Dreams Walk On Powerlines

The streets are cracked and worn, with vegetation sprouting anywhere it can. Several shady alleyways offer some form of protection from prying eyes, but not much. Overall, the area is nothing more than a concrete jungle, with abandoned cars and broken streetlights. This area also includes other small shops and buildings.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

R.J. was pulled into an embrace, the heels of his shoes kicking up dirt out of small surprise. His hands bound themselves together as his arms wrapped around Veronica, returning the hug in favor. She wasn't completely cold. Good, good...

R.J.'s eyes barely turned to Maddie as she began speaking again, asking if they wanted to come and inside, set up base for a while.

"Yeah...let's do that."

His hand slipped itself backed into Veronica's, and he lead them into the store, following Maddie.


It turns out you certainly can have nice things. They had begun working together, talking again. Not exactly talking a whole lot, but talking. It was the only way he could find to describe the situation. He still sneezed and coughed, but now he felt some new energy, a second wind. There was a freshness to the atmosphere now.

They held themselves up in a sneaker store for the moment. R.J. wasn't really a sneakerhead, but he could appreciate some nice kicks or J's. Even right now, he had let himself indulge in white, clean, converse all-stars. Perfect fit. They were pretty much the same as the pair he brought on the trip but a different color. Don't fix what ain't broke, he supposed. He picked up his dirty, bloodied, ruined converses by the laces. They spun slightly, a spectrum of black, white, and gray swirling in his head. He had been mostly forgetting about them ever since they picked up the mark, having killed Lauren, scared Joe, did some outlets, found Maddie.

"There never really was a need for me to be a dark splotch beyond that point."

R.J. wrapped the laces around his fingers, and let them hang there for a second. His head cranked towards the direction Maddie and Veronica were. They seemed to be getting along just okay, given the little hiccup during the meeting. If this was going to be an easy ride, they were going to have to learn to ease up on each other.

"I'm just gonna walk out for a few, get these broken in, maybe get somethin' useful for all of us. You two seem alright by yourselves, don't think anyone's gonna try anything if you stay together."

He waved as he left, peeking at the the entrance till he was unable. R.J. breathed out quietly as he left the other two's sight. His eyes found themselves looking at his old shoes again, swinging back and forth. He frowned and his eyes now turned towards the sky. R.J. reeled up the laces and tossed the old pair into the air, not minding where they landed.

He supposed he ought to go and actually do what he said he was gonna go out to do. R.J. let his mind wander in unison with his legs.
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Post by Aster »

"Alrighty then," Veronica called out after her boyfriend, waving as he left. The three of them had holed up in what was formerly a shoe store, and as of now Veronica was sitting on the counter, dangling her legs from the edge and bag in her lap. She was used to this sort of routine by now, after doing the exact same thing with James for the past two days. Part of her still worried about him, and hoped that he wasn't dead by now.

Her mind drifted to the announcements, and how they were now limited to this part of the island: a herding mechanism to keep the game going, to keep a few kids from holing up somewhere for safety. She and James had been doing exactly that, and every time they had to run from a danger zone. Maybe it was on purpose, she thought. Draw out some plucky kids from their little hidey hole, hoping that they'll run into some big bad and become their kills of the day.

Hopefully James hadn't become one of those people, though he had probably encountered someone else by now. Most likely a murderer. She thought of the various people who had been playing so far. The murderers, the killers, the elite group that made it far in this sort of situation. Veronica suspected that she was one of the few people with no kills at this point. Ruth and Madeline did, though.

Madeline. She was in the front of the store, keeping watch and facing away from Veronica. While they were being friendly for the most part, Veronica wasn't quite sure that she completely trusted the other girl. It was also very likely that she felt the same way. You don't exactly warm up to a girl who tried to rob you, after all.

If a girl points a gun at you, you don't warm up to her either.

