Finders Keepers

day 3, open after Deamon posts, you know the drill

An old lake that was formerly fed by the now dried-up river from the mountain, it has been frozen over the winter and a thick coat of ice sits at the surface of the water. Although the ice is solid most of the way across the lake, traversing it can still be nerve-wracking thanks to the noise of the ice cracking and shifting, combined with the slippery conditions. On top of this, there are some places on the lake where the ice is thinner and falling into the freezing water below is a distinct possibility.
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Finders Keepers


Post by Jilly »

Leslie and company somehow went a whole day without running into anyone. He couldn't tell if he was relieved at the fact that no one else tried to fucking murder him or more disappointed that the schedule was starting to go off the rails. But that was why you made backups, why you made contingencies and plan B's.

They'd find a bag today. He who wills it gets it. And boy was he willing right now.

Hard enough that right there, by the lake, was just what he wanted.

((continued from the sheriff station some time ago))

He raised a pointer finger up at Aracelis before making a slow but steady line out of the forest for the bag. Left, right, left, right head turn like he was crossing the street to check the mailbox. But his paranoia returned empty-handed to him at the sight of a whole lot of nothing. It looked like someone set a camp up some time ago off over yonder, but even from here you could see the frost shimmer in the midday sun.

His face burned so much. It wasn't even really that cold, but he wasn't built for the winter. But summer? He could sweat it out any day. He just could never get used to that sensation of it being physically painful to be outside.

He kept his red-faced hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket as he approached closer and closer to the shoreline.

And there it was, right at his feet.

Left, right, left, lookaround once more.

He looked back at where Aracelis was, unless she pulled a runner on him, but the likelihood of that was probably abysmal. She was pretty incessant.

Anyway, the bag. It looked like one of the ones they handed out, just covered in frost like it was left here overnight. He poked it with his toe a few times. Some of the frost crunched and fell with each tap.

Well, the worst case was that it was a bomb, but well, then he wouldn't have to worry about getting shot at. Unless someone was sitting there ready to snipe, but he couldn't see anything. And it was pretty open out here; not a lot of hiding places above him unless someone ran up a tree like a squirrel.

More importantly, no footsteps. Only someone presumably approaching with the bag and leaving towards the lake.

He wasn't gonna think about it.

Anyway. Probably safe, unless Criss Angel was here.

He picked up the bag and shook off the residual snow and frost stuck to it. It felt heavy, like it still had stuff in it.

He perked his head back up and signaled to Aracelis again with a beckoning finger before he reached for the zipper and ripped it open.
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Post by Deamon »

Leslie stepped out from their cover and wasn't splattered like a fox crossing a freeway so that was a good sign.

((Aracelis Feuntes continued from The Holly and the Heavens))

Aracelis was sitting partially obscured by a tree trunk and taking irregular sips from one of her bottles of water. Her baseball bat sat between her legs, nail-spiked head on the ground, and handle resting on her shoulder. From her position, she watched as he trudged through the frost-tipped grass toward the backpack they'd spotted on the lake shore. It had been perfect timing. There would have been questions they would have had to ask otherwise. Questions regarding their plan and when they would have needed to venture into one of the built-up areas, something they had silently agreed to not do for a while following their encounter with the goon squad.

Leslie also wasn't shot or blown up when he touched the backpack. Another good sign.

Once she received the signal Aracelis finished off the bottle and tossed it to the side. After swallowing she pulled a face and poked her tongue out of her mouth to pull a large strand of hair off of it. She crinkled her nose at the strand before shaking it off fingers. Then got to her feet and made her way over to Leslie, also making sure to look both ways before crossing the street.

The temperature had dropped or it was just naturally cooler out in the wilderness but either way Aracelis found herself pulling her leather jacket tighter around her body as she walked up to him.

"What we got?"
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Jilly »

"Think it's called a bag," Leslie replied deadpan without missing a beat. He continued to grope around it, stirring and knocking the contents around like a Christmas present as he looked for the zipper.

