Break Up And Break Down

As students move farther west from the mansion, they will discover what looks to be a small fair of some sort. It has a small red and gold Ferris wheel and an ornate carousel nearby. The rides are in poor repair, going to rust and with their once brightly paint fading and chipped.
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Post by decoy73 »

To Charlene's relief, Hayley left the area without much fuss, along with Kyle (which was a little disappointing, but otherwise okay). Alex and Madelyn had struck up a conversation about the GPS that Charlene had picked up during their run out of the dangerzone known as The Greens. She wasn't really listening, as her vision had suddenly blurred for a second as she sat down (This wasn't a sign of anything other than exhaustion: She had been up for quite a bit). It was then that Alex spoke up:

"Alright, so, here's the plan: We wait here till tomorrow. We can easily hide out in one of these stalls. Two exits, one at the front with a big opening and a door at the back. Between that and this, we should be able to keep anyone from getting the drop on us." Charlene nodded. The idea of rest was sounding good to her right now, and had she not had a death collar around her neck, she'd have collapsed into a slumber right then and there.

"That is, if you're still with me on trying to get off this damn rock. I mean, look. We're probably going to fail. In fact, I'm pretty much certain of it. If you want to go off on your own, try and make you peace, hell, maybe even play, I'll understand. I can't. I won't ... and I need you. Both of you. One guy on his own crying for peace is a lunatic. Two people, naive optimists. But three? I reckon we just might have a chance with three." In reality, Charlene wasn't really listening to all that. She was with Alex for one main reason: he wasn't trying to kill her. The fact that he didn't seem to be a complete loser (cough, Jonathan Jarocki cough) was a bonus. Of course, she was also looking for her friends: Thea Kairos, Acacia Salinger, Aaron Hicks (no, wait, he had gone to visit some schools down south. Lucky bastard.) - mainly the popular crowd, but Thea and Acacia were the two big ones. She looked around. The sun was already going down. Charlene shook her head, trying to stay relatively awake and alert.

"Yeah. Sounds like a good idea. We can finally get some sleep."
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by Lawther* »

"Alright man. You can hold on to it while we stick together. It's probably more useful than the spear."

For the first time in a long time, Madelyn smiled. The simple act of Alex allowing her to hold on to the GPS for the time being was enough to restore a glimmer of happiness back into her life. He was trying to be brave, she could tell, trying so hard to keep them together and safe against all odds. He was a good man.

"Alright, so, here's the plan." he said once Charlene had joined them. She looked absolutely exhausted, but once Alex spoke up she was all ears.

"We wait here till tomorrow. We can easily hide out in one of these stalls. Two exits, one at the front with a big opening and a door at the back. Between that and this, we should be able to keep anyone from getting the drop on us."

Sleep sounded like a wonderful idea after having been up for nearly 2 days straight. Madelyn was exhausted after everything they'd been through, so tired in fact that she didn't even have time to be paranoid about falling asleep with two people that she'd really just met a day ago on an island full of possible murderers.

"That is, if you're still with me on trying to get off this damn rock. I mean, look. We're probably going to fail. In fact, I'm pretty much certain of it. If you want to go off on your own, try and make you peace, hell, maybe even play, I'll understand. I can't. I won't ... and I need you. Both of you. One guy on his own crying for peace is a lunatic. Two people, naive optimists. But three? I reckon we just might have a chance with three."

The fact that Alex still had hope for an escape even after having been shot was comforting to Madelyn. In fact, it was downright noble of him. If there were more people like Alex on the island, maybe their crazy plan could actually work. If there was anything she learned from being in the activist club, it was that sometimes a small yet determined vocal minority could often bring about a change in the way people thought. Perhaps if they banded together, they could appeal to the masses. It was a longshot, but the thought still gave Madelyn some hope for her fellow students. It was a worthy cause in Madelyn's book.

"Yeah. Sounds like a good idea. We can finally get some sleep." Charlene said.

"I... I'd like to help too." Madelyn managed to chime in, picking up her bag and her spear so she would be ready to move when everyone else was.
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Post by nowave* »

[GMing approved]

Alex reflected Madelyn's smile. As they each agreed to help him and go through with his plan, at least for another night. He looked over the coconut shy they were next to. "This looks like as good a place as any." he said. He walked around the back and opened the door. Inside, it was dusty and showing it's age. "Alright guys. Get a lie down. Charlene, I'll wake you in about three hours. After three hours, you wake Madelyn, alright? Madelyn's shift should end with our fat friend making another announcement. I doubt we'll be sleeping through that." he said.

