Rank (Your Own) Characters

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Rank (Your Own) Characters


Post by Brackie »

from the swamps of Tapatalk:
rank the characters you've written for SOTF/Mini in whatever way you deem fit, and if you're feeling up for it maybe even talk about why you ranked certain characters where you did (like what you liked/disliked about them when writing, or if you liked them at the time but don't anymore, or whatever).
a popular addendum back in the old thread was “finished characters only” so I guess that can be a thing here too
[+] The Island
V4: G069 - Clio Gabriella: Hold me closer, tiny dancer; count the headlights on the highway to hell.
V4: G083 - Paige Strand: Feelings don't try to hurt you, even the painful ones. You're responsible for all of the damn consequences.
V4: B118 - Jacob Charles: Every grieving heart has screamed at one time or another 'why can't you just let me die?'
V4: G114 - Aston Bennett: A woman who desires revenge must dig three graves.
V4: B108 - Ma'afu Tuigamala: Most men would rather forget a hard truth than face it.
V5: G015 - Janie Sinneave: Every human being must find her own way to cope with the impossible, and the only job of a true friend is to facilitate whatever method she doesn't choose.
V6: B018 - Maxim Kehlenbrink: Too much self-centered attitude brings isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger, and a hammer to the skull.
V7: G044 - Mikki Swift: It takes 18 years to build a reputation and a minute to ruin it.
V7: G070 - Jessica Rennes: Despair is our chance to wrestle with water and fall through.
V7: G075 - Aditi Sharma: She can still scream that rebel yell, just as loud as it was in 2005.
[+] Home
V4: B042 - Brendan Wallace: History has a way of repeating itself for years to come.
v5 - Penny Huang: Good girls can make bad decisions.
v5 - Jasper Rourke: Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "what could have been".
v7 - Gaelan Meloy: And nothing matters.
v7 - Jordan Brankovich: Rethinking it all.
v7 - Kayden Brockman: Not done yet.
v7 - Ji-hyun Christensen: Just getting started.
[+] Remind Me Tomorrow
Destiny Martinez will live fast and die faster.
Aidan Winston is going to let you know you're not solving anything.
Lara Rodriguez thinks you should keep your opinion on her to yourself.
Peyton Hoffman isn't fond of the PC Police ruining everything.
Lindsey Sewall wants to make sure you drank water today you stupid bitch.
Luke Travers needs to have a code.
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Post by Espi »

10-Riley Parker: Fragmented concept and similarly incoherent execution. Admittedly tainted by IRL issues I was having at the time but very much my worst work.
9-Nina Clarke: Decent start and good end but absolutely nothing of substance in between. Also suffered from way too many unnecessary threads.
8-Theo Fletcher: Sorry Paige but Theo was a disjointed wreck of every trope to avoid with a player in your first version.

7-Henry Spencer: Good concept and had some decent stuff but I liked his pregame better and he lost out on a lot of his potential.
6-Lucy Williams: Should not have killed before Riley in hindsight. Had much more interesting stuff going on and I honestly enjoyed what I did with her more than Riley.
5-Gwen O'Connor: Generally solid execution and had really good people to work off (Group Naptime). Wish she'd gotten to live longer to do more with her story.
4-Clio Gabriella: Kind of got one note for a bit but it was a really fun note to play and also had a great death. I wish I hadn't tried to be cheeky with formatting though.

3-Alice Baker: Concept was admittedly pretty tepid but I liked writing her. I would have liked to keep going with her but Things Happened though I'm happy with what happened to her after that.
2-Nate Chauncey: Also kind of one note like Clio but also a fun note. I really loved getting into Nate's head and her voice was just very enjoyable. I dunno if her island story is at all worth story but her actual writing I think was very solid and she was just a blast to play.
1-Blair Moore: Not just because she lived the longest but because she made the best of that time. In my opinion Blair had the best and most cohesive arc over her lifetime of all my kids. Plus she was just generally fun to write and I got to work with lots of good people in good scenes. Plus I think I did what was an inherently risky concept very well.
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Post by MethodicalSlacker »

Brackie wrote:a popular addendum back in the old thread was “finished characters only” so I guess that can be a thing here too
you dont own me >:)

Current characters are in italics because their placement is subject to change. I'm counting Cybil as a finished character because his After stuff isn't very integral to his arena story and arc currently and it probably might like wrap up some loose ends but he can be perfectly enjoyed with just his Arena material. Also, I'm not counting meanwhile characters right now. Just imagine Marie Bernstein in the direct center of both of these rankings if you really want to, because she's really the only POV character I've done in Meanwhile so far. I'm ranking these characters in two ways; how much I enjoyed/currently enjoy writing them and how good they actually are in my eyes. Personal enjoyment is just how much I enjoy constructing the prose of these characters, nothow much I've enjoyed threading with other people with these characters because that'd be stupid and frankly mean to rank. It means more to me personally how much I enjoy a character than how good I objectively think they are.

Personal Enjoyment:
1. Lili Williams/Violet Schmidt/Max Rudolph [Tie] — Lili was a blast to write the prose of because I loved sneaking in all sorts of references to the music she listened to. The scatterbrain decline in mental state thing that goes on with her was terrible but it was also really fun to construct over a long period of time. Violet and Max's styles of prose have pretty specific rules to them, and playing by those rules is a fun way to write a character and helps each one sound very unique to read. Max has the most stringent set of rules, which is why he's at the back of this tie. Sometimes those rules are hard to break in a fun way. Violet's rules are simpler, and maybe even just the opposite of Max, though the two are somewhat closely linked I guess. It's more fun to break Violet's rule. Can you guess what it is?

4. Cybil Price — One of the favorite sequences I've ever written, ever, is in this character's story. Specifically, the thread Feel The Earth Move. The blood pool part came out almost automatically. I wrote like a man possessed and when it came out I was surprised that such language had come from my own fingertips. The reason he's lower than the other three is because he's really REALLY dry, and keeping that up over a long time was hard.

5. Lucas Diaz — Lucas is pretty fun. He doesn't have a rule to his prose other than "what I would think/do if I was stupider and also more dumb" but that itself is pretty great. I love torturing this character with his own social inadequacy. He doesn't have any scenes that I'm particularly "proud" of yet, as a character, except for maybe Dogwander and the U.S.S. Dekcuc for entirely different reasons, but I think that'll change as time goes on and I'll write more enjoyable scenes with him.

6. Liberty "Bert" Wren — I haven't really figured out what I want to do with Liberty Wren yet. I originally intended for her to be a nice person, but I feel like that's been lost in translation somewhere so I'm probably going to play her as stressed out and a little mean. Her gravitation towards groups seems to me like it calls for her conflict to be that she keeps being separated from the groups she wants to be a part of but I don't know how well that works as a story in this kind of collaborative fiction writing medium.

7. Arthur Bernstein — I shouldn't have swapped him for Lili, in hindsight, but actually writing Arthur was strange to me because looking back on it I never really defined who he was in his own narrative. I fleshed him out posthumously in Colorless but that doesn't count to me. He latched on really hard to Colleen because he saw her in a similar light as he saw his sister. He's overprotective, sure. But there's nothing about the style of prose and the way he's written that way that really jumps out to me as special.

[Power Gap]

8. Kitty Gittschall SC2 — I hated writing this character. I needed to write this character. I was constantly afraid of not writing this character correctly, too overly cautious to do anything special with her that wasn't gimmicky and kind of stupid, and every time I had to post I dreaded it because it felt like everyone around me had a much, much better idea of what they were doing. It felt like I was stepping on everyone else's toes with two left feet every time I sat down to write this character. I know I'm being unfair because I bet other people enjoyed my take on her, but I didn't. I enjoyed writing with all of the people I wrote with during this period, but I hated myself for dragging their characters down by association. I will probably never adopt a character/write a character that isn't my own for Second Chances again.

Writing Quality:
1. Max Rudolph — Absolutely some of the best ideas I've ever had.

2. Violet Schmidt — Writing a character that I enjoy reading is really, really satisfying.

3. Lucas Diaz — Some top notch one liners.

4. Cybil Price — I read Feel The Earth Move the other day and almost threw up. Nice! That's what I was going for with that scene.

5. Liberty "Bert" Wren — Competently written, if directionless. Full of potential though. Excited to see what I can come up with.

6. Arthur Bernstein — He's a little detached, but I think it works for what he is, which was a last minute character concept thrown together so that I'd, yes, have a character to swap for Lili. He turned into something greater than the sum of his parts. If you want this guy for the hypothetical SC3, please let me know.

7. Kitty Gittschall SC2 — It's not all bad. The fight scene with Tina is good for a first real fight scene. Has a character arc. It's not very good and hinges on a gimmick but it's there.

8. Lili Williams — First kid. 'Nuff said. Good ideas, sloppy execution. I'm running her in SC3 if there is one.
[+] Recommended Reading Order
—The Heaven Panel—

Image / Image - G051: Lili Williams: 1. Hope springs eternal. Kidnapped from her school trip and thrown into a horrific death game, Lili wanders the wasteland in search of her past life before it slides away from her for good.

Meanwhile 1. From Here On Out [Complete] Marie Bernstein eats ice cream with her friend and gets a text message.

Image / Image - B043: Arthur Bernstein: 2. Blood is thicker than water. Seeking his sister's comfort, Arthur takes up the spear and walks alongside another.

Meanwhile 2. Colorless [Complete] A family reunion under less than ideal circumstances. When trying to unravel the mystery of her brother's death at the hands of esoteric serial terrorists, Marie discovers more than she bargained for.

——The Earth Panel——


Image - G026: Liberty "Bert" Wren: 3. It is happening again. To make things right, Bert must understand where things went wrong.

Image - B049: Max Rudolph: 4. The words we use to construct our realities often also make up the links in our chains. Fleeing a vision, Max builds his most elaborate prison yet.

Image - B032: Lucas Diaz: 5. A life lived through the views of others. In pursuit of revenge and his own death, Lucas Diaz interrupts the falling of many dominos.

Meanwhile 3. Because We Love You [Complete] Selections from a Google Drive, never to be logged into again.

Meanwhile 4. The Lines We Draw [Complete] In the process of collecting his brother's memories, Milo Diaz has a fitful morning.

Image - G007: Violet Schmidt: 6. The stars in the night sky do not make pictures. Breathing on both sides of the water, Violet Schmidt journeys to escape the confines of her own mind, and her reality.

Meanwhile 5. Years of Pilgrimage [???] Dana Schmidt is dreaming.

Meanwhile 6. Colorless II [Ongoing] Charlie Bernstein returns to the desert and finds it empty.

Meanwhile 7. Writing the Enigma [Ongoing] Randy Rudolph provides lodgings for Marie Bernstein as she investigates Survival of the Fittest, the city of Chattanooga, and the meaning of water.

———The Hell Panel———

S080: Kyle 'K' Emerson: [?]. You can never really know a person. Determined to return home to his elder sister, K. Emerson tries to wait it out while he still can.

S089: Amaryllis Peszek-Byrne: [X]. Rise from your grave. Witnessing herself at her worst, Amaryllis tries to sustain her belief that a better world is possible.
[+] Other Threads
Virtual Pilgrimage: Exploring the Pregame Cities of SOTF
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Post by Cicada »

Man why was I trying to rank my Meanwhile characters the last time around lol how pretentious can I get? I won't be listing all my characters here, just characters who had significant personal impact on me, regardless of how long they lasted in my care or otherwise.

By Personal Enjoyment -
1. Irene Djezari (V6) - There is just something about her. I believe I tend to become more cynical and fall into more of a rut the more I'm exposed to something- I thrive on novelty a lot as an individual. So my first character ultimately was my best time- regardless of quality, Irene stands as an example of my purest prosaic tendencies, I love her quirks and how I chose to express them, much as the concept behind them was bland. She is near and dear to my heart and I was having a blast before I ultimately came to view SOTF through a different, more cynical lens wherein I enjoy reading other's stuff way more than writing and feeling inadequate perpetually.

2. Paris Ardennes (SC2) - I love him because it felt like the most technical display as I writer I've ever pulled off- I adopted a writing style not my own and still made it my own. He had an interesting character and it was fun to modulate him as I did while staying true to his core.

3. Bridie Mossberg (Program 3 Prologue) - Bridie to me, is like, a kind of refinement of Irene wherein she's fundamentally innocent due to mentality but very much capable of fucking things up (as she did). I think I was and still am concerned with how I portrayed intellectual disability, but she also has a strong personal cache with me, something about the simplicity and repetitiveness of her thought process really allowed me to play around with how I controlled the flow of information to the reader.

4. Ben Fields (V6) - His island time was eh. Overwraught, overwritten. His prologue threads fucking breathed. It all felt so natural, even as I continued to overwrite my ass off, and Ben just felt so alive as a character to me. Where The White Boys Dance, as problematic as it is, may be the single most enjoyable thread I have ever written- Rorick and I had awesome chemistry, everything just clicked in post after post and I felt the action as it happened.

5. Clay Bronsen (Program 3 Prologue) - A bit bland, but I think I naturally got into his character voice. It was an easy write, and felt impactful.

6. Lena Bianchi (Program 3) - Classic Cicada bullshit. I didn't use any parts of her character well, her narrative felt clunky to write through.

7. Tina Luz (V6) - The OG Cicada bullshit. I think I put in way too much effort into her gimmick and did not personally enjoy a moment of it- too much energy demanded for a final output that wasn't even any good.

8. Rachael Langdon (SC2) - A mess from beginning to end. I have no idea what headspace I was in with her, it all felt so out of control from an OOC perspective and I could never reign in my turning to the classic Cicada tier 'just be weird and pray it works' content to mask a fundamental lack of feeling her island direction.

By Quality As I Perceive it -
1. Paris Ardennes (SC2) - Again, probably the sole technical brilliance I have ever actually pulled off. Maybe his death is a bit overwrought, but most of his posts seemed effortless and shined for a character voice that was light but captivating.

2. Clay Bronsen (Program 3 Prologue) - Reads easy, isn't too Cicada-tier pretentious, usually had a decent sense of pacing. Credit goes to CBP here- I ended up writing Clay more on behalf of other characters than on his own merit, so I think that helped reign in my natural bad habits as a writer.

3. Bridie Mossberg (Program 3 Prologue) - Some flawed delivery but I think I managed her character-biased narrative well without falling into the Cicada-tier 'this is too much'- it was well delivered, easy to read and get my point. I just take off points here because of my uncertainty- she was a hard concept due to her intellectual disability, and at times I probably flubbed it.