Her hand reached into her bag and she pulled out the tire iron. Veronica turned it over in her hands, glancing at Madeline. Her guard was down, attention focused on the vacant street outside. It wouldn't be too hard to sneak up and bash her head in, if she was quiet enough. She was in a room with a murderer, and maybe she was doing that one girl a favor by killing Madeline. Avenging her death or whatever. Her grip tightened on the tire iron.

Mariel Rivera
Jordan Toribio
Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
Kiana Coleman
[+] Past Characters
G025: Veronica McDonald
B033: Jason Meyers
G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
B031: Samuel Howard
Haley Luz Juarez
    [+] Chat Quotes
    wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
    [21:51] Zarina: the end
    wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
    In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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    Post by VoltTurtle »

    Maddie stood, looking out the window of the store, watching for people. Veronica was doing something behind her while RJ was off doing who knows what.

    Maddie was keeping watch because she needed to be the first to know if anyone showed themselves, to make sure to keep everyone safe. Of course, since RJ was out, the only person she was really keeping safe was herself, she still didn't entirely trust Veronica, even if her uneasiness over her was mostly gone. One doesn't just try to threaten two people and then suddenly become completely stable and safe to trust.

    Then suddenly there was no noise from Veronica coming from behind her. She didn't turn, simply kept listening. Still quiet. A sudden drop in noise followed by regular noise is one thing, but an extended quiet is too odd to ignore. There could be multiple causes of an extended quiet, but most people make minor amounts of noise from just being a normal person. The only time people don't make noise is when they are trying to avoid making noise. Maddie swiveled her head and torso around a bit, to just catch what Veronica was doing, and her eyes went wide she she saw Veronica not a few feet behind her, tire iron raised. Veronica was trying sneak up on her and kill her.

    She immediately jumped to the side, flipping around while doing so, just to put a few extra feet between her and Veronica. She pulled out the gun-knife quickly, pulling it out at a moment's notice was something she had gotten good at during her time on the island. She pointed it at Veronica, even if Veronica was uncomfortably close to her. Close enough to be able to lunge at her. She spoke, as quickly as she could. "Okay. Just what the hell are you doing?"
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    Post by Un-Persona* »

    "Jesus Christ..."

    Outside the doorframe of a record store, R.J. found a headless body. Dead bodies weren't the hot thing anymore, he'd come across plenty in his travels on the island. And yet even this was still new. No head. Just gone. He was starting to feel a different kind of sick. Usually, after walking past dead bodies while looking for stuff, thing didn't turn out so well. First finding Francis at the school he met Gangles, and then the one at the houses lead him to meeting up with Miles. He supposed he was a little superstitious in that way.

    "Third time's the...ah, fuck it."

    He glanced at the bag beside the body...nah. It had been here for a while, somebody else probably took some of it already. Early birds and so on. His lips felt chapped and dry now. He'd have to get some water soon. Maybe the girls had some, but that would just lead to more people being thirsty. Shaking his head, R.J. walked into the record store anyway, not really sure what he was gonna find, if anything at all.


    A familiar form was in the dark store with him. The wind lightly shut the door behind him closed, and he barely registered his bag falling off his shoulder. It was silent. For once on this place, R.J. stood completely still like a statue. He broke out of his frozen pose only seconds later, and did the first thing that came to mind.

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    Post by Aster »


    Veronica had made up her mind pretty quickly after that. After quietly slipping off the counter, she had crouched down and tried to edge her way towards the other girl, same way as before. But this time she wouldn't call out. Veronica would quietly sneak up and hit her upside the head; beat her a little more if she was still alive after that. Avenging some random girl was just her thinly-veiled excuse to play the game, apparently. It was working so far.

    ...until Madeline noticed her. After turning her head, the would-be victim had jumped back and drawn her gun-knife. The blade came so close to her face that Veronica involuntarily squeaked in terror as she backed up a few inches. She quickly recovered, though, as she kept her stance and stared back at Madeline.

    What was she doing? No point in lying now, was there? Veronica scoffed, and tried to keep her voice level as she replied. "Oh, just playing the game. You?"

