Break Up And Break Down

As students move farther west from the mansion, they will discover what looks to be a small fair of some sort. It has a small red and gold Ferris wheel and an ornate carousel nearby. The rides are in poor repair, going to rust and with their once brightly paint fading and chipped.
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Post by decoy73 »

"Yeah. His name's Kyle. Hayley's boyfriend. Good guy. But then, I said that about Jonathan. Keep an eye on him. You don't know him ... and I don't think me or Hayley are capable of seeing him without bias."

Charlene looked over at Kyle. Charlene couldn't place what made Alex suspicious of Kyle (or rather, she didn't even bother to do so). Everything seemed okay. Subconsciously, Charlene had in fact segmented the entire senior class of Bayview Secondary School into three groups. The first group of people consisted of her close friends, as well as Alex, Hayley, and Madelyn. The second group consisted of anyone that attempted to attack her on sight, as well as Jonathan Jarocki. The last group consisted of everyone else - those she didn't know well enough to trust instantly, but could probably come to trust eventually. Kyle, right now, fit firmly into that last group. In fact, seeing the reunion between them made the bias that Alex was speaking about seem more like fact: if she had to compare Kyle to anybody she knew of, it would probably have been James Mulzet: just like James was an okay guy who was in a relationship with Thea, Kyle seemed to be a okay guy who was in a relationship with Hayley ...

"You! I can see you! Get the fuck out of here if you don't want to have your fucking head cut off! I'm not in the mood to deal with this murderer bullshit! I've had a long FUCKING night and anyone who tries fucking with me or my friends right now is gonna regret it so fucking hard, so DON'T. FUCKING. TEST ME."

Charlene looked at Hayley, who had started moving towards someone, who revealed himself, hands raised.

"It's cool, don't go axe-crazy, I'm not gonna attack you." Charlene relaxed. The guy seemed to be okay, if slightly grungy. He certainly could use some better clothes.

Unfortunately, Hayley did not seem agree with Charlene's assessment, and in the space of a second, everything became fucked up yet again. Hayley charged at the newcomer, ignoring Alex's shout of protest, and swung her sword, immediately separating the grungy guy's head from the rest of his body, only for Hayley to collapse about a second later due to the shock. Then at the same time, both Madelyn and Charlene reacted.


"What the HELL?!?!" Both Madelyn and Charlene were, to understate things, a little surprised at Hayley's act of aggression towards somebody who seemed as harmless as a toaster oven. If somebody had been observing Charlene's less important vital signs, the gauge of how close she was to losing the scant contents of her stomach was rapidly moving into the red.

"What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?!"

Alex moved forward to the now-headless guy, as Charlene followed, the knuckles of her right hand now practically white due to the death grip she had on her gun.

"Steve Barnes. I played guitar with him a couple of times. Good kid. Religious. Wouldn't hurt a fly." As Charlene approached the body of the former guy that Alex was talking about, her eyes took note of the fact that Steve's head was about a foot away from his neck, and the slow trickle of blood, merely the conclusion to the spray of blood that had occurred when Steve had originally been decapitated, into the the pool of blood surrounding the body, that imaginary gauge immediately pushed itself to the breaking limit. Had this been a comedy, one would have probably shown something resembling the needle of a speedometer rapidly hitting the indicator of maximum speed before the glass broke.

In reality, Charlene's reaction was much less comedic. As she covered her mouth with her left hand, her right hand immediately went to her stomach as she sank to her knees and retched. It wasn't much, just some half digested bread in a sea of gastric juices, but as the liquid went through her fingers and she dropped the pistol directly in front of her, Charlene found herself, once again, in a state of shock:

Idon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodie ...
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Posts: 190
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:24 am


Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

((Bluh. This post is being a pain in the ass. Excuse the relative shortness compared to all o' y'alls.))
((Also, because of mild WTS, this post starts before the decapitation.))

Kyle listened just enough to Hayley to hear her confirm she was alright. He was more focused on her companions, to be honest. He recognized Alexander Seymour, who was, apparently, injured. He didn't recognize the girl, the one who had a gun. Unconsciously, Kyle's hand strayed toward his knife. He caught himself in time, but kept an eye on the girl with the gun. The third companion was a little more recognizable to him, but he couldn't think of the girl's name. One of Hayley's friends.

