Dreams Walk On Powerlines

The streets are cracked and worn, with vegetation sprouting anywhere it can. Several shady alleyways offer some form of protection from prying eyes, but not much. Overall, the area is nothing more than a concrete jungle, with abandoned cars and broken streetlights. This area also includes other small shops and buildings.
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Dreams Walk On Powerlines


Post by Un-Persona* »

((Rutherford "R.J." Roger Jr: B032 -V5- Continued From Death To Buddy))

He held a hand against one of the stores outside walls, trying to breathe again as he recovered from running so far. The thought of one Danger Zone was bad enough, but actually having to escape from about 3 or 4 different Danger Zones that covered you on all sides was strenuous, to say the least. So he fell to his knees, legs dead and lungs scorched. Water. Needed water.

R.J. opened his bag, taking a water bottle out. He hadn't been the most conservative with his water, evident by the fact that this was the last bottle he had that was given to him. Soon, he was gonna have to either find a good water source or just start scrounging around for bags of the dead. One was probably a lot easier then the other. It was funny, just a few days ago he had decided against grave-robbing, not wanting to do so this soon. Maybe a few days worth wasn't so soon or long anymore.

He took a few gulps of water, coughing a bit after some of it went down the wrong tunnel. He knocked his fist against his chest and tried to settle it. It was hurting, but whatever. He looked to Maddie as he began to stand again, figuring she might have somewhere in mind where to look. That seemed to be all they did now, keep on moving and looking for stuff, even if they knew the chances of actually scrounging up materials were pretty low.

R.J. turned his attention to the sky and what was up there, taking another sip from his bottle.

"I wonder if this is what being a vagabond is like..."
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Post by Aster »

((Veronica McDonald continued from Dry Oasis))

And somehow Veronica found herself here again. When she ran she didn't expect to end up here, and according to the map it was practically on the other side of island from where she intended to go. At some point she had lost James, though that in itself was an assumption; after a certain point she had stopped hearing footsteps behind her. Maybe James was somewhere around here, but wherever he was he was hidden well.

Veronica had drained her energy yet again, so she slowed to a leisurely pace as she strolled down the all too familiar street. The day felt like it was years ago, though in reality she was here only a week before. She remembered it vividly: waking up, encountering Miranda and her spear, Mara and that other boy showing up. She was almost certain that most of them were dead now, and the mere notion of that brought her down. Bored, she just looked around the post-apocalyptic looking streets as she thought of when this whole thing started.

I wonder if I can find that same alleyway...

Her eyes traveled over to one of the storefronts, and Veronica spotted two figures lingering outside of a store. She stopped and tensed up, instinctively taking cover behind the rusting wreck of a car and raising her tire iron. They looked quite peaceful; probably drifters, like Veronica herself. Just running around as their classmates died around them. Certainly not a pleasant experience. Her thoughts turned back to the announcements: the competition was narrowing down, and sooner or later Veronica would have to face the music. She looked at the tire iron and remembered its former owner. Could she follow in his footsteps and play the game. Veronica gulped as the answer came to her.

Why not?

Hoisting her bag over her shoulder, she got out from behind the car and began edging towards then. She held the tire iron up with one hand and with the other she tried to block herself. Once she was close enough, Veronica stood up and raised her voice.

"Hey! No sudden movements!"
Mariel Rivera
Jordan Toribio
Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
Kiana Coleman
[+] Past Characters
G025: Veronica McDonald
B033: Jason Meyers
G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
B031: Samuel Howard
Haley Luz Juarez
    [+] Chat Quotes
    wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
    [21:51] Zarina: the end
    wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
    In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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    Post by VoltTurtle »

    ((Madeline Wilcox continued from Death to Buddy))

    Maddie and RJ had run quite a ways.

    She wheezed. She was out of breath from running so much.

    She stood, leaning against the wall, attempting to catch her breath. She removed one of her water bottles from her bag and guzzled it down while RJ did the same.

    Her head was pounding.

    She grabbed the painkillers, which she conveniently stashed outside of the first aid kit, out of her bag and took two of the pills with the last bits of the water. That should probably help with the headache in time. She put the empty water bottle back in her bag and zipped it up.

    She looked over at RJ. By the looks of it, RJ was out of water, they would probably have to find some sort of water source on the island or check some of the nearby houses for a functioning sink, or something of the like.

