hi i'm here too

:( and the return of my other TV3 kid | Retro's Relationship Thread!

V8 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V8 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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Post by RetroVenus »

so these kids still need some ironing out, stay tuned

Ashton Bishop

Ashton Bishop certainly stands out in a crowd. As the result of a hormonal disorder resulting in proportional dwarfism, combined with their youthful features and small frame, Ashton more closely resemble a middle school student rather than a high school senior. All this, plus their gender identity (identifying as agender) and use of gender-neutral pronouns makes them come across as strange to their fellow students. Nevertheless they remain popular among those who can accept their appearance and their gender, due to their affectionate nature and charming personality. It helps that they know what stings to pull in a social situation.

All is not well with Ashton, however. They're desperate for love, for their affections to be returned by that special someone. Unfortunately, their young appearance turns off many potential suitors. Because of this, they are usually melancholic. This leads to one of Ashton's biggest issue. Though for the most part their emotions are muted as a result of depression, they will sometimes feel an emotion extremely strong. While said emotion will often be appropriate for the scene, the intensity will not be.

For interests, Ashton is a fan of horror. They love all horror media types, though they favor books and video games. They also write their own horror stories, usually in the form of creepypastas, however most of the time these are deliberately written poorly. They also love thrillers and acting; they are in the drama club. In addition to depression, they also suffer from autism. They are only interested in males, though they will show interest in females when their depression is strong as a way to self-harm.
[+] Ashton relationships
Dawn Montogomery - Good friends! Dawn helped Ashton learn a thing or two about first aid.
Ethan Kemp - Friends, though more due to the fact that they both associate with Dawn. Ashton feels comfortable around him as he uses their preferred pronouns.
Judy Loxley - Fellow drama club members. Since Judy doesn't seem to want to be friends, Ashton more or less ignores them.
Derek Caldwell - Their both interested in the goth subculture, but otherwise don't talk much.
Do Seungri - Ashton has gotten scolded by Do before for skirting the dress code, so they try to avoid him.
What does Ashton want?
- Friends! Ashton goes out of their way to be seen in a positive light by their peers, so if your kid is also friendly the two'll probably get along.
- People who are weirded out by Ashton and/or have been rubbed the wrong way by their affections.
- Fellow drama club members.
- People who think their size is hilarious or just enjoy picking on the attention seeking kid in general.
- Possible boyfriend?! Or just anyone who's returned their affections, male or female.

Kelly Hutchins

Kelly Hutchins may be many things – athletic, intelligent (though he never applies himself), charismatic – but patient is not one of them. His numerous good qualities have made him quite the popular young man, and indeed, he is quite likeable. However, there are those his charm has not worked on, those who cannot gloss over his equally numerous bad traits – his complete lack of discipline, his empathy issues, his pompous attitude.

Kelly is on both the track team as a long distance runner and the debate team. Rare is the day he actually shows up to a meeting, though. Especially track; the only reason he joined was so that he could eat as much candy as he wants without getting fat. His real main hobby is dating. Most of his relationships are simply a one-off fling; hook up, go on a date or two, dump, rinse and repeat. Rare is the day he has a more serious relationship. Those tend to have an impact on Kelly, as he'll either loathe the person who broke up with him or attempt to get back together.

Kelly has an overall gender nonconforming appearance, though he identifies as male through and through. Sexuality wise, he identifies as bisexual. He prefers females, though he won't turn up his nose at a fine looking young man. He's also something of a bully, in that loves riling people up.

If all of this sounds familiar, that's because Kelly is based on my second TV3 concept, Luther Knyazev.
[+] Kelly relationships
Judy Loxley - Kelly has flirted with Judy in the past. The two hold a mutual respect for each other, though keep their distances due to their different lifestyles.
Dawn Montogomery - Tried flirting with her in the past in order to make Ethan jealous. It...didn't exactly work.
Ethan Kemp - Wanted to fluster him by flirting with Dawn, but Ethan just laughed it off, which was not the reaction Kelly was going for.
Derek Caldwell - Due to dabbling in the goth subculture, the two have exchanged words, though not much else.
Do Seungri - Kelly really thinks Do needs to take that stick out of his ass, what with the way he's always lecturing him about the dress code.
What does Kelly want?
- Fellow track/debate club members to be fake friends with, even if he hardly shows up.
- Kelly respects those who are similar to him personality wise, or at least those who also know how to find someone's weak spots for manipulation. These people are the most likely to be his genuine friend.
- By contrast, Kelly holds disdain for those who are interested in people he has seriously dated, assuming he doesn't despise said person.
- For an oddly specific request, I'd like for him to be close friends with someone like him, but because said person has shown interest (but not yet dated) in someone Kelly has dated, Kelly is secretly trying to ruin the friendship.
- Kelly's been on a lot of dates. He may even have done the deed with a kid or two.