Suck. Irene Djezari (V6), Ben Fields (V6), Tina Luz (V6) - I can stand by each of these characters but they have major flaws. Irene never got an island direction. Both Irene and Ben were scene hogs for no reason- too much writing for too little return in plot relevance. Tina was an experiment, but literally just that.

Suck More. Lena Bianchi (Program 3), Rachael Langdon (SC2) - Lena does not read well in hindsight- I leaned too hard on amateur and cliche characterization and diction. Rachael's a fucking mess, end of story.
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Post by Brackie »

[+] a list so long it requires spoiler tags
- writeups to come later I guess

1. Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy (Virtua)
I'm not sure if she's my best but she's the one who hits the venn diagram between "character I liked writing" and "character who was actually good" in the best way for me. She faltered a bit in the end but no character's perfect, especially one of mine, and the leadup to that included a lot of heavy introspection, raw emotion and the most visually striking character I've ever made, so here's to you Cameo ya big goth freak

2. Maxim Kehlenbrink (V6)
But Maxim is a close second! The only real dividing hair is that I never got to go further with him but aside from that he's easily my best adoption and one so messy and complicated I had so much fun just picking apart the stitches until he's falling into his own lies and dying more delusional than pretty much anyone in v6.

3. Aston Bennett (V4)
Although I didn't get to write Act III of Aston Bennett, she was where I found out I really love adopting characters and exploring the mindsets of characters who don't meet the usual archetypes that I go for when creating my own. Plus, I actually got to do something in v4 and enter a meaty plot, hooray! I wish my mental health had been in a better place circa 2011 because it would have been fun to end her story in my hands (even if I'd never have won the version because duh) but I do have to give proper dues to Ciel who tidied up her messiest parts like the stupid formatting stuff I was doing with everyone in v4 so thanks for that Ciel. Come back please :(

4. Jason Andrews (SC2)
Another characer I wish I'd gone further with but dying before he even had room to make an impact is very Jason, especially considering the v1 roots. My intention was "character attempting to build their own supervillain origin story", and the output was "comedy of errors including a gun with no ammo, being attacked by a seagull the moment even one thing seems to be going his way, and Revenge of the Murderbush" so I'm glad he went out on a high.

5. Yoshio Akamatsu (BRAU)
Oh hey it's literally the first character I ever wrote in-game. A lot of what Yoshio ended up being was accidental (scared boy pinballing further and further out of control) but I'm glad the Brackie of yesteryear had vague instincts of what worked. That said I'd probably cool it with the themed thread titles if I had to redo it.

6. Holly Hergenroeder(TV1)
I didn't really click with TV1 in any meaningful way so hence why I flamed out and adopted-off Anna so early and heroed out Holly but in retrospect I probably should have stuck around with Holly because I don't think I've ever been so quick to assign myself a story arc that I really should have followed through on. The lisp was an annoying idea (and when I bring her back for Second Chances I'm doing away with it) but other than that I'm glad I have at least one character with sound mind and heroic intentions in my alumni.

7. Ma'afu Tuigamala (V4)
If it wasn't for how I ended things with Maf he'd be up higher but unfortunately I panicked and dropped the ball. That said he was another character so far outside my wheelhouse that it gave me writing opportunities I'm forever grateful for with people I got to write with long before my due date. That also being said giving him amnesia for two threads was a stupid way to end things but you live you learn.

8. Brendan Wallace (V4)
Much like Yoshio there was a lot of unintentionality in my Brendan writings but unlike Yoshio I was given the benefit of Meanwhile to help fix some stuff. He probably should be lower due to the fact that I really had no idea what I actually wanted to do with Brendan until Peter Siu came along, but he's probably the only v4 original of mine I can read without completely cringing so shrug

9. Calista Carpenter (PV3 Proper)
She came, she beat up Grim Katana, she got to be unconsciously racist for an entire thread and then got a knife in the throat. Would have liked to do more but I got stuff done and signposted the start of a new version, hooray!

10. Jaxon Street (TV2)
Probably the only time I've ever actually done well with writing a biting sarcastic character even if I was in that SOTF time period where I was posting every 13 days 23 hours 59 minutes so I fell behind way fast. May be a Second Chances contender but who knows what tomorrow will bring?

11. Jacob Charles (V4)
The only v4 character who evened out to stable according to people I ask but I still find him hard to read. That said I really should have extended the control I had with keeping Jacob with one group to all my other characters rather than t-shirt gunning them around the island like multi-ball mayhem.

12. Maya Spooner (PV3 Prologue)
She was mostly written for the meme but uhhh Stay Tuned 👀

13. Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra (PV3 Prologue)
written during a time when I really shouldn't have been writing because of my Mental State but as far as "characters who disappeared for months at a time only to get a story and summation two days before the version finishes" go, he'll do.

14. Erin Underwood (PV2)
I got to tap into some Program themes thanks to writing an overtly villainous character even if she only lasted two rounds at most, but ehhhh. Another Second Chances candidate I guess.

15. Anna Kateridge (SC1)
>take one of favourite v3 characters
>post with her every 13 days 23 hours 59 minutes
>somehow get 8th place with only three threads
>least she's got that voice

16. Preston Grey (SC1)
Preston was a character who was in Second Chances Version 1 [citation needed]

17. Lyndi Thibodeaux (SC2)
My second character with sound mind and heroic intentions who got heroed off quickly because I can't resist doing that in Mini apparently. I didn't do the original justice but I tried and that's the important thing I guess?

18. Ramona Shirley (Virtua)
She was Fine and I got a good death out of her but she's easily been overshadowed by the better iteration in Second Chances 2

19. Nani Clover (PV3 Prologue)
like Santiago, circumstances outside of my control prevented me from utilizing Nani to the best of her abilities and I really didn't end up doing anything of note even within my own roster.

20. Janie Sinneave (V5)
I actually forgot to include her in the first version of this list - the Norma Jean Torkelson to my Ruggahissy in that I routinely forget I ever wrote her and when I reread her I remember why

21. Yuko Sakaki (BRAU)
thanks to only really reading the BR manga instead of the novel I only had a vague crazy template of what to go off of. That said I can barely stand to read her now and her death is cringe so into the Meh box you go.

22. Grant Moore (PV3 Prologue)
lol, does he even count?

23. Anna Hitchins (TV1)
All of my Phase 1 Mini stuff outside of Virtua was Bad and Anna was a good emblem of that - I was too into a certain kind of writing that led to one-dimensional characters like Matthew and Chanel (who, if you've been reading, you will notice haven't been ranked yet) and also Anna. She would have gone nowhere good if I'd gotten to write her another nanosecond so praise be to Outfoxd for taking her and cleaning her up into something halfway respectable.

24. Clio Gabriella (V4)
The intention of Clio was to take advantage of the shadow of v1-3 that loomed over the entire site for all of v4 and make people think I was intending to bring Clio into the end after long wearing out her welcome, only to shockingly kill her off before the deaths even reached halfway (so, a Disc One Final Boss, if you tropers will). The outcome was a crazed mess of a character with no clear intentions, who kickstarted the v4 formatting craze so quickly and so ferociously that everyone was sick of it by the end of That One Thread, and a Problematic collection of sexualized tropes that I was in no place to be writing, let alone examining. That said, I kind of leaned into the camp of it all by the time she and Maxwell killed someone mid-bonk, and I got to do some pretty rad fighting scenes in her final thread, so I'm not too entirely down on her.

25. Matthew Payne (PV1)
Woof, talk about sexualized tropes. Everything I ever wrote with Matthew is a wash and worth skipping immediately, EXCEPT for the fight scene with Luke which I legit had fun doing, although I really should have been at that level throughout the entire version. That said I die a little inside every time I think about the absolute shit I wrote with him so he will stay buried in a shoebox in the backyard and receive no Second Chance in the immediate future.

26. Chanel Martin (PV1)
Woooooooooof, actually one of the worst things I've ever written because it's a bunch of the worst things about my early writing rolled into a single moping package. Someone please message me to take her for Second Chances without having read her in-game posts because she needs redemption.

27. Paige Strand (V4)
Even worse than the two above and the only character of my entire v4 experience I requested struck from the RAT because of just how much I fucked up in writing anything remotely redeemable without seeming like I was clawing for attention in the wrong way. There's some days I thing about how my own stuff these days isn't up to par but then I remember what I was doing at the start of v4 and I'm grateful for how far I've come from the bottom.
[+] The Island
V4: G069 - Clio Gabriella: Hold me closer, tiny dancer; count the headlights on the highway to hell.
V4: G083 - Paige Strand: Feelings don't try to hurt you, even the painful ones. You're responsible for all of the damn consequences.
V4: B118 - Jacob Charles: Every grieving heart has screamed at one time or another 'why can't you just let me die?'
V4: G114 - Aston Bennett: A woman who desires revenge must dig three graves.
V4: B108 - Ma'afu Tuigamala: Most men would rather forget a hard truth than face it.
V5: G015 - Janie Sinneave: Every human being must find her own way to cope with the impossible, and the only job of a true friend is to facilitate whatever method she doesn't choose.
V6: B018 - Maxim Kehlenbrink: Too much self-centered attitude brings isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger, and a hammer to the skull.
V7: G044 - Mikki Swift: It takes 18 years to build a reputation and a minute to ruin it.
V7: G070 - Jessica Rennes: Despair is our chance to wrestle with water and fall through.
V7: G075 - Aditi Sharma: She can still scream that rebel yell, just as loud as it was in 2005.
[+] Home
V4: B042 - Brendan Wallace: History has a way of repeating itself for years to come.
v5 - Penny Huang: Good girls can make bad decisions.
v5 - Jasper Rourke: Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "what could have been".
v7 - Gaelan Meloy: And nothing matters.
v7 - Jordan Brankovich: Rethinking it all.
v7 - Kayden Brockman: Not done yet.
v7 - Ji-hyun Christensen: Just getting started.
[+] Remind Me Tomorrow
Destiny Martinez will live fast and die faster.
Aidan Winston is going to let you know you're not solving anything.
Lara Rodriguez thinks you should keep your opinion on her to yourself.
Peyton Hoffman isn't fond of the PC Police ruining everything.
Lindsey Sewall wants to make sure you drank water today you stupid bitch.
Luke Travers needs to have a code.
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Post by Cactus »

I did this a year ago, and I guess I've read around a bit more - V7 has started, I've come up with EVEN MORE CHARACTERS

How I've done it this time around: I tried to sort my characters in to one of five tiers - "Excellent", "Good", "Okay", "Meh", and "Bad". From there, I sorted them on how I liked them based upon the tier that they landed in. That gave me the master ranking, which I pretty much agree with. I have thirty-eight characters across Main and Mini. My goodness.

So with that being said, let's get started.

Very little, if anything has changed about the bottom tiers, and I've made the executive decision to slot my existing kids in as well. I'm spoilering them because I haven't updated the blurbs at all but if you'd like to look at what I thought last year about my shite characters, feel free. I've italicized characters who are alive and bolded those who are new or who have changed places in the rankings.

Bad Tier:
[+] You Can Skip These Ones

38. Rupert Stockton (V2)

Oof. I'll quote my earlier rankings when I said "What the hell was I thinking? I've been asking myself that a lot lately. What a hot tire fire mess of a profile. It isn't my biggest SOTF regret, but dammit, it's close." The profile is awful, the character is bad, and he BOUNCES OFF THE GROUND because he's too fat when they drop him off. Dodd. That's now how physics work, bro. Come on, you're better than that. Rupert gets an F-. For the record, Rupert's SC3 rights belong to Aura (have fun with thaaaat).

37. Mary McKay (V3)

Mary takes one of the longest plummets, sliding all the way down to the second-last spot on the rankings. I am not qualified to write a pregnant girl in SOTF. I wasn't then, I'm not now. Not only was she only there for the morbidity factor, her kill of Guy was vile and her eventual death at Wade's hands was even worse. For shitty shock factor, I can't recommend anyone read her, ever. She sucks.

36. Jodene Zalack (V3)

What's this? A new character that wasn't on the last ranking? How can that be? Well, I'll tell you. I'm an asshole - or at least, played one in SOTF, and in the V3 era, I decided to sign up as a new user and post with another character, changing my writing style et al, just to see if anyone would figure out that it was me. Nobody ever did, but that doesn't mean that the character was any good, rather, she was the opposite. Bland to the point of being boring, she didn't do much, killed someone in a scene, and then was part of a Wade Wilson inactivity massacre because I found it too hard to keep up. Another blight on my resume, no doubt about it.

35. Alexander Ovechkin (V2)

I was thrilled to see Alexander Ovechkin the real-life hockey player win the Stanley Cup last year. I've always been a big fan of him as a hockey player. As an SOTF contestant, he's a bad sequel to what Sidney Crosby was, and he's hindered by the fact that I went inactive with him halfway through V2. At the time, Ovi was a guy who spoke in broken English and was the newest NHL superstar, so it made sense that - hey, they took Crosby, why not take Ovechkin too? Unfortunately, in a common theme for me, I tried to recapture the magic and came up short. It was just a bad concept and as Ruggahissy said in her Ovechkin write-up from way back: "It looked like Dodd realized he was a bad concept and gave up on him". Bang-on, Vicky. Bang-on.

34. Burton Harris (V2)

I know, Kermit. I know. Please keep your outrage to a minimum. Burton tumbles down the rankings because while the memes about him are hilarious, I went back to actually read his posts. I liked the profile that I did for him, but when I went to see how many times I posted with him, I realized... I never did. The only posts from Burton on-island were when Xaldien took him over and made him the weed-demon that we all now know and love. So unfortunately, while I love the gags and the jokes, he doesn't make his way out of the "bad" tier because I never actually posted with him at all. His SC3 rights are currently held by Kermit.
"Meh" Tier:
[+] Not Sorry Nor Overly Proud

33: Arturo Villamor (V1)

Something that I've found for myself is that throughout my SOTF time, I've done pretty well at coming up with interesting characters, but have suffered in trying to figure out how to play these characters in-game. Thankfully pregame makes that a lot easier now, but in V1, that wasn't really a thing. So while Art is a pretty decent character (and based entirely off of a former coworker of mine) by profile, his in-game sputters and dies really quickly at the hands of Cillian Crowe. I couldn't figure out how to write him, so I fed him to Cillian. Icky.

32: Zilya Merchenkov (V2)

The Riser insert. I'm not sure why I decided to insert characters of other handlers. That was a little unusual. Funny enough, I never actually posted with her and she was handled by Mitsuko, who didn't exactly do a bang-up job of my characters once I was off the site. Since the concept wasn't tremendous nor did the character ever actually get posted with by me, she probably should be closer to the bottom than Art. Art still slides beneath her by the fact that he was one-and-done.

