I'm Just A Shot Away From You

Open Day 2 Morning

The dining area and kitchens are found on the ground floor of The Quarters and are made up of one main dining room that features square tables set up for multiple people and a kitchen separated by a swinging door. The kitchen itself is on the basic side, including two fridges, two ovens, and two stoves along with countertops and a sink; all of the appliances are now non-functional with no electricity to power them. While the station was in operation mealtimes tended to be communal with food served through a large portal in the wall between the kitchen and seating area. The chairs in the room have soft-cushioned seats and backrests with a metal frame. All the chairs are neatly tucked into their respective tables.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"Yeah!" she said, almost yelling in Angelo's face.

"We -- It was Tull, Dawn, Jacob. The cool Jacob, not the shitty gremlin one," she rambled.

Mildred rounded on Kathleen.

"You think I'm fuckin blind!? You think I didn't notice Mr. Raspberry Jam on the fuckin' floor?! You think I think he's taking a really messy fuckin nap?! There's nothing we can do for him! What if the murderer is still around?! We need to go back and get the rest so we have a roll deep posse in case we round a corner and run into Ghost Face!"

With a shaking, cold hand, Mildred grabbed Angelo and started running back the way they had come.

((Mildred continued in It's Not Like I Like You))
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Post by Jazzfat »

Blank. Scared. Fear. Yelling.


Kathleen was frozen for a second before deciding to follow Mildred and Angelo out.

Fucking hell, wait for me!!!

((Kathleen continued elsewhere))
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Post by backslash »

"Wait just a- whoa!" Angelo had no choice but to stagger along for a few steps until he was able to keep pace with Mildred. It was that or let her yank his arm out of its socket, and he was lopsided enough already, please and thank you.

"Come on!" He called over his shoulder to Kathleen. His head felt fuzzy, like the weed was starting to kick in, which frankly was just kind of really lame no matter how you sliced it. His body wasn't pumping enough adrenaline at the sight of a dead body to keep him sober, and also, the sight of a dead body was going to wreck his first-ever high.

Also they might all get shanked or something at any moment, there was that too.

"Where are we even going!?"

((Angelo Lee continued in It's Not Like I Like You))
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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