Starting Point for Girl 07

Anya Vendvmagli

A simple river which offers so much, such as a place to bath, a food source, and a fresh water source. Be careful... someone could easily sneak up on you while you are bathing, or gathering food and water.
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Starting Point for Girl 07


Post by batspleenfriend* »

Anya was dreaming. That wasn't unusual because Anya dreamt quite often. What was unusual about this was the dream itself. She was on the plane with her classmates on their school trip, but they were tied up and being forced to watch some B-horror movie. "Attack of the Giant Fork Man" with some boy in a fork costume killing people. And then suddenly they were in the sea and she was going under. Some man kept yelling at her to kill her classmates if she didn't want to drown. She flopped about wildly, desperately trying to tell the man that he was insane and the giant fork had already done that. In her efforts she went under. She could hear water rushing around her as she struggled for breath. She opened her eyes and groggily realized that she was in fact sleeping next to a river.

Anya blinked at it in confusion for a moment before sitting up and looking around. Where was she? Had she fallen asleep outside? That too, wouldn't be a first for Anya.

That dream seemed so real...except for spork boy. She thought to herself, brushing a piece of grass off of her top. The trip. Did I miss the flight? She looked around trying to gain her bearings, and was shocked to see her duffel bag sitting a few feet away from her. What the...

"Oh my god!" she said out loud as the memory came flooding back to her. It wasn't a dream. She'd been on the plane going on her trip and she'd watched that movie about the boy with the fork. But he had shot his friend. And then her teachers had been shot! Then a man had come on and told them that when they woke up....Oh my god!!

She crawled to her duffel bag and noticed another pack sitting next to it. She unzipped it, her hands shaking and immediately saw the barrel of a gun staring back at her.

Oh this definitely calls for a drink. She thought to herself as she opened up her own duffel and pulled a small bubble-wrapped glass bottle out from underneath the lining. She ripped the bubble wrap off with incredible speed and unscrewed the top. It only took her a second to down the small amount (which was barely enough to get a mouse drunk, never mind her) but it made her feel instantly better. All right Anya, think. she thought to herself. The man said that she would have to kill all her classmates if she wished to survive. What a ghastly idea! Who would do that? She shook her head to herself and suddenly the vision of that jock boy popped into her mind. The idiot had spent took long thinking and Captain Sporky had killed him before he even read his manual. Manual! She opened the sack again and found it. Well, not too complicated. "Extra amunition," it said. She pulled out the extra bullets. Well, look at that. She loaded the gun and glanced around for a moment. Should I move or should I stay? She decided to stay...for the time being.

Anya pulled out the Player's Manual that was also included amoung a bottle of water and (an obviously stale) loaf of bread, and settled down to read, her eyes flicking up from the page every few seconds.
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Anya glanced up from the manual as a light went off. She could barely hear a jumble of voices and screams as she pulled out her map. It came from near the bamboo as far as she could tell. It seemed so nearby. Much too close for comfort, she thought to herself.

Anya resigned herself to the idea that she'd have to move. But the question is, where to go? She opened the map again. The school seemed relatively far away from the bamboo and yet it still wasn't too far away from where she was. She decided that would be the best place to go. Hopefully no one else had that idea. If they were hiding out in the school then odds where that they wouldn't be playing anyway. She shoved all of her belongings back into the pack and took the safety off of her gun. The click it made seemed deafening to her. She was actually holding a deadly weapon. But Anya had already come up with a plan after reading the manual. It wasn't a particularly brilliant one, or particularly brave but it might just mean that she would never have to play and still get out alive. All she needed was an ally to make sure she did not die right away.

((OOC: Continued in the 3some on the move topic.))
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

((OOC: Coming from the 3some on the move topic.))

Anya stopped running finally taking time to catch her breath. She gasped for air as she reached the river and rested on a rock. She had never been good at physical activity, and she was particularly bad at running. But she had to run, she wanted to get as far away from that awful school as she could. Tayli had killed Syd, it was a fact. Anya wasn't about to fall for fake sobbing and claims that it had been accidental. Nothing could be accidental in this game, she thought as she opened her bag and pulled out one of assigned bottles of water, gulping it down quickly.

