The Home Away From Home
Girl #9 - Katherine Marks
The Home Away From Home
All she wanted to do was just paint a picture, or two. Have some peace and quiet for once. No guys drooling, no girls following her around blindly. No, none of that stupid stuff. All she would do is set up her portable painting canvas, take out her set out paint, and start painting in a secluded spot. It was the perfect plan...tell the girls simply to shoo, and make the boys run countless errands for her. Perfect, perfect, perfect! But, the plan shattered completely like a fragile glass ornament falling onto the floor. Their plane had been hijacked just like that. The teachers had been killed (Katherine couldn't help but smirking, as awful as that sounded, when Mr. Wilpointe bit the dust...he always stared at her during class). Some nameless "punk" kid had been killed, too, simply to add to all those who had died.
When Katherine had woken up on this doomed island, she ran. And ran. Until she reached the School Building. She had watched the people inside as best as she could from a window, to tell if they were evil, or not. Yes, it sure sounded childish, just watching the people like a frightened animal to make sure they wouldn't kill her, but then again it was a smart move. One boy was killed when one girl had tripped, making her gun go off. It was terrible. No one could do a thing to help the boy. She would learn later on from an Announcement that the girl was Tayli Vreeland, a girl from school, and the boy was Sydney Morvran, a boy who had won the last SOTF ACT by just "hiding away with his so-called friends like a little sissy coward" as Mr. Danya had put it.
Once a girl she recognized as being another nameless, brain dead, and pretty much boycrazy cheerleader left the building, Katherine took off running into the Woods. There, she had hid in some bushes, slept, ate a whole loaf of that stale bread, and drank a whole water bottle. She got hungry and thirsty whenever she got really worried and nervous...she couldn't help it, even though it'd probably do her bad in the end when she ran out of food because of her hunger and thirst. Her mind had been brought off of her hunger and thirst by Mr. Danya's terrible voice ringing out about the island. 8 people had died by then. Katherine stayed in the bushes. There was no point in coming out of the bushes, only to be killed by some kid wanting to be a bigtime murderer.
It was the Third Announcement that made Katherine leave the bushes and run. Not because more than 15 people had died by then. That wasn't it. She ran because the Woods had become a Danger Zone, and because she just couldn't hide anymore. Atleast, not out in the rain anyway. Checking her map for a good shelter from the rain, she made her way to the Small House, being careful to not step in places that were too muddy. On her way there, she passed by a boy who was running, and running. She would've talked to him, but he looked crazy, so she just hid behind a tree, watching as the boy ran towards the Woods. But...that place is a Danger Zone, isn't it? Katherine thought, expertly raising one 'brow. She smiled, glad that she still had it in her to do such a thing.
After drinking half of her last bottle of water, she ran to the Small House, tired of the rain. The door had been knocked down by who knows what, and a bloodied blanket covered a broken window. Katherine shuddered, and made her way inside, not caring at all who may be inside. It was empty, as far as she could tell, anyway. Who knew who could be hiding in the cupboards, or under a table? With a small sigh, Katherine placed her bag on the floor, not caring to check what her weapon was just yet. Some metal something, or another. She kicked the bag into the corner of the room, and then made her way over to someone else's bag. They had left it there, probably to not worry about it later.
They might come back... She unzipped the bag. Wait...what the heck is this?! She pulled it out, and stared at it. It was a plastic hammer, in all its glory. Katherine laughed. No wonder they left without their bag. She sat down on a chair, absentmindly hitting the ground with the plastic hammer. Where do I stand in this game? As someone who hides? She had done that well enough already. Or, as someone who plays? Her eyes wandered over to her bag, just sitting in the corner of the room. I guess it all depends on my weapon. If it was a gun, or something powerful, she would play. If it wasn't, she simply would not play. The thought of killing and death made her sick to her stomach, but there wouldn't be any other way to win without killing, would there be?
