If We Could Have Tomorrow In Technicolor

The first set of wards encountered upon ascending to the second floor are the regular wards. These wards were used for patients that were considered low-risk, and as a result these rooms could be considered small but adequate. In each room, a metal bed frame, an end table, and a shelf for books can be found in various states of decay and with various objects on them, left largely untouched as a result of the abandonment of the island. Nothing about the rooms is comforting, however; like most of the asylum they were built with an eye towards cost efficiency rather than patient comfort. Belongings of previous patients can still be found in these rooms—a visible reminder of what the asylum used to be used for, with pictures from art therapy stuck up on some walls and photos of family on others.
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If We Could Have Tomorrow In Technicolor


Post by Laurels »

((Noah Whitley continued from Act II, Scene I))

((Minor GMing of Hannah approved))

Noah sniffled, but not because he was sick. He lay on his side, facing the wall of the ward bedroom. He clung to the ratty blanket as tears started to fall down his cheek. He could feel his breathing start to increase as well, even though he tried to stay quiet. Hannah was probably nearby, and he didn't want to disturb her.

After leaving the helipad, Noah and Hannah had made their way to the asylum. Noah hadn't been here before, but the place offered shelter, a bed, and hopefully a door he could barricade. Fortunately, it provided all three, so he hit the sack as soon as he arrived. He was as uncomfortable as you could be when you try to sleep while sick, but for the most part, he was sure his fever had gone down a bit from yesterday. Granted, he still felt like shit, but that wouldn't be resolved any time soon.

He was awoken by the announcements a few minutes ago. Although it was his way of knowing who was alive or not, his immediate concern would be if he'd have to get out of bed right away to avoid blowing up. That thought was completely forgotten when the names of the deceased were recited. He didn't hear about Blair, Rene, Sandra, Lily, nor Scout. But one name got him in particular.

Irene Djezari. Gunned down by Alvaro Vacanti.

Noah felt his whole body tighten up when he heard Irene's name. He couldn't believe it. Irene was gone. Sure, they weren't the closest of friends, and there had been some heated words exchanged between them at Sadie Hawkins. But she was still someone who mattered to him. She was the Samantha to his Carrie, and he couldn't believe she was gone. He had always hoped they'd get to talk at least once more before graduation. A nice, short little chat where they put aside any awkwardness from Sadie Hawkins and merely wish each other the best of luck in their future endeavors.

But that would never happen. Irene was gone, and he could never tell her he wanted to stay friends with her. He couldn't even make a dumb joke in the Pina Bucket voice to cap off the discussion with some levity. No, that chance was gone forever. He had plenty of opportunities to talk to her after that night, and he wasted them all with the misguided belief that there would be time.

Now all Noah could think of was all the things he wouldn't be able to do now, or all the things he could miss out on. He couldn't ask his grandpa to take him fishing one last time before college. He couldn't make a video for his web show with his grandma like he had promised her. He would never get to enjoy that bottle of red wine with his mom like she promised him. He'd never get to come over to his Dad's home for Sunday brunch once he started college. He'd never get to go out to a bar with Angie once he turned 21. He'd never get to do...well...anything with Ella. He'd miss out on his little sister's entire life, and he really wanted to see what would happen to her.

Noah curled up a little more in bed. This was really what it was going to be from now on, wasn't it? Just more names listed, more regrets realized, and more tears to shed. If that was so, Noah wondered if it would be okay to stay in bed for the rest of his time on the island.
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Post by Courtography »

(Hannah Kendrickstone continued from Act II, Scene I)

Hannah was sitting on a bed in one of the other rooms in the wards. She had slept well, surprisingly enough. It had been nice not to be alone for awhile, especially with someone she liked pretty well. She'd been able to forget about her goal for a little while too. She had still wanted to find Irene and Olivia, but it hadn't felt as pressing.

She had been wrong.

Irene was dead.

She'd failed.

Alvaro had fucking murdered her. Her hands tightened around the board and she just sat there for a minute or two in silence. She found it hard to understand that Irene was dead. Sure, she'd seen the dead bodies around the island, but it just seemed so impossible that Irene could be dead. How was it that the last she saw of her was Irene running down the hallway of the asylum? It had been in the other hall a floor down. So close.

But she was dead. Hannah should have tried harder. Spending time resting after she had rolled her ankle had been a waste of time. She might have been able to prevent it if she'd just found her. She felt the first sob hit her. How could she be gone? She stood up rapidly and threw the board against the wall.

Then she screamed, loud and shrill.
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Noah sniffled again and let out a soft moan. He pulled the covers a little more over his head, wanting to disappear under them. Perhaps he could lay there and play dead for the rest of the game. He was sure he could pull off a convincing corpse considering how awful he looked and felt right now. But even he knew he wouldn't get the chance. Something would force him out of bed.

That something was Hannah screaming. Noah popped up in the bed as if the bed itself threw him up.


He jumped out of bed and crouched to the ground. He had stuffed his bag and Sawlaska under the bed in case anyone else came in. He grabbed Sawlaska and hurried to the door.