Suddenly, Hayley seemed to be freaking out, even more than Kyle thought was necessary. She looked frightened by something Kyle couldn't see, located off to his right, her left. Probably someone dead, or something. It shocked him that he could think a thought like that one without much shock value. Hayley backed up, not turning away from him to pick up her weapon. Kyle felt a slight twinge of discomfort that Hayley was more comfortable with a weapon in her hand than near him, although he forced the thought from his mind. Who cared what she was more comfortable with? As long as she was safe and felt safe, that's what mattered.

And then the shit hit the fan. Hayley, in her freaked out state, noticed somebody approaching. She challenged him. He tried to talk calmly. She didn't buy any of it. Kyle saw what she was thinking before she moved, but he couldn't stop her. He called out to her as she charged the boy, who didn't raise a weapon, barely flinched. Kyle watched, mildly dumbfounded, as the distance closed and Hayley's sword bit into and through the neck of the boy. He watched the head fall to the ground, with an almost comical blood spray. In a movie, it would have been comical. In reality? Kyle felt his stomach turn. He pushed the nausea down. Hayley needed him. He focused on her, watched her collapse. She fell backward in an almost comical manner, falling straight onto her back. That wasn't good: that kind of fall could cause brain damage, especially to the visual cortex and the brain stem. He was already running toward Hayley when the rest of the bystanders exploded into oaths and movement. He knelt beside her, noticing her chest moving. She was breathing, thank god.

Kyle heard, but did not register, Alex say something about the less important victim. It struck him again the callous way he was thinking about his classmates. The guy was just some faceless(ha!) body in a crowd to him. Hayley was far more important. He had to protect her. He looked up, eyes a little wild. The girl with the gun was approaching rapidly, hand tight on the gun. Kyle halfstood, holding his hand out.

"Stop there, please. Don't crowd Hayley, give her room."

His voice was calmer than he expected it to be. Hardly a waver in it, belying the unsettling fear he felt.
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Post by Hollyquin* »

What happened...what's happening now? What's going on? Where...
You're unconscious.

What am I doing...?
Something happens. I did something. Hurt someone.
Killed someone.
Why did I...
No. Yes. I killed someone.

Self-defense. It was self-defense.
He didn't do anything.

But he could've.
No, I...did the right thing...
Better be a murderer than dead?

Don't say it like that. Please don't say it like that...
Being emotional will get you nowhere in this game, girly.

I didn't do anything wrong. Okay?

I'm just...
Just what? Playing?

No! Not...I can't play, Alex said-
That doesn't matter. You have to live. You've got things to do. You've got to see Johnny. Remember?

I...I can do this. Right? Put my emotions away? Yeah, fuck 'em. Johnny always said feelings are for losers.

Johnny, I...can see him again.
You've proved that you can do this. You've already started. You don't even know that boy's name.

Yeah. Yeah, I don't. He's not...he doesn't matter. Not like I do.
Or Alex or Kyle or...
Wake up, honeybee. You can do this.

Or die trying.

Do you have another choice...?


Hayley's eyelids fluttered open. The first thing she saw was the sky.

For a long moment she did not move, her eyelids closing halfway back over her eyes to protect them from the glare of the sunlight. What time is it...gotta be like noon by now, with the sun this high...ugh, why does my stomach hurt so bad...? Her eyes closed again.



Gotta get up. ...Why am I all wet?

She blinked and, slowly, creakily, sat up, taking a good look at the substance that covered her favorite purple dress.

Oh. Right. Blood.

Her internal monologue- dialogue? -had not properly prepared her for the actual sight of what she had done. Blood was absolutely everywhere, soaking her clothes, her bag, and of course the now headless body of the boy whose life she'd taken. Blood didn't faze her- she was the kind of girl who got her blood drawn on the regular just so she could watch it travel through a little clear tube- but the sight of muscle and bone where the boy's neck started and abruptly ended, the natural continuation of that neck lying a yard or two away-

Hayley felt herself gag, bile rising in her throat- there was absolutely nothing in her stomach to remove, as she hadn't eaten in several days now- but she held it down. No emotion. At least, none for this. Don't give anything away. No weakness now, girly. Be good. be strong. Try, at least. Fuckin' try.

You watching, Johnny? Give me strength, babe.