" clue how he survived the last SOTF ACT...oh yeah, hiding away with his so-called friends like a little sissy coward." Mr. Danya's words rang in her ears. That Sydney Morvran guy had won the last ACT by hiding, so could she? Her eyes snapped over to the doorway leading into the House. The sound of someone approaching interrupted her thoughts. Whomever it was, they were coming fast. Could they be playing?!
When Katherine had woken up on this doomed island, she ran. And ran. Until she reached the School Building. She had watched the people inside as best as she could from a window, to tell if they were evil, or not. Yes, it sure sounded childish, just watching the people like a frightened animal to make sure they wouldn't kill her, but then again it was a smart move. One boy was killed when one girl had tripped, making her gun go off. It was terrible. No one could do a thing to help the boy. She would learn later on from an Announcement that the girl was Tayli Vreeland, a girl from school, and the boy was Sydney Morvran, a boy who had won the last SOTF ACT by just "hiding away with his so-called friends like a little sissy coward" as Mr. Danya had put it.
Once a girl she recognized as being another nameless, brain dead, and pretty much boycrazy cheerleader left the building, Katherine took off running into the Woods. There, she had hid in some bushes, slept, ate a whole loaf of that stale bread, and drank a whole water bottle. She got hungry and thirsty whenever she got really worried and nervous...she couldn't help it, even though it'd probably do her bad in the end when she ran out of food because of her hunger and thirst. Her mind had been brought off of her hunger and thirst by Mr. Danya's terrible voice ringing out about the island. 8 people had died by then. Katherine stayed in the bushes. There was no point in coming out of the bushes, only to be killed by some kid wanting to be a bigtime murderer.
It was the Third Announcement that made Katherine leave the bushes and run. Not because more than 15 people had died by then. That wasn't it. She ran because the Woods had become a Danger Zone, and because she just couldn't hide anymore. Atleast, not out in the rain anyway. Checking her map for a good shelter from the rain, she made her way to the Small House, being careful to not step in places that were too muddy. On her way there, she passed by a boy who was running, and running. She would've talked to him, but he looked crazy, so she just hid behind a tree, watching as the boy ran towards the Woods. But...that place is a Danger Zone, isn't it? Katherine thought, expertly raising one 'brow. She smiled, glad that she still had it in her to do such a thing.
After drinking half of her last bottle of water, she ran to the Small House, tired of the rain. The door had been knocked down by who knows what, and a bloodied blanket covered a broken window. Katherine shuddered, and made her way inside, not caring at all who may be inside. It was empty, as far as she could tell, anyway. Who knew who could be hiding in the cupboards, or under a table? With a small sigh, Katherine placed her bag on the floor, not caring to check what her weapon was just yet. Some metal something, or another. She kicked the bag into the corner of the room, and then made her way over to someone else's bag. They had left it there, probably to not worry about it later.
They might come back... She unzipped the bag. Wait...what the heck is this?! She pulled it out, and stared at it. It was a plastic hammer, in all its glory. Katherine laughed. No wonder they left without their bag. She sat down on a chair, absentmindly hitting the ground with the plastic hammer. Where do I stand in this game? As someone who hides? She had done that well enough already. Or, as someone who plays? Her eyes wandered over to her bag, just sitting in the corner of the room. I guess it all depends on my weapon. If it was a gun, or something powerful, she would play. If it wasn't, she simply would not play. The thought of killing and death made her sick to her stomach, but there wouldn't be any other way to win without killing, would there be?
" clue how he survived the last SOTF ACT...oh yeah, hiding away with his so-called friends like a little sissy coward." Mr. Danya's words rang in her ears. That Sydney Morvran guy had won the last ACT by hiding, so could she? Her eyes snapped over to the doorway leading into the House. The sound of someone approaching interrupted her thoughts. Whomever it was, they were coming fast. Could they be playing?!
Founder of SOTF - 2005.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
OOC: Continued from "Attack at the river": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=245
IC: Jacob slowly but surely approached the house with his new gun in his hands. Having discarded his suit jacket back at the river, he was now wearing Rais' trenchcoat over his white tanktop. With his knife sheathed at his hip, he was more suited for ranged battle right now, but he didn't care. After four whole days straight of this game, and killing four people (that he knew of), he was dog-tired. He just needed a bit of rest, and the house seemed like a good place to do so. As he walked through the ruined doorframe, he was ready to shoot anyone inside.
