Revenge is Best Served Cold

These are the woods on the island’s Western coast. The trees run nearly all the way to the sea, allowing only a thin stretch of beach, which disappears altogether depending on the tide.
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Revenge is Best Served Cold


Post by Arscapi* »

((Open but be warned that there will be quite a few people joining this thread with Thea, if you could wait until all parties are accounted for we'd be grateful. Thea Kairos continued from Cleanliness and Lonliness.))

Thea drug her feet through the leaves and debris on the ground, scuffing her designer sneakers beyond repair. She'd been doing okay for; she glanced at her watch, oh the last twenty minutes, until they'd entered the forest. She sighed deeply and wiped her face again. She still couldn't wrap her mind around it. He'd been fine helping Winnie out of the tree in his own awkward way. A ghost of a smile flitted across her face as she remembered the scene. Why didn't she stay with him? Why had she let herself get so angry at him?

She slumped against a tree not really feeling up to going much further at the moment. What was the point honestly? She should have known better than to let him out of her sight, this stupid island, this stupid game would take James from her. No, no it wasn't this game it was Hayley Kelly; Hayley that had decided to play along and taken her James. If she did nothing else she would make sure that Hayley paid for it. There had to be some point to all her popularity, to all the friends she'd made. She'd make sure Hayley was on everyone's hit list. How dare she take someone she loved!

She glanced up at the others, fire in her eyes, as she tried to get herself under control. She'd been doing this a lot switching from one extreme to another. If she didn't get herself under control there would be nobody to lead this little group. Evie and Alex had reason to be a little off, but Jason he went off because people fought. What the hell was that about? I could have sworn that he'd been hanging around them long enough; to have seen a dressing down of those that thought they could simply declare themselves one of them. Hell, he'd been outside that funhouse of mirrors when she'd told those followers to back off and leave her the hell alone. Where did he get off?

She decided to get her mind occupied with something and asked Evie for James' bag. She figured the least she could do was see if there was anything in there she could remember him by or bring home to his family.
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Post by BetaKnight »

((Evelyn Reed continued from Cleanliness and Lonliness))

Evelyn silently trailed after Thea, lightly chewing on her bottom lip. She didn't know what to say. How do you comfort someone who'd lost their boyfriend? After the announcement, she had offered what sympathy and comfort she could but it was starting to sound hollow. Words were not going to bring James back. Oh, James...

Poor James. Poor overly polite, slightly doofy James. He had been such an unlikely pick for a cheerleader's boyfriend but Thea had really loved him. He hadn't deserved to die, especially at the hand of a skank like Hayley. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. James had so much more potential, so much more to give to the world. Hayley had robbed him all that time, all of that potential. And more importantly, she had robbed Thea of her happiness.

Thea stopped and leaned against a tree with Evelyn stopping a few steps behind her to give her privacy but be close enough if assistance was required. The straps of the bags were starting to bite into her shoulders now that they had stopped walking. She tried to discreetly adjust them, her face screwed up as straps on one of the bags pulled her hair. She must not have been successful since Thea turned to her and asked for James' bag.

Scurrying over, Evelyn dumped the other two bags before carefully placing James' bag at Thea's feet. Dropping to her knees, she sat back on her heels while quietly waiting to see what Thea was going to do next. It was important to be as supportive to Thea as possible, since Thea had been taking care of her up til now.
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Post by nowave* »

(Alexander Campbell continues from Cleanliness and Loneliness)

Step followed agonised step as Alex tried to walk unsupported. He'd been helped for most of the day, but he felt like he was getting better. He at least felt well enough that he had no desire to be burden to the people who saved his life. He thought back.

Waking up. Gazebo. Withdrawal. Coughing. Cigarette. Lighter. Lighter. Light you bastard!

He hadn't mentioned it to the others. To any exteriour view, nothing changed when that happened. But something had died inside Alex at that moment. The basic task of lighting a cigarette had eluded him. It had been a task, something that required a concious and focused effort to do it with his off hand. That basic difficulty, the fact that he struggled with even such an automatic task, well, it really brought to home his current status. It was strange. When he didn't look down, it felt just like his arm was there. Until he tried to do something with it. He'd try and reach out his hand to steady himself against a tree. He would feel it happening, feel his arm moving. But it never rose up into view. It was gone.