She looked around at the others. Kyle seemed calm, which was a definite relief. Maddy was freaking out. Charlene had her hand on her gun, but Hayley knew full well that she didn't have the strength to run if Charlene attacked her right now, so Hayley left it alone. Alex just seemed...sad.

Is he...will he hate me for this? Will he? I don't...know if I can handle that.

Nothing you can do about that, is there?

Yeah. Just gotta...hope.

The gnawing feeling in Hayley's stomach was still bothering her. Her throat was like sandpaper. I need some fucking...water. Food. Probably important. She pulled her daypack off of her back, ignoring the blood that soaked the cheap fabric. Inside she grabbed a water bottle and a package of crackers, taking a long gulp of the water before starting on a cracker. She ate slowly, suppressing her nausea. Looking over at the others, it occurred to her that the others were all staring at her. She managed a weak grin, a weaker giggle.

"H-hey, guys...I miss anything important? Heh..."
Posts: 68
Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:39 am


Post by Lawther* »

[My apologies for this being done two days later than I meant to do it. Working 16 hour shifts 2 days in a row makes it hard to want to do much of anything other than sleep D:]

"Stop there, please. Don't crowd Hayley, give her room." Kyle said calmly as nearly everyone else seemed to be freaking out. Madelyn complied and backed away from Hayley before throwing her heavy bag to the ground in anger. She clutched the 'spear' in her hands tightly as she anxiously watched everyone around her. She wanted answers. Answers that Alex bitterly provided.

"Steve Barnes. I played guitar with him a couple of times. Good kid. Religious. Wouldn't hurt a fly."

Alex's soliloquy was like a punch to the gut to Madelyn's panicking state. She slumped down to the ground, resting her chin on her knees as chills ran down her spine. Her best friend had killed someone while she was off gallivanting around the fair. Could she have stopped her? Could anyone have stopped her? Did anyone even try? She felt guilty for not having been there as she wondered if somehow her presence could have even changed anything.

Charlene was vomiting now, sickened to the core by what she had seen. Alex looked like he had just seen a ghost as he leaned against a stand, contemplatively smoking a cigarette. Hayley, hayley was passed out on the ground and covered from head to toe with the blood of the headless boy... No, that wasn't right... It was Steve's blood. He was dead. Hayley had killed him.

Hayley was just beginning to stir again. She looked dazed and confused as she rummaged through her bag, pulling out some water and some crackers. Madelyn slowly got up from the ground and picked up her spear to lean on as her weak knees carried her forward towards her friend. It wasn't long before Hayley finally realized that people were around her.

"H-hey, guys...I miss anything important? Heh..." she said. Madelyn wasn't sure if she was joking, or just in shock. She wasn't sure about anything anymore. Part of her wondered if it was even worth knowing why Hayley had killed Steve in the first place. What if it wasn't an accident?

I need to know, Hayley. She thought to herself as she bitterly contemplated what the answers to the questions that plagued her mind would mean. Though there were many specific things Madelyn wondered about the events that had unfolded, there was only one thing that she truly desired to know.

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Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:14 am


Post by nowave* »

Alex watched the scene silently. Kyle at Hayley's side, trying to comfort her or at least her calm her a touch. Charlene was being sick. Madelyn was looking at her friend in disbelief. He looked at Hayley.

Is this it?

Is this how it starts?

He looked at the girl, seeing her nervousness. Scared that we'll turn on her? Scared that we'll do it before she turns on us? It had all been so black and white a few seconds ago. So easy. He slumped down against the wall, resting his back against it.

Madelyn asked the most pertinent question and he listened. But all of a sudden, they all seemed very far away. He felt a shiver of cold pass through him. His eyes flicked between all of them. Suddenly their strength, which he had been so confident in, seemed weak, held by a mere thread. He was suddenly rather scared. He didn't know these people. He didn't know any of them where it truly mattered.

Hayley was his closest friend here, without a shadow of a doubt. He knew her. He cared for her in a way that made his heart ache when Kyle was around. Looking at her like this, covered in the blood of another, he was suddenly terrified that he didn't know Hayley at all. That that primal rage he'd seen on her face as she'd attacked the boy was who his friend really was.

His arm throbbed with pain and he felt light headed for a second. He gritted his teeth and listened to Hayley explain herself.
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Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:46 am


Post by decoy73 »

((Sorry about the bad post. Studying for six hours straight does wonders for your creativity.))

