A Place to Hide

A simple river which offers so much, such as a place to bath, a food source, and a fresh water source. Be careful... someone could easily sneak up on you while you are bathing, or gathering food and water.
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Post by Chase* »

"It sounds odd, I know, my asking for an alliance," he said as he smiled. It's downright insane, from my point of thinking right now. She could go either way, we're not from the same anything.

"I guess you didn't look bad...it's probably just the shotgun that scared me and Kiyoko over there. We want to take down this game, but we still have to survive. Trust me, we aren't threats to you in the least," he continued with a tiny, nervous laugh, "We're an unlucky pair: just a boxcutter and some ball and chain thing. Just as long as you are not going to shoot us, it's fine."

He motioned for her to come sit down. There was still time to rest, and he felt a million times more calm with the knowledge that they had some firepower on their side now.
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That was a relif, they didn't have any long ranged weapons, so she'd be at the advantage no matter what. Not that that would matter, they didn't seem to be dangerous at all. In gact, they seemed almost relieved to have her on their side.

"My name's Cassandra. I'm no threat to you either, this game needs to go down." she said. Well, it was a nice thought anyways. This game seemed very well thought out, and almost impossible to take down.
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Kichiro smiled again, his braces catching on one of his lips and tearing it. He was used to it, however, and just continued on with the introduction.

He sat back down next to Kiyoko, "Casandra," he told her, pointing at the blonde girl, "Furendori (Friendly)."

He turned back to Casandra, "She doesn't speak english, so... anything you need to tell her I'll translate, okay?"
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Post by Kuze* »

Kiyoko nodded and knelt over to pick up the box cutter its cold metal casing rubbed her palm.

"Hai,mitoru.Konnichiha,Cassandra neemu Akasawa,Kiyoko,kooru Akasawa(Yes,I understand,Hello,Cassandra My name is Akasawa,Kiyoko,call me Akasawa)"
Kiyoko said as he offered her hand to shake with Cassandra.
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"Her name is Kiyoko Asakawa, but she likes to be called Asakawa," he smiled.
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Post by NyteDarkness* »

Cassandra reached out and shook her hand, "Hello, Asakawa."

She looked around for a bit, "So, do you two have some sort of plan to get out of here?"

That might not have been the smartest question, but Cassandra had no idea what she herself was going to do and would be relieved to hear any sort of plan.
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Post by Kuze* »

Kiyoko felt a little dissapionded becaause her ahndshake offering was regected. Kiyoko shrugged and looked at the box cutter.

'how am i going to use this if Cassandra decides to use that thing against us?'

Kiyoko contomplated while looking at the box cutter in her hand.
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Post by Chase* »

Kichiro looked down at the ground, his eyes flashing a bit of sadness as he had nothing good to answer that with.

"Surviving is first and foremost on our list, until we can find some group we can join with real firepower and a way to hit back at this game."

He checked back on Kiyoko, noticing the boxcutter in her hands. It made him uneasy.
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Post by NyteDarkness* »

Cassandra nodded, she saw Asakawa holding the boxcutter and looking a bit nervous, was she planning on using that thing? Though, Cassandra didn't really have a right to be suspicious, she herself was holding on to her weapon, the other girl probably just wanted some sort of defense, though she did notice Kichiro getting a little nervous as well. Who wouldn't be in this game, though?

"Well, it's better than having no plan at all." she said, "Surviving should be the highest priority right now."

She hoped the others wouldn't start to think of her as dangerous for saying that, surviving was her number one priority, but that didn't mean the was going to go on a killing spree.
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Post by Kuze* »

Kiyoko stroked the switch of the boxcutter with her thumb ignoring the nervous looks of Kichiro and Cassandra.

'now i wish i didnt give the flail up'

Kiyoko thought as her thumb hit the switch too hard and the blade poked out with a gleam from the sun reflected off of it
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"Ayaui! (Watch out!)," Kichiro said as he caught Kiyoko's hand.

"Kiwotsukete totomoni uepon (Be careful with that weapon)."
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"nani okage mondai(what is your problem)" Kiyoko said as she lerched her hand out of Kichiro's grip.

"ikeike acchi yuuyo kikensei korede unko(That bitch over theres more of a danger than this piece of shit)" Kiyoko said as she motioned towards Cassandra.
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Post by Chase* »

"Sumimasen (sorry)," he said as he snapped his hand back.

So... she's not that friendly. I'll keep that in mind. Hope she doesn't decide to use...that thing.

Kichiro wondered how long it would be safe here, maybe they should wait till the next announcement.
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Post by Kuze* »

Kiyoko pressed the switch on the boxcutter to retract the blade and shoved it into Kichiro's arms and walked over to the flail next to kichiro's bag and picked it up .

Kiyoko turned back towards Cassandra and narrowed her eyes in suspicion and slight anger.
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Post by Chase* »

"Nani?" Kichiro said angrily. Kiyoko was taking things out of hand. She needed to cool it or Kichiro and Casandra would probably leave her.
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