So yeah, let me know if you want to be friends/enemies/lovers/cousins/whatever with these two. If you have any other relationship idea please let me know! I'd love to know what you came up with.
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Post by Super Weegee »

Brook: "Agender? Okay, this is getting ridiculous."

Out of all of Brook's negative opinion's on the LGBTQ+ community, he's going to be the most negative towards anybody identifying as agender. Combined with Ashton's affections and young appearance, I can see Brook deliberately going out of his way to avoid them. He's not going to bully Ashton, though, unless they go out of their way to try to befriend him.

Lula: "Nice guy, but he needs to ease up on the hugs and kisses."

While Lula might be rubbed the wrong way by their affections, I can see the two of them getting along in regards to books. Maybe Lula checked out some of their stories on occasion?

Brook: "We get along relatively okay, but does he seriously not see why he's going through so many women?"

They're both similar in certain ways, such as their athleticism. Brook is sociable and laid back (unless you bring up certain subjects around him) while Kelly is intelligent and charismatic, so I can see them getting along or at least respecting each other. In regards to Kelly's dating relationships, I'm thinking about having Brook being aware of some of his bad traits, such as his empathy issues. He'll try to call Kelly out on his bad traits and make some suggestions so that he can at least increase his chances of having a more serious relationship with someone. However, if Brook finds out about Kelly sabotaging relationships (assuming it happens), then he's going to try to distance himself from him. All of this is up to you, of course.

In regards to Kelly's bisexuality, I can see Brook being "eh..." on it since Kelly prefers females. If he tries to flirt with Brook, though, he'll be quick to shut that down on the spot.

Lula: Unless you have an idea for her, I don't really see them knowing each other.
V8 Relationships Thread
Brook Peterson
Lula Gray
[+] V7
V7 Appearance Tracker
ImageMatthew Hunt drawn by Ryuki and Kotorikun - Profile
Memories: 1 2
Pregame: 1 2 3 4
Trip: 1 2
V7: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Image Blake Davis - Profile - "...You knew..."
Memories: 1
Prom: 1
V7: 1 2 3 4
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Post by midnight_twelve »


Got some ideas for you to consider

Kelly and Chloé would have encountered each other in debate team or just through mutual popularity. Looks like they'll both end up with quite a list of former relationships so might as well throw them at each other romantically too, to whatever extent you think works (exes/dating, serious/casual etc). She wouldn't approve of his laziness or bullying, though.

Fred would probably find Ashton a little strange but would try and be polite. They might even develop some sort of quiet friendship but I don't think they'd be close.

I can see Ashton and Maddie getting along quite well since they're both quite... friendly and dare I say attention-seeking. Maddie isn't the most on-it and probably doesn't really understand non-binary gender identities, so there might be some friction but she definitely wouldn't be intentionally transphobic, more just careless.
Fredrick Stanley "Fred" Hobbes
Born 23rd April 2004 - Died 13th December 2021
“Do you think we were bad people, before we came here? Or just like, weak?”

Chloé Margot Delacroix
Born 21st November 2003 - Died 13th December 2021
“I am going to get everyone off of this island.”

V9 Planning Thread

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Post by RetroVenus »

oh god i still haven't figured out how to quote someone without breaking the formatting hhhhh
Super Weegee wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:10 am Brook: "Agender? Okay, this is getting ridiculous."

Out of all of Brook's negative opinion's on the LGBTQ+ community, he's going to be the most negative towards anybody identifying as agender. Combined with Ashton's affections and young appearance, I can see Brook deliberately going out of his way to avoid them. He's not going to bully Ashton, though, unless they go out of their way to try to befriend him.
Got some bad news for Brook; since Ashton wants to be in everyone's good books, they've most likely gone out of their way to befriend him. Though if Brook makes it very clear to Ashton that he wants nothing to do with them, they'll let the issue drop.
Super Weegee wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:10 am Lula: "Nice guy, but he needs to ease up on the hugs and kisses."