    It was a stupid reply in hindsight, but that didn't matter in a standoff.
    Mariel Rivera
    Jordan Toribio
    Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
    Kiana Coleman
    [+] Past Characters
    G025: Veronica McDonald
    B033: Jason Meyers
    G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

    G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
    B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
    B031: Samuel Howard
    Haley Luz Juarez
      [+] Chat Quotes
      wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
      [21:51] Zarina: the end
      wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
      In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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      Post by VoltTurtle »

      Maddie nearly pulled the trigger when Veronica said that she was playing.

      Veronica was indeed trying to kill her, she didn't know why, but she wasn't about to care. Trying to murder her was trying to murder her, no matter the reason. She had the gun-knife pointed at Veronica's head. She wasn't moving, neither of them were. It was a standstill, and Maddie could end it with one pull of a trigger.

      But, she didn't want to. She couldn't bring herself to take another person's life. She wanted to look for a reason to simply let Veronica go, tell her to leave and get out of here. But, at the same time, she didn't want to give her a chance to do anything. The safest option would just be to kill her, and deal with the emotional trauma afterwards. But, as easily as she could end it right now, as safe as that would be, option wise, she didn't want to.

      She decided to give Veronica one last chance. "Give me one good reason that I shouldn't kill you right now."
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      Post by Un-Persona* »

      R.J. slid on to his knees as he finished walking to the corpse.

      "Hey Joey, how ya doin buddy..."

      What a stupid thing to say. Joey was not okay. He didn't have his head on him anymore. Joey Caputo, meathead, gym rat, wannabe player. His best friend, all gone. R.J. wiped some of the snot onto his jacket sleeve as he continued to look at Joey, shivering and teetering over him. R.J's hand outstretched itself to Joey's hand, skiing across the dirt, just stopping itself before it made contact. No, no, he's relaxed...let him rest in peace.

      "I'm doin fine. Well, fine as you'd expect...I met Veronica today, and she wasn't that pissed off, so that was good. I think you two would have clashed if you stuck around long enough, but I think if you met her again, you'd be able to not totally murder each other, y-y'know?"

      R.J. must have looked strange right now, but his voice betrayed how he felt. It was nearly steady and all natural sounding. Anyone else, he would've felt weird talking too once they were dead. But Joey never cared, in a good way. R.J. could be odd or awkward and think there was something wrong with himself, but he had learned to feel a little better around the people he knew genuinely were nice to him and he could say he considered friends. Joey just had them beat by time. Kindergarten was so long ago...

      R.J.'s mouth grew into a sharp and jagged contortion. They were living the dream now. When they were kids, they'd talk about growing up, doing whatever they wanted, making milestones for their families. Graduate, go to college...they wanted whatever they were told they were wanted. They had that. Had. Really, all they wanted was to go about their days doing stupid shit and be happy. Now that, that was the real American dream to him.

      And now, Joey had gone off and done some stupid shit without him. R.J. wondered if he was happy. He hoped so. R.J. felt...jealous? Left out? He knew he shouldn't be feeling whatever he felt regardless. His dad had always told him something when he didn't know what to think, what to do.

      "Bud, if you're out of ideas, just think harder. If you ain't doing nothin', do somethin'."

      He giggled. It was stupid. Or maybe it was genius. He could never tell. But that always stuck with him, even now. If you fail, how about you just keep going? His hand wiped some hair out of his eyes, the tears that were slipping down his face flying. He sucked in some air, and shook the bad energy out of him. He stood up, looking back to Joey again.

      "Well...that's all there is to it. I should go now, you don't need me bugging you anymore. I'm sorry for still being around when all you probably wanna do is relax some and...thank you."

      R.J's hands clasped together, eyes closing and his body bowing, and then he was gone again.
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      Post by Aster »

      Admittedly, she began sweating as Madeline demanded answers of her own. One reason was all she wanted, apparently. One reason not to kill her.

      Veronica knew that she looked foolhardy to everyone watching, just randomly attacking a girl who was clearly better prepared than her. They were all probably just expecting her to die, that she was as good as dead now. It sickened her that there might be others watching this and rooting on her death. Only the terrorists and whatever sick freaks were watching this like a regular show would do that.