I've made it this far, I'm not going to let anyone kill me now.
IC: Jacob slowly but surely approached the house with his new gun in his hands. Having discarded his suit jacket back at the river, he was now wearing Rais' trenchcoat over his white tanktop. With his knife sheathed at his hip, he was more suited for ranged battle right now, but he didn't care. After four whole days straight of this game, and killing four people (that he knew of), he was dog-tired. He just needed a bit of rest, and the house seemed like a good place to do so. As he walked through the ruined doorframe, he was ready to shoot anyone inside.
I've made it this far, I'm not going to let anyone kill me now.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
((OOC: Erm, there isn't a door. It was broken down a long while ago. Meh, oh well, no matter.))
Katherine's jaw dropped when Jacob entered. He had a gun. A gun, a gun! And what was she holding? A pathetic plastic hammer. How would you kill anyone with a plastic hammer, anyway? Whack them to death? She smiled at the thought, clutching the plastic hammer close to her chest. "Why..." Her voice sounded a little scratchy from misuse. This kid was the first person she had spoken to for a while now. "Hello there." And he might just be the last person she'd ever talk to, judging by his gun, and the way his eyes seemed to glare.
"What's your name? You aren't playing, are you?" Katherine looked over at the bag sitting in the corner of the room, then quickly back at the boy again, hoping to God he wouldn't kill her then and there. "You...haven't killed yet, have you?"
Katherine's jaw dropped when Jacob entered. He had a gun. A gun, a gun! And what was she holding? A pathetic plastic hammer. How would you kill anyone with a plastic hammer, anyway? Whack them to death? She smiled at the thought, clutching the plastic hammer close to her chest. "Why..." Her voice sounded a little scratchy from misuse. This kid was the first person she had spoken to for a while now. "Hello there." And he might just be the last person she'd ever talk to, judging by his gun, and the way his eyes seemed to glare.
"What's your name? You aren't playing, are you?" Katherine looked over at the bag sitting in the corner of the room, then quickly back at the boy again, hoping to God he wouldn't kill her then and there. "You...haven't killed yet, have you?"
Founder of SOTF - 2005.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
Jacob was caught off guard by Katherine's appearance, jumping back and swearing under his breath as he aimed the Browning and fired three times at Katherine. It was an unpleasant surprise to find someone in the house, but that was just proof that he couldn't let his guard down in this game. Unlike Sydney, he was planning on winning the SOTF the way he was supposed to- kill everyone else. Once he won, the next part of his plan could fall into place, but he hadn't won yet. He'd have to kill many more people before he could win.
Damnit, everywhere I go I run into people. Is it so much to ask to just find one place that's empty? he thought. For an instant, he was sure he recognised the girl, but it did not matter.
Wasn't she in my Art class? Never was too good at Art...
Damnit, everywhere I go I run into people. Is it so much to ask to just find one place that's empty? he thought. For an instant, he was sure he recognised the girl, but it did not matter.
Wasn't she in my Art class? Never was too good at Art...
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
She yelped, getting hit in the shoulder and arm as she fell out of the chair. Only one out of the three bullets Jacob shot at her had missed. Katherine cursed, gripping her arm and shoulder, and holding the plastic hammer in her freehand. He's playing, he's playing... I'm not going to die like this! She was supposed to grow up before she died, get a loving husband, have five little Katherines, and then live on to see her little Katherines get families of their own. She wasn't supposed to die on an island before that! Atleast, not like this...not by him!
Haphazardly, she threw the plastic hammer at Jacob, and then crawled frantically over to her own bag in the corner of the room. Almost there, almost there... Katherine placed a hand on her bag, quickly unzipping it. Please be something powerful. Please, please, please!
Haphazardly, she threw the plastic hammer at Jacob, and then crawled frantically over to her own bag in the corner of the room. Almost there, almost there... Katherine placed a hand on her bag, quickly unzipping it. Please be something powerful. Please, please, please!