"I'll never play guitar again." he thought to himself and it nearly broke him.

He looked up at Thea, walking just ahead of him. He hadn't heard it at the time and now it was too late. He was along for the ride. They were going to kill Hayley.

Thea stopped and leaned against a tree, looking at all of them with fire in her eyes. There was no doubting her intent. She meant to take leadership of the group and meant to use it to kill Hayley. Alex still didn't know how he felt. Maybe that was why he'd done nothing to stop it. In truth, he'd stopped listening to the announcements the morning he'd discovered his arm. It was irrelevant. The order meant nothing. This island was a trap and one that only one person could leave. The order in which the one person was decided was irrelevant. Personal vendetta's were pointless. It didn't matter to Danya whether Hayley died.

But it mattered to him. Leadership was a difficult thing to give up and Alex still considered himself the head of the let'snotkillpeople brigade. He just had to try and ignore the fact that he seemed to be the only remaining member.

He sighed and ran his right hand through his hair. Nothing happened. He remembered he no longer had a right hand, and did it with his left instead. He caught up to Thea. "We need to talk." he said.
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Post by decoy73 »

((Jason and Charlene continued from Cleanliness and Loneliness))

It had taken only a couple hours, but once it came, it was nearly debilitating. Jason felt like a dick now. It wasn't just the fact that he could have handled that situation much, much better, that alone he could have taken. It was the announcement that really got him:

"... Hayley Kelly, having sharpened her skills yesterday, demonstrated her perfect beheading technique, this time on James Mulzet ..."

James was dead. So now, how his bag had shown up was, well, it didn't really matter how. He looked over at Thea. While Jason definitely did not like the fact that James was dead (he seemed like a pretty decent guy), Thea had taken it the hardest - it seemed like they had been close.

Jason just leaned over, hands on his knees, trying to regain his mental bearings. His right hand went, for a second, to his collar. Before, he had thought about this game as "Survivor-to-the-death." Now, his mind also went back to the previous two unscheduled announcements ...

"It's come to our attention that one of your number has been interfering with their collar ..." The second that Mr. Kwong(?) had said that, Jason had started listening. He knew, well, knew of Liz Polanski from math class, and his feelings were a combination of hope and resentment. The hope came from the fact that Liz had managed to beat the system - hopefully, he could join in on that. The resentment, came from the fact that Liz had beaten the system, and he wasn't the hero. Both feelings, however, were dashed within five seconds.

"Miss Polanski. If you instruct anybody, verbally or by any other method, in your techniques, we will immediately detonate their collar. If we see you persisting in trying to break our rules, we will detonate collars at random." Wait, how could they ... the cameras. They had become such a constant presence that Jason had almost forgotten about them. So that was out, then ...

"It has also come to our attention that Miss Polanski has recklessly destroyed one of our cameras, as a punishment, we will now detonate a collar... I will be commencing this punishment now ..." A few seconds, and then ... "B148, Daisuke Nagazawa, eliminated." So, great. Now it was "Survivor-to-the-death" and Russian roulette with the collars, a fact that was reinforced later in the day by yet another announcement, to the detonations of three more collars.

Going back to the current situation, Jason was now dealing with his own, nigh inevitable mortality, and his feeling of complete and utter idiocy at his actions from the previous day. He looked over at Evie, about ten feet away. He gave a silent, humorless chuckle, as that was the closest he had physically been to any person for the entire day. Evie was the one affected most by Jason's ironic call for peace. So why hadn't he apologized yet for his behavior? Mainly because he was just scared of how Evie would take it. On the other hand, he knew he was going to have to say it eventually. He just sighed as he walked towards Evie. This could become very painful.

"Uh, hey, Evie. About last night," Jason scratched the back of his head nervously. "I've actually had time to let it sink in, and I realize that I was ... I was an idiot when I started screaming. I guess I just felt like ..." No. You're already regretting the last time you voiced your opinion. "... Ah, what I mean is, I guess the game just got to me for a second, and I snapped. So, yeah. I'm sorry for what I did back there." Jason felt like Evie would ... actually, he was praying she didn't scream at him again. He figured he'd find out within the next five seconds.

The way Charlene saw it, if Bayview hadn't been forced into SOTF, she would probably be lying on a towel or a lawn chair or something, in one of the swimsuits she had packed for the trip. Evie and Thea would be with her, as would Nik and James respectively. Jason would only make himself known if he could secretly provide a drink or two, and Alex and Madelyn would be somewhere else entirely.