31. Sarah Dao (V2)

So here's an interesting thing. I actually posted with Sarah a hell of a lot more than I figured - I had an entire thread with her, where she ends up teaming up with An-Linh Tuan, who is a Makaze character. Which ... I'm not sure if An-Linh was supposed to be a Makaze insert too, but that's a little odd. Anyhow, she ends up in Dan's hands once I peaced out of V2, and ends up dying via Rob Adams. She's a lot less crappy than I remembered her to be, and she's only down this far because I genuinely didn't remember writing so much of her until right now. Fuckin' weird.

30. Andrew Lipson (V1)

Adam Sandler in a wheelchair, ho! Yeah, not ACTUALLY Adam Sandler, but the friend I based him off of by name and appearance did use to have a striking resemblance to him. The character while on-island is okay, but as discussed, his kidnapping and the circumstances of his death are a little preposterous and OTTP. I should have just had him on the trip or whatever, but the V1 times were strange days. Anyhow, I wish I'd maybe just had him roll off the cliff or something, as the death was pure schlock. Not great stuff.

29. Dean Portman (V3)

Ahh, the ghost of Dean Portman, he who basically didn't end up appearing on the island at all in V3. He was as close to an NPC as you could get from 2008 until 2018, when I finally finished the V3 epilogue, giving him a little scene and a pretty decent death. I wish I'd actually written him at all, he could have been fun, though he's got all of the hallmarks of classic Dodd, so if I were to put him into a future SC edition I'd need to clean that up a bunch.

28. Alicia Murazek (V4)

Alicia had a really strong profile, and then V4 proper came around, and I just wasn't sure what to do with her. Writing a cheery, bubbly girl wasn't something that I really had to do, and so she ended up getting fed to my own character, Staffan. I wish I'd at least fed her to someone else, as it's really seen as a cheap death now, even though I go against popular opinion and don't believe it's all that bad. Pretty much one-and-done keeps her firmly at the top end of the 'Meh' tier. Her SC3 rights are held by Somersault.

27. Wade Wilson (V3)

Okay, so. This one might give people cause for pause. "Adam, seriously? Wade? Doddpool? He's this high? How is he not in the bad tier?" So look. In 2008, Deadpool was in fact a comic character, sure. But we had real-life characters inserted on a semi-frequent basis. I changed certain elements (and probably should have changed the name), but admittedly this was the intention. Naturally, as Deadpool has become a phenomena in the world since Ryan Reynolds made a rad movie out of him, he's been looked down on. So yeah. I get it, he cleared out inactives in a gruesome and gory way. He was a terrible, terrible illustration of how to properly write mental illness. He was off-the-wall wacky and crazy for his whole SOTF journey. He repeatedly broke the fourth wall. But he wasn't SUPPOSED to be a realistic character at all. Admittedly, yeah. Am I a skilled enough writer to write Deadpool? No. No, I'm not. But I tried to take similar tenants and make a crazy, wacky villain that at the time was close enough in style to other characters of the time. Do I think he's really good? No, I don't. Do I think he's completely irredeemable? No, I don't. His beginning post and his final battle with Eddie Sullivan are parts of the story that I think are actually pretty decent, and while I'm not overly proud of my effort with him, I also don't revile him like I revile someone like Rupert, who I did write. I've defended him in chat before, and I'll continue to. He's a miss, but he's not all hot garbage.

26. Gilbert Archambault (V1)

I don't have a whole lot to say about Gilbert. He was written to be a weiner, to be a bit of a plot device for Dodd. Did he have a small story on his own, sure. But he wasn't supposed to be this thing just to prop up Dodd. By the time that I got him into the game, there weren't many people left, and it seemed to make sense to give him a preexisting relationship to at least give him a modicum of connection to the players left in the game. He was pretty much always going to be fodder though, and I can't deny that. He's BARELY out of the "okay" range, and that's mainly because he's just such a little weiner. I can't say that enough.
Okay Tier:
[+] New People Show Up at 19
25. Trent Hunter (V4)

I had a hard time getting off the ground with Trent. He's got a little bit of an unusual backstory and philosophy, and Toben said on his wiki write-up that he doesn't quite fit the V4 character M/O, which I agree with. I had one thread with him, but then real-life jumped up and grabbed me and I just never posted with him again. He had his collar detonated in an announcement, so that's pretty much the epitome of "okay-to-meh". He's at the bottom of this tier because he's not outwardly objectionable and I actually recall liking his concept, but I just couldn't pull it off.

24. Staffan Kronwall (V4)

Dan and I were going to write brothers. So we did. But we based them off of real-life hockey playing brothers, which I wish we hadn't. I think were his name "Steven Knowles" or something like that, he probably jumps up a few spots. He was always going to be the villainous brother of the two, and he entered the game with a bang with a dual-kill in the church. After that, I poofed and Dan picked him up and continued his swath of destruction until both Kronwalls went out almost back-to-back fighting one another. He's this high mainly because Dan did an excellent job with him and their final fight scene was really cool.

23: Angelina Kaige (V1)

Sooooo, another questionable decision to leave Kaige in my "okay" tier, I know. Outside of the weird rapey sex fetish subplot thing that I have zero idea why I came up with, Kaige did her job. She was a killing machine, and was supposed to be an obstacle for the kids to try and surpass. Of course, since half of v1 was inactive, she racked up an excessive kill-count as I tried to get the numbers down so we could end the version. My favourite Kaige scene is probably the one where she pretends to be a student to try and lure some kids in. I should have done more of that, and less of the weird rapey stuff. WTF, 2005 me?

22. Ken Lawson (V3)

Burton Harris part 2! I have zero idea how this character was allowed through. Zero. Absolutely zero. But when I was writing him, I actually dug what was happening. Ken is basically what I would have done had Burton been written by me in V2. He would have unnerved people, having them not wanting to ally with him but actually have good ideas for getting out. Alas, I swapped him out, and came up with a nifty death for him. Of course, maybe I shouldn't have gotten so meta-in-joke with the gravestone, but nobody's perfect, you know? I didn't mind Ken at all, and while he didn't make much impact, he won me a BDA, so I can't drop him too many spots.

21. John Sheppard (V3)

My gay V3 football kid. He's the epitome of "okay", since he didn't really do a whole lot, followed a few groups around, and then got blown up in the warehouse in one of my favourite all-time posts that I wrote from 2005-2011. I don't have much to say about him, really. He's okay, and if you read him you probably won't gain much, but you won't lose anything either, and the warehouse explosion will make up for anything you lose (in my own humble opinion).

20. Adam Amato (V2)

Another character based off of a RL university friend, Adam didn't do a whole lot in-game aside from be aggressive and threaten people in church not to swear in church, but he was the first example of a character that I wrote that had a temper, and I felt that until I went inactive, he was actually going pretty well. Don't go inactive, folks. It's bad for your characters' health.
19. Ross Miller (V7)

Here we are; the first newcomer to the list. Ross is admittedly a self-insert and admittedly his pregame was designed for him not to do a whole lot. Since Ross is the only character on this list who I've written specifically as a pregame only kid, it was really hard to want to drop any little pieces to pick up later that would need to be resolved on the island. As such, he's not overly dynamic and sort of just floats through pregame. I suspect once the Meanwhile section opens up for v7 and I have a chance to really get in to his story -- and there is a story for him, believe me, he'll jump a bit in the rankings. I did really enjoy the oneshots that I wrote detailing his and Ariana's relationship, though I do understand the pitfalls behind writing a same-handler relationship. So Ross starts low, but it's almost by design. He's also probably the most realistic, unabashed self-insert I've ever written, which also doesn't help him be overly dynamic, since I was a bit of a wallflower in high school.

18. Kate Sanderson (PV3 Prologue)

Kate was a really tough character for me to write, and in a lot of ways ended up being unfulfilled promise for me. I wanted to try and write a character who was quiet, who didn't have a lot to say, and who needed to rely upon someone else to survive. In doing that, I also wanted to try and test out a lot of different things - playing with doing multiple-character threads but writing each character as a distinct entity. I am fairly happy with how Kate's story went, except for the fact that I just frankly ran out of time for it. I had to end her story off differently than I had planned, and because she spent a large degree of time unconscious, I felt it made more sense to flip her and William Apgar's fates around when push came to shove and it was time to make a choice. Kate's notable for me because I really fucked around with formatting in a few of her posts, which is a bit off the beaten path for me. She's in the 'okay' tier because of the unfulfilled promise, and I do think she's worth a read.

At this point I wholly recommend and still enjoy all of these characters for one reason or another.

Good Tier:

17. Jamie Li (V4)

I've gone back and read Jamie a few times and I'm constantly stuck shaking my head and going 'dude you were in v4?' What's more, she has five threads and a pregame. I've read Jamie back a few times and while she's not overly remarkable, she fits in fairly well with the more serious direction the site was going in at the time, and had I not inactived out, I probably would have done some neat stuff with her. Jamie's notable too because she threads with the character that was handled by RL Riz in his SOTF sojourn. Ohm has SC rights for Jamie and I'm really intrigued to see her again.

16. Ryan Atwell (V3)

I've come around a lot more on Ryan than I had a year ago. While still a bit of a relic of the times in that he sort of just appeared in the second half of the game (thanks to ever-constant character registrations), I actually think he's not bad. He gets stuck in this gigantic Dodd oneshot which is a bit cumbersome to read (ffs, old me) but his stuff with Steve is really nice and I like how everything ended. I was enjoying writing someone who was more of a deep thinker and felt themselves more at one with nature. I know that he's the outlier in the V3 f10, but I liked what I did with him, and I'm reminded of the guy I based him on when I read him, so I see that as a success.

15. Cole Hudson (V1)

My first SOTF death was Cole. I'll let my earlier ranking speak for itself: "I liked Cole. He had an admittedly weird profile story that... maybe I thought was a good idea at the time? But I think with some revamping I could totally make him work in a current-era style version. He's a relic of the v1 era, but I have a soft spot for him. Were other people to rank my kids, he probably wouldn't finish as high, but... I dunno. I liked what I got out of him." Literally no change in my thought process when it comes to Cole. He was fun, and shows I was making HHH references before it was cool. ;)

14. Andrew Ponikarovsky (V2)

Once more, with feeling: "Wasted potential - again. I remember going back and reading the end of his story when I returned after I left the site the first time, and I was SO disappointed. I was really enjoying where he was going, and the thing with him and Carmen had some potential to be fun. As a fun side-note, this is the SOTF character that has caused me the most grief, as the RL friend that the character used to be named after ended up finding it and was REALLY unimpressed with me. Hence why he's named after a 2000s-era Toronto Maple Leafs winger."

The addendum to Pants is that he's actually been really well-received, even though he was abortive and died in an inactive-cleanse. As far as my own characters that had short stays (which were numerous) he's probably the best of the bunch, because he had his own clever way about him, he read uniquely, and his interactions with Carmen were cool. I'll never bring him back since, like, read the above, but he was fun.

13. Eddie Serjeantson (V1)

I love the sarge. Unashamedly, I love everything about this character. EVEN THE DAMNED MURDERBUSH DEATH. Eddie once again actually manages to fall in the rankings based upon the strength of the characters around him. The original list, he was number 3. Originally when I was writing this out for the second time, he was number 4. At this point in time, he's tumbled again, down to 13. That isn't an indictment of the Sarge on his own, but if I'm looking at it with a clear eye, he's fondly remembered but isn't spectacular. I do have to account for Eddie's memory being a major factor in one of my all-time favourite pieces of my own SOTF writing; "The Essay". Barring a minor catastrophe, I will 100% be playing him again in SC3 - this has not changed, he's my one locked-in SC3 kid.

12. William Apgar (PV3 Prologue)

A lot of the same pitfalls for Kate below apply to Willy, but there was something about him that really appealed to me. Maybe it was because of the fact that he had to drive a lot of the action, or maybe it was because he seemed to keep an effortless optimism about himself, but I really do like how Willy's story ended up going. Originally, he was going to die after participating in a fairly decent battle, and Kate would have to put him down for his own comfort's sake. Of course, then I ran out of time, and Willy ended up being the more established kid with a bit more story that I could explore in the After. I have yet to do it, but it's comin'. Not bad for a kid who was originally an NPC and got promoted fairly last-minute.

11. Fisher Darden (PV3)

Originally an adapted profile that I submitted for v5 -- yes, v5 -- I wasn't originally sure what I was going to do with Fisher. He was a pretty obvious SI of myself at the time, and so different enough from the person I am today in my 30s that I felt okay giving it a go (seriously, how many fucking SIs am I going to write at this point). What's been fun with him so far is that he's had a rough ride and has been completely spinning his wheels. I've been throwing him through the gamut into all kinds of shitty situations and while he's still kicking at this point in time, I have an aim for him for the rest of his game that I think is going to be a lot of fun.

10. Sidney Crosby (V1)

Imagine for a second that instead of being named 'Sidney Crosby', he was 'Sidney Craven" or "Sid Carswell" or something like that. Instead of being a famed hockey phenom from Canada, maybe he's a highly-touted draft pick of a professional hockey team. Imagine those two things are different. Barring the questionable V1-era kidnapping, I think he's a tremendously good character whose defining characteristic is his cowardice. Sid is a coward from front to pretty much his end, and he manages to stumble and bumble his way into the final 4, where he comes face to face with an old nemesis, who eventually defeats him, though it leads to his undoing. His final act, and perhaps his only act of bravery gets him killed, but defeats his greatest enemy. Sid Carswell might die, but he has a massive impact upon the final act of v1.

Of course, his name is Sidney Crosby, and in the years that have passed since 2005, he's turned in to one of the greatest hockey players of our generation, winning three Stanley Cups and becoming a world renowned athlete. So naturally, people are going to say "man, what the fuck was he thinking?" Originally at number three on my list, I've gone back and read him a few times over the last year, and unfortunately some of his story just doesn't quite hold up to snuff. I think some of it has to do with the characters around him being fairly wacky and all over the map and it's tough to ground him. Sid still pops into my top 10 because I like the direction I went with him, but he tumbles, and he tumbles hard as my new kids have arrived.