    Then, a voice, telling her not to move. She turned her head slowly to the source of the noise. It was a girl, holding a tire iron, not a few feet from them. Maddie was confused, why would she threaten two random people when she didn't even know if they were armed, with only a melee weapon?

    And indeed, Maddie was armed. She quickly pulled out the gun-knife and pointed it at the girl's head. It wasn't loaded, but the girl couldn't possibly know that.

    Maddie spoke. "No. You. No sudden movements."

    She glared at the girl. "Don't threaten someone when you don't know if they're armed, especially if you aren't really armed yourself."

    She took an aggressive stance as a tactic of intimidation. "Now, what do you want?"
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    Post by Un-Persona* »

    R.J.'s head snapped towards the direction of a yell towards him and Maddie. A pissed, intolerant, relieving, wonderful yell. He hadn't quite made out what was said, but he knew that tone.

    "Heeey Veeeee..."

    As he said that, he was silenced out by Maddie's words. Those, and her gun. Can't forget the gun. So it was this kinda situation now, wasn't it? He felt a vague sense of Deja vu as his shoes pattered with frightful energy. He raised his hands up in the air and began to stride between Maddie and Veronica, trying to dissuade them from fighting each other with dry words.

    "Nonononononono, this is, um...look, just put down everything and this can get solved quickly...please."
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    Post by Aster »

    Veronica knew that she had made a mistake when the other girl whipped out a gun.

    She involuntarily froze, eyes narrowing and focusing on the pistol currently pointed at her head. The girl's ally was saying something, though Veronica wasn't paying attention to their words. It sounded like they were getting closer.

    Veronica was trapped, simple as that. There wasn't a way out of this fight, given that the girl would almost definitely shoot her if she tried to move. Veronica knew in the back of her mind that this would happen eventually, but she had no idea that it would go so wrong so fast. She considered trying to disarm the girl before her ally came into view. Shifting her attention, Veronica immediately recognized the blonde hair and yellow jacket. Suddenly she remembered the voice that was quietly trying to diffuse the situation.


    Oh god, Ruth. On one hand, he was Veronica's boyfriend. He was almost definitely a friendly face, and one of the only people on the island she really knew and loved. All Veronica wanted to do once she saw him was hug him and make everything okay for the both of them.

    On the other hand, he had killed someone.

    Turning her attention back to the gun, she looked the girl in the face. The name came easily: Madeline Wilcox, someone she knew by name and face but not much else. Regardless, she didn't strike Veronica as the playing type, though she distinctly remembered her name coming up a few days ago on the announcements. Something about vengeance? Either way, though, these two had kills to their names. What did Veronica have? Jack shit, that's what.

    "Oh god..." was all she could get out. Dropping the tire iron, she let it clatter on the ground as she slowly stepped backwards, warily eyeing both of them. What had she gotten herself into?
    Mariel Rivera
    Jordan Toribio
    Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
    Kiana Coleman
    [+] Past Characters
    G025: Veronica McDonald
    B033: Jason Meyers
    G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

    G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
    B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
    B031: Samuel Howard
    Haley Luz Juarez
      [+] Chat Quotes
      wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
      [21:51] Zarina: the end
      wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
      In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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      Post by VoltTurtle »

      Maddie's question was interrupted by RJ stepping in between her and the girl threatening them.

      Getting it solved? The girl was obviously deranged, just like most of the other people on the island. She needed to be avoided, and if threatening her back was the only way, then it was the only way.

      But the girl reacted oddly. She dropped her tire iron and backed up a little. She looked like she recognized the both of them, especially RJ. Certainly these two reactions were related. RJ wouldn't normally risk his life for some random person they met, and a sensible person wouldn't drop their weapon unless specifically prompted.

      Couldn't hurt to ask a question.

      Maddie addressed RJ. "Do you two know each other?"
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      Post by Un-Persona* »

      "Yeah-yeah, I know her...she's my girlfriend."

      R.J. gulped as he finished speaking. Yeah, he knew Veronica had just made a Godawful first impression on Maddie, but he didn't think she'd just up and pin her like this, especially if she didn't even know who Veronica was. He understood what she felt, but this was not the time for more problems.

      He continued to look between the two of them, a worrisome glare towards Veronica and a soft stare towards Maddie. He wavered his hands down as he spoke to Maddie again.