Founder of SOTF - 2005.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
Jacob's head was knocked back by the plastic hammer to the face, but he quickly regained focus and aimed at the girl.
"You shouldn't have done that." with that, he fired off another three bullet volley at the girl, also drawing his knife and advancing.
"You shouldn't have done that." with that, he fired off another three bullet volley at the girl, also drawing his knife and advancing.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
Katherine screamed out as she felt a bullet enter her side, then her thigh and arm once more. She reached in her bag, pulling out the meat hook, and standing up. She rushed at Jacob, the adrenaline rush keeping her from feeling the pain of those bullets in full force. "Die you!" She began slashing the meat hook wildly, hoping for the hook to make contact with Jacob. "Die, die, die!!" She must've looked like a madwoman to anyone watching at home, but at the moment, she didn't care. All she cared about was surviving this fight and living to tell the tale.
Founder of SOTF - 2005.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
Jacob jumped to the side to avoid the slashing combination, shooting at Katherine while stabbing at her at the same time. What had been a simple shooting out of surprise had turned into a battle to the death, and Jacob did not want to be the one dead at the end. He had too much to do before dying, like taking down the terrorist organisation that forced him to play this perverted version of a gladiatorial contest.
Damn it, I won't allow myself to die here, I can't! I don't care how many of my former classmates I have to kill, I'll do it to live. They're probably all playing by now anyway!
"The name's Jacob, by the way."
Damn it, I won't allow myself to die here, I can't! I don't care how many of my former classmates I have to kill, I'll do it to live. They're probably all playing by now anyway!
"The name's Jacob, by the way."
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
Katherine tackled Jacob to the ground, narrowly avoiding getting a bullet in her chest. She screamed, hoping someone would come to rescue her as the knife entered her. Unfortunately, this wasn't a fairy tale where the princess would be rescued by a grand knight. This was real life; there wasn't going to be a prince for her. She grabbed Jacob's knife wielding hand, and pulled hard. She managed to get the knife out of her arm, but in doing so unleashed a sickening spray of blood. At the sight of her own blood, she screamed again, and then began to stumble clumsily towards the door.
She could've taken a few swipes at Jacob when she had knocked him to the ground, sure, but all she wanted to do was survive. Just get away, whatever. She just wanted to live!
She could've taken a few swipes at Jacob when she had knocked him to the ground, sure, but all she wanted to do was survive. Just get away, whatever. She just wanted to live!
Founder of SOTF - 2005.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
After recovering from the tackle and the force of having his elbow shoved into his gut, Jacob slowly followed Katherine, firing once at her as he stalked. He didn't like leaving business unsettled, so he wasn't going to stop until he killed his adversary.
Too late for rationality, if I don't kill her, she'll kill me. I know it. "Lethal force is only an option when your own life is in danger." my father used to say. Well, my life's pretty much in danger here dad, so you'll understand I hope.
Too late for rationality, if I don't kill her, she'll kill me. I know it. "Lethal force is only an option when your own life is in danger." my father used to say. Well, my life's pretty much in danger here dad, so you'll understand I hope.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
Katherine screamed, and screamed for help, falling as the bullet entered her already injured leg. Spitting and screaming, she began to drag herself through the dirt, tears now streaming down her face. The meat hook still in her hand wouldn't do her any good, unless she threw it. The only hope she had now was that Jacob would run out of bullets. She continued her pathetic scramble through the dirt and mud, now hiccuping because of her tears.
"Stop it, stop it! Why play?!" Crawling, crawling. "W-Why give into Danya?" Why kill me?! was the question that she really wanted to ask, but she already knew the answer. To survive, and get off the island. Her crawling stopped. "I wasn't even playing." Her words came out as a choked sob. I wasn't even playing and he decided to kill me. Me, of all people. Poor little Katherine...
"Stop it, stop it! Why play?!" Crawling, crawling. "W-Why give into Danya?" Why kill me?! was the question that she really wanted to ask, but she already knew the answer. To survive, and get off the island. Her crawling stopped. "I wasn't even playing." Her words came out as a choked sob. I wasn't even playing and he decided to kill me. Me, of all people. Poor little Katherine...