The second that Charlene felt the bile hit her mouth, she knew she wasn't going to be able to hold it back. The chyme and gastric juices just flowed through her fingers once, and then once again as she heaved a second time. Kyle had said something ... she didn't really hear it or care to try to listen over the sound of her scant meals making an unscheduled exit from her body the wrong way. The first thing that she heard came from Hayley:

"H-hey, guys...I miss anything important? Heh..." It was quite shocking, to say the least, that Hayley would treat her actions so casually.

Oh, nothing much, you just missed yourself CUT OFF A GUY'S HEAD, YOU IDIOT! (He was unarmed. He wasn't a threat.) Are you fucking INSANE?!?! (He was helpless. He wasn't going to hurt anybody.) It was Madelyn that finally asked the important question:

"Why?" Charlene just picked her gun up from the ground, clutching it in her hand as she looked up at Hayley, still shocked at what just happened, waiting for Hayley to answer, or do something to justify what she had done.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Posts: 190
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:24 am


Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Kyle turned away from Charlene as she threw up, allowing her some dignity. Instead, he turned to Hayley, who had sat up, eaten something, and nonchalantly asked what she had missed. He could only assume she was in shock. He placed his hand on her shoulder, glancing at Charlene, who, having finished her upchuck, was now staring, almost glaring, at Hayley with her gun in her hand. Madelyn had asked a very pressing question, but one that didn't really matter to Kyle.

"Hayley, are you okay?" he asked, quietly. He was ashamed to admit it, but he tensed his muscles slightly, just in case he surprised her and she reacted violently. "Physically, I mean." He didn't add what he thought of her mental state. It wasn't very nice, but it was honest.

He was aware that everyone else was on the verge of panic, except Alex. Kyle like Alex well enough, although it was pretty obvious that Alex like Hayley as more than a friend. And, as Kyle suspected, Alex was looking pretty haunted and torn up. Mentally. He had looked like that Physically before the... event.

((Bluh short post is short. Writers block etc.))
Posts: 332
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:24 am


Post by Hollyquin* »


That was a good question. A great question. In fact it was possibly the best question Hayley had ever heard.

That didn't mean that she had an answer.

Hayley's composure- such as it was- faltered for a minute, and she took another long drink from her water bottle to give herself time to recover. She noticed for the first time since awakening that even as she'd retrieved her water and food, her right hand hadn't moved. It was still pressed to the ground, fingers clenched around the hilt of her blood-soaked sword. Those fingers wouldn't budge- it was as though the sword had fused with her arm. Its blade was dyed a rusty red as the blood began to dry in the sun.

Ignore it. Ignore. Drink water. Say words. Make your damn mouth move again, Hayley!

Her mouth opened a millimeter. Closed again. What the hell was she supposed to say?

"Why?" Like I haven't been asking myself that for the last...however many minutes it's been.

True, but you've only been asking me.

Oh, right. I forgot. I'm having conversations with myself. Jesus fucking Christ I'm a headcase. I need sleep.

You need to allay their suspicions. They think you've snapped. That you're a threat to them.

I'm pretty sure the fact that this conversation is happening is proof that I have snapped, honeybee.

Hayley had no snappy mental retort to that. She had to think about it.

Have I really snapped? Am I crazy? I ran at that kid, just like that...just like that. Like, for no reason. He didn't even have a weapon. But I'd just seen that body...I thought that the kid had killed him. And I thought...I thought he was gonna hurt them. That's why I did it. I wanted to defend them. Right? That makes sense. I said from the very beginning, with Maddy, that I was gonna protect her. And I did. So, so maybe I was wrong, and maybe he wasn't really a threat, but my instincts were good, right? If he really was a killer I so would've got him before he popped any of us off! So I didn't really do anything wrong, right?

That seemed reasonable enough to her. At the same time...

I'm thinking in the game. That's the only time fucking BEHEADING some random metalhead kid with a fucking sword in a fucking fairground can ever be FUCKING justified by saying I DIDN'T REALLY DO ANY-FUCKING-THING WRONG. I'm playing, aren't I? I said I was playing. I told myself, now I'm playing. Am I really playing? Maddy and Alex might forgive me for trying to make sure they were safe, but playing is unforgivable.

So what do I do?

You play.

How? I don't play, I die. I do play, my best friends abandon me. I've got shit here. I can't deal with this either way. Maybe I'm better off just cracking up now, save myself the trouble of doing it later.

