Sidney Waters

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Sidney Waters


Post by NotAFlyingToy »

Name: Sidney Waters
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and interests: Literature, playing acoustic guitar, politics, country music

Appearance: Sidney stands at 5’4 and weighs 115 Ibs. She has a petite figure to her with short legs, but long arms. Her hair is light blonde and wavy that reaches down to her collarbone which she usually keeps behind her with a braid. Her face is diamond shaped with thin, brown eyes underneath a pair of curved eyebrows. Her cheeks and the bridge of her aquiline nose are dotted with freckles along with her arms and back.

Sidney has a strict care regime of regular showers and brushes her hair daily. She uses makeup frequently, often to cover up blemishes and the like from showing.

Sidney likes to dress modestly and rarely shows much skin with her clothing choices, preferring long sleeve shirts and sweaters along with either large skirts or long jeans even whilst out with friends. She will on rare occasions, however, pick more relaxed clothing. Either while she’s at home or at a party.

On abduction day, Sidney wore a knee length black midi skirt, a gray sweater with a pink shirt underneath with a panda on it waving at the viewer and white moxy sneakers. She has a locket necklace that she got as a gift from her mother that has a picture of her and Jason at a young age and an inscription in it that reads “My loving kids”.

Biography: Sidney was born to Elaine Waters and Damien Rosser on September 25th along with her twin brother Jason. Elaine was working as a waitress at a diner when she met Damien by chance, who was a construction worker who lived across town. The two met frequently as her workplace was a favorite spot of Damien’s and the two slowly became acquainted with each other which blossomed into a relationship between the two.

Sidney and Jason were unplanned and their birth fractured the relationship between Elaine and Damien as Elaine wanted to keep them whilst Damien wanted her to get an abortion. The two would argue about this with each other well into the pregnancy before Damien left, not wanting to be a father.

Elaine struggled to keep her job and take care of her children at the same time, so she struck up an agreement with a neighbor that she had built a rapport with as her relationship with Damien was falling apart, William Plant. William was a former guitarist for a local band before settling as an elementary school teacher. William would serve as her confidant during that time and when her relationship with Damien was over, would start one with William.

Growing up, both Sidney and her brother would look up to William. Especially Sidney as she mistakenly thought William was her father until later in life when her mother came clean about Damien when she was 13. After that their relationship cooled and Sidney would be more closed off to William and Elaine, being more open around Jason who’d look out for her and vice versa.

Sidney was noted to be a diligent and obedient child at her elementary school, but shy and spending a lot of time indoors for herself rather than playing with the other children, seeming more content to listen to music or read a book for herself. Though, it was noted by her teachers that she had an argumentative streak in her and would boss other children around to get her way if she was mad.

Sidney’s interest in literature started at a young age when her mother would read books for the twins before they went to bed. With her mother’s encouragement, Sidney quickly learnt how to read on her own and would be found regularly reading books such as Harry Potter, Animorphs and Discworld by herself.

He would regularly play music for them and the two would be entranced by the musicianship involved. Whilst Jason was content just listening along to music and would develop tastes that were more extreme than the genres that Wiliam played, Sidney on the other hand wanted to play as well. Borrowing William’s guitar on multiple occasions and teaching herself simple chords and notes. Soon, at the age of 8, William would surprise her with a gift, a guitar of her own.

When William was busy with his own work, he’d ask his parents to look after the pair which they gladly did. Jason did not care for them as he was more interested in William’s stories of working in a band and would play around with friends instead, Sidney on the other hand loved being with the elderly pair, especially William’s grandfather who’d tell tales of his work in the army. These conversations fueled something in Sidney and her opinions, political and otherwise started to reflect that.

By the time Sidney reached middle school, she was still a diligent student who frequently earned high grades, but earned herself a reputation for having an argumentative nature when it came to working with other students and politics, which she had started dabbling into with the internet. She started finding herself on the outs because of it, but refused to change her behavior. Seeing the other students as the ones in the wrong.

Sidney kept up with her guitar playing over the years and had gotten quite good at it, enough to sing along whilst doing so. On rare occasions bringing the guitar with her to school to play for other students.

Around this time, she had gotten into country music through listening to old Garth Brooks and Johnny Cash cd’s her stepfather’s parents had lying around. She found the genre soothing to listen to and enjoyed playing along with her guitar.

Compared to her brother and mother, Sidney leans more right on the political spectrum. While she's not as open about her political opinions as her brother is, she is quite frank about them online. Browsing certain forums and subreddits and not being afraid of getting into arguments about them.

Unbeknownst to her family, when Sidney was at the age of 15, she used what little information her mother had told her about her father and tracked him down via Facebook. The two have chatted on the occasion and Damien wants to meet with her eventually, but Sidney is unsure as she doesn’t want anyone in her family to know.

Once Sidney entered high school, she found herself flying under the radar as she quelled her argumentative nature and held tact for the most part. Even with her political opinions, she’s clear about them, but for the most part keeps to herself so to not get into trouble.

Her taste in literature changed as she got older. She continued reading Harry Potter and Discworld books, but it was supplemented by the A Song of Ice and Fire books by George R. Martin, The Wheel in Time series by Robert Jordan and The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.