9. Morgan Dragosavich (V7)

If I'm being honest with myself, Morgan was fairly unremarkable for a lot of pregame. Sure, he had his moments - and there were a few small little moments that I read back on and went 'hey, good on you man, that was neat', but he didn't really come alive for me as someone with a juicy potential storyline until really late into pregame. Many thanks to Slam and Kermit for helping me write something that finally nailed the humour that I'd been going for with Morgan, a couple of threads with which he really came alive for me. At this point in V7 he's just been pounded into a pulp by the Carters, but don't worry, he'll get up. :)

8. Amanda Jones (V1)

Before, I had her at the top of the "good" tier, but squeezed her up a notch at the last minute. This time, the inverse is true. The hard part about writing two characters in the same group, or "handlercesting" as we've taken to calling it, is that both of your characters have to be distinct and different from one another while still maintaining the integrity of the scene. While Amanda has some weak points at times - she tends to fall by the wayside when Adam monologues, and her death is literally me protesting a surprise death of another character, I originally had planned to have her survive Dodd and outlast everyone else in the group. As such, while Dodd was often at the forefront, I tried very hard to make sure that Amanda had her own distinct personality and some of her own baggage that I could come up with when I was writing her once Dodd died. Of course, then I threw a temper tantrum and shot her face off. Stupid me. She has her strong moments; I'm especially proud of when Dodd shoots Marcus, and she disagrees so vehemently she leaves the area. Amanda's SC3 rights are currently held by Bowser (provided he's still here), and though a character named Amanda appeared in an SC2 announcement with Dodd as fluff, I think we're saying it's a different Amanda.

It's V7, so it's only natural that my excellent tier starts... at 7!

Excellent Tier:

7. Ariana Moretti (V7)

A rare adventure for me into trying to write a female character as well as someone with a temper, and so far, I've been incredibly happy with how it's all shaken out. Of all my characters, I think Ariana's pregame has been the most action-filled, she yells at people in no fewer than three different scenes, slaps someone and yet has a few quieter scenes that I think really make her work as a character. She's still in her v7 infancy, but I'm really excited to see what her story ends up being in the long run, because I think there are a few different directions that I can head. Naturally, her story is tied with Ross' and so undoubtedly the things she does will have an impact upon him, which is an interesting way to go over your own stuff and elicit a different view to it. She's been fun to write for almost every single post I get to do.

6. Adam Dodd (V3)

V3 Dodd jumps a tier. Okay, yeah. I know the popular opinion - even my own - is that I shouldn't have brought him back. Yet in reading him back for REASONS, I'm actually okay with large parts of him, and I think some of the issue with his prose is more on me as a writer rather than he as a character. Naft famously said that he was a bit of a misfire for V3, and I don't disagree, but there's actually some really nice stuff in there - his dynamic with Bill; the warehouse when people actually call him on his shit is great from a reader's POV, and I almost wish I'd leaned into it a bit more instead of being totally blind to it. His ending, too. I'm really proud of that, still. So fuck it - up a tier he goes but he isn't cracking my top 5 and I feel okay about that. Also, man it was really hard not to italicize him to troll everyone. ;)

Top Five (The 'S' tier for you video game nerds)

5. Keith Jackson (V3)

Keith loses the top spot because as I've written more of him - and as I've reread his game, I've kind of come to the conclusion that he's almost better at the start and at the end than he is in the middle. I'm still endlessly excited for the off-island story that I've been writing with him in it, but as far as his SOTF journey goes, he's... decent. I think him being at the top of my rankings before was more me being excited than thinking rationally. So he's in the top 5 but I think this feels like a better spot for him.

4. Victoria Amaro (PV3)

Originally a V7 concept of mine that was 'Victor', I swapped the gender and adapted it for Program, and boy, am I happy that I did. Victoria is one of the most difficult characters that I've ever had to write as the concept goes against most of the hallmarks of what someone would consider a 'Dodd' or 'Cactus' (however you know me) character to be, but she's easily one of the most rewarding. Her journey at this point has been deeply fulfilling and as she's now basically at the point where she's finally decided to pull the trigger of her own volition, I think things are going to get even more volatile from here on out. I just hope that i can continue to be as happy with her as the story continues as I have been getting her to this point.

3. Connor Lorenzen (V7)

I am having way too much fun with Connor, and I think it shows. I'm leaving this pretty intentionally vague, but man am I excited for where he's headed.

2. Adam Dodd (V1)

I stand behind every word of V1 Adam Dodd outside of half of one scene. Barring that, he's SOTF's first winner and I'll always be proud of what I accomplished with him. Adam at the beginning is a stark reminder of the person that I was at 19, and it's neat to see how things have changed in the 14 years since. I think I'm at the point where barring something insane happening with any of my top 5 who are still kicking, he'll remain #2 almost always. Not bad for the OG #1.

1. Claudeson Bademosi (V7)

Claudeson is the most ambitious, challenging character concept that I have ever attempted in any writing medium and if I can pull it off, I'll never lack faith in my writing abilities ever again. So far, everything has gone according to plan and I have not been more excited about a character since V1 Dodd was making his run towards the end. :)

So that's it! In classic Dodd fashion, that was a million fucking words about my kids. Hope you enjoyed.
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Latin For Dragula
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Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:37 pm


Post by Latin For Dragula »

Oh word we're doing it again let's hit it. I'm not gonna rank any pre-game only kids/npcs and I'm not gonna rank my V7 kids yet because lbr only Nona has enough content to even begin to measure against the shortest of these kids and none of them are complete yet anyway.

11. Abby Floyd(V6). I super wasn't in a position to write a character like Abby when I went after her. I think it was NAFT who challenged me to write an uncomplicated happy kid or some shit and man was he on the money for calling me out. I'd like to give her another shot someday but I wasn't doing great with her voice and the the universe conspired to get me off of her; some of my kids have little secret triggers in mind and one i'd put down for Abby was that if Cristo died right in front of her on Day One she was probably gonna kill herself. Then that happened in her first thread and it was unrolled death time. Maybe I'll bring her back for a fuller arc in SC if I'm in a healthier place some round.

10. Irene Djezari(V6, adopted from Cicada). Yowie wowie my work with Irene blew, I couldn't keep up with Cicada's style at all and i didn't have anything interesting to add with my own spin I guess. Irene's my Cujo, I don't remember writing this child and I owe cae-dot like 12 apologies for her.

9. Vahka Basayev(TV2). I like Vahka a lot and he was a blast to write, but things got kinda messy. A lot of plans were made and then dropped due to scheduling difficulties and I didn't adapt great to it. I committed to a motif in his death post that I hadn't adequately set up yet, which is a big no-no. He's another one I'd really like to revisit in SC, I think I could do a lot better now than I did then.

8. Garrett Wilde(V5). Garrett's early game is rooooouuuuuuuuuuuugh. He talks way too fucking much and there was miscommunication between me and some threadmates that made him a mind reader at times. It's bad. I'd like to burn it all down. That being said I'm really, really proud of where his story went from about Internecine on and some of the ground work for getting there had to be laid in his worse work so I guess I can't set it all on fire. I'd kinda like to give Garrett another run sometime too.

7. Theodore Fletcher(SCDos). I had much more elaborate plans for Theo but then Depression Hole. He ended up fine though. I don't regret anything I wrote with him, just that I couldn't go bigger with it, and I would have liked his island story to have been more connected with others. I didn't have the spoons to get him off the ground though, oh well.

6. Joachim Lovelace(V5, Adopted From Riki). I don't think my Joachim was anywhere near as good as Riki's, but I was flattered to get to finish him off. His death thread was an absolute blast to write and he got to drop my favorite bomb of any of my characters in V5 when he blew up everyone's attempts to keep Michael from snapping.

5. Caedyn Miller(V6). Caedyn being all the way down at number 5 is an indication of how good I think the characters above her are because I fucking love Caedyn. Easily the most fun I've had writing any character in my time on the site. I think her story stumbles a few times, but for the most part she's a ball of hate and spite and lust lashing out at anything she can get her talons into, and that's exactly what she should be. Her death post is wonky but fuck it I'm still here for it.

4. Alda Abbate(V5, adopted from CaseyNuge). Alda was my first adoption and she remains my best. I think she's also probably my shortest character and may have been my very first death? I'm too lazy to look it up. I loved everything about her from start to finish though. There's room for improvement on a technical level but her arc was everything I could have hoped. Easily the strongest member of my V5 cast in my opinion, and one of the strongest characters I've written overall.

3. Ty Yazzie(V6). Profile aside Ty is another very tight story with some of the best emotional work I've ever done despite being almost completely unplanned. I almost didn't even bring Ty to the island because I wasn't sure what to do with him. I'm glad I let others talk me out of that decision, his story was draining to write and there's things I wish I'd conveyed more consistently like his family ties but gods do I love him. I think he's probably the character I adapted best to things falling apart; as much as I would have loved to write more Ty and Bee I don't think anything we could have done would have had the same narrative impact as when he breaks down talking to Coleen about her.

2. Katarina Konipaski(SCDos). C O N T R O V E R S Y or not I dunno what people think of my take on KK I just know the general site moods towards formatting and meta bullshit. That being said KK is everything I ended up wanting her to be, a build up on her Terminator-esque presence in V5 that took advantage of the dimensional weirdness of the Second Chances universe. A lot of people went this route in SCDos and I was here for all of it. KK's last couple of fight scenes are way over the top hyper unrealism and I don't have a single fuck to spare about it, it was fun and I had a great time writing them with boogie and toxie.

1. Gabriel Munez(TV2). I'm just gonna quote my post-game comments on his wiki page:
Gabriel is my favorite character that I've written. I think it could very easily be argued that he's the best character I've written. He's certainly the one I've gotten the most negative feedback about carding off. I'm told often that people wanted to see more of Gabe, that he had potential and depth beyond Vahka, that his story needed to continue.

That's exactly why he needed to die.

There is a poem by Taylor Mali entitled Entire Act of Of Sorrow, on the subject of his first wife's suicide. He remarks on the hopelessness and feelings of guilt of watching a loved one trapped in depression and despair, and feeling with undeniable certainty that they will die tragically one way or another yet denying this horrible, malicious truth within your own mind because it is not a reality that you can accept or dwell in, nor is it one you can change. I listen to that poem often, and think about it even more frequently. It's something of a muse in Gabriel's creation. It can apply to his relationship with his mother quite readily, but it also applies to my relationship with him. I always knew that Gabriel was going to die, and die quickly, explosively, because of his own actions. The challenge was to make someone compelling and perhaps even endearing despite his clear self-destructive tendencies, to implant a few glimmers of hope and escape in a narrative of inexorable failure.

I always knew that Gabriel was going to die, and deep down I think everyone who reads his pre-game can see it too, even if the moments of charity and comedy make it so, so tempting to desire his survival, to see him live and continue to straighten his life out and rise above his circumstances. The fact that so many people tell me I made a mistake in killing him confirms to me that it was anything but. I wanted Gabriel to go further, in my heart. But that wasn't his story, and his story, no matter how bleak and disappointing, deserves to be told exactly as he wanted it. It's the most I could do for him, as an author to her creation.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Post by dmboogie »

aw shit, here we go again, finished kids only

12. Leon Valera (PV3). Who? Yeah sorry I forgot to do this version. I think I got him striked from existence so hopefully I can use him elsewhere, I liked the vibes he had lmao

11. Ashley Sydor (PV2). Not my first kid, but my first on-island kid; so there's a lotta roughness there but also nostalgia? There wasn't really much depth to her - she was just a nice girl who had a bad time on the island, but stayed friendly and decent the whole time. She lived a long time but spent most of it just meandering from thread to thread. I still conceptually like a couple of her scenes; like how friendly she was with the highest bodycount player in the version but I'm not even gonna look at my old prose, lmao.

10. Daniel Whitten (V5). My ACTUAL first kid. My boy. My child. My first death. The poor boy had two threads and he lasted two posts into the second one, lmao; and was honestly more notable in death than in life. He has probably my most extensive pregame of any kid but none of it really amounted to much? Would've been nice to have kept him around for a bit longer; but a sudden, anticlimactic death suited him, and it was a lotta fun prewriting with NAFT to make Daniel just like, instantly drop dead. Tying him so strongly to another one of my characters was kinda a misstep, but it worked out in the end.

9. Alice Gilman (V5). Sorry Alice, you were just kind of a mess. There's individual bits and scenes with her I really like; but I had no idea where I was going with her so she was kinda just all over the place. I remember really wanting her to have like, a gradual slide from being cold and rational to just freaking the fuck out constantly, but didn't really pull it off. Anyways, her group with Casey and Carlos (Tagabasa and Ciel) was completely out of the blue but is still one of my favorite Island Crews I've been a part of, which leaves me with a lot of lingering fondness for her regardless. She gets ranked higher than the other two just based off of the strength of her good bits but she was definitely my kid with the most dire need for a second chance.

8. Erik Lowell (TV2). Another nice guy who died early. He had a really strong intro thread fulla intrigue and suspense (eyes emoji at Jewel) and a rad death thread, but his two scenes in the middle were complete nothings which kinda tanks him in the rankings for me. Kinda regret heroing him for someone who wound up going inactive anyways; but I'm not sure how much life he'd have in him. Maybe I could've come up with something, who knows? I'm ultimately fine with where he ended up, though.

7. Anzu Sakamoto (TV2). My child. My sweet child. You were so, so angry all the time lmao. Anzu's voice was a lot of fun, as was her grouping with the band, but she was also kind of a mess. I'm less harsh on it than I used to be, but I still don't like how I handled her mental break after Caroline died; it completely tanked her momentum for like two threads. Speaking of Caroline - Anzu's unrequited love for her was such a huge part of her inner monologue, but Caroline died early, and Anzu never talks about it to anyone; so it never gets any sorta resolution which makes for a lotta lost potential, imo. The original version of her death also got me a strongly-worded PM from mini help, but I don't hold that against her, lmao. I realize I've spent most of this ranking complaining, but she was really fun to write, man. If SC3 ever happens, she's a lock.

6. Michael Mitchellson (V5). THE MAN WITH THE MOTHERFUCKING AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN. I love this fucking posturing nerd so much. He still has his issues - the "he's deaf, so no one told him his best friend Daniel is dead" plotline drags on for waaaaay longer than it was originally intended to, there were activity issues all around, his lategame is a lot of aimless meandering, his death was confusingly written and is honestly my only death I wish I could completely rework... whatever. That's all noise. Because this man. This motherfucking stylish wimp. He's got a hat. Fuck yeah. His cameo in SC2 was the most fun I'd had writing a post in a while, lmao.

5. Harold Porter (V6). My last "nice guy who died early"... for now. Unlike my others in this archtype, Harold made the most of his short time on the island; none of his interactions with other students feel wasted. He could've easily gone a lot farther, but there's no way I was sacrificing either of my other kids for him. In the end, he was active, solidly characterized, and had a lot of impact on other people's stories. Not bad for a kid whose entire original concept was just "Buff Harry Potter." Maybe I'd bring him back for a SC3, but I'm honestly content with where he ended up.

4. Daniel Whitten (SC2). I was like "hell, the kid deserves another chance," so another chance he got. It was nice to give my first boy some actual time in the spotlight - time to be completely useless and basically a joke character. In a fun way, though. He had some midgame inactivity issues, and I completely wasted the chance to make his pregame matter this time; but all in all he was fun and good.