Hayley shook her head slightly. Time for reflection was now over. She owed her friends an explanation, even if she herself wasn't entirely convinced that it was true.


Her first instinct, even after all her thinking, was to say "I don't know". She paused before continuing.

"...I panicked. I saw...I saw the body, and I heard someone coming, and...I assumed it was gonna be whoever killed that kid, you know? I was just...scared. Scared someone was gonna come up here and try to do that to one of you. And I was never, ever gonna let that happen."

Her voice got stronger. That much was true. That much was a fucking promise.

"So I attacked. Had to make sure whoever it was was gone before they could hurt you. Or me," she added as an afterthought. "So, um...I dunno if it was the best move, all things considered, but, heh, I'm not exactly the king of good fucking decisions, here."

Something like a giggle escaped her throat.

"Um...Kyle?" He was closest. He was safest. If anyone was going to defend Hayley in this situation, it was him, and so it was him she automatically reached out to, like a small child asking a parent to pick her up. She quickly took back the gesture- realizing that she couldn't deal with being denied right now.

"I'm okay. Physically. Kind of gross. Sticky, like." She laughed again, this laugh a little less nervous and a little more real- though whether laughing at all in this situation was a particularly sane move was still up for debate.

It's weird. The fact I actually killed someone...isn't really bothering me, so much as their reaction is. What does that say about me?

Nothing you didn't already know.

"I...Can we go somewhere? Else? I'm kinda...sick of this place. Literally and figuratively."

She looked around to the others. This was something else she'd been internally debating for a little while, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Right now, things were guaranteed to be horribly uncomfortable. The least she could do was give them some time to recover.

"Is it okay with everyone if I go off on my own for a bit? I sort of need to...recover, I guess is the right word. We could figure out somewhere for us to meet up in the morning." The sun was already beginning to dip- nightfall would not be far off.

Hayley looked at the others. Particularly at Alex and Maddy. Seeing the pain on their faces...hurt.

"That is, if you want me back."
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Post by Lawther* »

"I... I panicked. I saw...I saw the body, and I heard someone coming, and...I assumed it was gonna be whoever killed that kid, you know? I was just...scared. Scared someone was gonna come up here and try to do that to one of you. And I was never, ever gonna let that happen."

"So I attacked. Had to make sure whoever it was was gone before they could hurt you. Or me," she added as an afterthought. "So, um...I dunno if it was the best move, all things considered, but, heh, I'm not exactly the king of good fucking decisions, here." she said before a slight giggle escaped her lips.

Hayley's knee-jerk reaction almost seemed justifiable. Perhaps if the boy really had been attacking her, Madelyn would have accepted the answer wholeheartedly. However Madelyn was unsure what the attack said about Hayley's nature. She had hoped that the group would be able to get by without having to resort to violence, just like Alex had planned. There was no need for blood on their hands. Yet Hayley seemed all too ready to make the first move.

And yet, Madelyn could live with that. Deep down inside, she was happy to have a friend who was so willing to protect everyone that she would throw herself into the line of fire to try to take their assailant out.

"Um...Kyle?" Hayley said softly, beckoning him to come closer. She spoke to him, re-assuring him personally that she was alright. It stung a little, seeing Hayley so comfortable with him when she was so wary of the rest of the group right now. They spoke softly for a while before Hayley made her next announcement.

"Is it okay with everyone if I go off on my own for a bit? I sort of need to... recover, I guess is the right word. We could figure out somewhere for us to meet up in the morning."

Madelyn felt like she'd just been slapped in the face. Clearly it wouldn't be 'just her'. She intended to have Kyle come with her. Why else would she have had her little 'Rainbow Rumpus Pow-Wow' time with him. Was she just going to leave them?

We... we still need to rescue Ema, Hayley... Madelyn thought to herself as Hayley watched their reaction. Madelyn felt hurt that she was being left behind, even if it might have been just for the short run. Hayley had been her rock since she woke up on the island. Without her around...
Who's gonna protect me?

"OK." was all that she could bring herself to say. This was what Hayley wanted, as much as she was loathe to abide by the request. Hayley just wanted to be alone with Kyle for now. Probably just to fuck. Madelyn bitterly thought to herself, even though deep down she knew that wasn't the case. It was just her resentment talking, she told herself. It was a cheep shot, surely, but it was an outlet for the pain she subconsciously felt at being rejected by one of her friends.