His hands passed over the "S117" emblazoned on its side, hiding in the frost. He stared at it for a second before continuing his search, ultimately finding the pesky little metal tab. He set the bag back down on the ground and knelt by it before tearing it open.

Or, rather, he tried. He barely made it two inches before the zipper snagged.

He pulled it back to the start of the line and tried again.

Snagged again. He glanced up at Aracelis and scoffed, the frustration painted on his face and in his voice as clear as glass.

Third time's the charm. Leslie really hated the fucking cold right now.

It took four tries before the zipper relented and gave them access to her contents.

His cracked hand pulled out a partially-frozen bottle of water, still sealed at the top. He tossed it at Aracelis without looking up. He dug around some more, the uneaten food bars and water and cracker tins clinking against each other like gold doubloons.

"Actually, I think we got a milagro on our hands."
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Post by Rattlesnake »

((Continued from 252+ Atk Universe...))

Anthony hadn't exactly been lost in the throng either.

Granted, that was merely a case of finding the wrong stomping grounds. Or the right ones. Either way, the list of those who had succumbed to that shortsighted desire to take rather than to give, to extract value from others rather than to foster its growth between them, was not short and nor was it getting any shorter.

From out of the forest he'd picked his way through an old campground. Neither building nor wilderness, offering the advantages of neither, it shouldn't be surprising that this direction, too, forestalled his date with whatever fate lay before him. Not destiny, of course—that was a word that implied some greater hand in it all, some purpose at all. Fate was just where you ended up when all had played out. The specific events that didn't have to happen, but, well, something did.

It was as the sparse buildings gave way to a greater expanse that the signs of humanity, or possible inhumanity, reached his senses. The whole setup broadened out toward a lake with frozen surface stretching bare and level out beyond, pristine and treacherous as an adroit metaphor.

There was a voice, some motion. A couple of people off in the distance, both of them on the slighter end, and energetically occupied with something on the ground. Anthony's rational mind hoped it was something rather than someone, while his imagination set to work in reverse order.

The ground between them offered no cover. Standing tall, with a friendly wave and a useless fucking machine weighing down his bag, he called out.

"Hey. You guys, uh, need assistance?"
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Post by Deamon »

Aracelis' eyes narrowed at Leslie's response but she didn't say anything. Instead, she merely observed as a zipper defeated him. She raised an eyebrow as he took multiple tries to get the bag open so they could actually figure out what they had come into possession of. Aracelis didn't spare much thought to whoever would have been in possession of the bag before they had found it. If they wanted it they should have kept it on their person and not left it lying around. But they had and by the rules of the island, it was up for grabs.

Unlucky S117.

Possession was nine/tenths etc.

Finally, Leslie managed to get the bag opened and they could take in their bounty. It appeared fully stocked and barely touched. They had managed to luck out and find an oasis in the cold desert they wandered. She caught the water bottle Leslie tossed her way with her free hand. There was a light cracking as some ice crystals on the interior and exterior of the bottle cracked under her grip.

"Good job," She said as she checked the seal to find it still untouched. Whatever had happened to S117 and whoever they were, their loss was her and Leslie's gain.

"This puts us at what? Four packs worth of stuff?" Aracelis asked as she watched Leslie continue to dig through their treasure.

She was so focused on finding out what exactly they had on their hands that she had no idea someone else had arrived until they spoke up.

Her hand gripped the handle of the bat tight as she spun around to face the direction the voice came from. It turned out to be some guy. Just some basic ass white guy. She probably knew him but Aracelis couldn't tell who exactly it was from the distance they were at.

A quick glance down at Leslie before looking then back up at the other guy.

"We're good."
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Post by Jilly »

"More or less," Leslie replied to Aracelis's inventory update. Probably more like 3 bags of stuff at this point considering what's been used up, but that was more than most people around here were probably carrying. And they were still on schedule.