While Lula might be rubbed the wrong way by their affections, I can see the two of them getting along in regards to books. Maybe Lula checked out some of their stories on occasion?
Understandable that Lula's a bit uncomfortable with Ashton's affections! They tend to be over do it. And I can definitely see them bond over horror books (or books in general, really!). If Lula's shown interest in reading what Ashton wrote, then they'd be eager to show her! Be warned that 90% of it is intentionally bad.

So looking at your relationship thread, I could see Ashton and Lula bumping into each over at parties since their both party people. As well, I noticed that Lula's all take and no give, which I could see affecting their relationship in a negative way. Since Ashton really wants people to like them, they would be willing to give and give and give until they have nothing left. It's up to you, though!

Also I should have mentioned this before, but Ashton was assigned female at birth, and in general presents themselves in a feminine manner. So their pronouns would be she/her (which would make Ashton sad, but they'll let it slide).
Super Weegee wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:10 am Brook: "We get along relatively okay, but does he seriously not see why he's going through so many women?"

They're both similar in certain ways, such as their athleticism. Brook is sociable and laid back (unless you bring up certain subjects around him) while Kelly is intelligent and charismatic, so I can see them getting along or at least respecting each other. In regards to Kelly's dating relationships, I'm thinking about having Brook being aware of some of his bad traits, such as his empathy issues. He'll try to call Kelly out on his bad traits and make some suggestions so that he can at least increase his chances of having a more serious relationship with someone. However, if Brook finds out about Kelly sabotaging relationships (assuming it happens), then he's going to try to distance himself from him. All of this is up to you, of course.

In regards to Kelly's bisexuality, I can see Brook being "eh..." on it since Kelly prefers females. If he tries to flirt with Brook, though, he'll be quick to shut that down on the spot.
I could definitely see them being friends, though not very close. Depending on how often Brook gives out dating advice, he might have earned the ire of Kelly. He doesn't need dating advice, he knows exactly what he's doing. Which is true to some extent; he knows how to downplay his bad traits if he wants a serious relationship. He just doesn't care to most of the time. (This isn't a dig on Brook by the way! Kelly's just selfish)

For the bisexuality thing, Kelly doesn't parade it around, and judging from his description Brook isn't his type anyway. Kelly's pretty open when it comes to girls, but he's more picky with guys.
Super Weegee wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:10 am Lula: Unless you have an idea for her, I don't really see them knowing each other.
So Kelly's also a party person. They could have met at a party, Kelly flirted with Lula, got turned down, and that was that.
midnight_twelve wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:33 pm Kelly and Chloé would have encountered each other in debate team or just through mutual popularity. Looks like they'll both end up with quite a list of former relationships so might as well throw them at each other romantically too, to whatever extent you think works (exes/dating, serious/casual etc). She wouldn't approve of his laziness or bullying, though.
My main idea is that Kelly's currently single, so they would have to be exes. As for how serious it was, that would depend on two factors: Chloé's appearance and her personality. Namely, he favors those who are thin and shorter than him (he's 6'0", for reference) and/or those who are needy and have low self-confidence. She doesn't have to have all these traits, mind (there are a lot of other factors that play into how attracted he is to someone), but if she has at least some of those traits then there's a good chance that the relationship was serious. Of course, I'm fine with it just being casual!
midnight_twelve wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:33 pm Fred would probably find Ashton a little strange but would try and be polite. They might even develop some sort of quiet friendship but I don't think they'd be close.
That could work! Keep in mind that Ashton might be interested in Fred, depending on how bad Fred's "nice guy" tendencies are. Ashton likes the idea of being simped for, but even they have limits.
midnight_twelve wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:33 pm I can see Ashton and Maddie getting along quite well since they're both quite... friendly and dare I say attention-seeking. Maddie isn't the most on-it and probably doesn't really understand non-binary gender identities, so there might be some friction but she definitely wouldn't be intentionally transphobic, more just careless.
Oh, Ashton's definitely attention-seeking, no qualms about that. While Ashton prefers horror stories, they like reading in general, so they could bond over that! Though Ashton unfortunately wouldn't be able to join Maddie on her real life adventures, as Ashton's not in the best of shapes. As for Maddie not being the most on-it in terms of gender identities, Ashton would be a bit upset by that, but they would understand that Maddie's not being transphobic. Hell, Ashton probably won't correct Maddie if she uses the wrong pronouns.