He looked over at Madelyn. "Whoever's on watch will need to hold on to the gps." he said. He held his hand out, a reassuring smile hopefully telling her that she would get it back in the morning. He took it from her and took up his position. Madelyn curled up in the corner as they lay down to sleep. Alex sat with his back against the front wall of the coconut shy. From outside, it would be impossible to tell there was anyone in there at all. He sat and waited, lighting a cigarette as the two girls slept.


By the end of Alex's three hours, he was really starting to feel the burn of exhaustion. It hadn't hit him as hard as the other two, Alex had had more than a few sleepless nights, but he was by now ready to embrace sleep with open and willing arms. Next to him were four extinguished cigarettes. He looked over at the two girls, sound asleep in their blankets and smiled ruefully to himself.

Any other time and he would have spent the last three hours as a barely suppressed ball of hormones. It was only at this moment he'd noticed that the two girls he was in the company of were in fact two girls. He felt a slight twitch at that thought, but quickly brushed it aside. This was definitely not the time to be thinking about romance.

Such thoughts brought him back to Hayley again. The last three hours had seen her come up in his thoughts countless times. He had no idea what he was supposed to feel about her. She was still dear to him. Even now he could feel it and his imagination tormented him with thoughts of what she and Kyle were doing. He sighed to himself. If there was one person on this island he hadn't wanted to see, it had to be him. It wasn't even like Alex could justify himself.

Kyle was a good guy. A better guy than Alex or so his poor self image told him. Alex wanted to hate him. Life would be so much easier, he could be honest about what he felt, if only he could hate Kyle. But there was nothing to hate him for. He seemed to genuinely have Hayley's best interests at heart. Alex couldn't in good conscience ask him for more than that.

He yawned for a moment then was surprised as it turned into a full on dizzy spell. He steadied himself with a hand on the floor. "Must be more tired than I thought" he said in his head. He checked the GPS. Nothing on it for the last three hours. He went over and placed his hand on Charlenes shoulder, softly shaking her awake. "Your turn." he smiled tiredly. He lay down softly on his non wounded arm and swiftly fell into a dreamless sleep.
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Post by decoy73 »

((Memory GMing approved by Arscapi))

Charlene had picked up what she saw as the worst watch: the middle watch. With either first or third she got to sleep for six continuous hours. Here, she was stuck wit a gap that would leave her exhausted as hell. That was what she was thinking as Alex shook her awake.

"Your turn." In his left hand was the GPS. She took it from him, and watched as he fell asleep in a matter of seconds. This is going to be a long[/i] three hours.[/i] She looked at the GPS. Just three dots, close together. If what Alex said was true, those dots signalled the three of them. Charlene put the GPS in her lap and fished through her regulation bag for some food, pulling out a box of crackers and … a pamphlet.

BROWNING: THE BEST THERE IS She may not have known much (mostly because of her study habits), but it was clear that she had finally happened upon the owner's manual for the gun. Given that she didn't really have anything else to do, she opened the manual and started reading, using the GPS as a light ...

After about an hour, she was bored stiff. She couldn't really read through it anymore, given that all she really needed to know was the safety, the release button, loading, and firing the gun. She threw the manual back into her bag, finished off her second cracker, and zipped up her regulation bag as she went through her personal bag.

Towel, swimsuit, sunglasses, nothing much, except for one envelope … she opened it up to find various photographs. The first one was her prom picture … damn, she and Aaron Hicks had been quite the couple - at least Aaron was somewhat enjoying himself now, instead of being stuck in this hell hole. She flipped to the next photo, of herself and Aaron with Thea Kairos and James Mulzet, all of them smiling. James and Thea had been going out for quite a bit - she didn't really know everything, but they were pretty close - not as close as Thea was with Charlene, of course. The two of them had been best friends since second grade, and Thea was the only person Charlene could trust with her secret ...

"Hey, Thea." Charlene sat down at the lunch table, a salad and some water on her tray.

"Hey." Thea had just gotten out of US History, so she was in an okay mood. "You still off-kilter?"

"Yeah. Remember that party I went to a couple months ago? The one where I got drunk?"

"That's a bit vague. You get drunk at a lot of the parties."

"Basketball party." Charlene took a sip of water.

"That one. Yeah, the one where you were hung over and were like a zombie for two days. You never did tell me what happened."

"I got seriously drunk. So drunk that I slept with another girl."


"Yeah. And I liked it."

