Wendy House

Day 1, late?

Following the official closure of the mine, the biggest building in the area was left to rust. The interior, once a hub of activity, now sits as a maze of conveyor belts, pipes, stairs, and walkways that allowed people to traverse the building. There is a main gangway that stretches from one end of the building to the other and many other paths that branch off of it, typically taking one up or down a set of stairs and onto another walkway. A few of the windows within this building have also cracked and broken as a result of the building starting to fall in on itself, leading to snow being visible on some of the pathways, making fast movement a potentially hazardous affair.
Posts: 876
Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:30 pm
Location: Denton, New Jersey


Post by RC~ »

Carefully grabbing onto Shawn, Przemek followed him and Bethany.

((Przmyslaw Ziemiak continued elsewhere))
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