... If only they'd been so fortunate.

Thing is, Bayview Secondary was put into SOTF, and the current situation was quite different. She had been with Thea ever since that horrible announcement in the morning, when James's death was announced. Now Thea was all over the place because James, who was a pretty decent guy, was killed by Hayley Kelly. Whereas when that Steve guy died, Charlene simply wanted to stay away from Hayley, now if the bitch died, well, all the better. Charlie looked at her best friend, with whom Alex was about to make conversation. Charlene moved in a little closer, enough so that she could hear and possibly be heard, but not so much as to seem like she was intruding.

"We need to talk." She peered over at Thea, trying her hardest not to look like she was being too intrusive.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by Arscapi* »

Thea began rummaging through James' pack, trying to decide what she should take with her and what should be left. She briefly wondered just who it was that had dropped off James' stuff. Had they been with James at the end? She sniffled again and paused to wipe tears from her eyes again. She'd just begun taking out the supplies he had left, making a face over the amount of carbs they'd been given to live on.

She glanced up when she heard Alex speak. Well look who decided to join the party? All done having us drag you around?
"We need to talk," Alex said standing over her.

"Oh, really and what do we need to talk about," Thea said not bothering to keep the bitterness from her voice. She continued to sort through the bag only just glancing over at him. She noticed that Jason had edged over to Evie and was rambling about his insanity from last night. She rolled her eyes.
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Post by Hollyquin* »

[[Jasper-Declan MacDermott continued from She Bopped]]

How long had it been since he'd left the corpse of his fallen friend behind? Jasper-Declan wasn't sure. He'd watched the sun move its continual arc across the sky- the sun's presence, the sky itself were the only constants as he ran, the landscapes he'd paid such close attention to only earlier that day moving past him in a blur now. It had moved in a nearly perfect arc- where once it had been shining from behind, it was now hovering ahead of him, forcing him to use one hand to shield his eyes from the light.

The sun's orientation told him he was running west.

But to where?

That was the question.

He wasn't alone on his journey to Nowhereland, at least not for the entire trip. On two separate occasions he'd been joined by a voice on the loudspeakers, making the odd daytime announcement. The voices whistled through Jasper-Declan's disinterested ears, ignored but appreciated for the sad approximation of company they gave him. He didn't hear what the voices actually said, either his running past many different speakers in quick succession had distorted the sound or Jasper-Declan was simply blocking out the words unconsciously. Like a baby hearing his mother's lullaby, the tone and the presence of sound soothed him. Meaning was unnecessary.

Of course, it meant he didn't know what was happening. Of course, it meant he was never aware of exactly how close he had come to death.

He didn't care all that much. His mind was still set firmly in the off position.

Any thoughts he had were fleeting, unimportant things, brushed away quickly by the more important sensations of wind on his face and sun on his neck. He noticed the terrain change, noticed when the broken down stumps of trees were slowly replaced with the real, living thing. His pace had to slow slightly- he didn't particularly want to slam into a tree- but he never stopped moving.

Not for hours.


"Oh, really and what do we need to talk about."

He stopped. And for the first time he let a pertinent thought stay and linger.

There are...people here. That voice belongs to a girl...and it is close.

He approached cautiously, slowing his pace dramatically and keeping himself concealed, not that doing so took much effort amongst the trees. It didn't take long for him to locate the group- they were quite nearby, after all. And what a group it was. Quite large, quite a lot of kids- four girls, two boys. Did he know any of them? He took a quick inventory of their features and-

And for a moment his mind short-circuited, because he had long before given up on this. This one hope, the hope that he'd find the one person on this island whose life had real meaning to him.

He'd given up hope and yet Alex Campbell was standing right there.

It wasn't a conscious thought that caused him to step free of his shelter, of the tree he'd hidden behind. He didn't say to himself, oh, Alex is here, I should go say hello- no, his brain was not processing any of this. It was instinct, something in his heart that sent him out. Never mind that he was holding a gun, never mind that the others might be armed and paranoid- it was so unlike him that he didn't even check-

He stepped out and spoke, only looking at Alex, oblivious of the others.

"Alexander...? Is that...really you?"

