Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just A Beast In A Cage


The Westing Park Zoo boasts habitats for animals from around the world and an elaborate guest complex including a gift shop, a concessions pavilion, and a children's play area. It also plays host to special events on holidays and other occasions throughout the year, making the zoo is a popular destination for field trips and weekend outings.
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Post by Jilly »

No movement. No response. Just what sounded like a whine, though Katelynne couldn't tell if that was an attempt at communication or shock at what just happened in the last couple of seconds.

Her heart sank into her stomach. She wanted to run right there. But she had to do something.

The employee lady rushed over with one of the security guards trailing right behind. "Oh my Lord, are you guys okay?" her voice squeaked with urgency along with a hint of that 'please don't sue us' customer service tone.

"No," Katelynne said, "where's the first aid station?"

"Right down there; can she get up?"

Katelynne looked at Nona again, her face bleeding and bruises growing by the minute. Oh God, please tell her Nona could.

"C'mon, Nona," Katelynne commanded as she pressed against Nona's shoulder, "we gotta get up." With some help from the security guard, they were able to get her up on her feet again.

The worker lady sighed in relief before turning around and heading out. "It's just this way; come on!"

Something poked Katelynne from behind. She snapped around and found her cousin standing there dejectedly, his head hanging down low.

"Hey, Buddy," Katelynne calmly but firmly said, "sorry, but stick with me for now, okay?"

He limply nodded his head before grabbing and holding onto her free hand.

In the distance, Katelynne saw what looked like that guy again. But that wasn't important right now; she got Nona, and she got the kid. And they were off.

((Katelynne Kirkpatrick continued in Pink Boxes and White Elephants))

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