The Farmer and the Viper

A veritable Garden of Eden, the highest point of the woodlands gives way to a large clearing comprised of only a handful of lush trees and a large field of bright wildflowers. Also offering a beautiful view of the island, it’s the perfect place to plan one’s next move and an even lovelier place to die.
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The Farmer and the Viper


Post by Ruggahissy »

((Paris Ardennes continued from Old Holmes))

Paris was awake.

He and Sunny had spent the day traveling in relative peace. He stood by her side, holding her hand in his left and the riot shield in his right. They'd eventually come to rest in the clearing. It was beautiful. There were flowers and fruit trees. It was perfect and Sunny seemed quite taken with it. Girls liked pretty things. They ate and then talked a little, him promising they could rest there. He sang a song, his deep, comforting voice resonating in the clearing, and stroked her hair until she fell asleep.

He looked up at the night sky. The stars shone much more brightly than they did in the city. He traced the form of Orion with his finger. Suddenly there was a bit of rustling. They were surrounded by the woods, after all. Paris covered Sunny with a dark blanket so she wouldn't be easily seen, took the shield and his bag and carefully stalked into the woods towards the sound.

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Post by Outfoxd »

((Katy Warren continued from Not Like Any Previous Sleepovers ))

While Katy was, according to her dad and her own sense of confidence, a Judo prodigy and a consummate martial artist, she was coming to realize something about herself that was unfortunate at this point in time.

She didn't have the greatest sense of direction.

The realization came to her the day after she had left behind the girls at the school.  Everything had gone smoothly for awhile until she had hit the forest.  Something about being surrounded on all sides by trees, with no landmarks, really put a damper on finding her team.  Right now, it was more important finding herself.

The map had said something about a clearing, and that's what she was looking for now.  Not that she was sure of her heading.  She could have been just been going deeper in the first, for all she knew.

"This is fucking bullshit."  She hissed to herself.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Paris moved further, trying to stay behind his pilfered shield, but that was becoming harder and harder with the trees and the leaves and the dark.

Then there was a guiding voice. More of a guiding swear, actually. It was a female voice. That was important. The wheels began turning and he wondered if calling out was really the best course of action.

But it was very dark among the foliage and as soon as he took another step forward, he collided with the unseen girl.

"I'm so sorry," he said, half-dazed.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Katy almost lashed out. Not because she was scared, or fearful for her life. Just out of pure, blind rage, because whoever had bumped into her had, of course, jarred the shit out of her busted hand.

Katy sucked air through her teeth and whispered an almost inaudible "Oh my God" as she cradled her hand, backing away from the kid that had bumped her.

"Fucking right, you're sorry." She managed once fire in her hand cooled down to more of a smolder. She stopped to look at him. He was a brownish kid with curly hair, looked vaguely familiar. Then again, half the school could be considered vaguely familiar, considered they were all locked in a building for a few hours every weekday together.

"Do I know you?" She asked, figuring cursing the kid out wouldn't be very productive.
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Post by Namira »

((Cho continued from Old Holmes))

Sunny slept soundly. If she'd been able to remark upon it, she would've been very surprised that she could sleep like that whilst in such danger, whilst in such grief. Well. Maybe.

Paris was a godsend. She regretted now only having had a couple of conversations with him back at school. He was pleasant company, could talk about all kinds of stuff, seemed to find her genuinely funny... it took a lot to make her forget that they were on an island surrounded by potential killers, but he just about managed it, somehow. Of course... thinking about Gabby, it all came rushing back, and perhaps that was why they could both relate to one another. They shared that pain, and had stumbled upon each other and found solidarity.

It ran a little deeper than that though, didn't it? Cho was friendly, just not so much touchy-feely. Around him though, it didn't seem quite as important. Holding hands was a comfort. Stroking her hair was a reassurance and made her stomach flutter a little. It was confusing to resolve the feelings between gratitude and appreciation and something a bit more ... serious.

She'd been thinking about that when she dozed off, and she was still thinking about it as she stirred, sat up, and found herself alone.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"Do I know you?"

The question bounced around his head for a moment. He was slightly sad over it. She didn't know him? Who didn't know him? He was all over the place.

And in any case, he knew her.

"Oh honey, we've been looking for you."

She was one of the softball girls, and one who had a reputation for being disagreeable. She was living up to it right now. He'd seen her around with Sven's girl. She was brusque and rude and she could have very well been Iselle. As far as he was concerned, she was Iselle.

"Iselle and Andi and Alda. Where have you been? They've been worried sick."

His big, kind eyes looked concerned for her. He allowed the shield to drop. He'd been scared at first when he ran into this girl and she looked like she was ready to brawl. But then he remembered Iselle and Sven. She'd taught him something very valuable and though it hurt to lose Sven, it was how things had to be. That was all to teach him that this was how it was supposed to be.

And so he smiled reassuringly at her. It was no coincidence. Everything had fallen perfectly into place and like a shot of lightening, he could see everything that would happen in the next five minutes laid before him. Ask and He provides. In this case, everything was provided. He would be just fine.

"Here, come on."