So yeah, let me know if all that sounds good!
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Post by Yonagoda »

Hey there.


Ren thinks they’re alright. More than alright. They’re also genderqueer (not out yet) but feels kind of… weird about it? They haven’t come out with Ash- don’t want to burden them with having to keep that secret. Ren gives out a lot of love- but also might expect a lot of love back. Part of them might be desperate enough to turn to their affections, but they haven’t come out yet and that’s a big problem, and also Ren is on the ace-aro spectrum and only uses romance as a way to get the affection that friendships can’t (in their eyes) so that’s another big problem, and it ends up with them being oddly friendly but slightly avoidant of Ash. Oh, and they’re vaguely protective over anyone that bullies them- closeted and also very body-positive and all.
Giselle thinks that it’s hilarious because she’s super tall and they’re super short and as much as she likes a good conversation, having to look directly down or to sit makes her want to laugh and joke about it *so badly* but she can’t because they might get insecure and- who am I kidding, she jokes about it. In a nice way, sure, but “wow you’re at perfect pussy munching height right now lol” isn’t nice either way?
Isaiah might be someone they show affection to! If that happens, then… unfortunately, he’s… very noncommittal and the moment things hit the bed or whatever he’s just like “I’m sorry for leading you on but you’re too small and it makes me feel weird and also I don’t think our personalities match because you’re kind of very clingy I think so I’m just saving you the heartbreak.” I don’t think it goes well.
Noah has said something *really* creepy or gross about their size as a joke. He feels a little bad about it, but not bad enough to swallow his pride and apologize normally and instead, like, shoves a weird little note in their locker or something. Maybe with a little chocolate or a five dollar bill. “Sorry I called you a midget and said that I can throw you down the height like a football. Here, take my money.”


For the specific part- don’t wanna overplan, but Isaiah might be your fit. If you want. *Or,* he might be an ex. Not sure though. Secretly thinks that he’s an insane bitch, despite the fact that it’s insanely hypocritical of him. He’s in track and dabbled in debate- so they’ll have to be forced to be together a lot.
Betty is kinda like him, I guess. Manipulative and unempathetic, but the mask’s been slipping off as mental health takes its toll. Unfortunately for him, however, Betty doesn’t want him as a friend- if he’s willing to mess others up, she’s not gonna willingly stick with him. In the end, she’s more just incredibly apathetic, very introverted at heart, and thinks he’s way too wild. That, and also she doesn’t want to drag herself any more by associating with him. She *does* make a few bucks off of his relationships by betting on the side, though. If anyone’s up for that. I don’t know.
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Post by DerArknight »

Hi! I have have some ideas how your and my kids could be related:

Dawn also wants to be friends with many people and is very forthcoming about it, so the two could be good friends.

Ethan is mostly hanging around with Dawn, so he could be a friend-by-association. Both are pretty chill about gender-stuff, so using Ashton's preferred pronouns and similar things would be no issue.

Judy is in the Drama Club, so they at least see each other regularly. However, since Judy enjoys being the center of attention; she could see Ashton as some kind of rival or even fall within the "People who are weirded out by Ashton"-category. Which she would never outright show at school, but it could lead to contempt and drama on the island.
Also Judy believes that Ashton's antics are just a facade like her own fabricated comedian-persona. She will respect Ashton's pronouns and other stuff, but only for the sake of keeping up her persona of an innocent and all-loving person.

I don't really see any way Derek and Ashton could be related. Same goes for Do.

Judy has some similarities in that she too is no stranger to manipulation. However, she also knows about Kelly's history with women. Since having a boyfriend even for a short while could damage her innocent reputation, she keeps her distance. So they kinda respect each other but don't interact much.

Kelly might have tried to hit on Dawn, but with Ethan there this attempts would have been fruitless. Alternatively, he could be under the mistaken impression that Ethan and Dawn are together and therefore write her off as taken.

As with Ashton, I don't see much relations Kelly could have to Derek and Do.