Founder of SOTF - 2005.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
"I kill so I may live, I follow Danya's wishes for my own agenda." Jacob said calmly, starting to catch up to the injured girl (who he thought he recognised, maybe from Art class? it didn't matter). He leveled his Browning again and fired at her uninjured leg, picking up his own pace so he could use his knife.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
((Continued from: Dead Man's Party))
Cillian crawled onto the porch, grabbing up his water bottle greedily and taking a large gulp. He wiped his mouth with his bloody left hand, tasting the blood from his last two victims. It had begun to wash off as he walked out in the rain, but the spots had dried here and there on his skin.
Then he heard screams. Almost like music, Cillian sat for a few moments thinking.
Ooooo. Someone's playing a game! What game? I want to play!
He turned and sat up, moving towards the window that was broken. There was a girl, the one screaming. Then there was a boy, ready to kill her with a gun.
Picking up a large rock, laughing a little as he did so, he launched it at the boy's head.
"I want to play!" Cillian's yell filled up the small house. He then ducked away.
((Continued in: The Arrival))
Cillian crawled onto the porch, grabbing up his water bottle greedily and taking a large gulp. He wiped his mouth with his bloody left hand, tasting the blood from his last two victims. It had begun to wash off as he walked out in the rain, but the spots had dried here and there on his skin.
Then he heard screams. Almost like music, Cillian sat for a few moments thinking.
Ooooo. Someone's playing a game! What game? I want to play!
He turned and sat up, moving towards the window that was broken. There was a girl, the one screaming. Then there was a boy, ready to kill her with a gun.
Picking up a large rock, laughing a little as he did so, he launched it at the boy's head.
"I want to play!" Cillian's yell filled up the small house. He then ducked away.
((Continued in: The Arrival))
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Marie avatar by Kermit.
Seeing the rock fly through the air in front of him, and hearing Cillian's yell, Jacob turned in that direction and raised his gun, but saw nobody. Blinking in slight surprise, he started to turn back to his victim, ready to finish her off after the other distracted him.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Jacob avatar by Kermit.
In the time that Jacob was turned around, Katherine sprang into action. She stood, and started to run wildly off in the opposite direction, surged by all the adrenaline, and the sheer thought "I'm alive, I'm alive!". She would have to thank whomever had drawn Jacob's attention, for they had truly saved her life for now. They were...her knight in shining armor.
Katherine's out of here. Her struggles will be continued in another place (will edit later). But...Slayer, I hope you noticed your godmoding. You've done this before with your David character, against Kuze's character Heather. You've got to let the person you're fighting have a chance, no matter how insane your character is. Basically, you're backing your opponents up in the corner where they practically have no other options than to get hit. Atleast aim for spots that won't exactly kill the opponent.
It's not fun roleplaying with a godmoder, or a roleplayer that forces the person they are roleplaying into doing certain things, such as taking bullets. Ease up a little, the SOTF ACT isn't all about killing, you know, or having the best weapons. It's also about the roleplaying experience. To get the best experience, you mustn't force your roleplaying partner(s) into doing things that they might not want to do, such as having their character die.
Katherine's out of here. Her struggles will be continued in another place (will edit later). But...Slayer, I hope you noticed your godmoding. You've done this before with your David character, against Kuze's character Heather. You've got to let the person you're fighting have a chance, no matter how insane your character is. Basically, you're backing your opponents up in the corner where they practically have no other options than to get hit. Atleast aim for spots that won't exactly kill the opponent.
It's not fun roleplaying with a godmoder, or a roleplayer that forces the person they are roleplaying into doing certain things, such as taking bullets. Ease up a little, the SOTF ACT isn't all about killing, you know, or having the best weapons. It's also about the roleplaying experience. To get the best experience, you mustn't force your roleplaying partner(s) into doing things that they might not want to do, such as having their character die.
![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif)
Founder of SOTF - 2005.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.