"So, you had sex with another girl. Weren't you kicking yourself after you sobered up?"

"No. That's the thing. I keep on going back to her, and that night, and it keeps turning me on." Charlene was whispering now.

"Who did you have sex with that keeps turning you on, then?"

"… Rosa Fiametta." Charlene paused before admitting who she had sex with.

"Whoa. You had sex with Rosa Fiametta? You do realize she's had sex with half the school, right?"

"I do. But, still, I keep thinking out that night, and Rosa, and I think that I still like it because … because I've realized that I'm bisexual." Charlene finally spat out the crux of the argument.

"That's it? I thought you had cancer or something. I'v got no problem with that. Okay, maybe with
who you fucked, but not that you're bisexual."

Charlene breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good, but you must promise me. NEVER tell anyone about this.
Ever. If word gets out, it's over for me."

Thea thought about it for a second. "I don't see the problem with it, but okay. I never heard any of this."

"Thanks, Thea."

Those were the days. Her reputation, as opposed to her life, was on the line, but no big deal, her best friend had her back. As her three hours ended, Charlene could only hope that wherever Thea was, she was (relatively) safe. Charlene just got up, put her stuff back, and shook Madelyn gently, offering her the GPS.

"Hey, Madelyn. It's your turn." Charlene then lay her head down onto her personal bag and fell asleep.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:39 am


Post by Lawther* »

"Hey, Madelyn. It's your turn." Charlene said as she shook Madelyn awake. Madelyn groggily accepted the device before Charlene plopped back down onto her personal bag to claim what little sleep that could still be gathered. Madelyn was still tired, but begrudgingly made her way out into the night air with GPS and spear in hand.

Most of the night was uneventful. No more than 3 dots ever flashed in their little area of the island. Movement seemed to be scarce for the most part throughout the early hours of the morning. What little activity there was on the GPS stemmed from a few dots that traveled slowly across the screen; people traveling under the safety of darkness. Madelyn passed the time making up stories for the little dots she didn't know and checking up on Hayley and Kyle's dots from time to time. The fact that they were still showing up on the screen was comforting to Madelyn, although she couldn't help but wonder who the third dot that had joined up with them was. Hopefully they would all find out later today. Hopefully it was a friend.

It wasn't long before the first rays of light pierced the night sky. Dawn was approaching. The light of the sun was gently beginning to peek out over the horizon. It was just enough light that she could see without needing her flashlight or the GPS anymore. An idea flashed in her mind: Get a message out while you have the chance. There were no signs of anyone else in the area on the GPS. Now might be the only chance she'd get to leave one final message to the outside world.

With any luck, she would be the only person doing anything of interest right now. The odds that most people in the early morning would be sleeping (like her compatriots, for example) were in her favor in her mind. She found the nearest camera nestled above one of the rigged game stalls of the fair and waved, trying to catch it's and whoever was behind the scenes watching's attention. Hopefully, her message would find it's way home.

"<My name is Madelyn Prowers, and this is a message for Sayumi Shimizu.> She said, straining to remember the bits and pieces of Japanese Sayumi had taught her over the years. It was a broken mix of formal Japanese and English, but it would be enough to get her intentions across. However, the simple act of looking into the camera and addressing her lover made her feel as if she had established a connection with her right then and there, like they were just talking on Skype like any normal morning or evening. It made what Madelyn intended to do next feel that much more difficult.

"If you know her," she continued in English, unsure of how to phrase her request. "please relay this message to her and nothing more. I ask that both for her sake and my own. I could not bear the thought of her watching me on this show. <Please Sayumi, if you are watching, please don't watch anymore after this.>"

"<Sayumi, you know you are my closest friend.>" Madelyn started, desperately wishing that she could just come out and declare her love in the open here and now, but knowing full well that it would do more harm than good. She knew Sayumi hadn't told her parents about her beyond them just 'being good friends.' They didn't know about their love, about how much joy they brought into each others lives. Sayumi was too scared to tell her father. She knew he would not approve. So they planned to keep it a secret from him until she was out of the house and in college. It wasn't the perfect plan, but it was all they had. If they knew about their real relationship, Mr. Shimizu would have never allowed Madelyn to stay in their home with his daughter during her planned trip to Japan in the summer... a trip that now would never take place.

"You know how much you mean to me. You know how much I care for you. Please, don't watch the rest of this show. I... I don't want you to have to watch me..." She paused as a twinge of pain shot into her chest. She knew that her death was an inevitability, but couldn't bring herself to admit it. The part of her that still clinged to the chance at rescue or survival wouldn't let her admit defeat just yet.

