Juan “Juanito” Hernández Guerrero


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Juan “Juanito” Hernández Guerrero


Post by gabrielthetrashcat »

Name: Juan “Juanito” Hernández Guerrero
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th grade
School: Southwest Red Rock High School
Hobbies and Interests: Gaming, programming and game designing

Appearance: A 5'8", 165-pound male with slightly dark brown skin. He has a chubby, round face with a rounded head. His eyes are dark brown. His hair, naturally black, is typically combed to the side. His teeth are a noticeable shade of yellow, with some crooked or broken. His build leans toward the heavier side, most of his weight being fat.

His casual wear is of novelty t-shirts, his pants are usually brown and untucked. he always wears white sneakers. At the time of the abduction, he was dressed in a light blue camo long-sleeve shirt over a novelty t-shirt reading "I wish I wasn't here." He wore khaki pants, red sunglasses, and an official "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story" cap. His usual attire includes novelty t-shirts, khaki pants, and black sneakers.

Biography: Born on September 10th, 2006. Youngest brother of the Hernandez Guerrero family with two older brothers, Samuel Hernandez Guerrero being four years older than him and Miguel Hernandez Guerrero being five years older. He is the son of Maria Elena Guerrero and Ricardo Leon Hernández. His mother has been working as a programmer in a management position at a mid scale insurance company for the last ten years and his father being a janitor at the Area 52 entertainment center for the last five. His grandfather, Miguel Hernandez Javier is a currently retired software programmer who retired in 2015 from Microsoft.

As a toddler he was largely curious of the world, more specifically of how things worked, as a young child his older brothers would often ignore him, not knowing how to interact with their brother with a five year gap instead of the two year gap the older brothers had.

Juan has unmedicated Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive ADHD and is high functioning, diagnosed to him at ten years old after a string of suspensions for being hyperactive and clingy towards his older brothers and few friends during his elementary school years, often talking to other students at inappropriate times, this made it hard for him to socialize with people his age and older because of his way of speaking and personality, causing trouble in his academic career as he has a tendency to turn rushed or incomplete work, often forgetting entire subjects existed before checking his timecards.

Growing up he had a small but loyal group of friends through elementary and middle school, mostly with other kids interested in video games and technology like him. At the end of middle school, when he was 13, 2020 hit and he was forced to have online classes, his parents bought him a new laptop and his grades rapidly deteriorated as he found it difficult to focus on the online classes while having access to a computer with internet access. Before this he had controlled screen time

One of the things that distracted him from his classes was the prospect of creating his own video game, something he had only dreamed of while in elementary school. He began with simple flash-like games before moving over to making bigger, complete yet still simple video games, like a first person shooter he's currently developing called “Skibidi toilet shooter” under the banner “rizzman studios”. He also wasted his time playing whatever free games he had his hands on. His personal favourites are Plants vs Zombies and Planet Coaster, both pirated.

He is a constant YouTube shorts user, especially having an interest in memes and technology content. He often makes internet references and talks in tech lingo, making him further isolated in some circles. Some struggles from the 2020 pandemic still linger on in his appearance like the weight he gained, how he began to care less and less about his physical appearance.

Ever since he entered high school at age 14 he began to have mixed feelings about it, on on hand he knew he needed to mature, to stop being so childish and start acting his age, what for him meant distancing himself from people he saw as being ‘immature’ and further isolating himself, and on the other he feels like he needs to enjoy his last days as a teenager with rather little responsibilities and tries to have fun, seeking happiness and dopamine in any way that doesn't involve too much physical work. Further leading him into being chronically online.

In high school he´s a fairly average student, getting Bs and As in most subjects, he is usually isolating himself until he actually takes time to meet someone, in which case he can usually be clingy, spending most of his time both online and in person with a small group of people or alone.

Advantages: Endurance and high pain tolerance
Disadvantages: Struggles with social interaction, Begin described as annoying at best, Insecure, Fat and unathletic
[+] characters
  • Michael Kidney- "future hall of famer right here. Fuck yeah"
  • Juanito Hernández Guerrero- "when the skibidi looks like toilet you must skibidi like a hawk tuah"
  • Payton Destiny Adams- "Don´t even dare say bless you after i sneeze"
  • Texas Nevada Hunter - "Whatd' ya want"
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