And, with a pause as a crucial observation finally got through to him-

"What happened to you...?"
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Post by nowave* »

Alexander frowned. He could hear the bitterness in her voice. Well, this is going to go well. In a split second he mentally flashed through the words he'd been rehearsing.

"Look, I understand why you want to hurt Hayley. I know what you're feeling. That urge for revenge. I know what it feels like to want to rip and tear and kill until someone feels as bad as you do. But it's a one way path. You kill her, you're a player. Your friends, these people here, you start down this path, you have to kill them. Or they have to kill you. And what about the people who care about Hayley? What makes you think that doing this is going to bring someone down on you, just like you've come down on her?"

The same protests he'd been making to the others before they'd seperated. The same ideals that had cost him his arm. He wasn't even sure he still believed them. But he couldn't stand by and let Hayley be hurt. He had to stop this. He took a deep breath.

"Look, I under-"

"Alexander...? Is that...really you?"

He looked up. There was a pause that lasted just a scant few seconds.

"What happened to you...?"

A dumb grin spread across Alex's face. He hadn't imagined he would ever see Jasper again. Or any of his friends to be honest. Finding Hayley had been dumb luck and he had been certain it wouldn't happen again.

"Jasper..." he said. He looked back down at Thea and frowned. It would have to wait. Mentally he wished for Hayley to stay away. "Later." he said to Thea, promising to return to the conversation. He smiled that stoner grin for the first time in four days. "I had a fight with a lawnmower. Think it won, but I retained the moral high ground." he said. "Where've you been?" he said.
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Post by BetaKnight »

Jason stood and yammered at her, but Evelyn's attention was focused on Thea and Alex. And, of course, Charlene. Leave it to Charlene to shoehorn her way into a situation where a guy is. Although, ugh…

Evelyn grimaced as she glanced over at Alex's stump. There hadn't been a lot to recommend him before and there was even less of it now. She couldn't make out exactly what the one-armed boy was saying to Thea, who wasn't even trying to hide her tears. As she watched Thea go through James' bag, a new thought occurred to her. What would she do if the situations were reversed?

What would she do it if she had to sit and sift Nik's belongings because someone had killed him? What would she do if she never got the chance to tell Nik how much she loved him because someone else had taken him away forever?

As the mental scenario unfurled in her mind, Evelyn's breathing began to speed until she was practically panting. She felt like she was suffocating. Everything was pressing in on her, especially Jason who wouldn't stop talking!

Waving him off, she walked into the trees a bit. She didn't even notice that she did not have her bag. Evelyn focused on putting one foot in front of the other. She would just take a walk and calm herself down. Walk to that tree over there and back to get herself under control. Thea had enough to deal with without her going to pieces on her.

However, when she reached her initial target, she was no calmer than when she started. Picking another target, she quickly started walking in its direction, fully intending on turning around and heading back once she got there.

Evelyn zeroed in on her footsteps, every bit of her attention focused on putting one foot in front of the other. If she could just occupy her mind with the walking, she would stop picturing herself in Thea's place. Focus on the footsteps. STOP PICURING NIK DEAD! Just…watch where you put your foot. Keep it balanced. Heel, toe. Heel, toe.

She never even noticed when the others disappeared from view completely.

((Evelyn Reed continued in Take Back The Fear))
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Post by decoy73 »

Nothing is worse than when someone isn't listening. Had Jason known what was going through Evie's head, he would have probably asked if she was okay, and how he could help. Unfortunately, he didn't know that Evie was feeling claustrophobic, so Jason didn't realize that he should have just backed off rather than risking digging the hole further. As such, when Evie walked away, Jason just squinted and pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation with his left hand as he tried to follow her.

"Come on, Evie! I'm sorry!" He would have followed her further than forty feet, except that he tripped on a tree root somewhere, and he let go of his sword to avoid a face plant. He looked around, unable to see Evie anywhere. Fantastic. All he could do was walk back and rub his head cursing himself for screwing that one up.

"... fight with a lawnmower. Think it won, but I retained the moral high ground. Where've you been?" Alex was speaking to a newcomer. A very tall newcomer. He didn't seem all that intimidating. In fact, if not for the fact that said newcomer was speaking to Alex exclusively, Jason might have made a witty remark. Two things worked against that, though: first, the aforementioned fact that the new guy was speaking to Alex, and second, he had just screwed up saying something again. It was becoming increasingly unwise for him to talk, so instead, he just sat down by a tree and tried to gather himself.