      But she had her reasons, and they were simple: Veronica wanted to live. Everyone else on the goddamn island wanted to continue on existing, and she was just one of the many who realized that others had to die for that to happen. Selfish reasons, though the rest of the playing field probably deserved it at this point. A lot of people had kills to their names by now, and Veronica was doing a service; call her a player hunter, but she didn't consider herself above them.

      But at the same time, she didn't think she was on their level either.

      She locked eyes with Madeline. Her concentration was on Veronica, and what she needed most was a distraction, or to hit a blind spot or something. Veronica's eyes only slightly flickered downwards, catching sight of Madeline's legs. Something clicked.

      She didn't even bother to answer her back as she quickly swept her leg over and felt it connect with Madeline's. Not too soon after, or even before she kicked, she heard the gun fire.
      Mariel Rivera
      Jordan Toribio
      Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
      Kiana Coleman
      [+] Past Characters
      G025: Veronica McDonald
      B033: Jason Meyers
      G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

      G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
      B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
      B031: Samuel Howard
      Haley Luz Juarez
        [+] Chat Quotes
        wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
        [21:51] Zarina: the end
        wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
        In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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        Post by VoltTurtle »

        Maddie didn't get her answer before she saw Veronica's leg muscles move.

        She pulled the trigger on the gun-knife, the pop being somewhat deafening in the small room. But the kick still came, she had missed. Veronica's foot hit the side of her thigh, causing her to lose her balance and crumple. As she fell forward, she made a desperate swipe at Veronica with the gun-knife, before catching herself on the floor.

        Now that she was on the ground, she was vulnerable. Vulnerability meant death. She quickly rolled away from where she fell, hearing the sound of Veronica's tire iron hit the ground where she just was with terrifying force that she didn't know the girl was capable of.

        She scrambled to get up on her feet, to put up a fight against Veronica. She refused to go out like this. Even if she did die, she was going to go down kicking and screaming, so help her.
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        Post by Un-Persona* »

        R.J. was slinking through the streets when he heard the gunfire come from the shoe store. Danger. He grabbed the rusty kinfe from the bag quickly and began sprinting as fast as he could.

        His eyes were inflamed as he saw what was going on. Veronica and Maddie were fighting. He wasted no time, mindlessly running right on in to the commotion.

        He heard whistling iron.
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        Post by Aster »

        The first thing she did was duck, hoping to avoid the bullet that whizzed past her a split second later. Before she could get back up, Madeline's blade slashed her upper arm, drawing a ghastly line of blood parallel to her arm. She yowled and gripped her arm as she heard the thud of Madeline hitting the ground.

        It stung when she grabbed it, and hurt like hell. It'd probably get infected if she didn't act soon. But she didn't have the luxury of time right now, and luckily she could grab the first aid kit later. For now, she mustered her strength, took a deep breath and swung down hard in the place she was sure the other girl was. Veronica swore silently as she saw Madeline about a foot from where she had connected.

        The other girl got to her feet, and Veronica wasted to time in lifting the tire iron again. Despite the roaring pain in her arm, she swung down and was certain that she'd hit the girl.

        It was too late when she noticed a blur between them, and the sickening sound of iron on bone reached her as the identity of the figure did.
        Mariel Rivera
        Jordan Toribio
        Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
        Kiana Coleman
        [+] Past Characters
        G025: Veronica McDonald
        B033: Jason Meyers
        G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

        G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
        B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
        B031: Samuel Howard
        Haley Luz Juarez
          [+] Chat Quotes
          wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
          [21:51] Zarina: the end
          wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
          In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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          Post by VoltTurtle »

          Maddie's eyes grew wide as RJ jumped in front of her and took a hit from Veronica's tire iron. He was on the ground a moment later.

          "RJ!" She shouted, as she immediately dropped to her knees, completely ignoring Veronica and focusing on RJ. Veronica might just take a swing at her while she was vulnerable and checking on her friend.