"Hannah! Are you okay?" he shouted, swinging the door to the hall open.
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No she wasn't okay. She had been a crappy friend and now Irene was dead. And it all just felt like she could have done more. She wasn't entirely sure how, but she could just feel the truth of it in her gut.

Her hands now gripped her face around her cheekbones tight. If Noah knew she had failed he'd probably judge her. He was nice, but she knew it was true. Who wouldn't?

She could feel the tears on her face, but that didn't matter.

"No no no," she responded quietly.

Things probably wouldn't be okay ever again.
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Noah came into Hannah's room and saw her state. It looked like the announcements had been rough for her as well. This was their fifth day here, so the chances of hearing familiar names on the announcement were probably more likely now than ever. Noah sniffled and lowered Sawlaska by his side.

"Yeah, I'm not great either," he said. "Aside from being sick, I lost someone who may not have been a great friend or anything, but was still someone who mattered."

Noah moved into the room and put his back against a free wall. He slid down until he was now crouching on the floor.

"I mean, the last time she and I talked, we both left in tears and had done some things that were pretty lousy to one another. I had hoped to make it up with her before we graduated, but I guess that's never going to be. And it's not like either of us had to make some big show of repentance, but hopefully we could laugh it off and chat on Facebook every so often."

Noah raised his free hand limply, then lowered it to the ground.

"But I guess that doesn't matter right now. She's dead, and I'm alive. I'll never convince her to not take my web show so seriously, and she'll never convince me to dial it back at times. Well, I guess I can still do that if I survive. That'll be a sign of Irene Djezari's legacy."
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Hannah listened. The first part was helping. Everyone lost someone, and even though she didn't think any of it could be Noah's fault, she couldn't help but be angered when she found out who it was.

How could he talk so casually about Irene being dead? Sure, he said that she mattered, but it didn't match up with how casually he mentioned that she was dead and that he was alive. She had sat down on the bed partway through Noah talking. It wasn't something she thought consciously about. She just felt like she couldn't stand anymore.

A weird paranoid part of her brain thought that he had mentioned Irene because he somehow knew that Hannah had failed her. She knew that the odds of that being the truth were close to impossible.


She was suddenly aware of her wet face again and put her hands up, covering it to try and hide from the shame of the words she was about to say.

"I failed her," she blurted out.
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Noah rubbed the top of his head and sighed. His throat was starting to hurt from talking about Irene. He was probably on the verge of breaking down again if he didn't control himself a little. He took a deep inhale, then slowly exhaled through his nostrils.

As he did, Hannah said something about "failing her." Noah tilted his head a bit.

"Failed her? Who? Irene?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"
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Crap on a cracker.

That had been a stupid thing to say.

She didn't know how to explain. Noah would just judge her probably.

That didn't stop her from trying.

"I, we were together, and and, she ran off, and now fucking Alvaro, and and and"

She sobbed again and turned away from Noah.
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"Oh..." Noah said as Hannah turned away from him.

She had been traveling with Irene, but they got separated. Noah thought back to the girls he had been traveling with over the last few days. None of them had died yet, but even Noah would have to admit he'd probably feel a bit guilty if they died without him. Granted, he could blame Nancy for forcing them apart, but that wouldn't assuage all his worries.

Noah sighed, then put his hand over his eyes.

"Hannah, I don't think you failed her," Noah said. "If you were there when Alvaro killed her and tried to save her, it'd be one thing. Then you might feel some culpability. But I wouldn't blame you for Irene's death."

Noah stretched his legs out a bit and shifted his back against the wall. He kept his eyes covered.

"Honestly, thinking about all these what-ifs and what-could-have-beens here is probably doing more harm than good. All I can think about are jokes I'll never tell and people I might never find or things I'll never tell my family. All it does is make me even more frightened about how and when I'll die here."

Noah sniffled. His throat was starting to tighten up.

"It's exhausting."
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Hannah was shocked. Noah didn't blame her. It was hard to wrap her mind about it. It was at least a little bit her fault, but maybe Noah was just genuinely nice that way. Or maybe it hadn't been her fault. No, she couldn't accept that at this point. Even if she couldn't think of how she could have changed the outcome, she felt certain that there had to be some way.

But she didn't argue.

Her fists unclenched and she exhaled heavily.

She felt extra bad for how she seemed to have made Noah feel worse. Thinking about death probably wouldn't help them.

Her voice was shaky.



It felt wrong to be considering thinking about happier things, but it seemed like that's what Noah needed. The problem was she couldn't think of anything.

"I uh, I wish I could just sleep for a week, y'know?"

Her ankle could feel better then, and maybe she wouldn't think about the death anymore. Of course, intellectually she knew that she probably didn't have a week to live, but she just felt so tired, so resting just sounded that much better.
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"Yeah," Noah said. "If we could make like Rip Van Winkle and sleep until this is all done, I'd be up for that."

Noah lowered his hand from his face and tilted his head up to the ceiling. It looked really faded and stained. His eyes squinted as he tried to make shapes out of the stains on the ceiling.