3. Alice Gilman (SC2). Poor Alice. Stronger, more consistent characterization. One of my favorite one-shots ever. What did it get you? Dead even earlier than you were last time. She was my attempt to actually write a player for once, but the cards didn't work out, lmao. I don't really regret swapping her for Daniel, since that boy turned out fine, but there was a lotta story still left in her. Oh well. Going full pretentious alternate universe Umineko mindfuck for her death was a blast, and getting that opportunity was honestly worth everything.

2. Asha Sur (V6). Asha. Ashaaaaaaa. Your voice was sublime, your island philosophy was unique, your death was uniquely torturous and mean of me, and also kinda pretentious? I loved it though. I loved her. What is there to say, she owns completely and I coulda written her forever. Unfortunately for her, there was one (1) kid I valued more.

1. Cass Prince (V6). Cass. Precious precious Cass. My child. My beautiful child. You were so, so, sad, but you tried to make meaning out of life anyway. Dying by claiming immortality. You deserved to live forever. There's a couple quibbles - the stinger at the end of their death was confusingly handled, even if I still stand behind the intent. Also, it was probably a misstep to have them be closeted, since that resulted in basically everyone misgendering them for the entire game, which sucks? And I didn't really feel like it was my place to try and do some sorta on-island coming out? Still. They are my favorite, above all else I have written. Good night, sweet Prince.
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Post by Buko »

I’ve had a lot of characters and haven’t reflected too much in terms of the actual rereadings of them, still for the purpose of community and because who can resist a bit of self aggrandizing? I figured we’d go with a top 5? I think that should serve my purposes.

Not including Ace because he ain’t done and I’m pretty sure it’s obvious I rep him 11 threads deep more than any of these jamokes.

No v2 characters because what? I was in v2? (I can do this joke too)

5.Peri Barclay (adopted; v1)

As an adoption, I’m pretty sure Peri is a testament towards what not to do. I hadn’t read all of his work with Mismatched_Eyes and largely actually disliked his style at the time. I wrote Peri differently but he explored themes that I always found interesting in characters like that (see: players) which is a certain level of compassion paired with the cruelty. I was very young when I wrote Peri, 14-15, and I would end up writing a lot of shitty stuff on SOTF, but Peri’s sensitivity and his romantic arc with Dorian are somethings I remain pretty proud of. When I came back Vicky described him as the “Secret good Chad character!” and I take that compliment as what it is.

I’m also pretty glad that my sole gay character was not written camp or stereotypically even exiting middle school and having the rest of my misogynistic and ignorant views documented for all time. I’m pretty proud of young Chad for that.

4. Evelyn Richinson (v3)

I really like my female football captain even though she has fucked up hair. Ace ended up inheriting a lot of Evelyn’s dedication and good nature but I liked that Evelyn was the Captain. She was ambitious and dedicated but also she was supposed to be confident and skilled. A 5’2” girl who played football and ran like an Olympic track athlete--I did her dirty. Her athleticism would have to be dialed down in a potential SC3 run but I have a soft spot for the Captain. Like I said, I’ve given a lot of her spirit and energy to Ace and so I consider him sort of her torch bearer. I regret that I killed her on a whim, there was good stuff here and I should’ve explored it more in v3 considering my overall legacy in that version.

3. Blood Boy (v3)

People are always surprised to a certain extent when I say that I don’t regret Blood Boy and have a largely good memory in writing him. He’s the edgelord’s edgelord, disfiguremet, orphan, fucked up sex shit in the bio and hyper violence paired with a comic book type bend for realism and nicknames. This is the Chad special extra onion. I have regret for how much his pre-game arc was tied to chat culture and the penchant for hyperviolence can be attributed to that and my own transgressive teenage writing. Nate was unique and divisive then, a polarizing and controversial character even during his pre-game and I figured he became the poster child for early version craziness for quite a long time? He certainly has it all--song posts, rapey undertones, torture and gimmicks. He couldn’t function in current era SOTF and he barely functioned in his version.

And yet?

I had a lot of fun with Nate.

He was a unique character who missed his mark and I was a young writer who didn’t know what his mark was and had a lot of OOC baggage to work through as well. If attacking his character in a SC3 I would want to focus on Nate’s isolation and the general themes of disassociation. There are glimmers there that maybe only I can see but he’s still my little magician boy. He won my only BKA--a testament to the era that birthed him and an illustration of why that era had to change. He’s absolute garbage--but I am trash and live amongst the trash.

The smiley face remains the sigil of house Chadsworth.

2. Paul Smith (v3)

Another gratuitous member of the gratuitous gang Paul has a lot of Chaddisms in him from the anime like design to the older age to the exaggerated sexual history and fighting prowess garnered from Pre-Game. He has some disgusting pre-game one-shots that I am not too proud of that were really there just for me to write juvenile sex stories...but I guess since I was seventeen that makes a bit of sense? There’s a lot wrong with Paul and yet there’s a lot of good with him as well.

He took up a lot of early residence in my mind in v3 and I entered that version with my goal being to win with Paul--probably explains a pretty God-Mody scene early on with him stealing a gun from Melina. But screw you Tony, ten years later I can say, Paul deserved that more than Melina ;). He was over the top and suffered from my own immaturity but I liked Paul’s approach to the game and I liked how he felt attached to his friends and dreams of the future. He struggled with both his outward and self image and he remained pretty fun to write and quip with. I got to write with Adam Dodd (albeit v3 version) and make out with another Mitsuko2 character and wrote some good scenes with Theseus and Megami. I went inactive and he was unceremoniously killed...which is probably what I deserved but I still feel he deserved more. On me for going inactive though! I still had fun and have good memories with Paul Smith and please say the full thing!

My crazy rocker has been given to Rugga for SC3 and I’m pretty honored! He and his zippos remain in my heart.

1. Guy Rapide (v3)

Prior to Ace, I would say I felt most comfortable showing people Guy in terms of my SOTF writing and sometimes I think that’s pretty stupid of me. Guy is pretty quippy and focused a lot on Kallie Majors’ ass because I was contractually obligated to either kill or be horny every 100 words back then. He was, I think, the first kid with parkour as a listed interest and I understand that became a big deal in v4 (shout out the internet) and he had a pretty interesting character arc.

Prior to the island he had left France due to being involved in a crime and also had knocked up and walked out on Mary McKay. Guy being the parkour guy was about him always looking for escape and to avoid responsibility. It was a metaphor and I was super duper clever. He finds himself on the island where he meets Alice Jones and assumes responsibility for her. There’s a little cute fluffy romance there but it was Guy finding something worth working towards that I liked. He attached himself to Alice because being responsible for her made him feel less obligated to be responsible for his own care. He misconstrues that as affection and both he and Alice are ill equipped to deal with that. I would've loved to explore it more--Guy was a little shit for sure but he had a certain likability. Unfortunately I went inactive and he died shortly afterwards.

His demise, I have mixed feelings on, I love the flashback scene Dodd wrote and I actually love that he rejected Mary again...it’s just obvious that it was gratuitous and too soon, even at the time. Mary’s own death and Doddpool Dodding it up kinda did an injustice to Guy...but I had done the bigger one by going inactive. He remains my first and only scrolly quote! Prior to it being a BDA and back when it was just staff nepotism.

I was offered to be in the v3 escape plot and Guy would’ve been my escapee, one of my big SOTF regrets is that I didn’t have him escape but then I guess I would’ve had to RP with Dodd in Meanwhile and Dodd and Guy obviously don’t mix (just messing Dodd, you know I love you). In a SC3 run I would just try and focus more on the themes I established with Guy and refine him a bit more as benefits a decade in between writing. I liked the kid, I did him wrong, he remained my favorite until v7.

Enjoy the number one slot why you got it little buddy.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Okay, I’m gonna be ranking from worst to best. Here goes. I’m also not including any of the kids I adopted. The only ones on this list will be kids whose profiles I wrote myself.

#19 - Velvet Retsiloh

Ahh Velvet… She was a decent concept that I never did anything with because I went inactive right after I got her approved. I didn’t have a single post with this character, but luckily someone adopted her and did her some sort of justice. As I never used her she ends up last on my list.

#18 - Jamie Dibenidetti

Jamie was basically a non-character. She was basically just a means to showcase Mariavel as a villain and to give Anna a reason to keep going forward. She’d be last if not for the fact that I never used Velvet in game. Fodder kids are not good, ya’ll.

#17 - Rebecca Bradbury

Another fodder kid. She wasn’t originally planned as such, but I made a deal with Chad in order for him to save one of my other kids that I’d let him kill one with Blood Boy, so Rebecca got the axe. She was a decent concept, too. Shame she only really got a few posts before her untimely demise. Maybe I’ll bring her back for Second Chances and do her Justice.

#16 - Melanie DeSilva

Good concept, bad delivery. I wasn’t cut out to have a cunning character like she was supposed to be in V2. She ended up being a blubbering mess I was happy to kill off once rolled. My lack of skill killed the character. If anyone wants the rights to her for a Second Chances run I’m more than willing to give them. She deserved better. That seems to be a theme with my early kids.

#15 - Preston Grey

Oof. I did this kid dirtier than any other. I liked Preston, and I wish I’d had the opportunity to give him better characterization than I did. He barely existed at all, TBH, but what he did was decent enough. Enough to keep him higher on the list than some of the others at least. V2 was not my best work.

#14 - Lucy O’Donnell

Lucy was barely a real character. She was an NPC solely created for the escape plot line between me and Megami. I only got to post with her once, because I went inactive, but I was happy to see better writers take her over and give her a respectable narrative before killing her off as she was always meant to be.

#13 - Lavender Heart

Oh boy. She was always better in theory. Originally Kaishi was playing her, but when we moved boards and Kaishi was no longer around, I still needed her for Mariavel’s arc so I rewrote her and took her over. I didn’t really understand her, and she suffered for it. She never really had an arc of her own, and I regret that.

#12 - Penelope Withers

Another case of decent concept, bad delivery. Her backstory is a bit out there, but I was proud of what she was intended to be. Instead she ended up seeming very bi-polar in attitude, and is honestly pretty unreadable when I look back. It’s unfortunate, because I remember really enjoying her as a character when I was originally writing her.

#11 - Olivia Swan

I really liked Olivia, and I’m sad I killed her off as soon as I did. She had a lot of potential, but I basically killed her for the meme Mimi and I came up with on a whim. I feel like she could have done something interesting had I kept her around longer (and had I not gone inactive halfway through V3). She’s another kid I’m desperate to give another shot at in Second Chances.

#10 - Kyrie Joseph

Kyrie was a good concept, and was actually the kid I originally had planned on letting survive the Escape plan. I’m happy that she ended up affecting the few kids she did interact with in V3 and adding to their stories. I wish I’d been able to do more with her as a writer, but even with how little there is I’m still rather proud of what I wrote.

#9 - Serenity Halos

Oh Serenity. Sweet baby child. Dragged around the island for days like a sack of potatoes. The arc I originally had planned for her was much different than what she became, but all in all I still really like Serenity and am happy with how her arc resolved itself. I know she’s not very popular with others, but I always have a soft spot in my heart for this girl.

#8 - Anna Dibenidetti

Possibly my best written kid in V2. Sad as that is. She started out rough, and I really didn’t like her much until I coupled her with Cyco’s Huy. After that she kind of took on a mind of her own and wrote herself. She may be my most tragic character, and I appreciate that her story affected people. She ended up being someone I cared a lot about in V2, and I was very sad when time came to kill her off. There’s an AU somewhere with her and Huy living happily ever after.

#7 - Regina Petrov

I’m enjoying Regina, but I have a lot of trouble getting into her headspace sometimes. I definitely see her as an evolved and better written version of some of my early version ‘nice girl’ characters like Kyrie and Serenity. I’m really excited to see where her story goes, but just from writing quality alone she’s above a good portion of my kids.

#6 - Matthew Wittany

Matt, as much crap as he got at the time and after, is still one of my favorite kids I wrote in the early versions. He was really a representation of how I felt about myself in those days, and I still feel a deep connection to him and everything he went through on the island. I’m glad i had him survive, and get somewhat of a happy-ish ending. His time with SADD and his friendship with Niel and Domenica was some of my favorite stuff I wrote in V3 and I still sometimes go back and reread him. Who knows? Maybe we’ll be getting a glimpse of him again in the future.

#5 - Jackson Sullivan

Jackson is probably closest to how my real personality works, so I really enjoy writing with him. He has a boatload of underlying issues to address, but at his core he’s a good person, and I admire and appreciate that. Should he last, I have a lot of plans in my head for what his experience on the island will be, so I hope you all look forward to it as much as I do. Also, his #Swiftball roof escapades were some of the most fun writing I did during pregame.

#4 - Melina Frost

VASE RAPE. Well, at least that seems to be what she’s known for. She was somewhat of an evolved Mariavel concept, in that I did a lot more introspection with her. Unfortunately I still wasn’t quite up to snuff as a writer, so it didn’t always land the way I wanted, but I’m still extraordinarily proud of what I did with this character, and even though I went inactive i was happy to see her get the kind of death she deserved. The Poison Angels (or is it Angles? J/K) were not the best villain group by far, but I enjoyed their escapades. Plus, two-facing her was some of my better writing I think, and her flashback still upsets me to this day. The red-headed bitch was cool, and I stan her.

#3 - Amelia Fischer

She’s so fucking precious and i love her. She was built within an hour on the profile writing discord, and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier with a concept. She’s very outside anything I’ve ever done on this RP and I really love digging into her strange little mind and pulling out her ridiculous energy. I do not look forward to the day she gets rolled and I have to kill her off. I will be very upset and will cry like a baby. Even so, I’m happy with who she molded into being and really can’t wait for the game to take its toll and change her for the worse. I’m a bad father to my children.

#2 - Mariavel Varella

Well, if you didn’t expect this then you’re ridiculous. Mari wasn’t always the best written or conceived. And sure, sometimes she was wildly insufferable and contrived. But I gotta admit that I absolutely love this character and what i was able to do with her. I was not a good writer back in V2, that much is clear, but Mariavel was still somehow a kid that resonated with me as their writer and I wish I had been able to do her the justice of finishing her story myself. I will 100% be submitting her in the next Second Chances, and I’m very excited to be able to write her with the skills I’ve gained over the years. Look out ya’ll, the bitch will be back soon.