Alex was about to say something when someone else's voice came through. Charlene looked at the new guy and ... whoa. He was tall. Like, basketball-player tall. Kinda weird looking too (Of course, coming from Charlie, with her humongous breasts and mismatched eyes, this was slightly hypocritical). It wasn't her that Tall Boy had noticed - it was Alex.

"Alexander ...? Is that ... really you?" Then he paused, noting Alex's lack of an arm. "What happened to you ...?"

"Jasper ... Later." Alex dismissed Thea, smiling a weird grin to Jasper. "I had a fight with a lawnmower. Think it won, but I retained the moral high ground. Where've you been?" Charlene looked at the sight, and then took her opportunity and crawled over to Thea, speaking low enough so that only Thea could make it out.

"Thea ... I'm so sorry about James. I ..." she peered at Alex and Jasper, making sure that they weren't paying attention. "I was with Hayley at first. When she killed that first guy, Steve. I don't trust that girl any more than I can throw her. I owe Alex one, so for him I may not shoot her myself, but if she comes along, I may just ... 'space out' if you try to get her."
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by Arscapi* »

Thea rolled her eyes as whatever important conversation Alex wanted to have with her was sidetracked by the arrival of Jasper-Declan. "Later," he said to her. As if, came her mental response. I so almost care what you think you understand about me. What loosing an arm makes you somehow think you know me?

She sorted through James' things with a little more force than necessary. She glanced over at Charlie who'd come over now that Alex was distracted.

"Thea ... I'm so sorry about James. I ..." Charlie began.

She nodded absently, what was she supposed to say. Gee me too. I was you know kind of fond of him myself. She glanced at the bag in front of her and noticed something white peaking out from among James' things. She leaned forward and grabbed it, realizing that it was a picture. Turning it over she found she was staring at the two of them. It was a series of four shots that she'd managed to talk him into taking at the mall. They'd wedged themselves into one of those photo booths. She smiled as she remembered that day.

Charlie's voice broke into Thea's memories. "I owe Alex one, so for him I may not shoot her myself, but if she comes along, I may just ... 'space out' if you try to get her."

"I'm sorry what? You just had the nerve to say what to me? We've been friends since the SECOND GRADE and all you can manage to do is ‘space out'? Because you owe Alex. Who's kept all of your secrets for the past ten years? What are you sleeping with him too? That's awfully fast work, even for you my dear," Thea stopped and blinked as the rest of Charlene's words sunk in.

"Wait, you were there when she killed the first time? And you didn't do anything to stop her or even slow her down? So because you decided she's hot you let her slide and now, NOW I don't have a boyfriend. And the best you can do is pretend that you're not there? You're unbelievable you know that. UN-BELIVEABLE."

Thea finished throwing James' things into her bag and pushed herself off the ground. She stalked away shouldering her way past the boys to find Evelyn. She stopped short to see that Jason stood alone staring into the woods. "Where's Evie," she demanded.
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Post by Hollyquin* »

"I had a fight with a lawnmower. Think it won, but I retained the moral high ground. Where've you been?"

Alexander Campbell. Always was a bit...unusual.

Jasper-Declan frowned as he considered the question for a moment. Where had he been? A lot of places, and he wasn't sure how well he remembered every one of them. But his very nature insisted that he answer the question literally and in full, which required a bit of reflection.

"I awoke on the beach. I spent a short time there, amongst several other boys who appeared to be planning an escape. However my pessimistic attitude was apparently bothersome to them and I chose not to make company amidst such animosity. I wandered northward towards the warehouses, where I met several others, chief among them Carly and George, whom I allied myself with. We proceeded towards the dead forest, but we lost George along the way. Eventually we stopped to rest, but we ran across some less-than-pacifistic individuals and so were forced to move on. In the morning, Carly went for a walk on her own. After a rather lengthy period had passed I found myself concerned, and so I went after her and found..."

Something unfamiliar pricked at his eye. What was it? Jasper-Declan wiped at it impatiently.

"...She was gone. And so I wound up here. An impressively convenient coincidence, would you not agree?"

"You're unbelievable you know that. UN-BELIVEABLE."