"<We will try to escape.> I don't know how we will, but we'll try." She tried to reassure both herself and Sayumi as she imagined she was watching before switching back to Japanese to hopefully sneak a quick glimpse of the truth out into the world. "<We've been captured. This show is real.>" Hopefully someone out there would hear those words. With any luck, it would get past the censor by virtue of them thinking it was just part of the goodbye message. Madelyn hoped it would plant the seeds of doubt in some of the international viewers minds. Maybe it would be enough to get someone, anyone, to rescue them.

"I don't even know if you'll even get this message, but I've got to try. Please Sayumi, if I don't make it back..."

"Do you kids know what makes Uncle Danya happy?"

The ominously laid back voice of Danya echoed throughout the island, interrupting Madelyn's message just as she was about to ask Sayumi to do the hardest thing she could possibly bring herself to ask: To forget about her and just move on with her life as if she had never existed. Madelyn felt selfish for even thinking of asking Sayumi to do that, but part of her felt that her request was a noble sacrifice to ensure that Sayumi could possibly live a normal life without having to be scarred for life after watching her lover die on live TV. In her mind, the thought of Sayumi moving on with her life with no regrets was the happiest possible future she could think of.

Madelyn stared dejectedly at the camera for a few more seconds as Danya rattled off his morning announcement before growling and walking off in a fit of frustration. Danya's timely interruption for the daily death tolls could not be ignored. If anything, the cameras would now be looking elsewhere as hundreds of students now rose to meet the new morning and learn of their friends demises. Her connection to Sayumi had been cut once again, the latest casualty in her life on the island.

However, there was no time to dwell on her possible failure now. People were going to start becoming much more active soon, and the relative calm of the early morning would soon be broken once again by murder and mayhem. Madelyn knew she would need to have her wits about her now. She quickly went back to the coconut stall to check up on her allies.

"Hey, you guys up?" She asked as she poked her head into the back of the stall as Danya's announcement continued in the background.
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Post by nowave* »

Something smelled bad. Really bad. The stench awoke Alex. He was lying on the cold dusty floor of the booth. Over the course of the night, his breathing had gotten more rapid, till he was now lying on his back, panting and hyperventilating. Sweat poured from his body. Pain swiftly greeted him. He clutched at his arm and had to stifle a scream. As though it had been waiting for him to wake up, agony grew and he desperately tried to stand.

"Hey, you guys up?"

Alex looked up at Madelyn and tried to speak. Suddenly a dizzy spell washed over him. He braced himself against the stand and placed his good hand to his forehead, trying to center himself. Suddenly a rush of nausea came over him. He turned and leaned over the counter. He retched wildly as his stomach seemed to try and turn itself inside out. There was nothing in his belly to throw up. He dryheaved agonisingly, tears now streaming from his eyes. Eventually he coughed up a few bits of burning black bile.

He turned back towards the others. He looked, well, he looked fucking awful. His eyes were bloodshot and were now crying almost constant from the physical pain and the terror that filled him. His skin was white, utterly pale. Worst of all, his right arm seemed to have swelled in his jacket. It seemed to be bulging, particularly where he'd been shot.

It was too hot in here. He had to get out. He had to be outside. With the sudden wild certainty that accompanies blind panic, he lunged forward towards the door, pushing Madelyn to the side.

He burst out into the cold morning air. The sudden rush brought on another dizzy spell and for a second he fainted. He collapsed over onto his side, lucky not to bash his head open on the rough ground. He swiftly came back around.

"Whu- What- What is this?" he said, his voice tinged with a wild fear.

Desperately he pulled off his beloved jacket. This time, he couldn't supress the scream. It was a strange sound. It was neither a sound of panic or disgust but simply one of horror.

Alex's right arm had swelled up around the wound he'd suffered. He could see a large portion of the surrounding flesh was grey and disgusting. He didn't know much about Gangrene but he knew enough. There was a piece on his body that was utterly dead, rotting and yet still attached to him.

The horrified scream went on for about a minute, his brain utterly gone somewhere beyond any rationality. All he could do was stare at it and freak out. He was so scared. He felt an animal terror, utterly beyond the mind he used normally.

