Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

Mid day 5.

The woods themselves are still lush and green, with copious amounts of vegetation. Due to all the foot travel over the years, paths are still present even as the ferns start to grow. Despite this, it is still easy to get lost if one was to venture off the path as the woods are quite densely packed.

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Falling Down the Rabbit Hole


Post by Ohm »

((Sal Bonaventura continued from Need A Little time to Wake Up))

Sal had gotten himself lost. Well, more lost than usual if that was possible. if one could quantify how lost a human being could be, Sal would be near the top of the list. He was back in the woods. Even through his hazy vision he could tell that he was back at the accursed place. Where this mess had started.

Fitting then that this was where he was going. He was not sure what he was following, but it looked close enough for that brief glimpse back then. It was all he could think about as he ran through or, rather, stumbled through the forest, clinging to trees for support and comfort as he made his way through it alone. He couldn't really tell where he was going as his vision was clouded after his dalliances with the night and the only thing around him that changed were the sizes and shapes of the trees. In essence, he was a blind man wandering a desert with no idea where he was going while occasionally running into the cacti.

He must have looked mad to those watching, but he wasn’t. He knew he’d seen something and that was enough. That should be enough. He'd failed her once back on that night. Bathed in an awkwardness where neither could say a thing. Of comfort, trust or healing. Of anger, frustration and hate. There had been so many things he could have said, even if they hadn't been apparent at the moment, he should have done something. Anything. He had that chance now, he just had to follow. As difficult as it was. It was fervently out of reach and barely out of sight. Glimpses here and there. Like a breadcrumb trail.

He had left his bag back there with Manuel in his haste. Another smart decision on his part among many others he had made so far in his time here, but he didn't care. There was only one thing on his mind. Catch up and apologise. For everything. and then maybe find out why. Why the abandonment, why the secrecy, why the lack of trust. Lay to rest the things running through his head like a maelstrom constantly swirling with no sign of stopping.

But what about Manuel? What would he say if he came back? Would he be mad and upset? Or just glad that he brought them back? Had he just not done the same thing to him as they did to them both?

The thought made him pause for a second which was one second too many as Sal’s foot hit a snag, causing him to stumble and crash down onto the ground. His arms shot out in an attempt at catching himself, but all it succeeded was hurt himself. He laid on the ground for a moment, jolted awake with some small pain emanating from his front and hands. Sal didn't know how long he laid there but it was long enough for that thought to permeate and fester inside him. Manuel was the one leading the two towards the end. He was the one calling out to her, he was the one who had his head on straight enough that he could sleep at night and not fuck up.

And Sal had run off on him. Left him wherever they had been. He was too tired to keep a brave face anymore and let the tears loose.

A part of Sal was content to lie there. Wait for the elements to do their work so he could finally put his head down, close his eyes and not worry anymore, but he forced himself up on his knees and soon, on his feet. Shaking as they were and as hard as it was to see, he had things that needed to be done and to be said. Rest could come after.

As he got up and wiped at his eyes, he realised what he had tripped on.

The path through the woods.

A smile found its way to his face amongst the drying tears. Face planting into good fortune, figures. He thought to himself as he walked along the path before him along with a simple question to himself.

Where did this lead again? But before he could think of answer a glimpse in the corner of his eye for a fraction of a second and he quickened his pace down the path. There was no time to waste on wondering. He needed to act.

And with his being on the road all he had to do was focus on his legs, to keep himself from falling. There were times he was close, and he would be back down to his knees. But he’d get back up again.

He wasn’t going to fail this time.

((Sal Bonaventura continued in Red Of Tooth And Claw))

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