Starting Place for Boy 09

Terry Woodard

An old and tiny house. If not for the many cobwebs, and the slightly bloodstained floor, the house would look rather out of place. This is the perfect place for the folk that would much rather hide under a table than partake in such a terrible game.
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Post by Chase* »

"Betsu-ni (Not really)," he said, flinching a bit at the sound of the mace hitting the floor. They were on the doorstep of Terry's and August's hideout for god's sakes!

"Dokka ikainai? (Shall we go somewhere else?)" he reasoned with her, trying to get her to calm down. She had a nasty weapon.

"Do you speak english?" he finally inquired.
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Post by Kuze* »

Kiyoko's face twisted back to its normal confused look at the english that came out of Kichiro's mouth

"Nani?(What?)" Kiyoko said in confusion "beshi ikihajimeru kon (Lets get going now)"Kiyoko said as she zipped up her bag and reaguseted her glasses and slightly raised the Flail so that it isnt dragging on the ground .
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Post by Chase* »

Kichiro nodded. He put his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her to let her know he was just being friendly, and led her on one of the dirt paths.

On the way, he stopped giving her a look to do the same. He needed to check the map.
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Post by Kuze* »

Kiyoko stopped along with Kichiro when she realized that in the hand she held the Flail in she still held her folded up map

"Hia,teiku kore(Here, Take this)" Kiyoko said as she handed her map to Kichiro "kumitoru betaa yuuyo kan (You'll understand this better than I can)"

((Continued in: Towards the River))
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Post by Chase* »

He smiled again, taking Kiyoko's map instead of his own. Marking out the forbidden areas, he quickly said, "Ikemasen (Forbidden)."

"Do-shiteta? (Have have you been doing?)" he asked her, as he looked on the map.

The dirt path coming up would lead to the river. He hoped that would be safe, now that he knew she would be defenseless against people who couldn't understand her.

She may not be the one he was looking for, but he wasn't just going to let her die.

"Kawa (River)" he continued, pointing to a spot on the map, then pointing on the path.

((Continued on Towards The River))
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

In the time since Kichiro left August had sat silently in a corner of the room, her day pack and bookbag lying close to her as she kept her eyes on the dark world through the window, though through the darkness light could be seen peeking from beyond the trees.

Through the night she'd been unable to sleep, her mind racing with the facts that her friend was dead... her friend was dead and she knew who had killed her.

Admitting a soft sound in her throat, she pushed herself onto her feet and pulled to where she had casted aside the stun gun. Picking it up into her hands, and pushing it into the pocket of the jacket.

Moving back over across the room, she pulled her day pack up and onto her shoulder. Making her way to the door where she begun to move the table away, she was going to return the favor to the bastard who had killed her best friend.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Terry's thoughts were disturbed as August made her way to the door. "Woah," he said standing up quickly and rubbing his eyes sleepily, "where are you going?" He could take a guess at where she was going though. Had she decided to give up on not playing and take revenge?

"Listen August if you're thinking of going after Hawley, don't. You only have a stun gun and he has a shotgun. He'll see you coming a mile away," he said fervently.
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

Her hands dropped from the table somewhat as she turned to look at him, hazel eyes flashing in anger. "I don't care... He killed her. He killed the only person who ever accepted me as a friend."

August sighed, a small smile finding her lips. "I have to do what I can, even if it means I'm going to die."
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

"I'm not condoning what he did, but do you really think Helena would want you to die the same way as her?" he asked. He didn't know a thing about Helena but maybe he'd be right and calm her down a little. He didn't like the idea of someone who he had made friends, or at least acquaintances with, just mere hours ago dying.
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

August blinked, her head dropping some though the smile stayed on her lips. "I know... I know this. But what's the point in trying to stop the future?" She said lightly, bringing her head back up as she moved making her way past the table, and opening the door.

"I know already I'm going to die here, there's no way off this island but to win. And like you said, I just have a stun gun what are the chances I'd win anyway. At least I can go down trying to get my revenge for her... I'm sorry I can't keep my promise to you, but I have to do this."
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Her feelings were completely justified but Terry still didn't like the idea of her going out there and either being killed or becoming a murderer. He knew the odds of either of them winning were slim to none but it still disturbed him.

"Yes, but what happens if someone else finds you before you find Hawley," he said thinking quietly on this fact for a moment before saying resignedly, "I'm going with you."
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

"I still have to try." She muttered, though blinked when he annouced he deciding to go with her. August keeping her spot at the open door, watching him lightly. "Why?"
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Terry had barely had time to think his words over rationally but now he had said them and that was that.

"Because I don't want you to get killed on your way there," he said honestly adding a bit rushed, "whatever kind of revenge you want to get when we find him is your own business though, but I don't want to think about someone else picking you off before you find Hawley since you're obviously determined to get revenge."
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

August allowed another smile to grace her lips, "Thank you. And I'm sorry, but I'd rather die trying to do this. Then die one that wasn't worth anything," She said lightly, she knew that to some she would seem stupid. But she knew her feelings, and this was what she had to do...

"Well, let's go shall we?" She said turning on her heels and moving out the door, glancing about the area lightly as she glanced down at her map looking over all the locations.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

He heaved a sigh as he picked up his assigned pack and the bat and followed her to the door. The last rays of light given off from the setting sun greeted him as they exited. Maybe they'd have better luck traveling at night.

"Well then, where do you think he is?" he asked.

(Continued in: Lighthouse Ambush)
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