It just really was this easy, huh?

He was so focused on the euphoria of good luck and optimism that he had no idea someone else arrived until they spoke up.

Leslie quickly glanced behind him, startled but still crouched.

"Anthony," he greeted the newcomer in a tone unclear between pleasantries and annoyance. He glanced up at Aracelis and extended his hand out for a moment as if to block her from diving right for Rubix-Cube Boy. He didn't look like he had much on him save for his own supplies, and pressing your luck was never a good call when you already hit the jackpot. That was how people went bankrupt at casinos.

"Yeah, we're straight, just out shopping." He paused for a moment, unsure of how to continue the dialogue before adding in more context, letting it speak for itself. "We got here first, so..."
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Post by Jazzfat »

((Following a long day, and cold, day alone, John stumbles upon a new set of people. Minecraft time?))

It was cold, but honestly, John quite liked colder weather. It reminded them of being in the Boy Scouts as a kid, way before they realized their own gender (or perhaps, lack thereof, John is always going through a gender adventure). Camping out in any weather, rain, snow, or shine, was always fun for them, despite the fact that if they were outside, their hands were usually numb, or something like that.

I was, for all intents and purposes, a nostalgia trip. So, they were even happier to find some kind of frozen lake. They wish that they could ice fish, but alas nobody has a drill for that. Speaking of ice fish, this place reminds John of Hoth. God, they loved the Star Wars trilogy. Honestly, the new ones aren't even that bad. I think they're on-par with the prequel films.

Oh. People! Hopefully these are good...ish...people?

John called out, "Yo! You guys good?!"

A bit far off, but not too far off. If you looked you could definitely see them out in the open.
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Post by Deamon »

Anthony. Yeah, that sounded like a white boy name. At least Leslie knew who he was, and seemed comfortable enough with his presence, or at least not threatened. So maybe they were on their way to avoiding another Ash and Juanita situation. Although realistically they had come out in the winning side of that anyway.

Aracelis glanced down at the arm Leslie had extended, it was cute that he thought he could have stopped her but then he withdrew it, as if realising himself. But it was fine, she wasn’t a wild animal—despite the state of her hair—she knew enough to know they didn’t need to make an issue of the new arrival. If he wanted to push it though, Aracelis reckoned she could close the distance quick enough.

Then of course a second person appeared.

How convenient.

Aracelis narrowed her eyes as the new person made themselves known and the grip on the bat grew ever tighter.

“Looks like another Ash and Juanita.” She whispered to Leslie. “They think they’re slick.”

“Grab the bag and let’s go.”
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Post by Rattlesnake »

For all the poetry of the scintillating skin of ice overlaying fatally frigid depths serving as mere backdrop to the real dangers of this place—two kids who had themselves been background to Anthony's former life—he had to consider that, yeah, the frozen lake was the more threatening figure here. That, or the winds that occasionally gusted by and nipped at exposed flesh, because it's not like he was going to go stomping out over the thing. And really, the place wasn't that cold for descriptions like nipping at exposed flesh to be first in one's toolkit to describe them, but a calorie here and a calorie there lost to windchill would add up.

Which was all to say, he'd seen tougher Black Friday crowds back home where it was, you know, generally frowned on to trample each other and inflict all sorts of miscellaneous violence for the privilege of securing some low-quality tat that was scheduled to fall apart just in time for next year's sale. Like, their endgame seemed to be collecting bags, and they were being awfully hard about it. Nah, fuck you, gimme a proper threat instead of being selfish and keeping them all in your head.

Anthony shrugged—which came with a nice little incidental hefting of his own bag on his shoulder—and moved forward, not to crowd or volley back with a threat of his own, but simply because a respectful distance wouldn't be honest about where he stood.

Another voice called out—this place was quite undoubtedly poor for cover, so score another point for the environment—and the pair already present seemed none too pleased about it. Anthony turned to make sure he wasn't going get what the kids these days would call third party'd, and after an acknowledging nod, turned back to the matter at hand.