That would be my ideas. What do you think?
Judith "Judy" Loxley
Ae-Cha Myo
Cynthia Jericho
[+] V8
S007 Derek Caldwell [65/134]
S026 Dawn Montogomery [34/134]
S076 Daenerys "D" Todd [72/134]
S106 Ethan Kemp [132/134]
S116 Quentin B. Skinner [94/134]
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Post by RetroVenus »

"pregame has started"? never heard of her
Yonagoda wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:32 am Ren thinks they’re alright. More than alright. They’re also genderqueer (not out yet) but feels kind of… weird about it? They haven’t come out with Ash- don’t want to burden them with having to keep that secret. Ren gives out a lot of love- but also might expect a lot of love back. Part of them might be desperate enough to turn to their affections, but they haven’t come out yet and that’s a big problem, and also Ren is on the ace-aro spectrum and only uses romance as a way to get the affection that friendships can’t (in their eyes) so that’s another big problem, and it ends up with them being oddly friendly but slightly avoidant of Ash. Oh, and they’re vaguely protective over anyone that bullies them- closeted and also very body-positive and all.
It's cool if Ren hasn't come out to Ashton yet about being genderqueer! In fact, they probably have yet to notice anything off about Ren's gender identity 'cause they're kind of oblivious. To a lot of things actually.

Ashton's similar to Ren in that, while they give out a lot of love, they secretly expect a lot back. This could lead to some co-dependency issues, as Ashton would come to see Ren as their go-to source for positive attention. However, depending on how avoidant Ren is, they could just have a (mostly) healthy friendship instead. Helps that Ashton appreciates Ren for their protectiveness, however vague.
Yonagoda wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:32 am Giselle thinks that it’s hilarious because she’s super tall and they’re super short and as much as she likes a good conversation, having to look directly down or to sit makes her want to laugh and joke about it *so badly* but she can’t because they might get insecure and- who am I kidding, she jokes about it. In a nice way, sure, but “wow you’re at perfect pussy munching height right now lol” isn’t nice either way?
Listen as long as Ashton gets someone's approval, their willing to put up with a lot of shit. So as long as Giselle's trying to be nice about it, Ashton will put up with her uncomfortable jokes.

As well, I see in your relationship thread that Giselle's a party person and writes? The two could bond over that, or at least those would be topics of conversation.
Yonagoda wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:32 am Isaiah might be someone they show affection to! If that happens, then… unfortunately, he’s… very noncommittal and the moment things hit the bed or whatever he’s just like “I’m sorry for leading you on but you’re too small and it makes me feel weird and also I don’t think our personalities match because you’re kind of very clingy I think so I’m just saving you the heartbreak.” I don’t think it goes well.
Oh boy. Ohhhh boy. If there's one thing Ashton cannot goddamn stand it's rejection. While the severity will depend on how long the relationship lasted, Ashton will have a meltdown, regardless of where the two are. Hope Isaiah can handle their threats of suicide! Of course, they won't go through with it, but it'll likely be pretty upsetting to all parties involved.

For the aftermath, once Ashton has calmed down they'll probably pretend their little episode didn't happen and go off on their merry way. Up to you to decide how Isaiah would handle such a situation!
Yonagoda wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:32 am Noah has said something *really* creepy or gross about their size as a joke. He feels a little bad about it, but not bad enough to swallow his pride and apologize normally and instead, like, shoves a weird little note in their locker or something. Maybe with a little chocolate or a five dollar bill. “Sorry I called you a midget and said that I can throw you down the height like a football. Here, take my money.”
Good news, Ashton would definitely accept Noah's apology! Bad news, they'd probably take that as a token of friendship and just like...awkwardly hover around Noah 'cause he's kinda scary but he said he was sorry so that's gotta count for something, right?
Yonagoda wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:32 am For the specific part- don’t wanna overplan, but Isaiah might be your fit. If you want. *Or,* he might be an ex. Not sure though. Secretly thinks that he’s an insane bitch, despite the fact that it’s insanely hypocritical of him. He’s in track and dabbled in debate- so they’ll have to be forced to be together a lot.
Mn, I'm thinking that the oddly specific friend genuinely likes Kelly, so Isaiah might not fit. But I feel that's a little too specific, so it could work! As for Isaiah being a potential ex, upon looking over his blurb he does sound like a guy Kelly would date (he's pickier with guys than he is with girls). Probably only causally, as Isaiah doesn't sound like he's lacking in self-confidence.