He stopped suddenly, looking to the side. The other girl's voice- what was her name? Jasper-Declan did not know her, though if he was to stay with Alex (and there was no question of that not being so) he would have to learn her name at least- cut through his thought process. She appeared to be fighting, arguing with the other girl...this one did look rather familiar, though considering her unusual appearance he figured he had most likely just seen her in the halls once or twice. Jasper-Declan saw no reason to interfere with an argument that had nothing to do with him and so turned back to Alex.

"What about yourself...? I should like to know the set of circumstances that left you so...left-handed."

He raised an eyebrow.
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Post by decoy73 »

((GMing of Thea Kairos done with permission from Arscapi))

"Where's Evie?" Thea's voice came from behind Jason. Great. How am I going to get out of this? Jason squirmed for a second before he took a nice, deep breath.

"I ... I went to talk to her. I wanted to apologize for being such a prat back there when I removed Alex's arm. So I went to say I was sorry for my behavior ... and she up and left. She just walked away. I went to go get her, but she had gone to far and I couldn't find her." Thea was silent for a second before she revealed how cheesed off she was.

"Hold on a minute. You lost her. You lost her? How can you do something that dumb? I've managed to keep this group together this entire time, and you lost her while just standing there?" Thea paused her rant as she ran her fingers through her hair. "How about this: you go and be useful for once and get her back here?"

"Okay, okay. I'll go find her. Just stay here. If this place becomes a Danger Zone, we'll meet at the ... the Parish or the Infirmary." Jason backed away, turning around and shaking his head. I should have stayed with Roman. He honestly didn't feel like starting another fight. The first one had already alienated himself from the group. Another fight might have led to his death.

"You better!" Thea called back. I hate my life.

((Jason Clarke continued in Instinct))

"Thea, that whole thing with Alex's arm being removed ... when he got shot, it was because he pushed me out of the way of the bullet. Now look at him. He saved my life and this is how he gets rewarded for it. He saved my life, so if he doesn't want me to kill Hayley, I won't. But I was with her when she killed that Steve guy. Almost stopped her, too. When and if you try to kill her, I won't stop you, and if she tries to hurt you, you can bet that I'll jump in."

Had Charlene thought through what she was going to say a little more thoroughly, that is what she would have told Thea. Thea may still have been pissed off, but it would have been very clear what Charlie's motivations were. However, that was not, and Thea was disappointed apoplectic at Charlie's statement.

"I'm sorry what? You just had the nerve to say what to me? We've been friends since the SECOND GRADE and all you can manage to do is 'space out?' Because you owe Alex. Who's kept all of your secrets for the past ten years? What are you sleeping with him too? That's awfully fast work, even for you my dear ..." Thea stopped for a second.

"... Wait, you were there when she killed the first time? And you didn't do anything to stop her or even slow her down? So because you decided she's hot you let her slide and now, NOW I don't have a boyfriend. And the best you can do is pretend that you're not there? You're unbelievable you know that. UN-BELIVEABLE."

That was not the reaction Charlie was hoping for. In fact, that statement really got to her, not because Charlie had basically stated "I won't help you avenge your boyfriend," but because of Thea's assumption of why. It took a couple seconds for the statement to sink in as she chewed out Jason for losing Evie, demanding that he go find her, but Charlie came back hard.

"That's it. That's all you think it's about. Sex. What gives you the right to question why I'm doing what I'm doing? HE SAVED MY LIFE. There. That's why I don't want to kill Hayley. Alex took a bullet for me, and it's my fault that it happened. We may have been friends since grade school, but losing your arm to take a bullet for me counts for something. So if he doesn't want me to kill Hayley, I won't. But she killed James, so I'm not going to stop you from killing her." At this point, she was pretty pissed at Thea (and given Thea's words, the feeling was probably mutual). Charlie wasn't thinking about it right then and there, but hopefully a very worthwhile friendship wasn't going to be ruined over what Charlie thought of as, well, a responsibility.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Posts: 62
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:14 am


Post by nowave* »

Jasper had had quite the little adventure. As he often did, Alex had to wonder if his friend was all there. He wondered on what level the events of the island were affecting him. He almost didn't seem to care.

"You're unbelievable you know that. UN-BELIVEABLE."

Alex shut his eyes for a second. Didn't she see how she was giving the cameras just what they wanted?

"What about yourself...? I should like to know the set of circumstances that left you so...left-handed."