She hadn't trusted them from the beginning. Syd had sacrificed one of his friends already and Gabrielle had even shot at her. It wasn't worth alliances. She had been assigned a decent weapon after all, she didn't need them. She pulled her Manurhin MR-73 out of the back of her jeans and stared at it for a moment before taking the safety off. The game had already begun and now she fully intended to be the last one left standing.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Continued from "Lighthouse Ambush": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=130
IC: Jacob cleared through the woods at last, nursing his burned arm as he approached the cool waters of the river. He jolted in surprise when he saw a girl with a gun nearby, but it was the perfect opportunity for him.
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Post by kiri666yama* »

(Coming from: Down by the River)

Jacob? Is that you ?
Uriel wanted to jump into jacobs arms and tell about
The horror he witnessed , but dropped to the ground instead.
A gun carrying girl sat in front of him.
Luckily for him, she didn’t seem to notice him.
Now uriel realized that Jacob was looking at the same person.
Ready when you are Jacob, uriel thought.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

As Anya placed the gun on her lap and went to open her bottle of water she heard a rustle in the bushes behind her. She picked it up and turned around sharply watching it intently. When no further sound was produced she tentatively sat back down and blamed the sound on the wind. After Anya had taken a sip of her water she opened up her bag again and extracted the map she had been asigned. Where to go?
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Post by Slayer* »

Jacob calmly walked to the girl, knife hidden up the sleeve of his suit top (he had worn a suit to the plane trip for some reason, nobody ever bothered to ask) in case the woman attacked. He needed to kill her and take her gun, hopefully without much struggle.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

The gazebo maybe? I will be able to see everyone from there. But it's so far away... What if I run into someone on the way? She glanced down at the loaded weapon lying in her lap. She worried about weather she could actually shoot with it. Not for moral reasons any more but physical reasons. She had never shot a gun before and truth be told Anya was not the more coordinated person ever. She sighed aloud and suddenly a noise caught her attention again. She swung around again, gun dropping from her lap and hitting the floor with a thud. A boy stood behind her carrying a knife. She quickly tried to bend down and retrieve her weapon and her hand brushed against it as she took a subconscious step back in fear and fell to the ground, the water soaking her jeans.
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Post by Slayer* »

Jacob walked towards the girl emotionlessly, breifly stooping to pick up the gun and put it in his pocket before advancing again, stabbing at Anya when he got close enough.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

The metal blade cut through Anya's calf, which she had once thought to be one of her best assets, as the boy stabbed at her without any hint of expression on his face. He had her gun. She kicked at him with her other leg and rolled over splashing through the water as she attempted to pull herself up. Bastard.

"What are you doing?" she pleaded believeably and without a hint of pain on her face, "I wasn't going to play. I'm not a threat."
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Post by Slayer* »

In a truly rare instance, Jacob actually decided to answer as he sidestepped the kick. "I have to get rid of you if I wish to win this game. I have my reasons for wanting to be the one survivor, but they all involve death. Yours especially." he said as he took another slash at the girl.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

"How flattering," she said sourly as the knife brushed past her arm this time just nicking it. She finally managed to stand up and recognized the boy for the first time. It was Jason Moon or something like that. He was a quiet like herself. Well, it's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for, she thought with a laugh as she tried to form a plan of escape. He had her gun, but he was still trying to stab her. Sadistic.
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Post by Slayer* »

Jacob walked towards the now-standing Anya and temporarily recognised her--she had been in his Math class-- it didn't matter though. He made another stab at her heart without hesitation.
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His knife made contact this time and she stubled backwards taking him with her. The pain in her chest was unbearable and Anya did something that was completely out of character for her, she cried. She pushed him away weakly and only managed to push herself into the water, a pool of red mingling with the clear as she did so. She reached up in a last ditch effort and actually managed to grab her gun as she tugged on it weakly.
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Jacob jolted back slightly in surprise as the wounded Anya grabbed he gun and tried to take it as he was trying to remove his knife from her chest. Somewhere during the ensuing struggle, one of the two must've hit the trigger, because a sound not unlike a thunder crack peirced the air. Jacob knew he had fired during the grapple, but was still surprised as he stumbled back.
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