Anyway, Isaiah could be either Kelly's friend or an ex, whichever works better for you!
Yonagoda wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:32 am Betty is kinda like him, I guess. Manipulative and unempathetic, but the mask’s been slipping off as mental health takes its toll. Unfortunately for him, however, Betty doesn’t want him as a friend- if he’s willing to mess others up, she’s not gonna willingly stick with him. In the end, she’s more just incredibly apathetic, very introverted at heart, and thinks he’s way too wild. That, and also she doesn’t want to drag herself any more by associating with him. She *does* make a few bucks off of his relationships by betting on the side, though. If anyone’s up for that. I don’t know.
One of the good things about Kelly is that, unless he really wants something, he knows when to fold 'em. If Betty doesn't want to be his friend, then fine, they won't be friends. This isn't out of kindness, mind, but pragmatism — if you keep trying to push someone to like you, they'll just end up dislike you more, and we can't have that, now can't we?

Not sure how secret Betty's betting is, but if Kelly were to find out, he wouldn't mind. He'd find that shit hilarious.
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:58 pm Dawn also wants to be friends with many people and is very forthcoming about it, so the two could be good friends.
That could work! And from your relationship thread, the two seem similar in that they're both extroverted and can be accused of being attention-seeking, so that would certainly help the friendship.

As a side note, Ashton has a budding interest in medicine. Not nearly to the same extent as Dawn, but it's there. Maybe Dawn could help push that interest?
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:58 pm Ethan is mostly hanging around with Dawn, so he could be a friend-by-association. Both are pretty chill about gender-stuff, so using Ashton's preferred pronouns and similar things would be no issue.
Yay, more friends! And friends that will use their preferred pronouns too; Ashton will nod along to any pronoun used for them, though they get secretly upset when it isn't their preferred pronouns. So Dawn and Ethan using the right ones will certainly make Ashton feel more at ease.
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:58 pm Judy is in the Drama Club, so they at least see each other regularly. However, since Judy enjoys being the center of attention; she could see Ashton as some kind of rival or even fall within the "People who are weirded out by Ashton"-category. Which she would never outright show at school, but it could lead to contempt and drama on the island.
Also Judy believes that Ashton's antics are just a facade like her own fabricated comedian-persona. She will respect Ashton's pronouns and other stuff, but only for the sake of keeping up her persona of an innocent and all-loving person.
Oh ho, a rival eh? Unfortunately that rivalry's gonna be one-sided, as Ashton both doesn't mind sharing the spotlight and is on the oblivious side when it comes to Judy's contempt. At least during pregame, who knows what'll happen on the island...?

Oh, and on the topic of Judy rating people around her by how hard it is to make them smile, Ashton's somewhat on the difficult side. This of course could just make Judy dislike them more.
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:58 pm I don't really see any way Derek and Ashton could be related. Same goes for Do.
Well, Derek's a goth, same as Ashton. Though Derek seems to be a true goth, while Ashton just likes the fashion. As for Do, Ashton's not exactly the best student in that while they behave well enough, their attendance could use some work. This might have earned the ire of Do, perhaps?
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:58 pm Judy has some similarities in that she too is no stranger to manipulation. However, she also knows about Kelly's history with women. Since having a boyfriend even for a short while could damage her innocent reputation, she keeps her distance. So they kinda respect each other but don't interact much.
That works! He could have flirted with her, got turned down, but upon realizing that she wasn't as innocent as she seemed gained respect for her? At any rate he's understand that Judy's trying to maintain a persona and thus keeps his distance out of respect.
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:58 pm Kelly might have tried to hit on Dawn, but with Ethan there this attempts would have been fruitless. Alternatively, he could be under the mistaken impression that Ethan and Dawn are together and therefore write her off as taken.
Hell, Kelly probably hit on Dawn while under the impression that she was dating Ethan. He gets a kick out of making people flustered. Of course, this probably ended up angering the both of them.
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:58 pm As with Ashton, I don't see much relations Kelly could have to Derek and Do.
Kelly's also kind of a goth, though like Ashton he only cares about the fashion. Doesn't help that he's less interested in the fashion than Ashton is. As for Do, Kelly's a bad apple all around, so Do could easily end up disliking him.

So that's what I got! Let me know if you're okay with these ideas!
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Post by DerArknight »

RetroVenus wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 4:10 am That could work! And from your relationship thread, the two seem similar in that they're both extroverted and can be accused of being attention-seeking, so that would certainly help the friendship.