"Maybe that's what we need," Noah said.

Noah sighed, then sneezed into his elbow.

"Maybe we need a day off. Or, a few extra hours, or something. I'm tired, I'm sleepy, and my sinuses are fucked. I don't know how successful we're going to be looking for anyone, and believe me, there are people I want to look for. But I don't know, maybe we just need time to think to ourselves. Sit in silence in private rooms, take that time collect our thoughts, maybe make an actual plan, or make some statements and words to our families if they're watching. I don't know. If we have down time, I guess we could use it for something."

Noah stretched his neck a bit. It was probably part of the terrorist's plan to exhaust the kids so they'd be more willing to kill or more likely to die. Taking a long break could be useful for their survival.

"I mean, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. If you'd rather go and look for your friends, then you can do that. I just feel like shit and wouldn't mind napping for most of the day. If it means I'm all charged and raring to go tomorrow, then I'll take a few hours of boredom. I'll lock myself in that room, nap, conserve my supplies, think of where to find people, make some statements to the camera, pee in a bucket-"

Noah paused. His eyes widened and his eyebrows raised. His mouth slowly opened as he realized what he just said.

"Oh my god, this is what it was all building towards..." he muttered to himself.

Noah composed himself.

"Sorry. Anyways, that's my thoughts on the matter. What about you?"
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Hannah wasn't sure what to say. She really needed to find Olivia, but she was just so tired. And it was all so demoralizing. How would she find her at this point? She would probably fail at this point anyway. It all felt so hopeless. She wanted to think she could do better next time, but she didn't know if that was true. And it really felt like it wasn't. She'd circled the island looking for Irene and hadn't seen a glimpse of her.

She turned back towards Noah, and took in a sharp breath as her ankle protested. She wasn't sure what she'd try to say to parents or friends back home, or anyone else. Maybe she'd think of something. She did know she could use some rest, and just a chance not to be so frantic like she had been the last few days.

Besides Noah didn't seem eager to jump on her for messing up. She couldn't waste that.

She gave a weak smile.

"Yeah, yeah, downtime works."
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Post by Laurels »

"Great. Glad we can commit to lethargy as a form of protest," Noah said.

Noah stood up, stretching his back and stretching his free arm over his head.

"I'm gonna go back in my cell," he told Hannah. "I'll barricade it, but come knocking if you need me for anything."

Noah started to walk back to the door, but then paused. Hannah was upset, and surely she could use a laugh. It was the best currency he had to offer right now, and hopefully she'd appreciate it.

"Hey," he began, "did you hear about the chicken who always held grudges no matter what? He's said to be paltry."

Noah stretched out the word "paltry" in hopes Hannah got a good score on her SATs and could understand the word play at hand. Even if she didn't, she could at least spend her down time trying to figure out what his deal was.

Noah walked over to his ward and closed the door. He then stuck a chair under the handle and plopped face down on the bed, letting Sawlaska fall to the ground. He let out a sigh into the blanket. He thought to himself that this sabbatical better pay off for him and for Hannah. If not, he'd have words against whoever would ruin it for them.
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Hannah wasn't entirely sure she was okay with being alone, but she couldn't say that. If Noah needed time to himself, then she could understand that. She'd had enough of being alone though. The time she'd spent by herself had been so nerve-wracking, and it was nice to have someone around. She remembered what it felt like to scream into the sound of only the wind and rain. It had been horrifying.

She let out a short giggle at the joke. It was a reflex. It was obvious that he was trying to tell a joke, and she responded like she should. It made things easier. Paltry. She knew it meant something was like, small, or unimportant. Something like that.

She sat down on the bed and thought. What would she say to her parents? She was thinking about saying something. She wasn't sure they would watch any of it. She kind of hoped they wouldn't. But if they did and she never even acknowledged them, that could hurt too, couldn't it?

She wiped her forehead absently.


"It sounds like poultry."

She felt a stupid grin on her face, before she laughed again, in earnest this time.
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Post by Laurels »

((Timeskip approved))

"And the woman said-" Noah began, before taking a sip of water from the bottle.

He then slowly opened his mouth and let the water drip down his chin. He then wiped the water off his chin.

"Thank you, thank you," Noah said to the camera in the corner of the room. "That one was a little gross, but if you're watching all this shit, you've probably seen worse content already."

Since Noah gave Hannah space, he spent his time napping, snacking on crackers, doing stretches, and for the last hour, told more jokes to the camera. He dove deep into the joke database in his mind to figure out what to tell. This ranged from word play to knock-knock jokes to monologues from his open mic performances. It was a nice enough distraction, but there came a point where it was clear it was just a distraction. He wasn't feeling as sick as before, so it had served its purpose.

What little light there was seemed to indicate that it was almost sunset. He decided to go see how Hannah was doing. Noah grabbed Sawlaska and walked out of the ward. He went across the hall to where Hannah was, then knocked on the door.

"Hey, Hannah," Noah said. "You doing okay?"
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