#1 - Lorenzo Tavares

And finally, I have to give the number 1 spot to my boy here. I’ve written more with this character than all my past kids besides maybe Mariavel, and because of that I have a deep connection with him and how he thinks and acts. He may very well be the best written kid I’ve ever done, and it makes me so happy that other people seem to be reacting well to what I've been doing with him. I plan to make his journey even better as it continues, and I hope that when his arc inevitably ends, that people will remember him fondly and enjoy what that arc produces.
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Post by Brackie »

"version almost over" bump
[+] The Island
V4: G069 - Clio Gabriella: Hold me closer, tiny dancer; count the headlights on the highway to hell.
V4: G083 - Paige Strand: Feelings don't try to hurt you, even the painful ones. You're responsible for all of the damn consequences.
V4: B118 - Jacob Charles: Every grieving heart has screamed at one time or another 'why can't you just let me die?'
V4: G114 - Aston Bennett: A woman who desires revenge must dig three graves.
V4: B108 - Ma'afu Tuigamala: Most men would rather forget a hard truth than face it.
V5: G015 - Janie Sinneave: Every human being must find her own way to cope with the impossible, and the only job of a true friend is to facilitate whatever method she doesn't choose.
V6: B018 - Maxim Kehlenbrink: Too much self-centered attitude brings isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger, and a hammer to the skull.
V7: G044 - Mikki Swift: It takes 18 years to build a reputation and a minute to ruin it.
V7: G070 - Jessica Rennes: Despair is our chance to wrestle with water and fall through.
V7: G075 - Aditi Sharma: She can still scream that rebel yell, just as loud as it was in 2005.
[+] Home
V4: B042 - Brendan Wallace: History has a way of repeating itself for years to come.
v5 - Penny Huang: Good girls can make bad decisions.
v5 - Jasper Rourke: Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "what could have been".
v7 - Gaelan Meloy: And nothing matters.
v7 - Jordan Brankovich: Rethinking it all.
v7 - Kayden Brockman: Not done yet.
v7 - Ji-hyun Christensen: Just getting started.
[+] Remind Me Tomorrow
Destiny Martinez will live fast and die faster.
Aidan Winston is going to let you know you're not solving anything.
Lara Rodriguez thinks you should keep your opinion on her to yourself.
Peyton Hoffman isn't fond of the PC Police ruining everything.
Lindsey Sewall wants to make sure you drank water today you stupid bitch.
Luke Travers needs to have a code.
I'm hosting a SOTF!
SOTF: International
Applications Open Now!
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Post by Jilly »

1) Abel Zelenovic - Just gonna come out and say it, I really don't think I'm gonna be able to surpass Abel again with the amount of work and effort it took in pregame for his gambit to pay off.

2) Desiree Beck - I really did have a lot of fun with Desiree and experimenting with different conceptual things like the ouija thread or the detention thread or at the mall with her mom, and really wish I got to do more with her on island. But I think letting rolls take her away so early on was a good call, and I really am proud of her tragically short time with the OG Clout Gang.

3) Teresa Rojas - Probably my (adopted) kid fueled mostly by my own self-indulgence and doing things just because. Teresa's probably been my favorite kid to write and I'm really glad Yugikun gave me the opportunity after he left from V7. I'm not sure how well she actually would hold up mechanically partially because of how reader-unfriendly and incoherent her posts probably can be to anyone other than myself, but I really had a blast and there's very little I would change that I had control over after the fact.

4) Ramsey Cortez - I had a lot of fun with Ramsey, too, and he probably has the death sequence I'm most proud of. His position here is because I think I just did an okay job after Cicada handed him to me extremely late in pregame. He's just Vibing, but like in an acceptable way.

5) Kayla Harris - I liked writing her in pregame as a force of nature/physical manifestation of an internet troll, but I'm still kind of glad about handing her off since I really didn't see myself holding onto her for Meanwhile and, idunno, I just didn't think I could keep up her gimmick come island when it's a whole different ballgame. I'd file her under Acceptable while under my tenure as well.

6) Johnny Silva-Ruiz - Conversely, while I also had fun with Johnny, I feel like I didn't really do a good job with him. I don't think I ever got a good consistent hold on his voice especially carrying over from how he was under Espi, and I feel like he just meanders a lot under my tenure. A lot of the reasons why I ended up unroll killing him in the boathouse with Nia was because of what I felt like were my own personal failures with him, and at that point I thought it would be better to let him go then instead of meandering around between threads even more just waiting to get rolled.

7) Alexander de Gaulle - Same reasons for being here as Johnny. I really did him dirty letting him go inactive as a consequence of my own frustrations over V5.

8) Megan Emerson - Yeah yeah yeah matrix fairies the fanfic the multishots yeah. I'm still really proud of 95% of her island time up until splitting off after Francis's death, but after the fact there's a lot I really wish I didn't get wrapped into and listened to my own voice and others' about bailing from plans, but it's what it is.

Remind me to update with Katelynne once she's done.
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Post by Cactus »

It's time for the once-yearly 'whatchu think about your kids' list.

How I've done it this time around: I tried to sort my characters in to one of five tiers - "Excellent", "Good", "Okay", "Meh", and "Bad". From there, I sorted them on how I liked them based upon the tier that they landed in. That gave me the master ranking, which I pretty much agree with. I have thirty-eight characters across Main and Mini. My goodness.

So with that being said, let's get started.

I was going to exclude the bottom three tiers, but Sven Vee happened and he made Wade rise. That's literally the only change. I won't include Kurt Thorne (TV3) because I haven't rped him yet; I don't even know what he's gonna be like.

Bad Tier:
[+] You Can Skip These Ones

38. Rupert Stockton (V2)

Oof. I'll quote my earlier rankings when I said "What the hell was I thinking? I've been asking myself that a lot lately. What a hot tire fire mess of a profile. It isn't my biggest SOTF regret, but dammit, it's close." The profile is awful, the character is bad, and he BOUNCES OFF THE GROUND because he's too fat when they drop him off. Dodd. That's now how physics work, bro. Come on, you're better than that. Rupert gets an F-. For the record, Rupert's SC3 rights belong to Aura (have fun with thaaaat).

37. Mary McKay (V3)

Mary takes one of the longest plummets, sliding all the way down to the second-last spot on the rankings. I am not qualified to write a pregnant girl in SOTF. I wasn't then, I'm not now. Not only was she only there for the morbidity factor, her kill of Guy was vile and her eventual death at Wade's hands was even worse. For shitty shock factor, I can't recommend anyone read her, ever. She sucks.

36. Jodene Zalack (V3)

What's this? A new character that wasn't on the last ranking? How can that be? Well, I'll tell you. I'm an asshole - or at least, played one in SOTF, and in the V3 era, I decided to sign up as a new user and post with another character, changing my writing style et al, just to see if anyone would figure out that it was me. Nobody ever did, but that doesn't mean that the character was any good, rather, she was the opposite. Bland to the point of being boring, she didn't do much, killed someone in a scene, and then was part of a Wade Wilson inactivity massacre because I found it too hard to keep up. Another blight on my resume, no doubt about it.

35. Alexander Ovechkin (V2)

I was thrilled to see Alexander Ovechkin the real-life hockey player win the Stanley Cup last year. I've always been a big fan of him as a hockey player. As an SOTF contestant, he's a bad sequel to what Sidney Crosby was, and he's hindered by the fact that I went inactive with him halfway through V2. At the time, Ovi was a guy who spoke in broken English and was the newest NHL superstar, so it made sense that - hey, they took Crosby, why not take Ovechkin too? Unfortunately, in a common theme for me, I tried to recapture the magic and came up short. It was just a bad concept and as Ruggahissy said in her Ovechkin write-up from way back: "It looked like Dodd realized he was a bad concept and gave up on him". Bang-on, Vicky. Bang-on.

34. Burton Harris (V2)

I know, Kermit. I know. Please keep your outrage to a minimum. Burton tumbles down the rankings because while the memes about him are hilarious, I went back to actually read his posts. I liked the profile that I did for him, but when I went to see how many times I posted with him, I realized... I never did. The only posts from Burton on-island were when Xaldien took him over and made him the weed-demon that we all now know and love. So unfortunately, while I love the gags and the jokes, he doesn't make his way out of the "bad" tier because I never actually posted with him at all. His SC3 rights are currently held by Kermit.
"Meh" Tier:
[+] Not Sorry Nor Overly Proud

33: Arturo Villamor (V1)

Something that I've found for myself is that throughout my SOTF time, I've done pretty well at coming up with interesting characters, but have suffered in trying to figure out how to play these characters in-game. Thankfully pregame makes that a lot easier now, but in V1, that wasn't really a thing. So while Art is a pretty decent character (and based entirely off of a former coworker of mine) by profile, his in-game sputters and dies really quickly at the hands of Cillian Crowe. I couldn't figure out how to write him, so I fed him to Cillian. Icky.

32: Zilya Merchenkov (V2)

The Riser insert. I'm not sure why I decided to insert characters of other handlers. That was a little unusual. Funny enough, I never actually posted with her and she was handled by Mitsuko, who didn't exactly do a bang-up job of my characters once I was off the site. Since the concept wasn't tremendous nor did the character ever actually get posted with by me, she probably should be closer to the bottom than Art. Art still slides beneath her by the fact that he was one-and-done.

31. Sarah Dao (V2)

So here's an interesting thing. I actually posted with Sarah a hell of a lot more than I figured - I had an entire thread with her, where she ends up teaming up with An-Linh Tuan, who is a Makaze character. Which ... I'm not sure if An-Linh was supposed to be a Makaze insert too, but that's a little odd. Anyhow, she ends up in Dan's hands once I peaced out of V2, and ends up dying via Rob Adams. She's a lot less crappy than I remembered her to be, and she's only down this far because I genuinely didn't remember writing so much of her until right now. Fuckin' weird.

30. Andrew Lipson (V1)

Adam Sandler in a wheelchair, ho! Yeah, not ACTUALLY Adam Sandler, but the friend I based him off of by name and appearance did use to have a striking resemblance to him. The character while on-island is okay, but as discussed, his kidnapping and the circumstances of his death are a little preposterous and OTTP. I should have just had him on the trip or whatever, but the V1 times were strange days. Anyhow, I wish I'd maybe just had him roll off the cliff or something, as the death was pure schlock. Not great stuff.

29. Dean Portman (V3)

Ahh, the ghost of Dean Portman, he who basically didn't end up appearing on the island at all in V3. He was as close to an NPC as you could get from 2008 until 2018, when I finally finished the V3 epilogue, giving him a little scene and a pretty decent death. I wish I'd actually written him at all, he could have been fun, though he's got all of the hallmarks of classic Dodd, so if I were to put him into a future SC edition I'd need to clean that up a bunch.

28. Alicia Murazek (V4)

Alicia had a really strong profile, and then V4 proper came around, and I just wasn't sure what to do with her. Writing a cheery, bubbly girl wasn't something that I really had to do, and so she ended up getting fed to my own character, Staffan. I wish I'd at least fed her to someone else, as it's really seen as a cheap death now, even though I go against popular opinion and don't believe it's all that bad. Pretty much one-and-done keeps her firmly at the top end of the 'Meh' tier. Her SC3 rights are held by Somersault.

27. Gilbert Archambault (V1)

I don't have a whole lot to say about Gilbert. He was written to be a weiner, to be a bit of a plot device for Dodd. Did he have a small story on his own, sure. But he wasn't supposed to be this thing just to prop up Dodd. By the time that I got him into the game, there weren't many people left, and it seemed to make sense to give him a preexisting relationship to at least give him a modicum of connection to the players left in the game. He was pretty much always going to be fodder though, and I can't deny that. He's BARELY out of the "okay" range, and that's mainly because he's just such a little weiner. I can't say that enough.
Okay Tier:
[+] New People Show Up at 21
26. Trent Hunter (V4)

I had a hard time getting off the ground with Trent. He's got a little bit of an unusual backstory and philosophy, and Toben said on his wiki write-up that he doesn't quite fit the V4 character M/O, which I agree with. I had one thread with him, but then real-life jumped up and grabbed me and I just never posted with him again. He had his collar detonated in an announcement, so that's pretty much the epitome of "okay-to-meh". He's at the bottom of this tier because he's not outwardly objectionable and I actually recall liking his concept, but I just couldn't pull it off.

25. Staffan Kronwall (V4)

Dan and I were going to write brothers. So we did. But we based them off of real-life hockey playing brothers, which I wish we hadn't. I think were his name "Steven Knowles" or something like that, he probably jumps up a few spots. He was always going to be the villainous brother of the two, and he entered the game with a bang with a dual-kill in the church. After that, I poofed and Dan picked him up and continued his swath of destruction until both Kronwalls went out almost back-to-back fighting one another. He's this high mainly because Dan did an excellent job with him and their final fight scene was really cool.

24: Angelina Kaige (V1)

Sooooo, another questionable decision to leave Kaige in my "okay" tier, I know. Outside of the weird rapey sex fetish subplot thing that I have zero idea why I came up with, Kaige did her job. She was a killing machine, and was supposed to be an obstacle for the kids to try and surpass. Of course, since half of v1 was inactive, she racked up an excessive kill-count as I tried to get the numbers down so we could end the version. My favourite Kaige scene is probably the one where she pretends to be a student to try and lure some kids in. I should have done more of that, and less of the weird rapey stuff. WTF, 2005 me?

23. Ken Lawson (V3)

Burton Harris part 2! I have zero idea how this character was allowed through. Zero. Absolutely zero. But when I was writing him, I actually dug what was happening. Ken is basically what I would have done had Burton been written by me in V2. He would have unnerved people, having them not wanting to ally with him but actually have good ideas for getting out. Alas, I swapped him out, and came up with a nifty death for him. Of course, maybe I shouldn't have gotten so meta-in-joke with the gravestone, but nobody's perfect, you know? I didn't mind Ken at all, and while he didn't make much impact, he won me a BDA, so I can't drop him too many spots.

22. John Sheppard (V3)

My gay V3 football kid. He's the epitome of "okay", since he didn't really do a whole lot, followed a few groups around, and then got blown up in the warehouse in one of my favourite all-time posts that I wrote from 2005-2011. I don't have much to say about him, really. He's okay, and if you read him you probably won't gain much, but you won't lose anything either, and the warehouse explosion will make up for anything you lose (in my own humble opinion).
21. Wade Wilson (V3/V7)

So if you want to look at the old blurb for Wade, nothing has really changed. What moved him into the 'okay' tier is that I got a really interesting proposal from a certain handler on the site and while I've tried fairly hard to distance myself from a lot of what I did in V3, this was a strange little pocket that I enjoyed revisiting if nothing else for the weirdness factor. It didn't mean much in the long run and I know that some people absolutely hated it, but it sort of helped me reconcile why I wrote him originally and he worked far better as a dying hallucination than he ever did as an actual character.