As a side note, Ashton has a budding interest in medicine. Not nearly to the same extent as Dawn, but it's there. Maybe Dawn could help push that interest?
I am fine with this relation. Also if you want to give Ashton some knowledge about medicine that they can use on the island, feel free to include Dawn in the explanation, like "Dawn teached Ashton about first aid" or "Dawn and Ashton took a first aid course together".
Yay, more friends! And friends that will use their preferred pronouns too; Ashton will nod along to any pronoun used for them, though they get secretly upset when it isn't their preferred pronouns. So Dawn and Ethan using the right ones will certainly make Ashton feel more at ease.
Glad to hear.
Oh ho, a rival eh? Unfortunately that rivalry's gonna be one-sided, as Ashton both doesn't mind sharing the spotlight and is on the oblivious side when it comes to Judy's contempt. At least during pregame, who knows what'll happen on the island...?

Oh, and on the topic of Judy rating people around her by how hard it is to make them smile, Ashton's somewhat on the difficult side. This of course could just make Judy dislike them more.
Ignoring her is the best way to piss Judy off, so yeah, this two are unlikely to be friends. I approve of that relation.
That works! He could have flirted with her, got turned down, but upon realizing that she wasn't as innocent as she seemed gained respect for her? At any rate he's understand that Judy's trying to maintain a persona and thus keeps his distance out of respect.
Yeah, that was what I had in mind. I am cool with that as well.
Hell, Kelly probably hit on Dawn while under the impression that she was dating Ethan. He gets a kick out of making people flustered. Of course, this probably ended up angering the both of them.
I don't think Dawn and Ethan would be angry about that. They would rather see this as a funny misunderstanding and laugh it off.
Well, Derek's a goth, same as Ashton. Though Derek seems to be a true goth, while Ashton just likes the fashion. As for Do, Ashton's not exactly the best student in that while they behave well enough, their attendance could use some work. This might have earned the ire of Do, perhaps?

Kelly's also kind of a goth, though like Ashton he only cares about the fashion. Doesn't help that he's less interested in the fashion than Ashton is. As for Do, Kelly's a bad apple all around, so Do could easily end up disliking him.
So Derek's connection to Ashton and Kelly is that he sees them as fellow goths but otherwise doesn't talk much with them? I would be fine with that.
In the informations about the school, it says "John Endecott Memorial also has a dress code and most forms of student discipline are resulting from dress code violations." So how about Do (in his position of a member of the Student Council) reprimanded them once or twice for their risky fashion choices?
Judith "Judy" Loxley
Ae-Cha Myo
Cynthia Jericho
[+] V8
S007 Derek Caldwell [65/134]
S026 Dawn Montogomery [34/134]
S076 Daenerys "D" Todd [72/134]
S106 Ethan Kemp [132/134]
S116 Quentin B. Skinner [94/134]
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Post by RetroVenus »

Glad to hear all this works for you, harmfulll! I'll update my relationships accordingly.
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 12:06 pm In the informations about the school, it says "John Endecott Memorial also has a dress code and most forms of student discipline are resulting from dress code violations." So how about Do (in his position of a member of the Student Council) reprimanded them once or twice for their risky fashion choices?
This could work! Ashton (usually) dresses according to dress code, so their reprimands could be less harsh than Kelly and his love of crop tops.
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Post by DerArknight »

RetroVenus wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 5:46 pm Glad to hear all this works for you, harmfulll! I'll update my relationships accordingly.
mostlyharmfulll wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 12:06 pm In the informations about the school, it says "John Endecott Memorial also has a dress code and most forms of student discipline are resulting from dress code violations." So how about Do (in his position of a member of the Student Council) reprimanded them once or twice for their risky fashion choices?
This could work! Ashton (usually) dresses according to dress code, so their reprimands could be less harsh than Kelly and his love of crop tops.
Sounds good. I guess that settles all for now. Maybe something new comes up during pregame, but we will see.
For now, looking forward to write with you, fellow SITF-newbie (at least judging from your number of posts).
Judith "Judy" Loxley
Ae-Cha Myo
Cynthia Jericho
[+] V8
S007 Derek Caldwell [65/134]
S026 Dawn Montogomery [34/134]
S076 Daenerys "D" Todd [72/134]
S106 Ethan Kemp [132/134]
S116 Quentin B. Skinner [94/134]

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