      "Gun down, please."
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      Post by Aster »

      Veronica didn't expect her boyfriend to show up in the first place, let alone tell Madeline to put down the gun. While not having someone point a gun at your face certainly calmed her nerves a bit, part of her was still on edge.

      Ruth was glaring at her. That wasn't a good sign. Veronica backed up a bit more, fingering the strap of her daypack as she looked from Ruth to Madeline. Both of them seemed to harbor some animosity towards Veronica, and the other girl certainly saw her as a threat. She had finally found Ruth, though it looked like things were getting rocky already.

      She couldn't run, but she couldn't stay and negotiate either. Veronica knew that she was at the mercy of these two people, and she hoped that they'd be benevolent.

      So Veronica just stood there, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she worriedly looked between them, silently hoping that everything would be alright.
      Mariel Rivera
      Jordan Toribio
      Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
      Kiana Coleman
      [+] Past Characters
      G025: Veronica McDonald
      B033: Jason Meyers
      G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

      G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
      B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
      B031: Samuel Howard
      Haley Luz Juarez
        [+] Chat Quotes
        wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
        [21:51] Zarina: the end
        wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
        In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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        Location: Dreamland


        Post by VoltTurtle »

        Maddie lowered the gun, per RJ's request. She kept her gaze locked on the girl, although less hostile in intensity.

        RJ's girlfriend. Maddie couldn't help but express a bit of surprise at that. RJ didn't seem like the romantic type.

        Whatever the case, at least someone knew the person that was confronting them. Maddie slipped the gun-knife away, making sure to load it with one of the musket balls she has kept in her pocket in case she needed any quickly. She wasn't quite ready to trust this girl, even if she had ties with RJ. Too dangerous to just trust people on instinct, even if doing just that did get her an alliance with RJ originally.

        The girl still looked intimidated. Maddie guessed that the show of aggression worked, almost too well.

        She guessed that she should try to diffuse the situation herself, at least somewhat. "Well, gun's away. Everyone can calm down now."
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        Post by Un-Persona* »

        R.J.'s hands fell down at the same frequency of Maddie's gun, in sync with the weapon. His arms were now limp at his side as the gun was finally put away, and he stuffed his hands into his hoodie pocket. He stared at the ground as he turned towards Veronica, feeling the tension was still in the air.

        "So, um...whatcha been doin?"

        He sniffled as he finished speaking, his eyes stealing a glance at Veronica. He couldn't bring himself to show a sheepish smile, or breathe a sigh of relief. R.J. knew she was scared, scared of Maddie's gun, maybe even fretting over him, and he couldn't argue with that. If she didn't want him around anymore, he'd understand. That was just how it was now, and he'd have to go on with that. He wondered if accepting that preemptively took away the sadness that came with it. It sounded like he barely cared anymore.


        His eyes set down on the ground again, the soles of his shoes digging into the street.
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        Post by Aster »

        Veronica relaxed a bit after Madeline actually put the gun down, or at the very least she stopped fidgeting around in nervousness. This may as well be the eye of the storm, but she chose to enjoy it anyway. Madeline affirmed the peace, and RJ asked how she'd been doing.

        "Oh, y'know," Veronica started, stepping forward slightly and kneeling down to pick up her tire iron. "I've just been running around, trying to survive." She slipped it into her bag and stood up, looking at her boyfriend. "Recently just got separated from an ally, though he might be around here somewhere. You?"

        She tried to show the hint of a smile. This was a peaceful time, and Veronica had found her boyfriend after a whole week of running around and nearly dying. He didn't seem to harbor anything against her, and he was humane enough to not kill her after a provocant. She might as well enjoy a quiet moment with him.

        Maybe our last, she thought quietly.

        For the life of her, Veronica hoped it wasn't.
        Mariel Rivera
        Jordan Toribio
        Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
        Kiana Coleman
        [+] Past Characters
        G025: Veronica McDonald
        B033: Jason Meyers
        G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

        G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
        B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
        B031: Samuel Howard
        Haley Luz Juarez
          [+] Chat Quotes
          wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
          [21:51] Zarina: the end
          wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
          In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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          Post by VoltTurtle »

          Maddie stood idly by as Veronica and RJ awkwardly caught up with one another. Looking between the two of them, she decided it was probably for the best that she just let them go along with what they were doing.