She couldn't look at Hayley any more. Madelyn turned around and walked to the spot where she had dropped the GPS. The others could make the plans if they wanted to. Madelyn couldn't look at Hayley right now without getting choked up. She felt abandoned. Rejected. Maybe Hayley wanted some time to herself, but all Madelyn wanted was to be with her friend.
Posts: 62
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:14 am


Post by nowave* »

"So I attacked. Had to make sure whoever it was was gone before they could hurt you. Or me,"

Alex shut his eyes, the effort of the last two days suddenly heavy on his shoulders. Not you. I can't be this wrong about you. If I can't even judge you right, this is never going to work.

Yeah, cause this was ever going to work.

Self doubt and self loathing crept into his heart. He opened his eyes and looked over at Hayley, looking into her eyes as though trying to see the truth of her. But he no longer knew what to think.

"Is it okay with everyone if I go off on my own for a bit? I sort of need to... recover, I guess is the right word. We could figure out somewhere for us to meet up in the morning."

He looked away from her, trying not to let his eyes belie his thoughts. What's your game, Hayley? Are you playing? Planning on getting us when our back are turned?

He shook his head. It was amazing how easy it was to fall into that path of thinking. He'd been saying it all this time, he'd barely even caught himself doing it. Madelyn acquiesced and then walked away, obviously feeling her own bitterness at the rejection. Charlene just looked ill.

"Fine." he said, not looking at her, trying to supress and control his emotions. He thought back to the map, considering it for a moment, trying to recall a landmark relatively close by. "The groundskeepers hut should be clear again tomorrow." he said. "We can meet up there at noon. If it's still a dangerzone tomorrow, we'll make it the mansion instead."

He looked down at them and they could see the barely restrained emotion on his face. His lips were tight, his posture stiff. He gave the impression of someone who had buttoned themselves into a suit that was a few sizes to tight. Only his eyes gave the indication to how he truly felt. He was angry, deeply angry at her. He felt betrayed. But most of all, he simply looked sad. He turned abruptly, no longer willing to continue to speak.

"See you tomorrow." he said.

He walked off after Madelyn and seen her crouch down to pick up the gps. "Hey, you found it." he said. "I think I dropped it after Jon..." he said before trailing off. Jesus, that felt like a long time ago. He wondered how much he would have gone through by the time it was over.
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Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:46 am


Post by decoy73 »

" ... I panicked. I saw...I saw the body, and I heard someone coming, and...I assumed it was gonna be whoever killed that kid, you know? I was just...scared. Scared someone was gonna come up here and try to do that to one of you. And I was never, ever gonna let that happen. So I attacked. Had to make sure whoever it was was gone before they could hurt you. Or me. So, um...I dunno if it was the best move, all things considered, but, heh, I'm not exactly the king of good fucking decisions, here."

That was Hayley's answer to all this. Of course, one could state that it was a game, but Charlene wasn't really having any of it. She was doing all she could not to lay Hayley out for what was essentially a pretty lame excuse (Charlene knew who Alex Rasputin was. He was on the hockey team, and she'd seen him around) for freaking out at somebody who wasn't going to hurt anyone.

"I...Can we go somewhere? Else? I'm kinda...sick of this place. Literally and figuratively. Is it okay with everyone if I go off on my own for a bit? I sort of need to...recover, I guess is the right word. We could figure out somewhere for us to meet up in the morning."

"Yeah. Sure. Take your time." Charlene responded, with a subtle undertext of "and don't come back, you psycho-bitch." Madelyn agreed as Alex looked at his map.

"The groundskeepers hut should be clear again tomorrow. We can meet up there at noon. If it's still a dangerzone tomorrow, we'll make it the mansion instead." He turned around, looking incredibly tense. "See you tomorrow."

Charlene finally stood up as she fished for another bottle of water in her bag, desperately thirsty as she dropped the gun in her bag to twist off the cap before taking a long gulp. She looked at Steve's body as she turned away from it. For a second, the thought of checking his bag crossed her mind, but she quickly shook it off. There was just too much blood for her to get any closer to the body.