After about a minute, he began to calm. For the next ten minutes, he wept bitterly. Finally, he simply reached a point at which he had nothing left in him. All the emotions he'd been controlling, all the sadness and bitterness, he cried them to himself. Finally he just felt empty. Pain of course was a constant companion. After ten minutes, he finally composed himself. He got up, found Madelyn and Charlene if they weren't with him already. "We need to find Hayley." he said.

There was something very dark building in Alex's eyes. He knew what to do. He didn't want to. But it was nessecary.

"I need her to chop my arm off with that damn sword." he said.
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Post by Namira »

((Guys this thread has been going on for, well, frankly far too long. I hate to be cruel about this, but would you mind moving along soon? It's unfair to have had one thread clogging the area for all this time. I'm sure other people want a chance to use this location)).
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Post by decoy73 »

((GMing of Alex Campbell done with permission from nowave))

Charlene was asleep when she the announcement woke her up.

"Do you kids know what makes Uncle Danya happy? ... when his beloved students are game for the competition. … The second day of our little competition saw twenty-one students bite the dust, buy the farm and shuffle off their mortal coils!" Okay. That was not good. She listened carefully in her groggy state for the names as Danya droned on.

"... Eleventh to die was one Steve Barnes, who found out that Hayley Kelly losing her head meant him losing his. ..." Seriously? That was how Danya unnecessarily reminded Charlene of Hayley's act? With a lame pun?

... Next to go down was the one and the only Jonathan Jarocki,who somehow got it into his head that running around and yelling and firing his gun like some kind of cowboy was a good idea. That one was actually a relief, as Charlene looked down at her bandaged leg. At least he's not going psycho on me again.

"Alright kiddies, all the current dangerzones are cleared. But, it wouldn't be any fun if we had none, so I'm going to go ahead and name The Infirmary, The Key and The Mans ..." Her attention was broken by a scream. Alex. Charlene walked outside, slightly irritated at his lack of consideration at the fact that they were all waking up.

"Alex, quiet down, I just woke up, I'm a disaster area and what the fuck is THAT?!" Alex had removed his jacket to reveal what looked like a black, gray, and green lump of ooze on Alex's right arm (Unlike Charlene's wound, which had stayed relatively clean, Alex's wound had become gangrenous). Naturally, it was quite disgusting, as Alex's flesh was literally rotting away while he was still using it. Then came Alex's statement on the subject.

"We need to find Hayley ... I need her to chop my arm off with that damn sword."

"Oh, shit." Charlene went and got her gun and bags, and for the second time in two days, she took Alex by the left arm, and carried him out. "We have got to get that shit off you." He had to be going crazy, talking about getting his entire arm amputated. Is he afraid he's going to become a zombie or something? (Actually, Alex's diagnosis was almost spot on. It would take a miracle for Alex to need anything short of a complete amputation now. In fact, given the progress of the infection, Alex was almost certainly a dead man no matter what happened.) All she knew was that Alex was in trouble.

((Charlene and Alex continued in Cleanliness and Loneliness))

((Sorry Clu, but I can't do that.))
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by Lawther* »

(short post to close the thread go!)

"Jesus fuck!" Madelyn blurted out as Alex removed his jacket and screamed, revealing his now gangrenous arm. The wound was now festering on the bone and rotting. His screaming echoed throughout the entire fun fair for about a minute as Madelyn stood by, paralyzed through her fixation on the green and grey flesh that still clung to Alex's arm.

Then, Alex just stopped screaming and began to cry bitterly. Madelyn didn't know what to do. What could she do at that point? Say she was sorry? Ask him if he was alright? Anything 'normal' that she thought of seemed useless, even condescending in this situation.

The announcements played in the background, but Madelyn paid no attention to them. Between Alex's muffled weeping and Charlene's sudden introduction to Alex's dying arm there was too much going on to focus on the terrible reality of over 20 more students losing their lives on the previous day. Charlene's interruption snapped Madelyn out of her trance immediately, just in time to hear Alex's solution.

"We need to find Hayley ... I need her to chop my arm off with that damn sword."

Charlene quickly ran back inside the stall and collected hers and Alex's things while Madelyn looked at the GPS to figure out where Hayley was. The two dots that represented Hayley and Kyle along with the third unknown were still due east at the beach, probably just waking up. Being abandoned the previous night was still a sore subject to Maddy, though she still wasn't willing to admit her animosity to the others. Right now though, the only thing that mattered was getting Alex to her. Necessity of the moment carried Madelyn quickly ran into the stall as Charlene came out to gather her things before racing to catch up with her companions.

[[ Madelyn Prowers Continued in Cleanliness and Lonliness ]]
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