Academically, Sidney does well. Her grades in most classes are in the A/B range with a few that dip below that. Of these classes, shop class and PE are among them, welding and using tools not being her strong suit and Sidney not being particularly athletic.

Whilst working in a group, Sidney often finds herself being the one to push things along to get finished and has gotten used to people following along with what she says. She struggles to keep her tact during these as she finds explaining things to others irritating and taking up time, but has managed so far.

Her relationship with her brother has cooled in recent years due to political and personal differences between them. Jason leaning on the left side and being very vocal about his opinions along with a daredevil nature that leads him to try dares that his friends tell him to. This nature led to his leg getting broken recently and Sidney becoming more exasperated with him especially once their mother asked her if she could try and quell his antics. On his part, her grades are one of the things he resents her for, as she gets frequently praised at home for them.

Sidney gets along with her mother and stepfather to an extent. Whilst not looking up to him the way she did growing up, Sidney has a soft spot for William and asks him for advice when it comes to playing the guitar despite having played for years by herself. Her mother on the other hand heaps praise on Sidney for her grades and good behavior at school. Because of this, Sidney keeps her political opinions to herself at home and her conversations with her father a secret.

Comparatively, socially at school Sidney struggles. Compared to her brother who has a more outgoing, but abrasive reputation at school, Sidney is more closed off and cold with a reputation for good grades and being argumentative and bossy when it comes to group projects. She has a small group of friends who she hangs out with in her spare time, but she would often be found sitting at the computer or reading a book whilst out or at home.

For the future, Sidney wants to go to college and get herself a law degree which her parents support wholeheartedly. She’s currently looking for places to attend.

Advantages: Sidney likes to think things through and plan ahead for herself, and is used to working with others in that capacity from school projects. Her quiet disposition since starting high school could help her be under the radar.
Disadvantages: Has an argumentative and stubborn streak within her which could hurt her in social situations. Sidney’s slight build and lack of athleticism will make a physical fight on her part difficult.
Author of the #SwiftBall Bible.
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Post by backslash »

Hey Naft, before Sidney can be given a full critique, please make sure that her profile fully matches the template. The Appearance and Biography section headers need to be bolded. Thanks!
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by NotAFlyingToy »

Edits made!
Author of the #SwiftBall Bible.
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Hansel Williams never fully realized he was wrong.

Brandon Baxter lost agency, the girl, and power.

Oskar Pearce's shield shimmered, shone, and shattered.
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Post by Deamon »

Hi Naft! I'll be critiquing Sidney for you! The profile is a good start but we need a lot of expansion in areas before she'll be good to go into the game.

What race is Sidney?
William would serve as her confidant during that time and when her relationship with Damien was over, would start one with William.
Looks like you're missing a She after the comma here. This sentence could also just use tightening up.
Sidney was noted to be a diligent and obedient child at her elementary school, but shy and spending a lot of time indoors for herself rather than playing with the other children, seeming more content to listen to music or read a book for herself.
This sentence could also do with reworking because it is very clunky currently.

What does Sidney enjoy about literature? Does she just enjoy reading or does she enjoy writing as well? Does she have preferred genres or authors? If so what drew her to them over others?
He would regularly play music for them and the two would be entranced by the musicianship involved.
Who is this mysterious and handsome stranger?

What does Sidney enjoy about music and playing guitar?

In what ways did Sidney's opinions start to reflect her grandfathers?
By the time Sidney reached middle school, she was still a diligent student who frequently earned high grades, but earned herself a reputation for having an argumentative nature when it came to working with other students and politics, which she had started dabbling into with the internet. She started finding herself on the outs because of it, but refused to change her behavior. Seeing the other students as the ones in the wrong.
This whole paragraph needs expansion as it's currently very light on information or detail.

What sparked Sidney's change in behavior between middle school and high school? Why did she go from believing herself to always being in the right to keeping quieter about her political views? It seems weird that she'd be quieter about her views during a time period such as the Canon presidency.

Speaking of Sidney's political besides being right-leaning what are her actual political opinions? Is she a Canon supporter or a more classical Republican?

What leads to her taste in literature changing as she grew up? Obviously part of the change would have been due to her maturing as a person but what drew her to the series and authors she moved on to?

What subjects does she enjoy at school and which ones does she dislike?

Did anything lead to the thawing of Sidney's relationship with her mum and William or was it just a time heals deal?

The mention of Sidney wanting to go to college to study law is the first time law as a subject comes up in the profile so I'd like to see some explanation added as to why she chose that subject.

I'd like some more detail on Sidney's advantages and disadvantages as currently there's not much to them.

In general, that's the main issue with the profile as it stands. It is very light on detail in a lot of aspects so I'd like you to go back and expand on the whole thing. I'd also suggest a grammar pass while you're there as a lot of sentences in the profile read in a very clunky and disjointed way.

And that is everything so post back here once you've made the edits and I'll give Sidney another look!
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Post by backslash »

This character biography has had no alterations for more than two weeks and has been put in the abandoned characters forum. This profile is eligible for resubmission by the handler upon alterations requested by the staff.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."

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