However, truth be told, the reason Charlene turned around was because she was scared of Hayley. True, things had been tense before, what with having been shot at and being forced to run out of a danger zone, but Hayley hadn't even given Steve the chance to run away. What if it's me next? What if somebody comes after me like that? I can't be too careful.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Posts: 190
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:24 am


Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Kyle didn't look at the other people when Hayley was giving her explanation of why. He didn't particularly care what they thought of her explanation. What mattered was what he could see in her face. What he saw didn't scare him, didn't make him panic. It was as she said, and it fit in with her nervous manner slightly before the... incident. It was only when she was done that Kyle glanced at the others. Alex... he wasn't happy with it. Neither was Charlene. It seemed like Madelyn was alright with the explanation, or she was far better at hiding her disapproval. Then the next thing Hayley had to say shattered that thought. Hayley's suggestion that she and Kyle should go somewhere else seemed to hurt Madelyn, although Charlene seemed to relish the thought and Alex seemed to think it was for the best as well.

Kyle nodded his agreement to Hayley and stood, pulling the map from his bag and examining it briefly. "Alright. We'll meet at the Groundkeeper's Hut tomorrow, or the mansion. We are all in agreement for that?" Kyle said, staring intensely at the back of Charlene's head. She was the worrying one, the one who seemed to want to cry bullshit toward Hayley's reasons. She was also the one who had a gun.

With a more tender expression, Kyle turned back to Hayley and offered his hand to help her up. "We should go somewhere to get you cleaned up," he said quietly.

((In the interest of getting Kyle and Hayley outta there, I'm gonna give Harlequin permission to GM Kyle since she's probably going to take Hayley out of the topic with her next post.))
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Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:24 am


Post by Hollyquin* »

Hayley really didn't like this feeling called guilt.

"OK," Maddy said, even though it clearly wasn't, and Hayley instantly felt like a complete and total bitch.

I mean, I DID promise to protect her. And everyone. God, I am a dick. A dick and a half. I really need to do this? Like, is going away really gonna help? She wasn't really sure, but it was what her best instincts were telling her to do. Not that my best instincts are worth a damn. I am like instinctually retarded. Instinctually isn't even a word. GOD I AM SO TIRED.

She watched in silence as Maddy turned around. Walked away. I suck as a person. But she could not think of anything to say, and turned her attention to Alex.

She didn't feel better. If anything, she felt worse. Way worse. Maddy was hurt, but Alex just seemed...hurt wasn't the word. He's just...sad. Like he's disappointed in me, like my goddamn parents when I get home at three in the morning except way different because I actually give a shit.

"Fine. The groundskeepers hut should be clear again tomorrow. We can meet up there at noon. If it's still a dangerzone tomorrow, we'll make it the mansion instead."

Hayley almost smiled. The groundskeeper's hut fit perfectly in her plans- it was close to where she'd planned on headed and, as an added bonus, all her clothes were there. She almost smiled, and she almost said something about how he'd read her mind, but then she saw the look on his face, and she didn't feel like smiling anymore.

"Yeah. Sure. Take your time," Charlene said, in a tone of voice that said yeah, please go away forever, that would be awesome, thanks. Hayley decided, not for the first time, that she didn't like Charlene.

"Alright. We'll meet at the Groundkeeper's Hut tomorrow, or the mansion. We are all in agreement for that?" It was Kyle who spoke last. Kyle who made her hate herself a tiny bit less. At least he doesn't think I'm scumtastic. Oh, scumtastic is definitely not a word. I need a cigarette. Her mouth twitched upwards into a half-smile as Kyle reached out to her.

"We should go somewhere to get you cleaned up."

That took her by surprise.

Wait. We? Meaning, like, me AND him? Both of us? Like, together? She blinked dumbly for a second, her mouth opening slightly as though she had something to say. Yeah, duh, Hayley, that makes sense, right, he's your boyfriend, after all. He probably wants to make sure you don' know, die. She couldn't complain at that. She hadn't wanted anyone to come along, really- she'd thought she needed this time to be totally alone- but...but I don't need to be away from Kyle. Kyle doesn't hate me. Kyle's not gonna...

Why had she wanted to leave in the first place? She'd tried to convince herself that it was for their own good. Bullshit. This is damn well all for me. I just need to be away from all the guilt-tripping they're pulling on me right now.

Yeah, I REALLY suck as a person.

Hayley looked at Kyle and only gave a small nod as she used his support to stand, her other hand still tight around her sword's hilt. She dug through her backpack for the items she needed at the moment- her map and her compass- and quickly oriented herself in the direction she would be headed. East.