          She walked into the store that they stopped near and put her stuff down. She gave a cursory glance around the store front, seeing nothing really of interest. She stretched, relaxing some of her muscles. She hadn't done that since she had woken up; it felt nice.

          She looked back outside at RJ and Veronica. At least something good had happened, two people reuniting. Good things were a rare commodity. She took out one of the calorie bars and took a bite. Still tasted awful, but it was food, at the very least. She wished it was better food, but any food at all was good, she supposed. The terrorists could have easily not given them food in the first place and just laughed at their pathetic attempts to scramble for food.

          She wondered why she was still bothering to contemplate things like this; she'd contemplated a lot of things about the island before. At this point it was quite pointless and seemed to just be an attempt by her to take up time. But perhaps it was good she was taking up time. Boredom was a very real threat on this island, along with many other very real threats.

          She finished up the calorie bar and tossed the wrapper aside, into a waste bin that was still sitting out. It wasn't likely to ever actually get picked up, but she didn't feel like littering, even if no one would care. She stood and dusted off her jacket with Nina's brown, dried blood still present. She's not sure why she still wore the jacket; perhaps it was just serving as a reminder of what she did. Or perhaps she just didn't want to take it off out of apathy. Whatever the case, she walked back out the storefront to check how RJ and Veronica were doing.
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          Post by Un-Persona* »

          Okay...this was good. Maddie had decided to check out the store, so R.J. guessed that meant she had calmed down. It was quiet and tranquil now. All those nice things. He even thought he saw Veronica smile some. That was one of his favorite things. She could be angry or loud, but she would still smile at him.

          He stepped a bit closer, grabbing Veronica's hand and holding it against his cheek, closing his eyes and just savoring what he could. Her hand was so cold. With the rain and the wind, he hoped she hadn't caught an illness. Thinking about it, his face was probably warm. He was the one for sure sick, after all. He cupped her hand into both of his.

          "I haven't been...um, anyway, w-why don't you just stick around with us, and we might find your friend. And then we can talk or something or whatever you wanna do."
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          Post by Aster »

          Veronica blushed a little as Ruth grabbed her hand and pressed it against his face. It was warm, and to be completely honest she thought it felt nice. The warmness somewhat worried her, though, as her mind drifted to yesterday's rainstorm. Could he have caught a cold, like James and probably everyone else on the island? Veronica was initially worried, though she quickly brushed it off. Having a cold didn't matter...

          'cause we'll all be dead in a week.

          She gulped. While now was a fairly peaceful time, the both of them were still in this death game. Sooner or later, someone would die, whether it be Madeline or Ruth or Veronica herself. She remembered her plans to play, what she would've done with the pair if they hadn't been her boyfriend and his ally. The game was still going whether they liked it or not.

          Madeline walked back into their field of view, having gone into the store only moments ago. Ruth offered an alliance, clutching her hand in his own. Apprehensive or not, Veronica wasn't going to turn this down. She glanced at Madeline, trying to convey an apologetic look as she accepted Ruth's offer. Part of her was still wary of the other girl, and what she'd done to that other girl.

          "Eh, why not?" She responded, pulling Ruth into a quick hug.
          Mariel Rivera
          Jordan Toribio
          Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
          Kiana Coleman
          [+] Past Characters
          G025: Veronica McDonald
          B033: Jason Meyers
          G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

          G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
          B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
          B031: Samuel Howard
          Haley Luz Juarez
            [+] Chat Quotes
            wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
            [21:51] Zarina: the end
            wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
            In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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            Location: Dreamland


            Post by VoltTurtle »

            Maddie stood there watching as they hugged. It was sweet, in a slightly awkward sort of way.

            She took a step back from them and re-positioned her hat, silver pill box still safely tucked inside. She sometimes forgot it was there, but she wouldn't forget it if she needed to put another person to sleep.

            Thinking about it, if Veronica proved to be too unstable to keep around safely, she could always put her to sleep just like she put Nina to sleep. It would hopefully not later end with murder, though, like in Nina's case.

            However she shouldn't need to do that. Her uneasiness over Veronica was beginning to fade and she thought that Veronica should probably be okay to keep around, especially since RJ knew her.

            She decided to speak. "So... I see you two are getting along. Want to come inside and help set up temporary camp?"
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