to engage, but not so far that she didn't see his reaction.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
Darius looked at Raina's reaction. She seemed to be amused. That was one reaction he assumed would happen, though he thought she'd be more angered or confu-
Oh nevermind, she left. She also left a note to him.
I can think of a few. None of them are you though
But she was away now. And he couldn't make a witty reply at all. Like, he'd write a list, like 'Zoro? Shion Sonozaki? Ryuoto Gumi?' But he could not. She was gone. He either annoyed, scared or creeped her away. Darius frowned as he was not able to reply at all. And now he had to bore himself.
Angrily, he took Raina's note, made it into a paper ball and threw it against somebody's shoulder of another member who was in front of him. That member, who was a freshman, turned around quickly glanced at Darius, just to look forward again.
Oh nevermind, she left. She also left a note to him.
I can think of a few. None of them are you though

But she was away now. And he couldn't make a witty reply at all. Like, he'd write a list, like 'Zoro? Shion Sonozaki? Ryuoto Gumi?' But he could not. She was gone. He either annoyed, scared or creeped her away. Darius frowned as he was not able to reply at all. And now he had to bore himself.
Angrily, he took Raina's note, made it into a paper ball and threw it against somebody's shoulder of another member who was in front of him. That member, who was a freshman, turned around quickly glanced at Darius, just to look forward again.
Ooh, he was mad. Raina watched him throw her note at some random freshman before ceasing to be amusing in any way. A bit disappointing, but then again she didn't really want to get involved in some kind of shouting match with Darius either. That would have made the situation stop being funny in a hurry.
As it was though, she'd escaped the ninjas, successfully dodged Darius's... advances, or whatever, and now she was free! She shouldered her bag and fished her phone out of her pocket as she started down the hall towards the school's front entrance. There were a few people who would definitely want to hear about this, starting of course with her BFF.
To: Penelope
Most ridic anime club ever today. You will NEVER guess what happened.
((Raina Rose continued in I Know What My Fortune Is))
As it was though, she'd escaped the ninjas, successfully dodged Darius's... advances, or whatever, and now she was free! She shouldered her bag and fished her phone out of her pocket as she started down the hall towards the school's front entrance. There were a few people who would definitely want to hear about this, starting of course with her BFF.
To: Penelope
Most ridic anime club ever today. You will NEVER guess what happened.
((Raina Rose continued in I Know What My Fortune Is))
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
Before Darius bored himself again with Naruto, he planned to not let himself stop by Raina's leave.
Well, he still had her on facebook, so he could write a message there to her.
It's fine, if you don't like me. Not everybody has a good taste
((Darius Van Dyke continued in I Know What My Fortune Is))
Well, he still had her on facebook, so he could write a message there to her.
It's fine, if you don't like me. Not everybody has a good taste

((Darius Van Dyke continued in I Know What My Fortune Is))