He started walking back the way he'd come.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Katy was about to give him both barrels when he said all the right names. Finally, something had gone right for a change. So enthused was Katy with the prospect of finding a few people worth a fuck on the whole island that she never considered the possibility that this kid could have been feeding her a line. And besides that, he was off and moving too quickly for her to question it.

Although she really wanted to slap the shit out of him for calling her "honey".

She followed on his heels, the burning pain in her hand forgotten.

"Are they alright? Who am I kidding, of course they are. But seriously, tell me." She was saying, displaying rare exuberance.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

He heard her behind him. She was following. There was a twinge of guilt. She was so happy.

It was just a twinge.

He emerged first from the forrest to the clearing near Cho like he'd never left.
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Post by Namira »

Okay... don't freak out. He couldn't have gone far, could he? Like, there wasn't any reason for Paris to have up and left so far as Cho could- A streak of paranoia hit Sunny like a bolt of lightning. She rolled over- her bag, her bag was-... Right where she'd left it, propped up against the tree. The gun Paris had given her was still on the ground alongside her, and when Cho gave a little peek... it didn't look like any of her stuff was missing. Not from in the bag, anyway.

The shield was absent, as was Paris himself. Cho hesitated. If he was going to skip out on her and leave her high and dry, surely there were bigger priorities than a big cumbersome hunk of metal. Why leave the gun, if he was running off?

It didn't go a long way to cooling her agitation.

Sunny's heart was hammering all the way up until there was a rustle and Paris emerged from the surrounding woodland.

"Hey!" she called as he appeared, trying not to sound either too angry or too relieved. "Where were you? I was worried."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Katy came in on Paris's heels, and when she parsed the situation, her irritation was nearly immediate. She looked around, glancing from left to right. But the only person who was there was another girl from school. Someone inconsequential. "What the.." Her brows knit together in consternation, and she gave Paris a shove with her good arm. "Where the fuck are they?" She said.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"Everything's fine. I thought I heard something, but it must have been a bird or some animal."

Suddenly the other girl came through the trees after him. She was very angry and he subtly moved the shield out of the way of his body. She punched him.

"I'm sorry, can we help you?"

He turned to Cho and asked, "Do you know her?" He gave a look that was halfway between sympathy and confusion and shrugged. He stood up and walked to the girl, coming to stop a few feet from her. He lowered the shield.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you're looking for. Maybe we can help you," he said said smoothly.
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Post by Namira »

He had an explanation, a reassurance for her. Of course he did. For a moment Cho felt silly for being worried, and then dismissed that. She liked Paris, he'd helped her out, but anything could happen.

'Anything' already had happened.

The thought was an uncomfortable one. Cho was almost relieved when someone burst through the trees, up until they gave Paris an angry shove. Sunny recognised the girl, though it wasn't the recognition that game with friendship. Katy... did judo, always seemed to bring up Japan on the rare occasions she had anything to talk about that wasn't a surly dismissal.

Cho shifted from foot to foot. She wasn't sure what had Katy so pissed, and the other girl needed some calming down.

"Yeah... Katy," looking over to Katy herself now. "Is everything all right? I mean, I know I'm not the prettiest, but I didn't mean to frighten you or anything."

Barely qualified as a joke, really. Wouldn't be winning any prizes for that one.
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Post by Outfoxd »

"You shut your goddamn mouth." Katy said, thrusting her index finger's in Cho's direction. Her grip on herself was slipping now. She didn't know what the fuck Paris thought he was doing, but she wasn't about to let it ride. Katy grabbed a hold of Paris's shirt collar with her free hand. Though he had a good 30 pounds or so on her, Katy had years of grappling training and a bout of rage to give her grip proper weight.

"You fucking told me you knew where my people were. You got something to say to me?" Katy's teeth were grinding together now, and the effort showed itself in her clenched jaw. She was a bound spring, ready to explode.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Paris released the shield and put both of his hands up. It was a sign that he had nothing in the way of weapons, but also a sign to slow down. "Hey now. There's no need to insult the girl-" She grabbed him roughly by the shirt and Paris went with her grasp like a rag doll, not putting up resistance. Suddenly he was face to face with her. He probably could have kissed her without moving his head too much.

"I think maybe you're confused. You're disoriented, you may be experiencing a quickness of breath," he said quietly, smiling.

"Everything's going to be fine. We can talk this out," he said louder.
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Post by Namira »

Cho didn't remember raising the gun, definitely didn't remember picking it up, but there it was in her hands regardless. Katy was acting more and more aggressively by the second, and Cho started with alarm when she saw the other girl grab hold of Paris and yank him forward. Paris was talking fast, trying to placate Katy, even as she held him by the collar. He definitely sounded concerned, and Sunny was faltering.

The gun was clasped tightly in her hands. Not loaded, but what Katy didn't know wouldn't hurt her, right? Probably not the ideal solution to threaten violence, but hopefully given an incentive to chill out, Katy would slow the hell down and get more rational about all of this. Then they could sort it all out-


Cho, as it happened, had never held a gun in her life. Gun safety wasn't a notion dear to her heart; her parents would certainly have never allowed firearms of any type around the house. Cho held on tightly indeed, to the point where, as her finger squeezed down on the trigger... the gun went off with an earsplitting bang.
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