She looked over at the others. Whatever to Charlene, but Maddy and Alex had already occupied themselves. Her heart sank. What can I do? I'm supposed to be protecting them and now I'm off being a selfish bitch. Who's gonna protect them? Charlene? Ugh. ...I guess she probably can. I mean, it's just me she doesn't like. They...they'll be fine for one night. They will be. Right? Yeah. Yeah...

She shook her head and spoke, quietly, too quietly.

"Yeah, I'll...see you in the morning. Be safe."

And she began to walk, away from the setting sun, hearing Kyle's footsteps beside hers but not daring to look anywhere but ahead.

The moment she'd walked far enough to be considered out of sight, she lit up a cigarette.

Hayley Kelly, you have a LOT to answer for.

[[Hayley Kelly & Kyle Portman continued in Sorry, Mom. Sorry, God.]]
Posts: 68
Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:39 am


Post by Lawther* »

Madelyn hadn't heard much of what was said after she left the conversation. Not much more needed to be said at this point. It wasn't long before Alex finished the conversation and came to her side.

"Hey, you found it." he said. It caught Madelyn by surprise. She instinctively pressed the GPS against her chest, as if to hide it from prying eyes, even though it was Alex's 'weapon' in the first place. She didn't know why she was so eager to keep it from him. It felt like the device was precious to her; it was her only way to keep track of Hayley, after all.

"I think I dropped it after Jon..." his voice trailed off uncomfortably at the memory of the moment when everything had suddenly gone horribly wrong.

"Charlene found it. I just held on to it." She said, quickly trying to move the conversation away from the horrible memory of Jon opening fire on them for Alex's sake. She unclutched the device from her chest and offered it to Alex like a child being forced to share it's favorite toy. "You can have it back... unless you'd like me to hold on to it for you since... well, you know."
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Post by nowave* »

Alex smiled slightly, almost to himself and nodded. "Alright man. You can hold on to it while we stick together." he said. "It's probably more useful than the spear." he said, smiling in a friendly manner. She could tell he was putting on a brave face. In truth, Alex was just barely managing to plaster on the smile. The last hour or so had really kicked the shit out of him.

It was only because Madelyn looked about as vulnerable as he felt right now. Her friend had just killed someone before her eyes, then run off to do whatever with her boyfriend. He tried to hide it, mostly he had, but that had stung. Who was trying to help people? Who was trying to get off the island? Angry depressive thoughts wanted to lash out, he choked them back. Not the best solution but they were far away from any therapists. He couldn't afford to lose his shit out here.

"Yes, because trying to rescue the crowd of bullies, misanthropes and apparently murderers is completely sane." he thought to himself. "Not fucking now." he thought back. Alex felt strange. His skin was tight as a drum, or so he felt. His nicotine craving had shot up, very suddenly. He stubbed out the cigarette he was smoking and lit another.

He leaned against the wall of one of the stalls and looked it over. "Alright, so, here's the plan." he said.

"We wait here till tomorrow. We can easily hide out in one of these stalls. Two exits, one at the front with a big opening and a door at the back." he said. He turned, wincing for a moment as his arm bumped into the coconut shy he was leaning against. For a second, he considered if it should hurt this much, but he had more pressing concerns. His arm right now was out of sight beneath his jacket and out of mind. "Between that and this." he said, pointing to the gps, "We should be able to keep anyone from getting the drop on us." he said.

He looked up at the two girls, as if the thought had just occured to him that he didn't really know either of these people. "That is, if you're still with me on trying to get off this damn rock." he said. "I mean..." he said. He looked down, then looked back up. "Look. We're probably going to fail. In fact, I'm pretty much certain of it." he said. "If you want to go off on your own, try and make you peace, hell, maybe even play, I'll understand." he said. "I can't. I won't..." he said. He slid up onto the counter of the coconut shy and sat, looking at them. "...and I need you. Both of you. One guy on his own crying for peace is a lunatic. Two people, naive optimists. But three? I reckon we just might have a chance with three." he said.

The afternoon sun was slowly setting in the sky, casting an orangish tone over the fun fair. It would be night soon. Alex's arm throbbed softly, a background pain that was not yet obvious enough to gain notice. But he hadn't noticed that it was indeed getting worse.
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