starting place for b#100

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A large, deep, and dangerous crack in the earth. Watch your step while travelling close to the ravine... who knows who may sneak up on you and shove you down into it?
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Post by Kuze* »

((Continued from: Walking into the House of Blood...))

Shinya stumbled apon the Ravine, a gigantic crack in the island. A sound of a fight was nearby, turning to face the sorce of the sound he saw two boys engauged in a fist fight.

Raising the P250 into the air, Shinya sighed in fustration, Being the peacemaker wasnt in him but this fight was going nowhere fast.

"Enough! Anymore and I'm pushing you into the ravine."

Shinya yelled as he fired off a 9mm round into the air, hoping that he wouldnt have to live up to his threat.
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

Cody froze in mid attempt to block the oncoming tackler to look at the new comer and the gun he held. In result, he was tackled to the ground by Max anyways, but quickly pushed him off and stood up.
"And who, I may ask" Cody said curtly "The fuck are you?"
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Post by Theseus* »

Max had finished tackling Cody but then the gunshot rang out. Max looked at the new comer and then to Cody, then back at the new guy. He didn't say anything he just waited for the new guy to answer Cody's question.
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Shinya stared at the two boys who were fistfighting, gun still in the air.

"My name, My name is Motomura. dont even think of getting near me or I will throw you into the asscrack of the Island"

Shinya evilly stared at the two boys through his hair , as he lowered the P250 at the two boys noticing that they're staring at him, or his overly long hair.
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"You pathetic long haired son of a bitch."
Cody smiled wryly, knowing that his attempts to irk the boy would not go unpunished.

"Do you REALLY fucking think that I am the least bit intimidated by you and your poor-at-best gun handling skills?"

"Oh, and by the way, cut your fucking hair, it makes you look like a stupid little girl"

Cody continued grinning at the boy. He really liked this game.
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Post by Theseus* »

Max looked at Cody, then at the long haired boy. He knew this might, probably would, turn into a battle royale. Backing up just a bit to put some space between him and Cody he kept glancing back and forth at the two. He wanted to think he could team up with Cody, as for alll their fighting with each other he gained some respect for Cody, but he knew that was unlikely and he continued to look at them both, waiting for the next move.
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Post by Kuze* »

Shinya's face twisted into a sick frown at the boy's insults. Walking up to the boy launching the insults at him and grabbed the boy by his collar , Feebily tring to lift him up even a small amount from the ground.

"you asked for it mother focker into the focking ravine with you"

Shinya didt know at this point why he used the term 'Focker' but when he was angry he used stupid terms instead of what he really means.

(occ sorry man my brain shut off bout 5 min before i typed this post)
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ooc(no way he could ever be able to lift or drag Cody, that was God moding.l)

As Cody let the pathetic boy struggle to throw him into the ravine, he had time to reflect on his situation. He was being assulted by a pissant girly kid. He was fighting yet another pissant girly kid. NONE of them had any kind of decent fucking weapon. Dust.

"Alright, your done."
Cody said, brushing the boys hands off his shirt. He then swung his fist at the boys face, hoping to break something and make him cry.
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(occ you call a gun not a decent weapon gotta be Focking kidding)

Shinya felt his hand brush away from the boy and the boys fist slamming across his face, knocking him flat on his ass.

"Dammit, Motherfucker that hurt, now you get a bullet in the body"

Shinya raised the P250 at the new boy still a tad dizzy from the suddenness of the boy hitting him. This boy obviously did sports or lifted weights. Tring to aim at the boy he think he got a bead on the standing still boy and fired once, pausing to regain his aim from the recoil and fired again.

(occ if you need that spaced out ill be glad to)
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The first shot Cody saw coming. He quickly jumped to the side, and started sprinting towards a copse of trees not to far away. The second shot caught his hand, severing his ring finger off at the knuckle.

"FUUUUCK THAT HUUURT!!!" Cody screamed as he ran. It was a new kind of pain that ran all the way up his arm at that moment. A burning, itching, throbbing pain. He looked at his finger and saw the severed nerve ending sticking out. Major Dust.

((Continued in: Girl #50 - Let it Bleed))
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Post by Theseus* »

Max stood there watching the entire thing, he couldn't believe what was happening, he heard the gunshots, and watched as Cody ran off. Cody had been hit, but he couldn't tell where. He wanted to run but he knew this would be his chance for stardom here. Glancing to the camera he had spotted a while ago he smiled and ran as fast as he could to the new long haired boy, not caring wether he had a gun or not, he just through it all aside and ran. Hoping to tackle the boy.
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Post by Kuze* »

Shinya saw the other boy bum-rush him, apperentally in a moment of stupidity, or to show off to the camera nearby. reaching into his bag to pull out the Colt M1911 and sliding to an angle so that if the boy fell back he would fall into the ravine.

Slowly drawing a bead on the boy, Shinya pulled both triggers sending a .45ACP round and a 9mm round hurtling towards the boy.
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Max saw the boy respong by pulling out his gun, but he still rushed and before he knew it a sharp pain hit him in his chest and he stumbled back. Moving his hand to feel the wound he continued to step back slowly, unaware of the deep drop off right behind him and he stepped to far back and fell in, hitting the ground, and died instantly. For him, the game was over. No more trying to be famous, it wouldnt happen, and if he was alivehe would think of the irony of break a leg but he didn't, and so another boy was dead.

Boy #100 Max Mcneal DEAD
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Post by Kuze* »

Shinya saw as the boy fell back into the Ravine, and than a loud THUD echoed through the nearby area. Sliding the M1911 into his bag and pulled out his supplied flashlight, Turning it on as he stood up and walked over to the edge of the ravine.

Shining the flashlight towards the bottom of the Ravine, Shinya's eyes opened wide as he saw the boy he shot, laying there at the bottom of the Ravine. Stepping back from the Ravine flashlight still on, He turned on his heels and walked away holding his flashlight and P250 he walked towards anywhere, at this point he didnt care anywhere would still be the same hell as this area.

((Continued in: Dude! FORTIFIED! Pt. 2))
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