Alexander looked up again and chuckled. "I've been trying to get a group together to try and figure out a way off of this island. I've got a few ideas, but no know how to back it up. So that means reaching out to people. One of the guys I reached out too was maybe less than a little stable. Tried to take out Charlene. I caught a bullet in the process." he said.

He sighed softly. "That girl, the angry one. Thea." he said, pointing slightly, keeping his voice down. "She's out for blood. Her boyfriend got killed and she's after the one who killed him."

He'd mentioned to Jasper how he'd felt about the girl in question. "It's Hayley. She's killed two people so far. The first one... she said was unintentional. But now she's done it again."

He sighed and looked down. "She might be playing. Thea might be right. But I can't let her kill her."
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Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:35 am


Post by Arscapi* »

Thea watched Jason disappear into the woods. Honestly, what had he been thinking letting Evie wander off with the state she was in? She rolled her eyes. Geez, what do I have to do everything around here? Fortunately she had some experience giving directions. Where would they be without her direction?

Not that it'd helped Alex much, since Jason'd gone around the bend and decided that hack and slash was the best way. She glanced over to where the boys had apparently completely forgotten about them, engrossed as they were in swapping stories. She let out a deep sigh and looked around trying to determine the best course of action when Charlie's voice interrupted her.

Thea turned towards her best friend and listened as she tried to justify why she was picking Alex over her best friend. To be honest Thea could care less what her reasoning was; she was beyond hurt that Charlie wasn't going to back her.

"Wait a minute," she said. "Just where exactly did you and Alex get the idea that I was going to kill Hayley? Honestly, sounds like you two are the bloodthirsty ones. Trying to egg me on into killing someone, trying to take advantage of my feelings for James. Wow, who knew you were that devious Alex, trying to turn Charlie and me against each other. First, you purposely get wounded so Charlie here feels indebted to you. Then you beg someone to cut your arm off, refusing any sort of proper medical treatment, even though you both had first aid kits. Finally, you decide that I'm going to kill Hayley. Just what exactly is your game?"
Posts: 332
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:24 am


Post by Hollyquin* »

Jasper-Declan listened in silence as Alex explained what had happened to him. So, he had been shot. Just that thought made his gun feel heavier in his hand, making him doubt its purpose yet again. Certainly it's not for this. My best friend is now missing an arm, he can never play his guitar again, because he was attempting to help others. That exceptionally like him. He smiled inwardly. I wonder...who did it? Who shot Alex? was his arm amputated...?

He shuddered, possibly for the first time in his life.

That must have been so painful.

But he put on a neutral face again to listen- "It's Hayley. She's killed two people so far. The first one... she said was unintentional. But now she's done it again," Alex said, and Jasper-Declan nodded attentively. He remembered the girl, Hayley, she had been present at the majority of Alex's...shall we say get-togethers. She had always seemed nice enough, but the crucial fact to remember at this junction was that Alex had...shall we say feelings for her. Jasper-Declan could not understand himself- he was, best he understood it, at least mostly asexual- but he knew that she meant a lot to Alex. Which was why her murdering two other students was so upsetting to him.

Jasper-Declan could comprehend the thought process of normal people. It just usually took him a while.

"She might be playing. Thea might be right. But I can't let her kill her."

Ah, so Alex is staying with her to prevent her from hurting Hayley. That is quite...heroic of him. Does he have a weapon? I do not see one and I doubt he could do much with one without his right arm. How does he expect to convince Thea? With words, I supposed, but the vengeful seem nigh impossible to talk down. Perhaps that's what this gun's for.

He opened his mouth to sp-

"Wait a minute. Just where exactly did you and Alex get the idea that I was going to kill Hayley?"

The girl, Thea he supposed, went on for a while, and Jasper-Declan just looked at her in blank-faced confusion. Nothing she was saying was making very much sense at all. Where on earth would she get the idea that we are bloodthirsty? I have said nothing about her killing Hayley, and neither of us have harmed anyone. Alex appears to be attempting to create peace. And why would one ask to have their arm amputated if there were other options? Why would one get oneself shot on purpose only for sympathy? I do not understand. This girl is incorrect.

He waited patiently before speaking.

" think this is a rather large misunderstanding. Neither I nor Alex have any inclination to harm you or anyone else. I am under the impression, in fact, that Alex is attempting to prevent further bloodshed."
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