          The blow had made a sickening crack as it hit RJ directly in his torso. She opened RJ's jacket as quickly as she could, to help assess the damage that he had suffered from the blow, and it was sickening. A large, black bruise began forming on his torso where the tire iron had hit, partially covered by the bandages he was wearing. Not only that, but his torso looked deformed and lumpy in several spots, as if some of his ribs had been broken.

          She ran through all she knew about first aid for blunt force trauma and shock. Elevate the affected areas, keep the person warm, place something cold on the bruises. Nothing she could really do at the moment, there was nothing close enough to warm RJ beyond maybe using his jacket as a blanket, nothing cold to use on his bruise, and her trying to elevate his head and torso in his current state could wind up causing her to do more harm than good.

          Not only that, but his injuries were severe enough that he'd likely need professional medical attention if he was to survive. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized there was nothing she could really do to help RJ. "RJ... you..." She trembled, her lip quivered. The one friend she had really made so far on the island, the one friend she had been through so much with. "You..." She was cut short by RJ's hand coming up to her face, gently tapping her chin while he shushed her. She grabbed his hand and held it there, still shaking as the tears rolled down her face.

          There were no more sounds after that. Just her sitting there, holding his hand as he got progressively weaker. She didn't know what Veronica was doing, she didn't care. RJ was dying and there was nothing she could do about it. She held RJ's hand tight, as sort of lifeline to him.

          And just like that, a few minutes later, he was gone.
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          Post by Un-Persona* »

          As the tire iron hit him, everything felt abstract. The lines of the shapes became wispy and bold, the shapes themselves becoming broken and irrational. It was all very peculiar. The colors of things varied and changed rapidly, going from a dull monochrome to a vivid rainbow spectrum. Stars and spots and static came, the knife from his hand clattered and melted into a splat on the ground.

          There didn't seem to be a ground beneath him when he fell, as if it had ripped itself open to the lower area of sky and space. The snapped, sharp ribs were spearing his organs, bleeding them, making his stomach feel full as all the mattered liquids flooded that area. The sparks from his limbs and digits were fizzling out like a candle wick, disappearing into the center of his body and then evaporating.

          Maddie appeared in front of him, lips trembling and tears erupting. It shook his vision as he watched her cry. He raised his knuckle to her chin, hoping that then everything would stop quaking.


          Nothing was clear, everything was fading. Where was anything? His hand fell back to the ground, sending a vague jolt of feeling towards him. There it is. A sudden reprise in absolutes came back. Where was Maddie? Oh, dark again...light. Where was Veronica? Oh, dark again...flash. Where was he? Oh my, darkness my - brilliance of grey. Everything seemed steamy and cold. He could hear the sounds of trains and planes off in the distance, a rush of wind circling around him, a force leaving him decrepit and unmoving.

          He was being lifted to wasted plains, gliding across the bottom of air and leaving himself to the will of what was happening. It was now a foreseeable night ahead of him, now plunging into bright waters and letting them drift him to the next designation. He sunk deeper and deeper, the tremors of ocean rocks going across him from left to right. He touched a base. Everything stopped for him again, so easily. He waited there, a stream of comets and planets strutting past. And from them cast a case of lighting and thunder, attacking him. Burning, seeing and hearing nothing but light.


          R.J.'s head turned over, blood coughing onto the store floor. There was so much blood. He saw Veronica crying. He wanted to mutter out a sorry, even knowing it'd only be for himself. And for that, he truly thought he was unforgivable. He had wanted to do the stupid thing, thinking it would bring him something, make the ones he loved happy. Now, it only brought him heavy eyes and a weak body.

          There was no more reason for him to stay, and all he could ask for was to not exist anymore. No ends or new beginnings, he didn't deserve those. Just one, final grasp of his own breath.

          He got two.