"So," he said to neither of them in particular, "Is this just passive graverobbing, or have you guys given anyone a hand yet?"
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Post by Jilly »

Leslie furrowed his brow as he tried to size Anthony up, only to become frustrated at himself for not being able to read him or his intentions.

He glanced over at the other guy shouting at them, but paid them no mind. He glanced up at Aracelus without changing his expression and returned to the task at hand. Namely, they needed to dine and dash. Leslie didn't get the vibe these dudes were working together, but at the same time he wasn't particularly willing to risk being wrong, plus getting jumped by Anthony would be an embarrassing way to go.

"It's not graverobbing if I don't see a grave," Leslie refuked. He momentarily thought about throwing in how curses don't work like that but he probably wouldn't have understood. He didn't seem like he paid much attention to the announcements anyway, unless that was an attempt to throw them off. Either way, Leslie wasn't gonna fall for it.

He reached around and pulled the frost-covered bag towards him and hastily closed it tight. "We're gonna go. Thanks for the chat." The words tripped and ran into themselves.
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Post by Jazzfat »

And nobody called back. It really did seem like EVERYBODY was an asshole. Perhaps against their better judgement, John continued his slow-ish walk towards the group. Maybe it was more out of slight desperation - big groups mean possibly less deaths and more protection. Strength in numbers, right? Anyways.

John raised his hand and waved a little. Naive, perhaps, but still trying to make a good gesture. Frens?
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Post by Deamon »

Turned out that Anthony was attempting to guilt trip them or some shit. Not that Aracelis cared because who cared what he thought. The act of grabbing a bag off the floor was the least aggressive way they had gone about getting extra supplies. If Anthony had met them at another time it could been his belongings that they were rifling through and dividing between themselves. As it was he was merely a witness to the looting.

Not that he objected so much as to make a move out in the open. Nah, he was just going to judge and try to get them from a safe distance.


Aracelis glanced over at the other guy, who stayed quiet. That seemed about right. With their whole ambush foiled they didn’t have much of a plan left. They were probably scared to challenge them in a straight fight.

“Good talk,” Aracelis began as she started to backpedal through the snow. “Don’t follow us.”

She swung the bat up onto her shoulder for emphasis then started jogging away from the pair of boys and towards the tree line, leaving footprints in the snow.

((Aracelis Fuentes continued in Venom))
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Jilly »

"...Look, dude, you gotta do what you gotta," Leslie continued, speaking at Anthony, his own eyes a significant number of degrees below what could be charitably be called contact. "Save your judgment for someone who cares."

Leslie rose up off the ground, snow and dirt flaking off his knees as he swaddled the bag like an upset child. He flashed a glance or two between the new arrival and Anthony before backpedalling behind Aracelis, a little ways behind her but still clearly headed for whatever the same direction was.

"Hasta luego," he bid Anthony before turning around fully and disappearing into the silver snowy expanse.

((to be continued))
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Post by Rattlesnake »

Anthony watched them both go, rolling his eyes. Standing and watching and doing nothing (as opposed to what, exactly? his mind chimed in) until they were out of comfortable earshot.

Still, he did shiver a bit once they'd passed that arbitrary threshold, and not from the sharp breeze that blasted over the coverless expanse.

That left one thing of interest. Less amusing, certainly, than these resurrectionists giving life and wing to some discarded inanimate objects, but doubtlessly a little more intellectually fulfilling. He turned to the remaining visitor to the barren shore, and gave an upward nod of acknowledgement.

"So what's your deal?" he called.
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Post by Jazzfat »

" I'm cold, I have a shovel, and all my acquaintances seem to leave right as I meet them!" they called.

John couldn't help but sound a tiny bit sarcastic when they said, "So, I guess it's just my own fault!"

"...Shit, man."
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