20. Adam Amato (V2)

Another character based off of a RL university friend, Adam didn't do a whole lot in-game aside from be aggressive and threaten people in church not to swear in church, but he was the first example of a character that I wrote that had a temper, and I felt that until I went inactive, he was actually going pretty well. Don't go inactive, folks. It's bad for your characters' health.

19. Kate Sanderson (PV3 Prologue)

Kate was a really tough character for me to write, and in a lot of ways ended up being unfulfilled promise for me. I wanted to try and write a character who was quiet, who didn't have a lot to say, and who needed to rely upon someone else to survive. In doing that, I also wanted to try and test out a lot of different things - playing with doing multiple-character threads but writing each character as a distinct entity. I am fairly happy with how Kate's story went, except for the fact that I just frankly ran out of time for it. I had to end her story off differently than I had planned, and because she spent a large degree of time unconscious, I felt it made more sense to flip her and William Apgar's fates around when push came to shove and it was time to make a choice. Kate's notable for me because I really fucked around with formatting in a few of her posts, which is a bit off the beaten path for me. She's in the 'okay' tier because of the unfulfilled promise, and I do think she's worth a read.

At this point I wholly recommend and still enjoy all of these characters for one reason or another.

Good Tier:

18. Jamie Li (V4)

I've gone back and read Jamie a few times and I'm constantly stuck shaking my head and going 'dude you were in v4?' What's more, she has five threads and a pregame. I've read Jamie back a few times and while she's not overly remarkable, she fits in fairly well with the more serious direction the site was going in at the time, and had I not inactived out, I probably would have done some neat stuff with her. Jamie's notable too because she threads with the character that was handled by RL Riz in his SOTF sojourn. Ohm has SC rights for Jamie and I'm really intrigued to see her again.

17. Ryan Atwell (V3)

I've come around a lot more on Ryan than I had a year ago. While still a bit of a relic of the times in that he sort of just appeared in the second half of the game (thanks to ever-constant character registrations), I actually think he's not bad. He gets stuck in this gigantic Dodd oneshot which is a bit cumbersome to read (ffs, old me) but his stuff with Steve is really nice and I like how everything ended. I was enjoying writing someone who was more of a deep thinker and felt themselves more at one with nature. I know that he's the outlier in the V3 f10, but I liked what I did with him, and I'm reminded of the guy I based him on when I read him, so I see that as a success.

16. Cole Hudson (V1)

My first SOTF death was Cole. I'll let my earlier ranking speak for itself: "I liked Cole. He had an admittedly weird profile story that... maybe I thought was a good idea at the time? But I think with some revamping I could totally make him work in a current-era style version. He's a relic of the v1 era, but I have a soft spot for him. Were other people to rank my kids, he probably wouldn't finish as high, but... I dunno. I liked what I got out of him." Literally no change in my thought process when it comes to Cole. He was fun, and shows I was making HHH references before it was cool. ;)

15. Ross Miller (V7)

So Meanwhiles have opened up and while circumstances have not allowed me to dive TOO far into Ross' story thus far, I have been really happy with what I've been able to write of him thus far. Watching the game take place from afar and reacting as he has, there are a few posts I've been really thrilled to take from conception to reality. I hope that his story, once finished, will end up impactful and an enjoyable read — if not necessarily for anyone else, but for me. I suspect that once I get down to 1 or 0 characters, Ross' story will really start to flow (currently at 3 including PV3). He'll likely end up in the single digits, as most of my v7 kids will.

14. Andrew Ponikarovsky (V2)

Once more, with feeling: "Wasted potential - again. I remember going back and reading the end of his story when I returned after I left the site the first time, and I was SO disappointed. I was really enjoying where he was going, and the thing with him and Carmen had some potential to be fun. As a fun side-note, this is the SOTF character that has caused me the most grief, as the RL friend that the character used to be named after ended up finding it and was REALLY unimpressed with me. Hence why he's named after a 2000s-era Toronto Maple Leafs winger."

The addendum to Pants is that he's actually been really well-received, even though he was abortive and died in an inactive-cleanse. As far as my own characters that had short stays (which were numerous) he's probably the best of the bunch, because he had his own clever way about him, he read uniquely, and his interactions with Carmen were cool. I'll never bring him back since, like, read the above, but he was fun.

13. Eddie Serjeantson (V1)

I love the sarge. Unashamedly, I love everything about this character. EVEN THE DAMNED MURDERBUSH DEATH. Eddie once again actually manages to fall in the rankings based upon the strength of the characters around him. The original list, he was number 3. Originally when I was writing this out for the second time, he was number 4. At this point in time, he's tumbled again, down to 13. That isn't an indictment of the Sarge on his own, but if I'm looking at it with a clear eye, he's fondly remembered but isn't spectacular. I do have to account for Eddie's memory being a major factor in one of my all-time favourite pieces of my own SOTF writing; "The Essay". Barring a minor catastrophe, I will 100% be playing him again in SC3 - this has not changed, he's a locked-in SC3 kid.

12. Sidney Crosby (V1)

Imagine for a second that instead of being named 'Sidney Crosby', he was 'Sidney Craven" or "Sid Carswell" or something like that. Instead of being a famed hockey phenom from Canada, maybe he's a highly-touted draft pick of a professional hockey team. Imagine those two things are different. Barring the questionable V1-era kidnapping, I think he's a tremendously good character whose defining characteristic is his cowardice. Sid is a coward from front to pretty much his end, and he manages to stumble and bumble his way into the final 4, where he comes face to face with an old nemesis, who eventually defeats him, though it leads to his undoing. His final act, and perhaps his only act of bravery gets him killed, but defeats his greatest enemy. Sid Carswell might die, but he has a massive impact upon the final act of v1.

Of course, his name is Sidney Crosby, and in the years that have passed since 2005, he's turned in to one of the greatest hockey players of our generation, winning three Stanley Cups and becoming a world renowned athlete. So naturally, people are going to say "man, what the fuck was he thinking?" Originally at number three on my list, I've gone back and read him a few times over the last year, and unfortunately some of his story just doesn't quite hold up to snuff. I think some of it has to do with the characters around him being fairly wacky and all over the map and it's tough to ground him. Sid tumbles hard as my new kids have arrived.

11. William Apgar (PV3 Prologue)

A lot of the same pitfalls for Kate below apply to Willy, but there was something about him that really appealed to me. Maybe it was because of the fact that he had to drive a lot of the action, or maybe it was because he seemed to keep an effortless optimism about himself, but I really do like how Willy's story ended up going. Originally, he was going to die after participating in a fairly decent battle, and Kate would have to put him down for his own comfort's sake. Of course, then I ran out of time, and Willy ended up being the more established kid with a bit more story that I could explore in the After. I have yet to do it, but it's comin'. Not bad for a kid who was originally an NPC and got promoted fairly last-minute. Willy jumps a spot because I read Sidney this year and liked him less than I did before.

10. Amanda Jones (V1)

Before, I had her at the top of the "good" tier, but squeezed her up a notch at the last minute. This time, the inverse is true. The hard part about writing two characters in the same group, or "handlercesting" as we've taken to calling it, is that both of your characters have to be distinct and different from one another while still maintaining the integrity of the scene. While Amanda has some weak points at times - she tends to fall by the wayside when Adam monologues, and her death is literally me protesting a surprise death of another character, I originally had planned to have her survive Dodd and outlast everyone else in the group. As such, while Dodd was often at the forefront, I tried very hard to make sure that Amanda had her own distinct personality and some of her own baggage that I could come up with when I was writing her once Dodd died. Of course, then I threw a temper tantrum and shot her face off. Stupid me. She has her strong moments; I'm especially proud of when Dodd shoots Marcus, and she disagrees so vehemently she leaves the area. Amanda's SC3 rights are currently held by Bowser (provided he's still here), and though a character named Amanda appeared in an SC2 announcement with Dodd as fluff, I think we're saying it's a different Amanda.

A couple of kids have moved up, so the excellent tier now starts at 9.

Excellent Tier:

9. Adam Dodd (V3)

V3 Dodd jumps a tier. Okay, yeah. I know the popular opinion - even my own - is that I shouldn't have brought him back. Yet in reading him back for REASONS, I'm actually okay with large parts of him, and I think some of the issue with his prose is more on me as a writer rather than he as a character. Naft famously said that he was a bit of a misfire for V3, and I don't disagree, but there's actually some really nice stuff in there - his dynamic with Bill; the warehouse when people actually call him on his shit is great from a reader's POV, and I almost wish I'd leaned into it a bit more instead of being totally blind to it. His ending, too. I'm really proud of that, still. So fuck it - up a tier he goes but he isn't cracking my top 5 and I feel okay about that. Also, man it was really hard not to italicize him to troll everyone. ;)

8. Ariana Moretti (V7)

So Ariana was a bit of a ride for me. Originally coming about because I couldn't find anyone to play Ross' girlfriend, she became a really enjoyable character to write in her own right. Obviously her t-shirt and her apparel becomes in hindsight problematic because of the climate of 2020, but she was written more as someone whose want to stick to authority clashed with her temper and her tendency to go off on a hair-trigger temper. Indeed, I got to write a few of these moments and they were great! Her death worked out really well I thought, and I'm glad it lands as well as it does with me when I read it back. Obviously, had my couple not been played by the same handler it probably reads better, but I'm still very happy with how she turned out. Pleasantly surprised and I wouldn't be surprised to see her improve with the benefit of more hindsight.

7. Victoria Amaro (PV3)

So in the vein of Claudeson, who came in at number 6, Victoria was a tough concept for me. Making someone who is always going to find their way into playing is something that I've never really written effectively before, and she actually ran into the exact same roadblock that I found with Claude, who I'll discuss after — once she killed, it sort of seemed like I ran out of real estate. I think she was good for what she was, but I wrote her into a bit of a corner and so when she was rolled, it was a good thing. Originally when I started the game she was to be my flagship, but I think if Fisher had been rolled at the time I likely would have swapped him out for Victoria anyways. I like what I was able to accomplish with her, but when writing villains in the future I'll have to be careful not to finish my story before it ends, if you catch my drift.

6. Claudeson Bademosi (V7)

Conversely to Ariana, Claudeson was a really ambitious character that I knew would either be really hit or miss just because of where my comfort zone is when writing. I think it's pretty well known that I'm more the kind of person to write hero-adjacent or 'decent everyman' types with a nice helping of sports. That's my wheelhouse. Mentally ill religious kid isn't really where my comfort zone went. The bits of his story that I think worked the best were the ones with Ty — writing with a quality character that my brother happened to be behind definitely didn't hurt either. I didn't get to the lofty heights that I originally wanted to with Claude, he sort of stalled out after his murders of Bryan and Bret, but I tried my best with him. I think I'm very pleased with his last two threads.

After thinking about it a LOT, I would wager that we will see Claudeson again in a SC game on Mini.

Top Five (The 'S' tier for you video game nerds)

5. Keith Jackson (V3)

Keith once had the top spot, but ended up down at five because as I've written more of him - and as I've reread his game, I've kind of come to the conclusion that he's almost better at the start and at the end than he is in the middle. I'm still endlessly excited for the off-island story that I've been writing with him in it, but as far as his SOTF journey goes, he's... decent. I think him being at the top of my rankings before was more me being excited than thinking rationally. So he's in the top 5 but I think this feels like a better spot for him. I am still very excited for his off-island journey that I'm still writing.

4. Morgan Dragosavich (V7)

Wow, so Morgan really jumped up a ton and a lot of that is because as I mentioned to someone the other day, he's had a very traditional SOTF story. Going into the game, he was the kid where I either figured he'd die first or last, because he was the one kid that I decided to just write and let the chips fall where they would. Having Slam and Kermit inject Lizzie and Michael into Morgan's story has made for a lot of places for Morgan to go, and there's a possibility - while maybe slim - that he surpasses Connor at this point. Depends how the order goes for the two of them. He's been a blast to write, top to bottom and I'm incredibly proud of his story.

3. Adam Dodd (V1)

I stand behind every word of V1 Adam Dodd outside of half of one scene. Barring that, he's SOTF's first winner and I'll always be proud of what I accomplished with him. Adam at the beginning is a stark reminder of the person that I was at 19, and it's neat to see how things have changed in the 14 years since. I think I'm at the point where barring something insane happening with any of my top 5 who are still kicking, he'll remain #2 almost always. AT LEAST UNTIL HE GOT KNOCKED OUT BY CONNOR AND FISHER. Whoops.

2. Connor Lorenzen (V7)

So at first glance, Connor's really inside of my wheelhouse. Sports guy, rich kid, doesn't want much. Yet somehow, he's managed to be like, one of the most unique characters I've ever written. He's probably the one character I've done that doesn't share a whole lot of characteristics with me, and thus he lands so damn high and takes over #2 spot because while he's not done yet, I'm really enjoying the journey he's started on. It's coming to an end, of course, but I hope the end is worth the time Absoit took to get there.

1. Fisher Darden (PV3)

They say that brevity is the soul of wit. Brevity has never been a thing associated with me. Like everyone else in this tier but Dodd, Fisher's not done yet — PV3 endgame is ongoing and he's still kicking, but I read him back a few times since the last go-round and I was actually shocked with how much I managed to pack in to his six or seven threads. PV3 isn't a long game, there were 33 people in it. Yet because the level of writing was so high, I somehow managed to keep him at the absolute apex of his game the whole way through. The reason he's at #1 is because there's not a single character on this list that I can read back and be completely, 100% happy with each letter and word of prose. Connor's had bumps, Dodd had that half-thread that I'd love to zap from existence, Keith's here mainly on the strength of his start and his end, and Morgan's had a few slow goes. Fisher has a solid start that remains solid all the way to endgame, and he's not done yet. While we're still working on it, I know that the ending will match the quality of the rest of his story and for that reason, he's my favourite kid I've ever written.

And that's all she wrote. Another million words, because #words.
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by Brackie »

Brackie wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:50 pm
[+] a list so long it requires spoiler tags
1. Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy (Virtua)
I'm not sure if she's my best but she's the one who hits the venn diagram between "character I liked writing" and "character who was actually good" in the best way for me. She faltered a bit in the end but no character's perfect, especially one of mine, and the leadup to that included a lot of heavy introspection, raw emotion and the most visually striking character I've ever made, so here's to you Cameo ya big goth freak

2. Oliver Davies (PV3)
my first attempt at writing a villain in /ages/ and it ended up being the kind of villain I'm actually best at - the kind who kind of has a point but just spirals more and more out of control until he erodes all possible sympathy or perspective on what he's done. I think it helps I actually had the high concept idea and approach because I don't know what he would have been otherwise.