          ((Rutherford "R.J." Roger Jr: B032 -V5- Deceased))

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          Post by Aster »

          She had forgotten about Ruth entirely. Once he left the store, he had drifted out of her mind. All of her focus on Madeline, and how she could take her out then and there. But now, though, he had come back. Straight into the line of fire.

          Veronica let out a less than eloquent "Holy fuck," as she backed away from him, dropping the tire iron as she collapsed near the bags. She had hit Ruth, there was no doubt about that. The swing had hit hard, and there was no way that he could walk it off, let alone live through it. It took a moment to realize that she had killed her boyfriend.

          That's when the tears began flowing.

          Her hands were covering her face as she choked back a loud sob. She looked at Ruth again, seeing Madeline crying over his corpse and trying to comfort him. Veronica wanted to do that as well, but she probably didn't deserve to. He was closer to Madeline, the girl he had been running around this island with for at least a few days. They probably had a strong bond, maybe closer than she and Ruth had been before this game. If anything, Madeline deserved to be the one present for his last moments. Compared to the girlfriend who tried to rob him and then accidentally killed him in a failed backstabbing, Madeline was probably better suited to that.

          The store quieted, and Veronica glanced over at Madeline, tears still streaming down her face. She was clutching his hand, trying to hold on to whatever was left of him. After a few seconds of silence, only the occasional weep came out. Veronica testily called out to Madeline in a quiet, somber tone.

          "Is he gone?"
          Mariel Rivera
          Jordan Toribio
          Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
          Kiana Coleman
          [+] Past Characters
          G025: Veronica McDonald
          B033: Jason Meyers
          G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

          G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
          B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
          B031: Samuel Howard
          Haley Luz Juarez
            [+] Chat Quotes
            wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
            [21:51] Zarina: the end
            wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
            In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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            Post by VoltTurtle »

            Maddie cried for the friend she had made on the island.

            She didn't cry for her friends at school when she heard their names on the announcements. Or maybe it was because she hadn't seen them die right in front of her, maybe the island had drained any ability to empathize with someone that wasn't right next to her out of her. But she cried for this friend, the friend she had made, the friend she had been through so much with.

            The two of them had spent a lot of time together, they got to know each other, and she genuinely cared for RJ. She didn't truly know if he returned the favor, but she liked to think he did. She liked to think they were friends, forged together in the fire that was the game. She placed RJ's hand back on the ground, the life having been long gone out of it at this point. She gently placed his jacket back on him, almost as if it was a blanket and she was tucking him in for the night.

            And then Veronica spoke. She didn't hear what she said; she didn't need to. All she needed to know was that Veronica killed RJ, had killed her only friend that she really had left, since her other friends had already died in the days past.

            If she had only pulled the trigger earlier, ended Veronica's life so that she could have never taken RJ's. She made a mistake, and RJ payed for it.

            Her hands shook as she picked up the gun-knife.

            She needed to now correct that mistake.

            Maddie sat on the bench inside the store, a few feet away from where Veronica's dead body was.

            She didn't quite know exactly what she did. She had killed Veronica in a blind rage, brought on by her desire to avenge RJ's death.

            She looked at her hands. They were shaking, as was her whole body. Not only that, but her hands and her jacket now had fresh blood on them, from a new victim.

            She and the gun-knife now had two kills to their name. She placed the weapon down. It was an awful weapon, a bloodthirsty one, and she was an awful person, a murderous one. She wiped the blood on the gun-knife off on her already ruined jacket and placed it back in her bag. Bloodthirsty or not, awful or not, she needed protection, even if she didn't deserve it anymore.

            She looked at her hands again, the blood on them. She didn't even deserve to leave this place anymore.

            She picked up her bag. She looked over at the two corpses, and their bags. She had grabbed the excess food that RJ still had after she killed Veronica, but she wasn't going to loot Veronica's bag. She didn't deserve to.

            Madeline opened the decrepit doors of the shoe shop and left it, and the two bodies behind.

            Where she went now, she didn't know. All she knew is that wherever she went, it was too good for her.

            ((Madeline Wilcox continued in The Faster The Treadmill))
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