3. Maxim Kehlenbrink (V6)
But Maxim is a close second! The only real dividing hair is that I never got to go further with him but aside from that he's easily my best adoption and one so messy and complicated I had so much fun just picking apart the stitches until he's falling into his own lies and dying more delusional than pretty much anyone in v6.

4. Aditi Sharma (V7)
Aston Bennett for /our/ generation - Aditi had a lot of the same ideas I had while approaching Aston back in v4 but with better everything and an endgoal in mind, so it's ultimately ironic that I also adopt her off as well. that said, the stuff I did for her was tite if I do say so myself~

5. Aston Bennett (V4)
Although I didn't get to write Act III of Aston Bennett, she was where I found out I really love adopting characters and exploring the mindsets of characters who don't meet the usual archetypes that I go for when creating my own. Plus, I actually got to do something in v4 and enter a meaty plot, hooray! I wish my mental health had been in a better place circa 2011 because it would have been fun to end her story in my hands (even if I'd never have won the version because duh) but I do have to give proper dues to Ciel who tidied up her messiest parts like the stupid formatting stuff I was doing with everyone in v4 so thanks for that Ciel. Come back please :(

6. Jason Andrews (SC2)
Another characer I wish I'd gone further with but dying before he even had room to make an impact is very Jason, especially considering the v1 roots. My intention was "character attempting to build their own supervillain origin story", and the output was "comedy of errors including a gun with no ammo, being attacked by a seagull the moment even one thing seems to be going his way, and Revenge of the Murderbush" so I'm glad he went out on a high.

7. Michaeilia "Mikki" Swift (V7)
yes yes The Lighthouse and yes yes #Swiftball but I also did other stuff with her as well! most of it was in pregame granted but still.

8. Holly Hergenroeder (TV1)
I didn't really click with TV1 in any meaningful way so hence why I flamed out and adopted-off Anna so early and heroed out Holly but in retrospect I probably should have stuck around with Holly because I don't think I've ever been so quick to assign myself a story arc that I really should have followed through on. The lisp was an annoying idea (and when I bring her back for Second Chances I'm doing away with it) but other than that I'm glad I have at least one character with sound mind and heroic intentions in my alumni.

9. Yoshio Akamatsu (BRAU)
Oh hey it's literally the first character I ever wrote in-game. A lot of what Yoshio ended up being was accidental (scared boy pinballing further and further out of control) but I'm glad the Brackie of yesteryear had vague instincts of what worked. That said I'd probably cool it with the themed thread titles if I had to redo it.

10. Ma'afu Tuigamala (V4)
If it wasn't for how I ended things with Maf he'd be up higher but unfortunately I panicked and dropped the ball. That said he was another character so far outside my wheelhouse that it gave me writing opportunities I'm forever grateful for with people I got to write with long before my due date. That also being said giving him amnesia for two threads was a stupid way to end things but you live you learn.

11. Brendan Wallace (V4)
Much like Yoshio there was a lot of unintentionality in my Brendan writings but unlike Yoshio I was given the benefit of Meanwhile to help fix some stuff. He probably should be lower due to the fact that I really had no idea what I actually wanted to do with Brendan until Peter Siu came along, but he's probably the only v4 original of mine I can read without completely cringing so shrug

12. Calista Carpenter (PV3 Proper)
She came, she beat up Grim Katana, she got to be unconsciously racist for an entire thread and then got a knife in the throat. Would have liked to do more but I got stuff done and signposted the start of a new version, hooray!

13. Maya Spooner (PV3 Prologue)
She was mostly written for the meme but uhhh Stay Tuned 👀

14. Jessica Rennes (V7)
WATERFALL YEET! but also enjoyable to write in the same way it is watching a Big Brother contestant realize that everyone around them is a narcissistic sociopath, and I'm very proud of the stuff I wove out of thin air

15. Jaxon Street (TV2)
Probably the only time I've ever actually done well with writing a biting sarcastic character even if I was in that SOTF time period where I was posting every 13 days 23 hours 59 minutes so I fell behind way fast. May be a Second Chances contender but who knows what tomorrow will bring?

16. Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra (PV3 Prologue)
written during a time when I really shouldn't have been writing because of my Mental State but as far as "characters who disappeared for months at a time only to get a story and summation two days before the version finishes" go, he'll do.

17. Jacob Charles (V4)
The only v4 character who evened out to stable according to people I ask but I still find him hard to read. That said I really should have extended the control I had with keeping Jacob with one group to all my other characters rather than t-shirt gunning them around the island like multi-ball mayhem.

18. Anna Kateridge (SC1)
>take one of favourite v3 characters
>post with her every 13 days 23 hours 59 minutes
>somehow get 8th place with only three threads
>least she's got that voice

19. Preston Grey (SC1)
Preston was a character who was in Second Chances Version 1 [citation needed] (I did like throwing him at otherwise Serious people tho)

20. Lyndi Thibodeaux (SC2)
My second character with sound mind and heroic intentions who got heroed off quickly because I can't resist doing that in Mini apparently. I didn't do the original justice but I tried and that's the important thing I guess?

21. Ramona Shirley (Virtua)
She was Fine and I got a good death out of her but she's easily been overshadowed by the better iteration in Second Chances 2

22. Erin Underwood (PV2)
I got to tap into some Program themes thanks to writing an overtly villainous character even if she only lasted two rounds at most, but ehhhh. Another Second Chances candidate I guess.

23. Janie Sinneave (V5)
I actually forgot to include her in the first version of this list - the Norma Jean Torkelson to my Ruggahissy in that I routinely forget I ever wrote her and when I reread her I remember why

24. Nani Clover (PV3 Prologue)
like Santiago, circumstances outside of my control prevented me from utilizing Nani to the best of her abilities and I really didn't end up doing anything of note even within my own roster.

25. Yuko Sakaki (BRAU)
thanks to only really reading the BR manga instead of the novel I only had a vague crazy template of what to go off of. That said I can barely stand to read her now and her death is cringe so into the Meh box you go.

26. Grant Moore (PV3 Prologue)
lol, does he even count?

27. Anna Hitchins (TV1)
All of my Phase 1 Mini stuff outside of Virtua was Bad and Anna was a good emblem of that - I was too into a certain kind of writing that led to one-dimensional characters like Matthew and Chanel (who, if you've been reading, you will notice haven't been ranked yet) and also Anna. She would have gone nowhere good if I'd gotten to write her another nanosecond so praise be to Outfoxd for taking her and cleaning her up into something halfway respectable.

28. Clio Gabriella (V4)
The intention of Clio was to take advantage of the shadow of v1-3 that loomed over the entire site for all of v4 and make people think I was intending to bring Clio into the end after long wearing out her welcome, only to shockingly kill her off before the deaths even reached halfway (so, a Disc One Final Boss, if you tropers will). The outcome was a crazed mess of a character with no clear intentions, who kickstarted the v4 formatting craze so quickly and so ferociously that everyone was sick of it by the end of That One Thread, and a Problematic collection of sexualized tropes that I was in no place to be writing, let alone examining. That said, I kind of leaned into the camp of it all by the time she and Maxwell killed someone mid-bonk, and I got to do some pretty rad fighting scenes in her final thread, so I'm not too entirely down on her.

29. Matthew Payne (PV1)
Woof, talk about sexualized tropes. Everything I ever wrote with Matthew is a wash and worth skipping immediately, EXCEPT for the fight scene with Luke which I legit had fun doing, although I really should have been at that level throughout the entire version. That said I die a little inside every time I think about the absolute shit I wrote with him so he will stay buried in a shoebox in the backyard and receive no Second Chance in the immediate future.

30. Chanel Martin (PV1)
Woooooooooof, actually one of the worst things I've ever written because it's a bunch of the worst things about my early writing rolled into a single moping package. Someone please message me to take her for Second Chances without having read her in-game posts because she needs redemption.

31. Paige Strand (V4)
Even worse than the two above and the only character of my entire v4 experience I requested struck from the RAT because of just how much I fucked up in writing anything remotely redeemable without seeming like I was clawing for attention in the wrong way. There's some days I thing about how my own stuff these days isn't up to par but then I remember what I was doing at the start of v4 and I'm grateful for how far I've come from the bottom.

in conclusion, hmu if you want to use Chanel, Anna Hitchins, Erin, Jacob, or Calista for Second Chances, or Oliver/Cameo if you have a /really/ good idea
[+] The Island
V4: G069 - Clio Gabriella: Hold me closer, tiny dancer; count the headlights on the highway to hell.
V4: G083 - Paige Strand: Feelings don't try to hurt you, even the painful ones. You're responsible for all of the damn consequences.
V4: B118 - Jacob Charles: Every grieving heart has screamed at one time or another 'why can't you just let me die?'
V4: G114 - Aston Bennett: A woman who desires revenge must dig three graves.
V4: B108 - Ma'afu Tuigamala: Most men would rather forget a hard truth than face it.
V5: G015 - Janie Sinneave: Every human being must find her own way to cope with the impossible, and the only job of a true friend is to facilitate whatever method she doesn't choose.
V6: B018 - Maxim Kehlenbrink: Too much self-centered attitude brings isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger, and a hammer to the skull.
V7: G044 - Mikki Swift: It takes 18 years to build a reputation and a minute to ruin it.
V7: G070 - Jessica Rennes: Despair is our chance to wrestle with water and fall through.
V7: G075 - Aditi Sharma: She can still scream that rebel yell, just as loud as it was in 2005.
[+] Home
V4: B042 - Brendan Wallace: History has a way of repeating itself for years to come.
v5 - Penny Huang: Good girls can make bad decisions.
v5 - Jasper Rourke: Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "what could have been".
v7 - Gaelan Meloy: And nothing matters.
v7 - Jordan Brankovich: Rethinking it all.
v7 - Kayden Brockman: Not done yet.
v7 - Ji-hyun Christensen: Just getting started.
[+] Remind Me Tomorrow
Destiny Martinez will live fast and die faster.
Aidan Winston is going to let you know you're not solving anything.
Lara Rodriguez thinks you should keep your opinion on her to yourself.
Peyton Hoffman isn't fond of the PC Police ruining everything.
Lindsey Sewall wants to make sure you drank water today you stupid bitch.
Luke Travers needs to have a code.
I'm hosting a SOTF!
SOTF: International
Applications Open Now!
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Sure! I am for once not actually behind on any of my characters, so let's do this. In reverse order, because that's easiest, and funniest.

7 - Eoin Harper (Virtua) - What makes Eoin my worst character ever? Is it the painfully bland prose? The lack of any proactivity in the character because his personality was so white bread milquetoast I couldn't figure a way to give him any real motivation? Perhaps the fact that I had him be into Ice Hockey, a sport I knew literally nothing about at the time? The only thing really worthwhile here is as a contrast to some of my later writing, and some of his thread partners who're able to carry the scene entirely on their back.

6 - Luca Thomas (V7) - This is perhaps a harsh rating, as Luca has some threads that I think contain some of my better writing, with Sweat More being something I'm very proud of in terms of combining action and character work - Although I do have to credit for Deamon for a lot of the ground work there. The problem with her is simply that I haven't written much of her story, with her currently being on Day 1 of the island timeline, meaning there's not even a partial arc to read - Just an immediate reaction. If I come back and do more work on her, she'll likely shoot up the rankings, but this is an "as current" rankings - So she belongs here.

5 - Daniel Newhouse (PV3)- This is the point at which I start to be mostly satisfied with my own writing. Daniel had a short time on the island before I heroed him off, but he had a fairly strong and consistent characterisation, and played well in the few threads he had. However, his death feels a little forced when I read it back, and I feel like I could have done some more to build up this kind of overconfidence as a flaw before the scene played out.

4 - Zachariah Johnston (TV1) - Ok, so I will be the first to admit that Zach has some problems as a character. To start with, the earliest threads, and especially the early kills of the character are absolutely horrifically painful to re-read now. But as it gets to the later threads, maybe it's nostalgia, but it feels like things get a little more self-aware - and whilst there are still choices that I'd maybe redo (e.g. I think the Sean scene would be much more interesting if it was accidental and Zach tried to do something, as it would have played better into the final stage of his arc. ) I think he was a solid contribution to the version. I don't think I could in good faith recommend him as a read, but given that I wrote him at such a young age, seeing the culmination of a whole version's practice in his death thread really makes me proud - So, hey, he gets a reasonable ranking.

3 - Parker Green (V7) - I'll admit it, I found writing an SI of me at 17 really fun, in a guilty pleasure sort of way. But, god, I wrote a LOT of words and didn't say a huge amount with a great many of them. As fun as the focus on realism and accounting for all of the time on the island was, I feel I didn't say a huge amount with a lot of those break-away scenes that adds to the audience's understanding of the character until Number by Number and that's probably 10k+ words in. Like a lot of my characters, he does improve with time, as I get a better handle on what direction I want to take the story - And once I found the niche of "Villain who doesn't play", things get a lot better. At least the technical aspects of my writing are a lot better, and none of my prose is explicitly bad, but he suffers from some of the same structural problems as Zach having compared the two of them in a day of back-to-back reading, which is something I shall have to address in the future.

2 - Yian Griffiths (PV3) - Yian is another short characters, as the dice did not favour me in PV3, but he made much better use of the time he did have. Dealing with accidentally being the first killer of the version thanks to RC sacrificing Cedric unrolled into him immediately gave him direction, and he was pretty quickly faced with consequences for it, being captured and bullied, and ending up losing all of his supplies for it. This lead to him wanting both safety, and water, which then directly led to an incredibly grim death scene, where he died slowly in the arms of someone he didn't really know. The fact that I was able to, with no planning, get a concise arc like that across is something that goes against a lot of the criticism I have for myself in terms of writing - which is the fact that I don't feel like I get much impact per word/sentence when compared to the more intricate writers on the board. Challenging myself to go more in that direction, and not doing too badly at it is something I'm quite proud of, and I hope to try it again in V8/TV3.

1 - Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (V7) - Maybe it's cheating to put my only alive character who I'm up to date with at number 1, but it's an accurate reflection of my feelings on where she slots in when compared to my writing history. Faith is the first character where I've really had the breakthrough of not just being willing to put my character at a disadvantage, but actively seeking it out, and using that to set off the rest of her story. Without that initial disadvantage of being robbed, finding her friends might have been more important to her than just finding anyone who could help, and this lead to her ending up with a bunch of different dysfunctional groups that challenged her personality rather than complimented it. Obviously she's still at the mercy of the dice gods, but if I can find a solid ending to her arc that feels satisfying and comes from a place that feels natural for her, I suspect she'll sit here for a decent amount of time.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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